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Everything posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. https://imgur.com/5zqEf1g Whooo Nelly. Yeah, that's not humanly possible.
  2. My thoughts on Spirit Watch:Too vertical. Classes with teleports have a severe advantage.Orb mechanic is extremely un-fun. Picking it up means you move 50% slower and can't use any of your normal skills for a long period of time. It's boring but necessary when playing this map. This map will never be a successful in ranked with the Orb in place.Points are too far apart. They are located on the outer edges of the map which means the majority of your time spent in the match is running along the outskirts. As such, the mid node isn't as important as there are other ways to access the side nodes. The mid node feels small and unimportant. It might be interesting to have a walled elevator that activates only for the team that holds the mid point, although that might lead to a snowball effect.
  3. Ugh, that's the stuff of nightmares. How about a holosmith permanent corona blast animation? Just spinning and spinning....
  4. Certain classes benefit way more from Spirit Watch than other classes -- Thieves and mesmers in particular. Classes without any teleports (warriors, engineers) are at a much more severe disadvantage.
  5. This bug's been around since PoF launched. Unfortunately, I don't see it getting fixed because there are similar visual glitches with many other classes that have been around since launch.
  6. Honestly, my biggest complaint about deadeye is how apparent the stealth culling problem is. Even if they're standing right in front of me, I only see them by the time I have half health. Then they're back to stealth again. I have to guess most of the time where they are, because for the 60 frames they're on my screen, I don't have enough time to even reach them. The stealth culling is really, really, REALLY bad, especially if you are having ping issues.
  7. Naming it "mechanic" would cause so much confusion in balance discussions, lol.
  8. I really don't want to use grenade kit even more than I already do... the carpal tunnel... lol I hear ya. would this mean even more AA spamming in pve? For condi builds, it absolutely would. Shrapnel is already quite powerful for condi builds, so it's the recommended autoattack for condi engi. The change you recommended would reinforce that.
  9. I really don't want to use grenade kit even more than I already do... the carpal tunnel...
  10. Very easily fixed by a number adjustment Edit: There are still many problems with playing a non-necro/mesmer condi class in PvP. Things like Conversion Holo and Firebrand exist, the condi hate is pretty real. However, no matter how insane a few builds can stack condition removal, there will be ways for condi builds to carve out viability by countering the prominent builds that have no/little condi removal. Overall, I think the way condi is applied and condi cleanses work needs to be changed. The system of removing a whole stack of condi at once is a weird holdover from GW1.
  11. Have you never watched Arrow? Bows with different bolt types could totally be an engineer thing. Would be a hilarious animation to see maces bonking people in the head then bouncing to a nearby enemy's head. It's simple.
  12. Part of the reason I never ran kits when I started playing. Those things were ugly as sin.
  13. I haven't played my condi engi in PvP in so long, I haven't noticed. But last I remember, it does feel close to 1 second for pistol autoattack, despite it listing 0.5 secs.
  14. Funnily accurate ^^ In fractals, there are groups that either tolerate thieves or refuse them completely. Never does anyone welcome or ask for a thief. Not even for skipping stuff because mesmer can do that too, and better. When I'm not insta-kicked as thief, people are usually surprised after the run how well thief can do. They also think the class is easy to play because we don't have difficult rotations like weaver or holosmith. The basics are easy, but it takes a lot of practice to get really good, like with other classes. I have more than 2000 hours on my thief now, and there's still room for improvement. To be fair, most fractal groups don't ask for specific DPS classes. They just ask for DPS. I know nobody asks for me on my engineer.
  15. Core is weaker, because they keep nerfing it to try and nerf holosmith. I don't understand their logic, as it just makes things worse for bringing up the rest of the class.
  16. It's pretty apparent to me that ArenaNet's balance team doesn't have anybody who mains engineer on it. I made some suggestions to hopefully temper the nerfs with buffs elsewhere. I hope they actually listen to my suggestions.
  17. It doesn't. But for most people it makes the game boring to have fights more grindy.
  18. It's not particularly fun for engineer when your build isn't optimized. Leveling can be really slow going.
  19. Several reasons:Unintuitive designBy that I mean that primary weapons are weak, most of your real damage is in your kits, or PF.Aesthetically different from other classes (tech instead of magic)The interesting skills and traits are objectively worse than the boring ones.Except for PF, not a very flashy class. Takes more effort to get the same result other classes getLack of effort from ANet devs to keep the class up to date. Lots of traits and skills have languished for years with no real change. Makes sense, especially the part about interesting skills being worse and it not being a flashy class (no clue what "PF" is). Although I still see more warriors and thiefs and those aren't very flashy classes either.PF is photon forge. And yes, but warrior and thief both have visually unique methods of standing out. Engineer is the least visually distinct class (explosions are probably the flashiest things besides photon forge).
  20. Several reasons: Unintuitive designBy that I mean that primary weapons are weak, most of your real damage is in your kits, or PF.Aesthetically different from other classes (tech instead of magic)The interesting skills and traits are objectively worse than the boring ones.Except for PF, not a very flashy class. Takes more effort to get the same result other classes getLack of effort from ANet devs to keep the class up to date. Lots of traits and skills have languished for years with no real change.
  21. A few classes I've noticed synergize well: Engineer + ThiefNecro + GuardianMesmer + Ele
  22. Why introduce a gacha game into GW2? Like we don't already have issues with RNG?
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