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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. Yeah and abyssal chill and rampant vex bring in a lot of extra torment too.
  2. Oh dang. Is this rune available in PvP? I'd like to play around with it on condi rev.
  3. Yeah, as Vagrant said, this has been around since PoF launched. It's an unfortunate bug and definitely does give the enemy an advantage, but I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon either. Only thing I can say is just be sure to play with sound on and listen for the audio cue as it is very distinct.
  4. Yes, this! I'd so much rather they have these than a new playable race. Fun and I'm assuming much much fewer resources invested.
  5. I have always wanted Thief to get access to a mainhand scepter to emphasize shadow magic. I might be biased towards scepter though because I also want Ranger and Revenant to get access to it. Otherwise I think an offhand warhorn could be awesome. Using it as more of a whispery deception tool rather than a more straightforwardly loud device. I like it when e-specs are done a little outside of the box.
  6. One of the reasons I love the Revenant is because of the energy system. I love having low cooldowns on skills. I mained thief for a while because of its similarity. I think that Charged Mists being the primary energy-manipulating mechanic is fine as there is sacrifice and smart play that must be used in order to profit from it (I still do believe the threshold should be raised a bit, though). However, the other energy-manipulating mechanic I have suggested is to have a minor trait in Salvation reduce the energy/upkeep cost of heal skills reduced by 100%. I would argue that Ventari (or more specifically, a healing build) has the least amount of synergy with other legends, and this alone would make camping Ventari much more viable. It is pretty clear that legends aren't meant to be camped, but I do feel that Ventari is a bit of an exception to that because so much of our healing is dependent on the legend. I do really like the idea, but I don't honestly know if I fully believe in it. I am clearly biased in my position on this, so I may be projecting a greedy desire.
  7. That is game-breakingly bad. I had it reset on me on Ventari and it also didn't automatically summon the tablet on legend-swap for the first time since they first implemented that change. I didn't play in any actual fights tonight but I would've been pissed, and it's less severe of an issue on Ventari. Also can confirm the Draconic Echo bug. It's nice to at least have some of them sorta work.
  8. Looks like they clarified with FoN-Mallyx that it should indeed be absorbing all conditions. Overall I am happy with this as it benefits my playstyle.
  9. Confirmed that non-damaging conditions are getting transferred. Have not tested damaging conditions though as maybe they mixed up their verbiage. Added to OP. It definitely does. I think it just absorbs everything.
  10. [bUG]: Facet of Nature (Mallyx) absorbs more than just damaging conditions. I haven't tested every condi out, but I can say for sure that Blind, Vuln, Cripple, and Chill all get transferred. Immob I have not noticed but I usually have resistance running so I may have unknowingly absorbed it. Pretty sure I've gotten Taunt too.
  11. Scepter, godkittenit. I want that destructive, primal nature magic.
  12. So, I am a bit of an altoholic. I have had many revenants since HoT. Some have been deleted, others still live on today. With all the tomes I have accrued, they have come and gone quite frequently. This is my first revenant. I leveled him from 1 to 80 as a Ventari rev. It's where it all began. He no longer exists. I wish I had thought about birthday gifts before deleting him. Then came this one, my first Sylvari. He no longer exists either. I think I deleted him because I couldn't find any weapons that looked particularly great on him, lol. Once I got the lich outfit, I made this one my main. She is my Mallyx rev. I still love this one because of how evil she looks. She is the first (and only) character I brought to 100% map completion and was my main for a while before PoF was released. This is my newest one. I have never been a fan of heavy armor, but I love the revenant class so much and try to figure out ways to make my characters look less overtly bulky and "heavy." I like how this one came out. And here is my main main. He has had many many many different looks because I am lucky enough to have a permanent hairstyle kit, so I play around with him a lot. This is my original look that I often go back to. This is one of my favorite alternative looks I have given him. A bit more corrupted. As you can see, I really love the Braham's armor skin.
  13. I would personally be a big fan of this change. I have been giving healing druid more of a chance in WvW, and although CF generation is sometimes not an issue, there are many situations when I feel like the mechanic is too punishing. If they are trying to bring down the bunkering capabilities and bring up its support potential, I think this would be a step in the right direction. Either that or take off the timer for CA and make it be based off of each CA skill cast.
  14. Although this doesn't really offer any critiques for the actual nitty-gritty, I do have to say that I like your vision. I would absolutely love a scepter and a focus, and the concept would be something I would love for an elite spec. I agree that I only see them pushing out one more expansion, so I would be very happy to have something with this sort of theme.
  15. I don't play Renegade much at all because I'm not particularly fond of its flavor. However, I absolutely love the shortbow....in theory. It really does need some love because the kit itself is quite interesting. I agree with others that the skills in general just feel too slow. A couple tweaks that I think would be cool: Scrap Sevenshot and make it a single projectile that is both a blast finisher and a blind. It doesn't seem like ANet will implement an evade into the kit, so just a blind would go a long way for an additional defensive tool. Damage could be scaled down, but not too much. Greatly reduce the delay on skill 4. It takes way too long for it to actually appear, which makes it very clunky. Apart from that, it's a really cool skill.
  16. Honestly I don't want any new races. We have enough as is.
  17. I want nothing more than for them to work on the core game: balancing and polishing what they have already, as well as filling in missing gaps such as missing heal/elite skills. While I love the flavor and new playstyles elite specs added on, look at the balance disaster that happened from PoF. This game has the most amazing combat system I have experienced in an MMO, and I am spoiled from it, but it is bittersweet when, for example, the PvP meta exists in its current state.
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