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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. That's not what I am saying though. Embrace the Darkness has an upkeep of -6, Facet of Nature has an upkeep of -2 (PvE/WvW, this video was taken in PvE). Total this is -8, and the max amount of upkeep you can have is -10, so both upkeeps in Mallyx should be simultaneously activatable. What you are referring to is shown in the video when I swap to Glint because I have -9 upkeep going so cannot activate Facet of Nature. When I swap to the other core legends (Jalis, Shiro, Ventari), I can use FoN immediately after using their respective upkeep skills. This is not the case for Mallyx: there is a small (probably about 0 .5-0.75s) period of time when FoN is disabled from activating. I could have done a better job at demonstrating this, but I don't know much at all about video editing and made this rather quickly last month. The end of the video shows it slowed down more so it is more apparent.
  2. I haven't experimented too much to truly find out what is causing it, but oftentimes when playing a Mallyx Herald, I will be unable to activate Facet of Nature shortly after using Embrace the Darkness. When I mean shortly, I do mean a very small amount of time. However, this bug does not seem to persist with any other legends' upkeep skills. Has anybody else experienced this? I don't see any reason for this not to be a bug, but perhaps I am missing something. Rather annoying when I am trying to play, even if it is a more minor bug than many others that have hit Revenant. I made this video a while back, but totally forgot about it. Bug(?) still seems to persist today and I have seen no mention of it anywhere, so I thought I'd share it.
  3. This. It seems like they are wanting to normalize core upkeep costs for all legends. IO is the only remaining outlier and it no longer justifies an 8 upkeep cost. The nerf to the movement speed was severe.
  4. Wait, I thought the leak already confirmed it would have laserbeams? Pretty fitting for Legendary Shark Stance, tbh.
  5. Thank you Cal for your contribution so far, and welcome to your new position. Although I don't know all the other previous competitive team devs' game history, knowing that you are knowledgeable, have experience. and seem to care about these aspects is truly refreshing. I for one am very excited to have you in this position. I am at work right now so cannot make a detailed reply, but I am really grateful for you making this thread and for continuing to reply in it rather than abandoning it right after posting it. I urge you to please keep this up. It is something that I, as a passionate gamer, really find hope in, and I know I am not alone in that. It seems you understand that there are a lot of passionate people, and although some salt may come from a bad place, it is most often expressed frustration at the game mode coming from wanting to see it thrive and succeed. I know that balancing WvW is a daunting task and truly an impossible feat to ever reach perfection on, but you having a real dialogue with us makes a tremendous difference because it makes us feel not just heard, but paid attention to. Having a change like the Scourge change with such little follow-up felt like a punch in the gut because it felt like a decision that honestly wasn't thought through very well, and a decision that negatively impacted the spec in the wrong sort of ways; almost an inverse effect of the intention. I will write a more detailed response at some point when I have the the time, but again, I really thank you for making this post. Having the devs actually have a conversation with us is really awesome and something that I hope continues.
  6. Yeah, this abhorrent texture they have been obsessed with since PoF kills so many good skins. Why spend time making a skin when there's so little room for dye diversity? There are too many different metallic textures for armors, which makes it hard to mix and match them without it looking awkward. This is further exacerbated by how different lighting affects these textures differently as well; what may look matching in one lighting may look disjointed in another.
  7. I use my Rev for everything and every role. I experiment almost every day I play it and always change things depending on the game mode I am playing, but still do have my more-or-less "go-to" builds. A lot of the builds I use may be garbage and meme-tier, but they are still builds I play because I enjoy them. 18-29 is no exaggeration, although currently it is currently closer to 20.
  8. Yeah, CoR feels so incredibly bad. Hammer is my least used weapon on Revenant by miles, but my god, talk about a horrid, horrid bug. It would be nice to have a dev comment on this, as I would hope that this is not an intended functionality change for the skill.
  9. Yes, I'm sure that's how you got to Diamond legend, playing joke builds on a ranger in WvW You do it by playing A LOT.Like, more than anyone would do on the same toon. I don't understand why everyone's always so hostile in the Ranger sub. It's almost like people here are entitled. Persecution complex.Some folks never question if maybe.. possibly.. It's them that is the malfunction. Even for the months soulbeast was pure godmode hardly a day passed without some ranger saying they couldn't do anything with it. XD Yeah, this is why I never visit this sub. There are victims in every profession sub but historically this one has been one of the worst. Thieves maybe more so but, at least at this point they have more reason to be. Can't have constructive conversation here without people being so desperate to insult you that they start citing your signature to defend their lost arguments. You can't ask for a constructive conversation when you are coming on a class/profession forum and asking for nerfing that class. If you are going to PVP or WvW sub-forum, yes, there you can say/ask whatever you want, but when you are coming to my "house" and you are trying to impose your rules, even are just so-called opinions ... then I can tell you that you are making a big mistake. It is inappropriate and disrespectful, period! @Dragonzhunter.8506 said: Yes, I'm sure that's how you got to Diamond legend, playing joke builds on a ranger in WvW You do it by playing A LOT.Like, more than anyone would do on the same toon. I don't understand why everyone's always so hostile in the Ranger sub. It's almost like people here are entitled. Persecution complex.Some folks never question if maybe.. possibly.. It's them that is the malfunction. Even for the months soulbeast was pure godmode hardly a day passed without some ranger saying they couldn't do anything with it. XD Yeah, this is why I never visit this sub. There are victims in every profession sub but historically this one has been one of the worst. Thieves maybe more so but, at least at this point they have more reason to be. Can't have constructive conversation here without people being so desperate to insult you that they start citing your signature to defend their lost arguments. You can't ask for a constructive conversation when you are coming on a class/profession forum and asking for nerfing that class. If you are going to PVP or WvW sub-forum, yes, there you can say/ask whatever you want, but when you are coming to my "house" and you are trying to impose your rules, even are just so-called opinions ... then I can tell you that you are making a big mistake. It is inappropriate and disrespectful, period!Lol wait, so profession forums exist explicitly for asking for buffs but not nerfs? Yeah, about that...There are individual profession subforums created specifically to organize discussion based on specific professions, and it stops there. It is not your "house" by any stretch of your imagination. You do not own the subforum; discussion of nerfs is still discussion, period. Inappropriate and disrespectful to talk about profession-specific nerds in the specific profession-specific subforum it is pertaining to? Jesus H Christ.
  10. It's been a while since I've made a dedicated post to how to bolster support Revenant builds, which is the playstyle that made me fall in love with this class and the aspect of the class that I am most passionate about. This post is given from a WvW perspective, although I don't believe that my suggested changes would cause any already meta builds to overperform in their role. My hopes is that this would positively impact PvP as well, although in my eyes something like Renegade needs a much more thorough re-evaluation in order to gain viability (which I will save for another day). I have posted most of these suggestions before, but wanted to create a consolidated post dedicated to support discussion. Do I think these suggestions are all the class needs to compete with a class like Firebrand? No, not necessarily, but it would undoubtedly be a strong step forward for its viability. VENTARIVentari's biggest appeal is the sheer strength of its heals, however despite this, it doesn't see as much play as other support specs. In WvW, I see a significantly higher amount of Scrapper and Tempest supports, and an exponentially greater amount of Firebrand supports. Druid is another story and a whole different problem itself. However stubborn I may be in asserting that this legend has potential, it is still lacking a bit in execution. In general, I believe that the skill involved in properly managing the tablet should remain, however I do believe that the skill threshold should be lowered slightly to give it a more fluid and reactive playstyle in order to allow it to actually successfully support. This mostly pertains to enabling better successful landing of its legend skills. Additionally, due to the CC- and damage-creep that has come since Path of Fire, it is important that the spec be given a self-stunbreak. Ventari’s Will:Cooldown reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. Purifying Essence:Now breaks stun. Conditions removed increased from 3 to 4. Energy cost increased from 25 to 30. JALISMy own vision is for Jalis to become a potent secondary legend option for Ventari. The latest change to Inspiring Reinforcement was a huge step in the right direction, and the legend doesn't need too much more work as far as its support strength goes. I have just one suggested change for this legend. Rite of the Great Dwarf:Now also grants barrier to affected allies.This skill should scale decently with healing power in order to provide a more impactful means of group sustain and provide a fairly moderate amount baseline so as to not be too overperforming for damage-oriented specs as Jalis is already commonly used for Frontline Heralds. The skill has both a long cast time and steep energy cost, so it is not a skill that could be easily spammed unless properly build or conserving energy for it. I would say something like 1.5k barrier baseline with a (1.0 to 1.5) modifier would be fair. SALVATIONSalvation's rework did a great job at diversifying choice for self-sustain, and I often use it and see it used by others for roaming builds. This is a pleasant surprise for me. However, the healing orbs have fallen short, and could use both more impact and a functionality increase. Giving regeneration to healing orbs is technically a functionality they previously had, although due to their increased potential usage, this sort of trait would have a much stronger impact than the previous staff trait. This means that we would not rely on Glint for its strong regen access, allowing for different options to better compete. Healer’s GiftThis trait now also causes all healing orbs to travel to the lowest health nearby ally when spawned. Words of CensureThis trait has been reworked to the following: When cleansing a condition from an ally, spawn a healing orb at their location. Healing orbs now grant regeneration (2s). 1s ICD per target. HERALDHerald is arguably Revenant's best support spec option due to the sheer potency of Draconic Echo. This was a wonderful addition to its arsenal, and Facet of Nature - Centaur allows for Ventari to provide potent healing over time to help counteract its focus on burst healing via Natural Harmony. This suggestion is simply to allow for more active support usage via Glint, allowing it to better keep its allies alive when under higher pressure. Shining Aspects:This trait now also modifies the functionality of Elemental Blast. RENEGADEKalla requires a deep reevaluation to ever become a viable support choice in WvW, so I will not touch that at all in this post. To keep things simple, I just have one suggested trait change that has no relevance to Kalla, but is targeted towards bolstering both dedicated support Renegades as well as the Diviner Hammer Alacrigade that is sometimes used in WvW, although much less prevalent than its Herald counterpart. Righteous Rebel:No longer reduces condition damage per stack of Kalla’s Fervor. Instead, Orders from Above now removes conditions from affected allies with each pulse.No longer increases the number of pulses on Orders from Above from 4 to 6, but instead increases the duration of each pulse to 2.25s, which should yield in the same total amount (if I did my math correctly). This is to reign in the potential cleanse with the skill, as it would still affect 10 allies. and 6 pulses of cleanse would be overkill. So, with these changes, how would I see it affecting build diversity? Below are some theoretical builds I could see arising. Herald: Ventari/Glint - Salvation: 3-3-3/Invocation 1-1-2/Herald 1-2-2.This is a pretty common iteration of the Draconic Echo support Herald that already sees some use, but with a simple modification of selecting Shining Aspects in order to provide better active support while in Glint.Herald: Ventari/Jalis - Salvation 3-1-3/Invocation 1-1-2/Herald 1-1-1.This build would use Jalis instead of Glint, supplementing its loss of regeneration through Words of Censure and maintaining moderate healing-per-second via Elevated Compassion, being consistently triggered via Shared Empowerment.Herald: Ventari/Jalis - Salvation 3-1-3/Retribution 1-3-2/Herald 1-1-1.A variant to the above build, instead focused around maximizing the impact of RotGD through its traited reduced condition damage. Would provide reliable weakness access as well as additional projectile denial uptime.Renegade: Ventari/Jalis - Salvation 3-1-3/Invocation 1-1-2/Renegade 3-1-3.Similar to its Herald counterpart, this build would place bigger priority on maximizing boon duration in order to provide high Alacrity uptime as well as frequent 10-man cleanse. This build would also provide fair group Retaliation, which currently only Renegade has acccess to.Renegade: Ventari/Jalis - Salvation 3-1-3/Retribution 1-3-2/Renegade 3-1-3:Like the Herald version, this would place more focus on RotGD reducing condition damage potency.Renegade; Mallyx/Jalis (Diviner's): Devastation 2-3-1/Invocation 2-1-3/Renegade 3-1-3.This is essentially the build on metabattle, just with increased viability due to its group cleanse potential. This build is still eclipsed by Hammer Herald, but the cleansing may help it gain traction and see increased usage.Core: Ventari/Jalis - Salvation 3-1-3/Invocation 1-1-2/Retribution 1-3-2:While the core variant may appear significantly weaker, going core allows us to choose both Invocation and Retribution, which both are quite impactful traitlines. This also allows for better energy management via Ancient Echo, allowing for more frequent burst heals and RotGD, and in general more fluid play. Ultimately, I would like to see the support builds for this class to become more respected and desired. This is just part of my own vision of how to make this more possible. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.
  11. I have a full set of heavy legendary armor, two trinkets, and a few weapons. For those pieces specifically, I do not carry additional ascended pieces. For the remaining weapons and accessories, I do have multiple ascended pieces. I carry the weapons I will use more frequently in my bag, but keep infrequently used weapons (like harrier swords because I rarely run fractals and don't raid) and all additional trinkets in my bank (not enough bag space for the plethora of trinkets that I have). I have attempted to organize my bank in a way that makes it very easy to swap out the trinkets without causing too much of a headache. I keep all of my runes and sigils in my bag because I like to play around with them a lot. Although I do have ArcDPS installed, I have never used their build templates, but I do change my build multiple times a play session. It is annoying but I'd rather that than rotate between multiple armor sets. The check box to change all legendary pieces of that type to X stat set is a huuuuge help.
  12. I think that'd be awesome. In fact, it'd be nice if it was just combined with Demonic Defiance to give it relevance beyond Mallyx:Heal yourself every interval for each condition you have on you. Using a legendary demon stance skill grants resistance for a short duration. Then move Maniacal Persistence to the major master tier and boom--three traits dedicated to condition manipulation:Demonic Defiance > Maniacal Persistence > Pulsating Pestilence. Regardless, the trait is utter trash--one of the worst of the entire class--and needs attention.
  13. A better alternative. Or if ANet makes a Scourge- or Chrono-like rework for Revenant.
  14. Unfortunately condi Revenant was designed upon HoT release to be a strictly close-range fighter. Mallyx's kit supports this as its damage excels primarily in melee combat, and from my perspective ANet attempted to supplement this by giving some range on skills like mace 2/3, axe 5, Banish Enchantment, Elemental Blast, and then ways of closing the gap as well. Would I like a core ranged condi weapon? Absolutely, but the core legends don't really have any inherent synergy with this (Shiro arguably the most due to kite potential), so it would be a bit of an awkward fit. Your damage would have to be largely reliant on just your weapon skills, or sitting in melee range to get your Embrace the Darkness procs.
  15. That would be a significantly huge nerf. Means you can no longer play with the facet active and then insta-pop it as you're about to get burst. Part of what makes it so good is that you can activate it while CC'd or while casting other skills.
  16. Well, if you are not wanting any precision, then perhaps aside from Valkyrie, consider Crusader as you can get value from the healing power if you are running Kalla.
  17. I'de like to see the corruption of said Boons, that way as a Condi Rev I would have some cover conditions so my Torment isn't as easy to cleanse off, lol. As much as I would love to have legit corrupts, I just think it would be too much powercreep because of how spammable the skill can be. I do think another more reliably accessible condition would be nice though. My personal wish is for Opportune Extraction to apply poison when ripping a boon. if you are spamming it you going to be out of energy soon and wont be able to do anything else. the energy system alone balances that. Its one of the reasons Herald is so good because its legend skills are good yet dont have energy cost on the consume skills. Demon is a core legend and everything has cost. only 2 cast from out of combatEh, I mean it's not quite as simple as that ever since they introduced both Charged Mists and Ancient Echo. Energy potential is significantly higher than it used to be. You don't see these builds as much in PvP or WvW because Herald is still arguably stronger in most scenarios, but the viability gap between the two is not nearly as pronounced as it used to be. Charged Mists is never played when running Glint because it synergizes poorly due to the nature of Glint's upkeeps, but it is still an extremely potent and relevant trait. If I swap to Mallyx with a successful Charged Mists proc, that is 4 consecutive Banish Enchantments I can use if I am not using other skills. Add Ancient Echo onto that and you'll get another, and close to an additional one due to the energy gain from all of the casts.
  18. I'de like to see the corruption of said Boons, that way as a Condi Rev I would have some cover conditions so my Torment isn't as easy to cleanse off, lol. As much as I would love to have legit corrupts, I just think it would be too much powercreep because of how spammable the skill can be. I do think another more reliably accessible condition would be nice though. My personal wish is for Opportune Extraction to apply poison when ripping a boon.
  19. Absolutely not. The rune still gaves way too much value for a 6-piece bonus.
  20. Yeah, it would be really nice to have Shortbow 5 auto-rotate your character to your target like most skills in the game do. I often find myself actually detargetting to use the skill.
  21. Current Mallyx is really bursty compared the old. Just wanted to make sure it's not getting out of hand. I mean @Shao.7236 is right. It is incredibly bursty with the elite. It was far more bursty before the changes. Especially if they attempted to rez someone and you put 3 anguish on them in a row. Easy 40 stacks right there in 3sec Also we dont really have other conditions to cover torment (1 cleanse and its all gone) unlike necro who just takes a glance at you and you end up having 9 random conditions. Sure, old Mallyx had its burst potential. I cannot deny that. Using triple UA on downed cleave was incredible and I do still miss that particular aspect of it. However, it was dependent upon your enemy actually eating your AoEs, which could vary greatly depending on their awareness and skill level. With the way EtD works now, you are able to maintain a fluid playstyle while you burst your opponent down. Even being able to maintain pressure while using defensive skills is an extremely powerful advantage. I played a lot of Mallyx pre-rework and while it felt more clunky after the initial rework, it still had solid potential. I absolutely hated it the first time I tried it because as a primarily solo roamer, not being able to chain UAs to kite and reposition was a HUGE blow to my playstyle. However, the latest changes they have made have really smoothed out the cracks from the rework. I think it is in a good spot now, and in my experience better than it was pre-rework.
  22. Current Mallyx is really bursty compared the old. Just wanted to make sure it's not getting out of hand. I mean @Shao.7236 is right. It is incredibly bursty with the elite.
  23. I am loving it so far even though I can just as easily be screwed over by it. It's nice to have a "Fight me, kitten!" button. I guess I am just so accustomed to getting mowed down by zergs that I couldn't care less about getting lanced when outnumbered. The positives outweigh the negatives for me.
  24. I would love for #2 and #3 to become more functional for PvP/WvW. Auto is solid, #5 is fantastic, and my only complaint with #4 is how it can't be used from behind.
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