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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. The insta-fear from DS3 can be annoying to fight against, but I think it's a pretty crucial aspect that should stay for the core class considering their lack of built-in defenses. It can also be pretty predictable when you get a feeling for when it's coming. Otherwise, well, it sounds like you were just eating them unnecessarily considering you are running with no stab. Fear ring and staff 5 would be the only other sources as far as I'm aware assuming no Lich memes, which is a totally fair amount. I think core Necro is at a good spot right now--occupying a unique and important role--and I'd rather not see it nerfed. If it is overperforming after the big boi balance patch, I would say that Fear of Death's fear duration should be cut some (100% is a lot), and perhaps a better tell on Corrupt Boon (is it a clear tell already? I always seem to have trouble dodging it). This is coming from a non-Necro player though, so just my casual opinions. I have been running a lot of Jalis/Ret Rev and have big stab uptime. Necro is the one matchup that makes it a possible liability to lay down Inspiring Reinforcement, or to dodge at the wrong time to proc Unwavering Avoidance. I like that danger. Counterplay to a powerful boon like that is important.
  2. Sounds interesting. I’ll give those runes a try. I’ve been using Scrapper runes for the damage reduction bonus. As far as HP in gear, what if you’re running Renegade? Yeah that could work if you are running Kalla since the heal and elite scale well with it. Personally I find Shiro to be of more value because of the mobility and kiting potential it offers, but that's just me. I'm not particularly fond of Kalla. You can still run Renegade and forego another traitline like Retribution, but it is a hard sacrifice and you will be less tanky as a result, but you will definitely gain damage output. Depends on what you are looking for. Losing Invocation or Corruption hurts pretty badly as well: Invocation has incredible utility and Corruption offers more damage and superb condi management. Pulsating Pestilence is a god tier trait and will boost your survivability significantly against condi matchups, not to mention Demonic Defiance. I actually don’t use Kalla, accept during tight quarter fights such as a keep take/defense but only on occasion. I mostly use mallyx and Shiro/jalis. I also use corruption and retribution with renegade. I did end up with the torment runes, which were like 30g for the set. I also ended up forgoing the HP in my gear. I just can’t get past the poor return of healing numbers from the stat investment to try it. Didn’t get a good test run with it cause we were outnumber 2 to 1 and it was a slaughter fest. Hope it works out for you!
  3. Sounds interesting. I’ll give those runes a try. I’ve been using Scrapper runes for the damage reduction bonus. As far as HP in gear, what if you’re running Renegade? Yeah that could work if you are running Kalla since the heal and elite scale well with it. Personally I find Shiro to be of more value because of the mobility and kiting potential it offers, but that's just me. I'm not particularly fond of Kalla. You can still run Renegade and forego another traitline like Retribution, but it is a hard sacrifice and you will be less tanky as a result, but you will definitely gain damage output. Depends on what you are looking for. Losing Invocation or Corruption hurts pretty badly as well: Invocation has incredible utility and Corruption offers more damage and superb condi management. Pulsating Pestilence is a god tier trait and will boost your survivability significantly against condi matchups, not to mention Demonic Defiance.
  4. Dual-legend skills have been a big hope of mine for a future e-spec for quite a while now, but I am not sure if that day will ever come. With that said, I think Ancient Echo is a sufficient class mechanic for core. It was a huge step forward, and absolutely has advantages over both e-spec mechanics without being overpowered (although I still wish Ventari's effect was different). The changes core needs are specifics regarding legend, weapon, and trait balance; mechanically, it does not need anything new or innovative. Maybe Weavenant will happen if we get another expac.
  5. I don't like Knighthonor guy but is wishing GS as new power weapon for revenant a bad thing? We got shortbow last time local hipster revenant society begged for ranged condi weapon.Any VIABLE VARIETY would be really good. I play condi bow, pve and wvw only a few classes can defeat me, it is a very good player or some class builder on low effort gimmicks like holo and Mesmer lamers.Firebrands weavers tempest, are easy to deal maybe a bit more that I was expecting.Scrapers are my counter so it’s possible I can’t do nothing to them or get defeated easilly. Im inactive player who roam in wvw sometimes maybe once in a month out of bored and i have yet to run into a renegade that wouldnt be a free kill for my core condi rev. If they run shortbow i dont even dodge, that thing has no damage nor utility. But hey, keep providing free bags Loot bags is good. But making shortbow good is better imoI actually ran into some renegade trailblazer/dire fucknuggets this week. One of them even kept chasing me after 20 minutes of me repetedly humiliating him and some guardian at SW camp of alpine border trying to prove something while bombarding my private inbox. The only other as miserable spec as renegade I know is probably staff ele though I must agree that renegade is still more powerful that it at some point kek I don't like Knighthonor guy but is wishing GS as new power weapon for revenant a bad thing? We got shortbow last time local hipster revenant society begged for ranged condi weapon.Any VIABLE VARIETY would be really good. I play condi bow, pve and wvw only a few classes can defeat me, it is a very good player or some class builder on low effort gimmicks like holo and Mesmer lamers.Firebrands weavers tempest, are easy to deal maybe a bit more that I was expecting.Scrapers are my counter so it’s possible I can’t do nothing to them or get defeated easilly. I'm running hybrid shortbow in wvw and have a similar experience. I'd say most melee builds are easy to handle, even warriors if you master dodging their telegraphed attacks. Scrapper fights aren't really a counter for me, just a drawn out because Bulwark Gyro carries them. Overall I think the bad rep shortbow gets is due to lack of effort to learn a different play style. Are you all guys playing on NA? I have some EU wars right here glaring menacingly at your posts Yeah, I'm playing on NA. Not sure how most EU wars play, but like 90% of the ones here are running the same predictable builds, usually some variation with Defense + Discipline + Strength/Berserker/Spellbreaker traitlines. They take Last Stand as grandmaster so I know to not waste energy using Scorchrazor or other cc. They use GS + Axe/Shield so I just dodge and Risposting Shadows everything they do while auto-attacking them to death. Sometimes I even get lucky and find one not running shield trait so they get wrecked by Icerazor at the beginning of the fight.No good war runs Defense nowadays. There are at least two other builds that never use defense. I guess then there must not be any good wars left in NA because they all seem to run Shield Master, Defy Pain, and Last Stand, or at least 2 of those 3 traits. Yeah most wars I run into on NA are double stance Defense monkeys. I see a few running without Defense every once in a while. They hurt, but are easier to shut down. More fun to fight for sure. Yeah if a warrior doesn't run defense line it just gets blown up. If a warrior wants to kill stuff they just dump the elite specs and take strength I thought.Ever since the Tactics update there have been more running that over Defense, but I don't see it as often anymore. The constant immobs from axe 3 are annoying, but I'm not sure if running it over Defense was just a passing fad.
  6. I don't like Knighthonor guy but is wishing GS as new power weapon for revenant a bad thing? We got shortbow last time local hipster revenant society begged for ranged condi weapon.Any VIABLE VARIETY would be really good. I play condi bow, pve and wvw only a few classes can defeat me, it is a very good player or some class builder on low effort gimmicks like holo and Mesmer lamers.Firebrands weavers tempest, are easy to deal maybe a bit more that I was expecting.Scrapers are my counter so it’s possible I can’t do nothing to them or get defeated easilly. Im inactive player who roam in wvw sometimes maybe once in a month out of bored and i have yet to run into a renegade that wouldnt be a free kill for my core condi rev. If they run shortbow i dont even dodge, that thing has no damage nor utility. But hey, keep providing free bags Loot bags is good. But making shortbow good is better imoI actually ran into some renegade trailblazer/dire fucknuggets this week. One of them even kept chasing me after 20 minutes of me repetedly humiliating him and some guardian at SW camp of alpine border trying to prove something while bombarding my private inbox. The only other as miserable spec as renegade I know is probably staff ele though I must agree that renegade is still more powerful that it at some point kek I don't like Knighthonor guy but is wishing GS as new power weapon for revenant a bad thing? We got shortbow last time local hipster revenant society begged for ranged condi weapon.Any VIABLE VARIETY would be really good. I play condi bow, pve and wvw only a few classes can defeat me, it is a very good player or some class builder on low effort gimmicks like holo and Mesmer lamers.Firebrands weavers tempest, are easy to deal maybe a bit more that I was expecting.Scrapers are my counter so it’s possible I can’t do nothing to them or get defeated easilly. I'm running hybrid shortbow in wvw and have a similar experience. I'd say most melee builds are easy to handle, even warriors if you master dodging their telegraphed attacks. Scrapper fights aren't really a counter for me, just a drawn out because Bulwark Gyro carries them. Overall I think the bad rep shortbow gets is due to lack of effort to learn a different play style. Are you all guys playing on NA? I have some EU wars right here glaring menacingly at your posts Yeah, I'm playing on NA. Not sure how most EU wars play, but like 90% of the ones here are running the same predictable builds, usually some variation with Defense + Discipline + Strength/Berserker/Spellbreaker traitlines. They take Last Stand as grandmaster so I know to not waste energy using Scorchrazor or other cc. They use GS + Axe/Shield so I just dodge and Risposting Shadows everything they do while auto-attacking them to death. Sometimes I even get lucky and find one not running shield trait so they get wrecked by Icerazor at the beginning of the fight.No good war runs Defense nowadays. There are at least two other builds that never use defense. I guess then there must not be any good wars left in NA because they all seem to run Shield Master, Defy Pain, and Last Stand, or at least 2 of those 3 traits.Yeah most wars I run into on NA are double stance Defense monkeys. I see a few running without Defense every once in a while. They hurt, but are easier to shut down. More fun to fight for sure.
  7. Condi tank: Trailblazer and Dire, Tormenting Runes. Mallyx/X. I see more Heralds running Glint/Mallyx, but I prefer running core for Shiro/Mallyx. Retribution gives really juicy sustain thanks to Steadfast Rejuvenation and weakness application on CC. If running Herald you could prob put some healing power in your gear. A lot of your sustain comes from Tormenting Runes, which are stupidly OP for Mallyx.
  8. Agreed that condi needs more options than power. Sword can be pseudo-hybridized thanks to Abyssal Chill, but it has no offhand to pair with it. Running Shortbow/Mace+Axe is obviously the best for DPS, but for actual effectiveness and viability, having a block goes a long way. The kiting potential of staff is indescribably helpful in WvW especially, when at any chance you will be outnumbered and will have to reposition; staff allows this to happen. Condi Rev isnt in as bad of a position as it used to be: Embrace the Darkness allows for sustained damage output with any weapon, which is a really wonderful thing. I still stand by my assertion that the core class would benefit more than anything from a defensive offhand weapon that synergizes with both power and condi builds. The old sword 4 block was invaluable, but core Rev wasn't as viable as it is now, so it didn't see as much value or play. Restoring that block via a new offhand weapon would go miles for the core class. Perhaps a bit redundant when considering Herald, but IMO Herald's shield should be geared more towards boon support and healing. Give it some boonrip or energy manipulation and we have ourselves a properly up to date offhand weapon.
  9. I am not a big PvEr, but the times I do meta events are never for an amalgamated gemstone. Personally, it is not worth sitting around simply for a ~1g reward that I could instead earn another way. I've mostly spent my time doing metas farming currencies for legendaries. It's not that I don't enjoy metas--I actually find the HoT metas pretty cool--I just have a hard time committing the time to them when I could be doing something in game that I enjoy more. Dragon's Stand in particular has always been a painful one for me; while well-made and enjoyable, it burns me out from the game by the end of it. It is the biggest thing that keeps me away from wanting to grind for more Gen 2 legendaries.
  10. I am not a frequent Necro player, but it seems like they have very few winning matchups assuming equal skill level. This becomes a bit less black and white when taking into consideration gear like Trailblazer and Dire, but I'd still say Necro has the hardest time in general. If a 1v1 is assuming a duel, this is also a pretty biased foundation because if we are being honest, most duels occur on open terrain with no LoS or no-port spots. This almost always works against the Necro's favor. I would say they would definitely be higher up on the list if dueling areas had more varied terrain with the ability to really abuse LoS. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, dueling areas tend to favor the stronger roaming classes. And on a side note, I like these polls as well :).
  11. Engineer is probably the most butchered core spec thanks to good 'ol Holosmith, but I imagine during a core only event, they would still be sought after in groups for healing/cleansing and magnet memes. Not as strong obviously, but still salvageable.Core Ranger is quite an underrated, competent roamer, but without Soulbeast, it loses some of its killing power and teamplay. You could run glass Quickdraw Barrage, but that's probably the most impactful teamplay achievable. I don't feel right voting core Ranger though, because its roaming power builds are at a pretty healthy power level. In general, I would still probably say Engineer because of how nerfed it is in its current state, even if it would more likely have a defined role in group play.
  12. Some suggestions on how to shift Herald to be a more balanced spec: Change Song of the Mists - Dragon to be an explicitly supportive effect, such as PBAoE condition cleanse/conversion and boon extension. Remove the offensive power of it completely. I'd say this is more problematic than Shiro's because it is part of what contributes to the high pressure when getting +1'd via Phase Traversal/Swap. This would also be a more viable choicefor support Revs, as currently they have nothing supportive to synergize with SotM - Centaur. Would be an arguable nerf to condi Heralds, which is my only concern with such a change considering that they are at a pretty healthy power level currently. Reduce the damage and increase the healing of Shiro's heal, Enchanted Daggers. This heal is primarily used as an offensive tool. While it is a cool skill with enough counterplay, it contributes a significant amount of damage when bursting an enemy. While it cannot crit, it ignores damage immunities. Even though it has nice thematic flavor and application in its current form, I'd like to see it become more well-rounded and for it to promote less burst cheese. 6k potential damage that costs no GCD (since it is often precasted) is significant. The skill itself is not OP, but when combined with the rest of Shiro's kit, it can be a bit unfun to fight against. There is a bit of a parallel to this skill, Glyph of Elemental Power, and Venoms.Shave the damage on Mender's Rebuke (seriously, just a small shave) and buff the healing scaling as compensation. Have the heal trigger either instantly or PBAoE at the Rev's location, not where the cast was completed. The skill is pretty kitten at support, which we can't forget is one of the secondary roles of the weapon. Yes, this is a buff request with a side of nerf.Restore the block to Sword 4 and put Shackling Wave back as the flipover skill, conditional upon being hit. Reduce the damage if it turns out being too strong.
  13. An interesting idea and would surely be a huge buff for a whole myriad of specs. It would be sweet to get really close to the previous 33% boon duration from ye olde Facet of Nature. 15% damage reduction sounds really yummy too. My main concern with it is that it would make Facet of Nature - Ventari too strong. It is already a very potent heal (despite the PvP version being 1 upkeep too high), but amping it up 50% would be pretty cray. Granted, Elder's Respite is really solid and would be a sacrifice to run without it if using Glint, but in WvW, being able to provide ~1.5k/hps on 10 targets from this skill alone sounds really insane. Not against your proposal, just a bit concerned that it'd be too overtuned. My question to you (and anyone else reading): how do you feel about Elevated Compassion? Perhaps it is just that Draconic Echo is so strong and completely overshadows the trait, but the trait feels a bit too weak to justify using. I am not sure what to suggest changing about it. Simply raising the healing coefficient, perhaps? I'd like to see this trait actually used over Draconic Echo in WvW for healing Revenants (you can reach 10 targets easily via Shared Empowerment--very important synergy). Even though I feel the trait is undertuned, I do appreciate how it is balanced: only affecting allies as opposed to self and allies.
  14. Yeah I would argue that condi Rev is the most versatile way of playing an open world build for Rev, largely because of Tormenting Runes. I mean, you can just straight up ignore a ton of enemy mechanics because your self-sustain will be so high. While power Rev can burst down faster, condi Rev has better AoE pressure and sustain. Sword 2 and 3 scale poorly with multiple mobs. I like running Grieving Renegade with Mallyx/Jalis the best because you can still cheese with the runes and have respectable burst, and all that juicy CC is hard to say no to. The easiest build I have played has been Corr/Invo/Ret, but it lacks might generation unfortunately.
  15. What? Mallyx in bw2 was a beast. Lterally no condi build, even necro specced for boon corruption stood any chance and thats before all the sustain buffs we got in recent years. Notice that pain absort had self blind which you could pulse every second to all enemies in ur radius. How spamable blind is weak vs power? Honestly speaking once you gathered conditions nobody could keep up with cleansing, even the legendary DD eles who were op back in the day had to back off. Pulsing 7-9 conditions at once to enemies was not rare at all. If we brought back bw2 Mallyx to current state of the game he would dominate in pvp. I dare to say that due to these spamable conditions like nearly perma weakness, blind and so on he was superior vs power builds as well. But the cost was clear - Mallyx being much harder to play. Rn its faceroll torment bot with no interesting mechanic I'll explain.Back then is back then, it's no longer the same today. Today if you re-introduced this playstyle with Mallyx, it would get annihilated by the avoidance and skills every professions have gained over the years. The concept is interesting but doesn't not work today, fact is people are still hating the CC that allows Mallyx to inflict some form of pressure and setup to it's benefits is beyond me since the past AoE was pointless until someone had the absolute necessary need to step into it and the cost was really high compared to now ways to inflict Torment. The old EtD was counter productive by being unblockable and unblindable because everything else you did would miss 75% of the time.The old old EtD is much worst because now you're asking yourself to rely on 3 seconds delay pulses to inflict conditions that are merely damaging and be solely based on what's on you with little resistance, which is copying so you'd die by condition pressure shortly after. The first Mallyx has 0 burst and damage application is too slow to be viable, the energy cost is disgustingly high to do anything even you adjusted it to today, second Mallyx had even more counter productive measures until Transfers were introduced it could stand a chance with kitting. Today we have predictable utility, sustain and actual damage that can significantly harm someone without being locked out by our self harm and energy against anything that's not condition while what's condition has enough evades to just laugh at the intervals needed to apply anything worth while. FYI, Weakness is still spammable, Blindness is doable with timing and in no way was it spammable back then, more like every 3 seconds which is nothing to work with when you'd lose it by your own doing with little resistance or the pulse of the AoE. Looking at it, it's cool but it's a big unrefined mess that I'm glad has changed so that we can easily counter pressure threats with less RNG and more planning. Nostalgia is getting to you. Energy cost were not that big and pulsing changed to 1 sec interval later on. The list of skills you see are from the small HoT beta before elite specs were added. If you search up for bw2 vids from 2015 you can see how powerful it was. If you could put bw2 Mallyx vs current you can bet bw2 one with perma resistance would always win. Also ur main source of damage should be weapon skills themself either way, utility is just.. utility Regardless the point still stands that heal skill and pain absord are from the old Mallyx desing when they actually made sense and its is no longer the case as Mallyx on his own cannot copy/transfer any conditions in his kitI didn't play Rev during this period, but to be honest on paper it sounds really hard to balance, and I can see why they would change it. The point about cleansing invalidating its potential is totally worth merit; in group play, cleanses are over abundant, and there is definitely a lot of anti-synergy there. At its strongest, it sounds stupidly strong and unfun to fight, at its worst, it sounds ineffective and easily counterable by ripping/corrupting Resistance and hardpressuring. I would argue that it is overly simplistic to narrow Mallyx down to a simple torment bot. Yes, there is a certain level of truth to it--it is undeniable that it can dump out a ton of torment--but the kit has a lot of utility otherwise, and though the legend is most synergistic for condition builds, it is still very effective at what it can do: focused boonrip, group condition management, and high-impact crowd control. I see your point about how it is a bit awkward to not have condition transfer or copy built into the legend, but I just don't see there being room for it anymore without a complete rework, which I'd rather not happen because the legend is at a really good spot now. Both Pulsating Pestilence and True Nature have huge impact as is, although I would like to see an offhand weapon with an Arcane Thievery-esque effect to bring in condition manipulation beyond Mallyx.
  16. I think a buff to it would be fair. It seems like they tried to make it similar in strength to Vampiric Presence, but with an upkeep of -2/-3, its impact rarely feels worth it, as opposed to Vampiric Presence, which is always on at no additional cost beyond the trait investment. I personally think either of your ideas are fine, but as far as impact goes, it should definitely be significantly weaker than Soulcleave's Summit considering it is way less upkeep, cannot be killed/CC'd, and is 600 radius PBAoE. I like the idea of removing the ICD because it significantly increases its potential impact, but it definitely makes it trickier to balance. It would nice for it to actually be a sought after effect though.
  17. Please god no. Mallyx is at the sweet spot right now as far as cooldowns go. It doesn't need them changed anymore or added unnecessarily. Jalis already has 2 longer cooldowns on its skills, adding a 30 second cooldown would be terrible, especially considering it is the legend's stunbreak. Jalis on skill-swap WvW week was trash, this would move it closer to that.
  18. I have died to CoR twice since it got changed. Unacceptable. I shouldn't have to feel that shame. Needs more nerfs.
  19. The issues I have with the templates themselves are minor and easy for me to brush off. I personally just think they really overpriced them. I don't have a problem paying money/gems for nice QoL features, I just can't justify it at their current price point.
  20. Also could have reflected a Hunter's Shot if there was a Ranger there and the Weaver was running focus.
  21. One of the most boring fights in the game tbh. When I see Soothing Mist pop up when they attune to water, I just disengage because I'd rather not waste my time. If I am roaming on condi, it is such a snooze because of how difficult it is to stick damage onto them, especially if they are using Antitoxin runes (which a lot seem to) because of the extremely strong synergy it has with Ele/Weaver. However, when I choose to fight them, immobs and chill are extremely potent if I am playing a build/class that has access to them. In my experience, trying to pressure them after they attune to water and use Riptide is a good time to attempt this, before they have time to attune to earth and double blast the water field, or denying them the ability to do so via CC/immob/chill. Usually I only can do anything with that if I have already baited out both Twists of Fate though.
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