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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. I have always hoped for more Norn-centric content, so I am excited for that. I was super hyped when bounties were announced back pre-PoF, but found their execution to be sloppy and poor, so the Strike Missions do admittedly interest me because they seem more structured and challenging and less zerging and spamming. I am looking forward to more Norn-inspired armor pieces (hopefully) that all races have access to. But honestly this doesn't really take away from my disappointment. Not only did the event end 10 minutes earlier than advertised, but they actually dedicated a segment of it to announcing merch, which I find to be insulting given how little else was actually discussed. No Q&A (perhaps damage control), no displaying of the build template UI, no hope given to PvPers or WvWers. I spend most of my time playing WvW and from the preview, it seems that changing build templates is instant, which worries me. I hope they implement restrictions for that so people can't just OoC and swap builds then re-engage in a matter of seconds. I am sure I will continue playing, but the predominant feeling I am left with from this is major disappointment.
  2. Nice video Shao! Always love seeing Condi Rev play. Funny, I have been theorycrafting with Tempest runes recently as they seemed like a good fit for Rev since it further incentivizes healing power investment and offers some nice duration, especially with no expertise otherwise. Have you found any other runes that work well?
  3. Whats the difference? How is this working? (Assuming Rite of the Great Dwarf + Protection + (for the hell of it) Vengeful Hammers) Additive Damage Reduction adds the values together and gives you your total damage reduction. Multiplicative multiplies the values instead. Multiplicative will always result in a lower value than Additive AND it can never reach 100% reduction; it's just not possible given how math works. Examples of both: Additive:First, get the values you're working with. For Additive, RotGD = 50% = 0.5, + Protection = 33% = .33, + and Vengeful Hammers = 20% = .2SO it would look like 0.5 + 0.33 + 0.2 = 1.03 = 103%. If Additive damage reduction was used, then the above combo would reduce damage by 103%, BUT this is not the case. The game uses Multiplicative which looks like this:Again, first get the values you're working with; they're going to be different than the additive equation. You want to subtract the above values from 1.0 to get your "multiplicative damage reduction" value. RotGD = 1.0 - 0.5 = 0.5, x Protection = 1.0 - 0.33 = 0.67, x VH = 1.0 - 0.2 = 0.8The final equation: 0.5 x 0.67 x 0.8 = .268You then take the value you get from that equation and subtract it from 1.0 to get your total damage reduction. 1.0 - 0.268 = 0.732So the total damage reduction for the combo above would be 73.2% of all incoming damage. If you want just RotGD + Protection it's 0.5 x 0.67 = 0.3351.0 - 0.335 = .665 = 66.5%SO in total, RotGD essentially adds 33.5% extra damage reduction WHILE you have Protection. It's still providing "50%," but in a multiplicative way, not additive. If you didn't have Protection, but had RotGD, you'd obviously have the full 50%. ALSO WORTH NOTING, TOUGHNESS WORKS THE SAME WAY. If anyone ever tells you "toughness is a terrible stat" or "not a great stat" this is why. You begin to get Diminishing Returns from Toughness if you stack it while also stacking other modifiers, like Protection and Vengeful Hammers. Stacking Vitality is almost always better (imo and also from a math perspective) since it gives you extra cushion against attacks, but also gives you more defense against conditions. Toughness does better the longer a fight goes on, as it has a chance to mitigate more damage, but doesn't do anything against conditions and leaves you more vulnerable to those. Vitality on the other hand is more effective at stopping initial bursts and less effective the longer the fight goes on, unless you can keep your health topped off. Sorry if this explanation is convoluted or confusing; I tried to lay it out the best I couldThis is helpful, thank you very much actually. 33% additional from RotGD isn't too bad then.
  4. If it’s a core weapon it’s a offhand cause we only have 2 on core. That’s why I think next trait should be a core one. 100% agreed.
  5. Additionally, I think that Facet of Nature should be reduced to 2 upkeep in PvP. If I ever hear complaints about Herald's F2, it is specifically regarding Shiro's True Nature, not the facet itself. Feels shitty to be forced to pop True Nature when in Shiro if you want to even be able to access IO. This could also be partially solved by automatically deactivating FoN when swapping legends. I brought this up back when the Herald rework patch hit, but Mallyx's FoN functions very differently from the other legends' in that it can cause harm via the condition absorption, whereas all other FoN effects are 100% positive to the Rev. Draconic Echo gives it an awkward synergy/anti-synergy too.
  6. So glad you enjoyed it! I am sure the armor/trinket setup you have would be fine. The reason I mix in Dire is because I don't like overcapping on torment duration. At 30% general condi duration, you'll cap out since you'll get 50% from the runes and 20% from Corruption. Do what you see fit though. I just felt it wasn't worth further expertise investment since the build's primary damaging condition is torment.
  7. SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area. Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof. @Aeolus.3615 said: SoM on a swap from herald to vebtari is a 10 targets 5.5k heals on a decent area. Ventari has poor heals.. cof cof. Wait SotM is 10 targets?
  8. If you are having trouble managing energy, try out this build. This is my go-to. It is carried by Tormenting Runes and TB/Dire gear, but it is a beast of a spec when you get used to it. I used to consider it a meme until I upgraded to full cancer stats. When you get good at proccing Charged Mists consistently, you will be flowing with energy between that and Ancient Echo. It makes Mallyx more comfortable to play because you can actually upkeep your elite for quite a while. It may feel squishy at first due to having no Glint, but the evades from Shiro and the sustain via Tormenting Runes help make up for it. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAkeZlhQMsIijBRdMJyjBSkMBigD7SfKF-zVRYcBxTGdcDlSkFQlJQmRQvhg3zSVeaA-w
  9. I am not a Mesmer player so I can't really say I have much experience-based insight, but from an outsider's perspective I wouldn't mind having IH become baseline and having the damage frontloaded on the player, but I'd say my least favorite thing about IH is the visual noise. Wouldn't mind if that was brought down a bit. I also don't think that the dodge while CC'd should be a thing, as has been mentioned many times by others. Reimplement the superspeed and move dodge while CC'd to EM, remove the stunbreak and the exhaustion. Maybe have it increase overall superspeed duration by 33% or something too. These are just ideas from a non-Mesmer player. Not really sure what would replace IH.
  10. It used to be a Mallyx-exclusive boon. Right now plenty of classes have access to it and can utilize it better than Mallyx. Since Resistance is the only boon Mallyx has, I think it could good idea to have it unique. Call me a FB hater (I am a little bit) but resistance on Tome of Courage has always felt excessive and unnecessary. The tome is already so overloaded and between that and the giant water field in Tome 2, it felt like they were just trying to throw everything at them to justify the longer cooldowns.
  11. Yes Firework Runes are incredible for core and Renegade builds. That Invo master major line can be pretty competitive. Not having to take Rapid Flow for increased movement speed really glues some builds together.
  12. My favorite build to run for the past while has been a core TB/Dire Shiro/Mallyx build. Lucian mentioned Tormenting runes and they are truly disgustingly powerful. I get a lot of BM and hate whispers when I run it. Hybrid is also fun to run, and in WvW with traits like Incensed Response still being busted, it is easy to make some off-meta builds work since the damage will get boosted by all the might. I am usually solo roaming, but when I am with a group (usually just a handful of roaming friends with no intentional comp) I'll sometimes switch to Jalis/Mallyx and trait the RotGD elite. The two legends offer a decent amount of team synergy while still allowing for good damage.
  13. You are right about game being a boon spam. Just tried fb tonight and boons were just flying in the air. It is easier and more useful than any support I have tried, like tempest, scrapper or rev. Yet about boons, sadly the meta is based on them. So either other professions should be nerfed or rev should be buffed a little to compete with them. Ps: any ventari or general rev advices are welcomed :) I dont think Ventari itself needs too much. IMO a 2 second cooldown on Ventari's Will would offer a huuuuge increase in its reliability. They could put a 3s ICD on Blinding Truths to prevent more blindspam. Beyond that I really do think Purifying Essence could be increased to 30e in order to grant it a self-stunbreak functionality and increase it to 4 conditions cleansed. It's easy to say it doesn't need a stunbreak when you have a gaggle of FBs covering your kitten in stab, but the spec is laughably easy to shut down if it's the solo support. Also, regen needs to be implemented into its kit, whether it be through a trait or its base kit. Now the healing orbs, which were supposed to offer healing possibilities outside of Ventari...don't get me started on those.
  14. Forced Engagement is a pretty decent skill in my eyes. Although I dislike the direction that they took of increased cooldowns and decreased energy costs, it works pretty well for FE. The skill does not require you to face the target and that alone allows for some very nice combos. Personally, I would like for it to receive a tether-like functionality. This would give it a couple additional features:-Have it reveal. Straightforward. You are forced to fight a taunted foe and should therefore not be able to stealth. Glint already has access to a reveal, but neither have inherent mobility beyond swiftness and/or superspeed. Classes with stealth access have high mobility access, so I think this is a fair implementation for a non-overtuned legend.-If an enemy breaks the taunt, they are weakened and you are granted fury. Sure, this is a flavor thing, but it has actual practicality.
  15. Eh, I think having a counter to something that completely ignores all conditions and their effects is healthy. I don't think it being a boon is a problem at all, and it being a boon also gives a niche for concentration-heavy builds like WvW Hamner Divinergade. Although Mallyx is supposed to be the condition manipulator, that is not to say it should necessarily counter Necro because a lot of Necro's identity is about boon corruption and condition manipulation as well. It runs deep in the class whereas in Rev it is only present in Corruption and Mallyx. I can fare decently well against good Necros when playing Condi Rev, but the thing that usually messes me up the most is the cast time on Pain Absorption and that 0.5 seconds of vulnerability in order to access a crucial defense for the kit, which is also devastating when fighting CC-heavy power classes like Warrior and Holo. This is not to say that Mallyx is perfect as-is, but moreso that Scourge specifically is still overperforming in its role and inherent synergy with Firebrand.
  16. Since you are playing sw/sw sw/sh I am guessing you are running power and Mallyx/Glint? A link to your build would be helpful. Here are some personal recommendations: -Drop Mallyx for Shiro. In theory Mallyx will help you manage conditions well, but IMO the mobility from Shiro helps you kite much better, allowing you to avoid them in the first place. I don't really think Mallyx is very good at managing conditions unless you take Corruption for Pulsating Pestilence.-Drop an offhand for staff. I know the damage doesn't feel as good, but staff is a godsend for sustain. Having a mobile block allows you to kite defensively and gap close aggressively, staff 4 will help you manage condis, and staff 5 is good for not just CC, but also evading and kiting. The damage on staff 2 is actually quite good too. The weapon helps quite significantly with sustain. It is an incredible utility weapon.-If you decide to keep shield, trait it if you haven't. It is a very good trait and will help you handle condis much better.-Drop some toughness for more offense. I know this seems counterintuitive if you are having trouble surviving, but you need to have some good kill pressure.-Master your Glint heal. In WvW the upkeep cost is so low and you can basically have it on permanently, which will allow you to more reliably eat your enemies' burst since Infuse Light is instant cast. This is a huge key to sustain.-Learn to abuse distance and LoS. Sword skills have a range to them and it is good to develop an instinct for where that max range is so you can abuse and kite. Understand how no-port spots work and how Phase Traversal functions (what causes it to fail). Shiro helps so much with this because you can port and evade around, and it has a natural synergy with Glint because it will allow you to kite better while your heal is down. This is from a PvP/WvW perspective, but you can apply some of it to PvE as well. In PvE and WvW you can get busted damage with permanent 25 might, and can often just mow shit down. If you don't like the feel of power Herald in PvE you can play condi and use Tormenting Runes, one of the most sleeper busted runes in the game, and watch your sustain go through the roof. It has awesome AoE damage too, my personal favorite open world build. I'd write more but I'm just on a lunch break. Again, a link to your build would be helpful.
  17. Revenant's healing orbs need to be nuked from existence. Sad thing is, they are Anet's very idea of a rework.
  18. Minus Rampage, I enjoy fighting Warriors for the most part. Otherwise most core classes are relatively enjoyable to fight against, but it gets unfun when elite specs get involved.
  19. Personally I want offhand focus. Binding of Ipos, hello? Give a block to one of the skills. This immediately lessens the monopoly that staff has on condi builds. Take Abyssal Chill and sword/focus could be a viable secondary set for condi/hybrid builds. Personally I would like a boon-RIP utility skill for the other skill. Kinda like Necro focus 5 but less damage and more utility. Have it grant a boon and give it an interaction with Spirit Boon.
  20. I still use it because I roam with Shiro/Mallyx pretty religiously, but I still feel disappointed by the change. I feel forced into Rapid Flow now due to the CtA and IO changes; the nerf to mobility hurts. Does it have some uses? Sure, every once in a while I will make good use of it, but it still lacks impact for its energy cost. Like even after a successful CC with it, I often wonder if it was even worth it because it feels like the 35 energy could have been much more impactful if used in other ways. I dunno, I am still unhappy with the change. I never felt like I desperately needed a CC when in Mallyx.
  21. I don't hate shield like I used to and think they did a good job at making it a lot more attractive with the current trait, but I do think it could use some changes. Healing power makes the shield shine, and that's a niche that should remain. Glint is naturally a very boon-oriented legend, but that is an aspect of the e-spec that the shield doesn't do a great job at highlighting. I'd like that to be changed a bit. [shield 4]-Change the functionality of it so it is a frontal cone. Simplify this unnecessarily clunky skill. It is extremely unreliable and suffers from major pathing issues.-Add 2 seconds of regeneration baseline. Especially with the removal of the regen traits from Salvation, the class needs a more diversified access to the boon.-Have it grant 2 seconds of boon extension. This is what the old trait used to do and although the trait was a double-edged sword due to the auto-proccing shield 5, the boon extension was a nice niche that the weapon offered.-Increase energy to 10. With the added effects, an increased cost is fair. [shield 5]-In addition to its current effects, the skill now has a flipover skill that stops the block effect for you anad instead pulses the remaining healing in a PBAoE. This would not only be quite a potent heal (3 pulses max to allies), but would also allow for more group condi cleanse. This would be a significant buff to support Herald.
  22. What sort of content are you playing? Are you max level or are you still leveling?
  23. I think they have said before that they don't want to split the queue times since conquest already has a low pop. I think they are missing a huge opportunity by not making more frequent 2v2 and/or 3v3 ATs though. Personally speaking, I only play WvW because I don't particularly enjoy conquest, but I would absolutely love having a 2v2 AT I can join in on every day with a friend.
  24. Marshal's Amulet, nice. Seems like a cool build. Props for thinking outside of the box with your stuff. Seems like the clears and cleanses you have access to would be enough to stall Mirages, yeah?
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