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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. OP, you mind linking this build you are speaking of that are using Trooper Runes? I am having trouble believing those runes would be broken in any build. I do agree Monk Runes could be toned down. They never needed the additional 6-piece bonus. Other rune that needs to be nerfed is Tormenting.
  2. I was pretty scared at first, but it does feel just right. I'm happy about that. That AoE pull is extremely strong on people trying to kite. Mallyx feels really smooth to me now. Feels like they hit the sweet spot with it. I only roamed with it (core Mallyx/Jalis) for a couple hours last time because of time constraints, but it felt fantastic that entire time.
  3. Thank you for the response! This is the news we were all hoping to hear.
  4. That'd be a cool change. To the OP: I absolutely love Skirmishing, but is all because of Quickdraw. That said, I can only ever find room for it on core builds. I don't think these changes would affect its viability much at all.
  5. @Karl McLain.5604@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048@Robert Gee.9246 Would any of you mind confirming whether this is a bug or an intended change with the skill?
  6. Solid concept, 10/10. More laser beams please. It's not fair that only Mesmers have access to them.
  7. Are you suggesting it becomes a projectile finisher? Honestly I couldn't care less. Would barely make a lick of difference imo. If you are suggesting it no longer "shadowsteps" and just becomes a projectile, then kitten no. The weapon was designed to synergize well with mace, and that it does. It's important to be able to close the gap, particularly if going without Shiro. I think axe is a nice weapon as is tbh, but something that does bother me is that the "shadowstep" causes the player to eat AoE damage along the way. I believe it is the only shadowstep (as the tooltip describes) that functions in this manner. Someone here a while back suggested it be given a flipover functionality so the player can choose when to shadowstep, which is a super cool idea that I totally love, but I don't think it necessarily needs it.
  8. Thanks a bunch for all your feedback, @Shao.7236! I appreciate your perspective.
  9. I was thinking about how to make Core Engi a little better and it already having a full set of F-skills makes it a little trickier. I don't play Engi much but I have been playing around with it a bit lately, and utility slot feels extremely competitive when trying to include kits. I was thinking, what if Core Engi got a kit included not as a utility skill, but as a weapon swap feature (with no CD to swap)? It would essentially give them 4 utility skill spots, and would give a clear benefit to playing core beyond just the F5 toolbelt.
  10. Not necessarily a QoL improvement, but I would love to see Watchtower removed from the game. Who needs scouting when you can have the game do it for you?
  11. I'm copying my post from the patch note thread from Anet just to add to the discussion here to my Revenant brethren and sistren. Most of this stuff I have mentioned before in other posts, but I figured I'd make a post with a consolidated lists of points. Just some opinions from a guy who'd like to think he knows what he's talking about. Overall, I am happy with these changes for Revenant. I find them to be well-implemented and a positive step in the right direction. Forced Engagement is the highlight of the changes for me, gaining huge impact potential. The cooldown reductions to Mallyx, as well as the Call to Anguish change, will put the legend at a pretty nice spot and I really look forward to trying it out with a lot of its flow restored. Overall this feels like a big win for the core class, which I am very enthusiastic about. I will list some issues that I'd like to see focused on in the future: Both Jalis and Mallyx have their stunbreaks attached to skills that have cast times. This is less of an issue for Jalis as it has stability to help alleviate this, but with Mallyx, it is more glaring. I would suggest that Pain Absorption gain its self-resistance boon immediately upon skill usage, while the remaining functionality be dependent upon the cast time. This way, the skill can be stowed for an instant stunbreak while still gaining some benefit to the skill beyond just the stunbreak. On the topic of stunbreaks, I think it is important that in today's powercreep, Ventari gain the benefit of having access to one. Purifying Essence is the obvious choice in my eyes, and could be raised to an energy cost of 30 to mirror Pain Absorption/Riposting Shadows. An extra condition clear added on would be fair for this as well.The healing orbs for Salvation are quite clunky in their current form due to their short duration, semi-random spawning location, and small pickup radius. I think they would immediately become more impactful if Healer's Gift, for example, caused all healing orbs to travel to the lowest health nearby ally. This would dramatically improve their performance and actually make the mechanic more respectable. If the healing orb mechanic is meant to be a star feature of the traitline, it needs to be given the proper treatment to actually shine.Regeneration was a core component to Salvation, and this has been removed. I would like for this to be reintroduced into the tree. My personal idea is to change the functionality of Words of Censure to the following: Spawn a healing orb when removing a condition from an ally. Healing orbs grant regeneration. This would further amplify the impact of healing orbs, diversify regeneration access for the class, and provide better support synergy to Mallyx's condition manipulation.Revenant remains the only class to have no trait or skill that interacts with revival. I consider this to be more of an oversight than an intentional design decision, especially since Revenant has a more inherently supportive toolkit at its core than many other classes. It is a point that bugs me a bit, similarly to Glamour and Spectral skills no longer having a dedicated trait. I would like to see this implemented either through Ventari's tablet, Salvation, or Invocation. A quick idea is for a rez trait to replace Fierce Infusion, which is a rather lackluster trait in Invocation. Something like: Increase your revival speed by 10%. Further increase your revival speed for each upkeep point currently in use. Another idea is for Ventari's tablet to increase incoming revival speed by X% within Y radius, giving the tablet a potential large impact in group play as it would increase the revival speed of all allies currently reviving.Ventari's 3 second cooldown on Ventari's Will makes the legend feel a bit clunky to use given the high-speed pace that combat occurs at. Lowering the cooldown to 2 seconds (and implementing a 3s ICD to Blinding Truths) would allow for the legend to become much more successful in reactive supportive actions. Between this and Purifying Essence becoming a stunbreak, the legend would be at a very healthy spot.I would like to see a bit more support synergy with legends, and I'd particularly like for the combination of Jalis and Ventari to gain further momentum. While I appreciate the impact of Draconic Echo Herald, I overall find Glint's passive boon application to be uninteractive and passive in regards to a support playstyle. A personal desire of mine is to give AoE barrier application to Rite of the Great Dwarf or to instead attach it to Versed in Stone. I think that is all the legend would need at that point. I don't really know if Shiro has the space to become more supportive due to the nature of its legend skills, but perhaps for Mallyx, Demonic Defiance's damage reduction could also apply to resistance applied to allies.Core lacks a defensive offhand weapon. I consider this to be a considerably glaring issue. Offhand sword's rework was a significant change and created a really strong weapon choice for power Revenants, but it left less weapon diversity for non-power Revenants. This is perhaps not an issue for Heralds, but it is for the core class, Renegade, and any future elite spec that is implemented. As an example, a core condi Revenant will naturally want to take both mace and axe. Mainhand sword has condition damage synergy via Abyssal Chill, but there is no offhand weapon that could really pair with it, especially with the removal of the slow/chill application on Deathstrike (which I agree with, mind you) for offhand sword. I'd say that this is part of the reason that staff sees so much play in competitive modes for any build. To avoid overlap, I would ideally like for Herald's shield be tweaked to become more supportive to leave space for a new core offhand weapon: focus. Two skills that I think would fit well for any (PvP/WvW) build would be 1. a block, and 2. boon removal, similar to Necromancer's Spinal Shivers.Beyond that, I think some attention to the Corruption traitline would be of benefit. There are some great traits in there, but the traitline could use some updating to the lesser performing traits. I don't really have any suggestions on what this could be, but I consider Replenishing Despair, Spontaneous Destruction, and Maniacal Persistence in biggest need of attention.
  12. Overall, I am happy with these changes for Revenant. I find them to be well-implemented and a positive step in the right direction. Forced Engagement is the highlight of the changes for me, gaining huge impact potential. The cooldown reductions to Mallyx, as well as the Call to Anguish change, will put the legend at a pretty nice spot and I really look forward to trying it out with a lot of its flow restored. Overall this feels like a big win for the core class, which I am very enthusiastic about. I will list some issues that I'd like to see focused on in the future: Both Jalis and Mallyx have their stunbreaks attached to skills that have cast times. This is less of an issue for Jalis as it has stability to help alleviate this, but with Mallyx, it is more glaring. I would suggest that Pain Absorption gain its self-resistance boon immediately upon skill usage, while the remaining functionality be dependent upon the cast time. This way, the skill can be stowed for an instant stunbreak while still gaining some benefit to the skill beyond just the stunbreak. On the topic of stunbreaks, I think it is important that in today's powercreep, Ventari gain the benefit of having access to one. Purifying Essence is the obvious choice in my eyes, and could be raised to an energy cost of 30 to mirror Pain Absorption/Riposting Shadows. An extra condition clear added on would be fair for this as well.The healing orbs for Salvation are quite clunky in their current form due to their short duration, semi-random spawning location, and small pickup radius. I think they would immediately become more impactful if Healer's Gift, for example, caused all healing orbs to travel to the lowest health nearby ally. This would dramatically improve their performance and actually make the mechanic more respectable. If the healing orb mechanic is meant to be a star feature of the traitline, it needs to be given the proper treatment to actually shine.Regeneration was a core component to Salvation, and this has been removed. I would like for this to be reintroduced into the tree. My personal idea is to change the functionality of Words of Censure to the following: Spawn a healing orb when removing a condition from an ally. Healing orbs grant regeneration. This would further amplify the impact of healing orbs, diversify regeneration access for the class, and provide better support synergy to Mallyx's condition manipulation.Revenant remains the only class to have no trait or skill that interacts with revival. I consider this to be more of an oversight than an intentional design decision, especially since Revenant has a more inherently supportive toolkit at its core than many other classes. It is a point that bugs me a bit, similarly to Glamour and Spectral skills no longer having a dedicated trait. I would like to see this implemented either through Ventari's tablet, Salvation, or Invocation. A quick idea is for a rez trait to replace Fierce Infusion, which is a rather lackluster trait in Invocation. Something like: Increase your revival speed by 10%. Further increase your revival speed for each upkeep point currently in use. Another idea is for Ventari's tablet to increase incoming revival speed by X% within Y radius, giving the tablet a potential large impact in group play as it would increase the revival speed of all allies currently reviving.Ventari's 3 second cooldown on Ventari's Will makes the legend feel a bit clunky to use given the high-speed pace that combat occurs at. Lowering the cooldown to 2 seconds (and implementing a 3s ICD to Blinding Truths) would allow for the legend to become much more successful in reactive supportive actions. Between this and Purifying Essence becoming a stunbreak, the legend would be at a very healthy spot.I would like to see a bit more support synergy with legends, and I'd particularly like for the combination of Jalis and Ventari to gain further momentum. While I appreciate the impact of Draconic Echo Herald, I overall find Glint's passive boon application to be uninteractive and passive in regards to a support playstyle. A personal desire of mine is to give AoE barrier application to Rite of the Great Dwarf or to instead attach it to Versed in Stone. I think that is all the legend would need at that point. I don't really know if Shiro has the space to become more supportive due to the nature of its legend skills, but perhaps for Mallyx, Demonic Defiance's damage reduction could also apply to resistance applied to allies.Core lacks a defensive offhand weapon. I consider this to be a considerably glaring issue. Offhand sword's rework was a significant change and created a really strong weapon choice for power Revenants, but it left less weapon diversity for non-power Revenants. This is perhaps not an issue for Heralds, but it is for the core class, Renegade, and any future elite spec that is implemented. As an example, a core condi Revenant will naturally want to take both mace and axe. Mainhand sword has condition damage synergy via Abyssal Chill, but there is no offhand weapon that could really pair with it, especially with the removal of the slow/chill application on Deathstrike (which I agree with, mind you) for offhand sword. I'd say that this is part of the reason that staff sees so much play in competitive modes for any build. To avoid overlap, I would ideally like for Herald's shield be tweaked to become more supportive to leave space for a new core offhand weapon: focus. Two skills that I think would fit well for any (PvP/WvW) build would be 1. a block, and 2. boon removal, similar to Necromancer's Spinal Shivers.Beyond that, I think some attention to the Corruption traitline would be of benefit. There are some great traits in there, but the traitline could use some updating to the lesser performing traits. I don't really have any suggestions on what this could be, but I consider Replenishing Despair, Spontaneous Destruction, and Maniacal Persistence in biggest need of attention.
  13. I like using both Diviner's and Grieving on my Rev for open world. Diviner's is such an amazing stat spread.
  14. Although I think the idea is cool and I also really like traits that modify skills, I would rather it be given something boring but more widely applicable, like it being given blast finisher functionality and increase outgoing burning damage.
  15. The % modifiers on that Warrior barrier trait...what in tarnation.
  16. Yeah I agree, and I think the radius adjustment on Shiro ToN was a smart approach. Although this probably has little practical relevance in hard content, it's cool to think that Revs can live a legit tank fantasy in open world. I imagine a condi Mallyx/Jalis build would work really well for that. I'm really excited to play with our new shinies.
  17. Clocked out for lunch and saw these...holy buffs batman! Jalis and Mallyx changes are juicy. Thank you ANet for adjusting the cooldowns for EtD and CtA! The Forced Engagement change looks insane. Sorry Justine for your hammer sacrifice.
  18. I am not an experienced Scourge player so my opinion doesn't hold as much weight, but I feel like a "Recall Shade" flipover skill option could help alleviate the glaring issue I see arising due to the proposed shade change. This would mean reducing it to only one shade at a time for non-Sand Savant, but with the target increase, perhaps this would be fair to make it less terrible for PvP and small scale? Make it instant cast but with a 0.5s delay on using shade skills or something like that. I still think Sand Savant needs to be reevaluated and made into a strictly supportive option, but I would hate to see another Illusionary Persona effect happen to Scourge in non-zerg settings.
  19. I am really excited to play with Inspiring Reinforcement. This is a big buff to the skill, but I admittedly do worry that the potential stab duration for it will be too high. However, it will be nice to have access to a more reliable source of stab and hopefully have it valued more. Pretty big news for me to see this change listed. Thanks for updating it. Do you have any intention on re-implementing group regeneration access to Salvation or Ventari? It doesn't feel the same to be so reliant on Glint for it. The healing orbs occupy a significant amount of traits in Salvation and some of them feel like filler traits. Vigor is a nice boon to have access to, but it doesn't make sense to me to strip the traitline of its access to regen, considering it is the healing line.
  20. I can't pretend that I am an experienced Necro player, but these changes just seem like they will make Scourge extremely clunky. Not having access to instant shade skills seems like a huge hit and would create a huge risk to even place a shade, especially for small-scale like @EremiteAngel.9765 listed. It seems like it would make Scourges waaaaay too vulnerable because of how easy it could be to bait out a shade, kite it, and then cc-lock them while they don't have the time to cast another shade at their feet. The big part of what makes the changes seem awkward to me is that you have to wait out a 15-second natural duration in order to gain access to point-blank shade skills again. It just sounds so incredibly clunky because you can't force a duration expiration to get quick access to point-blank shade skills in a pinch. I don't really think the current iteration of Scourge is particularly healthy for the game, but at least in small-scale, my impressions of the changes are that they would make the Scourge even easier focus targets than they already are. To be honest, they sound terrible.
  21. Minus the damage (blast would be fitting for Diabolic Inferno), I like your points and agree with your suggestions. AoE barrier would be pretty sweet honestly and would create better synergy between it and Ventari since it would get value out of healing power. As far as Stability goes, I'd like to see Versed in Stone changed to the following: That, AoE barrier, and better access to regen for the core class and I'd play the kitten out of a core support build.
  22. That would make more sense in Salvation, but yes, it should be part of Healer's Gift.
  23. My "dream" would be for the trait to actually change the functionality of Elemental Blast to become a sort of "mirror/inverse" of its current form: instead becoming a ranged AoE pulsing heal/condi management skill. Shining Aspects:Using a consume skill heals you. Elemental Blast becomes Purifying Breath. This gives Glint access to a reliable allied support skill that is independent from weapon skills and beyond the regeneration boon. There is of course the worry of overtuning meta specs like Power Herald in both sPvP and WvW, but Elemental Blast is a source of very respectable damage, providing cleave, area control, and some utilty via the weakness and chill application, and is also a powerful skill for condi Heralds. If this was chosen, it would increase the Revenant's sustain, but temper its damage potential while channeling Glint. In theory at least, I consider this to be a healthy change, providing a tradeoff with clear sacrifice and benefit. Note that this would still provide less personal condi cleanse than Hardening Persistence, but slightly more allied condition management and significantly more healing. As a big support Revenant fan, I have always found it unfortunate that Glint's consume skills lean much more towards offense. There is definite utility there, but the only real "supportive" thing is the superspeed from Chaotic Release. While the boons are of course supportive and the regeneration potent, I still think it would be a significant step forward for the spec to receive an active supportive skill.
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