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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. What's the point in playing condition mesmer for that matter? It's not doing that much better. During a TeaTime CMC popped into Twitch chat and mentioned that the main plan for PvP mesmer across the board is for it to be like necromancer minions in that they are a thing you can run if you really want but they're not supposed to good in a way that incentivizes them being widely run like a normal profession like before. The current state of Chronomancer isn't an accident or oversight, it's part of their philosophy. Mesmer and Mirage are on their way there. He also mentioned they are planning on nerfing the duration of Portal Entre down to 15 seconds and the cooldown on Signet of Illusions up to 300 seconds. Both those changes are currently in the pipeline but he wasn't sure when they'd go live. Mesmer isn't meant to be good and it's only going to get worse. This is intentional. Link plz? Though I don't typically trust potential trolls in chat; I'd want to hear it said in an official capacity, and have it owned up to if this is the case.Though given the state of mesmer, and mirage in particular, I would not be all that surprised. That said: if this is true, where none of that is out of context, and that is the intended design; Would be well deserved to catch the KungFlu and it's swift karate chop to the lung. Don't have the link and frankly don't care to go digging. It was a stream with TeaPot playing PvP and CMC hopped in and said a few things and answered a few questions sometime around either a week to a week and a half before I made that initial post. It's true. If it wasn't my post here and in the SPvP forum would have been moderated and removed.faaaakeee
  2. it is only a difference between pressing a key and clicking on the player
  3. This season I honestly felt like I could pull more weight with power mirage then condi, untill everyone started playing cthief ofc ;pThe current cmirage variants are very different to the last seasons, you DONT get free chip damage from illusions, they are all melee, they are burst oriented like power mirage.they are full melee so power mirage can gain some safty by standing at a distance and thief is less broken ( other then cthief ) so power mirage even with 1 less dodge can fight back much more ( at least this is what I feel ).I just found cmirage to be very close to powermirage, the only real differences that puts cmirage ahead is that they dont need to use the dodge key for damage/burst, can afford to take EM much more then power and have extra dodge from axe 3 and its much easier to set the burst up due to hard CC from p5. Actually I play condi when I face rev/holo and power in other situations.MoD hard-counter PD thieves and if you rupt condi thief heal it's free kill.So yeah apart when you have to condi pressure or boonclear versus rev/holo, I also found that power give more value msot of time.are you not running domi on power?
  4. do you know how downed hp works in pvp? bcs i couldnt get the math to work out properly when i tested it with 3x base health (might have fucked up and forgotten some healing modifier or something though, didnt check too closely).
  5. add it to core mes bcs it needs mobility way more than mirage, maybe add to sword trait (in dueling) "+25% movement speed while wielding a sword"
  6. i can't take djinn seriously, i always think im playing unranked. also has bad fps.
  7. First of all that isn't true, second of all it doesn't matter anyhow because the main difference was the rework of the mechanics and not the numbers. Anyhow, to me personally the rework wasn't a very good idea for pvp.
  8. @"bravan.3876" :On a side note, It's lovely how you jump on litteraly EVERY mesmers post while rarely posting on other class.Mean vast majority of your replies are on mesmers asking for more "mind rework" with your usual ego tendency who should improve the ceil of the class.But ofc it's not at all a crusade on mesmer, as you said you want to rework all classes (but only by destroying mesmers.), I'm just paranoid... It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills. It is because contrary to having different form, skills from forms have differents traits synergy than normal skills.Mean if you take a on skills activation skill, it's 2 times more efficient if you double it while with shroud you either take a normal skill activation or a on shroud skill activation.Like @"bravan.3876" explained better than my bad english.So yeah CS should be removed at least for core ulti who are garbage and were balanced with CS in mind. Let's do a hypothetical. Take core Mesmer and replace distortion with CS, and do not allow CS to reset elites (no other changes). Would you take this over core? If yes, increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. Would you still take it over core? Increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. And so on. At what point do you think the tradeoff of getting CS but losing distortion would not be worth doing? Would you take chrono in PvP currently ?Mean taking one of the main reason why chrono is dead will ofc not make me taking it on core. Because no matter how much you can double skills if you die before doing anything. Now just ask you the question : When is the last time you use time warp or moa on core mes in PvP ? MI is taken by default because it has the lowest CD and sometimes master of manipulation is taken, that's all. Moa and TW were used only when having 90 sec CD thanks to CS.When is the last time you use phantasmal defender and Phantasmal disenchanter on core mes in PvP ? They were nerfed to death thanks to chrono ability to double spam them during the rework chrono hype. While they were barely used in core. Mean it's no that hard to find skills that are bad in core, currently dead or were balanced for the sake of CS. (SoIn, BD double spam, most on illusions procs traits are other examples.) So even if in a perfect world they can on the paper find a balanced counter part with ajusting numbers (on CS or stats malus.), they will have to think about it in every changes they will make on mesmers : "is that change is right with the current counterpart numbers". Every patch.Which why I say it's hell to balance ad should be removed because as long as they haven't the time and money to do this, we will always end up with plethora of unused things.Answer the hypothetical.I just said to assume that CS wouldn't work on elite skills (which is something I advocated for years ago btw).Time warp has not been nerfed after chrono got added, it has actually been buffed. Same with Mass Invis. The only one that got nerfed was Moa but that was not just because of CS but also because people hated being locked out of their skills for 10 seconds and hated getting instakilled from stealth by the enemy team (used to be a common game open as you recall). Either way, doesn't matter because of point 2.You always have to think about how things interact with eachother, which is hard to do for every class, which is why we get broken stuff constantly despite other classes having no CS. Also, almost everything new is added in the form of elite specs in expansiond, which doesn't affect chrono anyway.First of all BD is not a dead trait, second of all it got nerfed during the reign of mirage (because it was overpowered, it gave essentially perma stability). In fact, you could just as easily stuff that got nerfed to uselessness because of mirage than because of chrono (for example chaotic interruption) which countradicts your point of chrono being especially impossible to balance. BD stab was gut thanks to last chrono tank perma stab + phantasm spam hype which was op on chrono.You are wrong, BD was used by all chaos IH mirages during the time it was disgustingly op, after it got nerfed everyone swapped to CI which people then realized was also cancer - which then also got nerfed removed because of Mirage.Time warp rework were mainly about PvE, you barely see it in PvP and even less if not on chrono 90 sec.Oh of course I know that TW isn't used in PvP (aside from 2012), all I'm saying is that your point of "elites got nerfed cuz of chrono" only applies to moa.They nerfed Moa and CS only on the base that Moa is on a 90 sec thanks to CS. Nobody used Moa on 180 CD.No, Moa was used for most of the game's existance before Jaunt (because Jaunt is both very strong and much lower risk). In WTS beijing, cologne, and boston (qualifiers), Mesmers used Moa.There were way more core nerf and rework thanks to chrono than core nerf thanks to mirage.General balance is around how synergy will be created and will it be op or not, not about if a counterpart is enough on doubling skills or not. If CS didn't work on elite then it's way more easy to balance even if I don't think chrono can be viable with no distortion or other way to sustain as counterpart.CS is still sustain, remember it resets your damage taken. Doesn't protect against CC and such though.But it's more easy to figure keep CS if elite aren't reseted yeah. This is like trying to teach high school calculus at a brick layers yard.boring and unfunny BD was used by all builds at the same time because it was the better trait until it was nerfed. You don't seem to be capable of understanding that 2 builds can be playable in the same time period on the same class. BD was abused the most on chrono which was being played by everyone and their mum at the time, it literally had perma stab while mirage didn't, it was nerfed because of Chrono.Nothing I said would indicate that I "don't seem to be capable of understanding that 2 builds can be playable in the same time period". Both chrono bunker 2.0 and chaos mirage were broken, and we are lucky that they nerfed BD because it was completely nuts: five seconds stability on every shatter. The trait isn't even ruined, it is still perfectly decent (unlike CI). Timewarp was changed to allow you to get higher uptime on quickness with boon duration investment without over riding it in PvE. However this was all balanced around the idea that chrono would use it in CS (90sCD at the time) in PvE. What you can't seem to understand is that changing skills to be better used on Chrono in CS and leaving them to languish on the rest of the class is essentially a missed opportunity to actually make the skill usable on the rest of the class. I wouldn't call it a nerf when this happens but I certainly would say that CS prevents skills being good on anything but Chrono.Ah so it was actually buffed because of Chrono? Interesting. Moa was indeed used before hand however once chrono came everyone was playing chrono and had Moa on a 90s CD, this allowed you to secure kills every 90s more or less because it lasted 10s, so they reduced the duration to 6s. Guess what? Even core stopped using Moa after that because you could not longer secure the kill vs the massive cool down it was and all it's drawbacks, they even changed it so you can't cast behind which wasn't a problem to chrono that used ToT to stun then Moa. It was nerfed around CS, this should be so painfully obvious to anyone that's got any form of analytical capability.Yes, I said in my reply to him specifically that Moa did get nerfed (unlike the other elites), slug. Interestingly I have said for years that it would be completely fine if they made CS not work on elites, you can also find a post from me from just a few months ago (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1080459#Comment_1080459). BD, Illu Defense and phantasms were all nerfed on the exact same day (22 May 2018) and it was entirely because of chrono as it used all of these, view sources below:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Disillusionmenthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Defenderhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Warlockhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echo_of_Memoryhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Disenchanterhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_DefenseThe phantasm mirage build was also completely disgusting, because phantasms were overpowered after the Feb 2018 rework, which is why they had to be nerfed in the months afterwards. The phantasm rework itself was fairly dumb.You are right that chronomancer absolutely contributed to these needing a nerf, but specifically CHRONOPHANTASMA, a trait that I have wanted to be deleted since day one - again you can find posts from me about this (ex https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/875210#Comment_875210 and https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/846246#Comment_846246). Thank you for supporting my thesis that the best way to fix chrono is simply to revert IP and delete chronophantasma - as I have said since the chrono rework/nerf/destruction. Edit: Just to nip this in the bud, this is also AFTER Chrono Phantasma had been changed to what it is now. This was entirely a Continuum Split problem and everything suffered because of it.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/ChronophantasmaHilarious, trying to make it seem like phantasms got nerfed because of CS (which was mainly used for grav well anyway) rather than the trait that makes every single phantasm summon twice (making disenchanter remove 12 boons par example). Also, I am happy that the phantasms did get nerfed, because most of them were completely fine after the nerfs - illusionary warlock even got nerfed to summon 1 instead of 2 phants after chronobunker had fallen out of favour because it was still too much on chaos mirage. Wasn't meant to be funny, was meant to convey how painful it is explaining something basic to someone who can't or won't understand. "Bunker Chrono 2.0" and mirage were broken for different reasons, mirage didn't use either phantasm so not sure why you think mirage contributed to them being nerfed and BD was taken to give decent stab uptime as Elusive Mind had just received exhaustion. Also it was 3s of Stability at the time, you need boon duration to get 5s which "Bunker Chrono 2.0" took while mirage invested into condition damage and/or movement speed usually. Timewarp wasn't buffed though, they adjusted it so that Chrono and only Chrono didn't overwrite quickness as much, it changed nothing for every other use case for every other class, some might even call it a nerf to other classes as it made cleanses more effective against the slow effect. I wouldn't call it a buff or a nerf. Phantasms weren't as overpowered as you claim, defender was and needed a damage reduction, Warlock? Nope, Disenchanter? Maybe a slight toning down but was OK as a single use because of the 1s cast time. Echo of memory didn't do very much damage for the state of the game back then and hardly deserved the 50% reduction treatment. Literally every single thing was not a problem on any other mesmer build because they couldn't double up on everything while being immune to CC and have perma prot. If Phantasms were nerfed because of Chrono Phantasma, then they wouldd have nerfed Chrono Phantasma to begin with, OH they did that and it changed nothing. Why did it change nothing? It was a CS and Chrono Phantasma problem. Instead of removing both they nerfed everything else for what is the 4th time trying to explain this basic concept. @apharma.3741 said: @"bravan.3876" :On a side note, It's lovely how you jump on litteraly EVERY mesmers post while rarely posting on other class.Mean vast majority of your replies are on mesmers asking for more "mind rework" with your usual ego tendency who should improve the ceil of the class.But ofc it's not at all a crusade on mesmer, as you said you want to rework all classes (but only by destroying mesmers.), I'm just paranoid... It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills. It is because contrary to having different form, skills from forms have differents traits synergy than normal skills.Mean if you take a on skills activation skill, it's 2 times more efficient if you double it while with shroud you either take a normal skill activation or a on shroud skill activation.Like @"bravan.3876" explained better than my bad english.So yeah CS should be removed at least for core ulti who are garbage and were balanced with CS in mind. Let's do a hypothetical. Take core Mesmer and replace distortion with CS, and do not allow CS to reset elites (no other changes). Would you take this over core? If yes, increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. Would you still take it over core? Increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. And so on. At what point do you think the tradeoff of getting CS but losing distortion would not be worth doing? Would you take chrono in PvP currently ?Mean taking one of the main reason why chrono is dead will ofc not make me taking it on core. Because no matter how much you can double skills if you die before doing anything. Now just ask you the question : When is the last time you use time warp or moa on core mes in PvP ? MI is taken by default because it has the lowest CD and sometimes master of manipulation is taken, that's all. Moa and TW were used only when having 90 sec CD thanks to CS.When is the last time you use phantasmal defender and Phantasmal disenchanter on core mes in PvP ? They were nerfed to death thanks to chrono ability to double spam them during the rework chrono hype. While they were barely used in core. Mean it's no that hard to find skills that are bad in core, currently dead or were balanced for the sake of CS. (SoIn, BD double spam, most on illusions procs traits are other examples.) So even if in a perfect world they can on the paper find a balanced counter part with ajusting numbers (on CS or stats malus.), they will have to think about it in every changes they will make on mesmers : "is that change is right with the current counterpart numbers". Every patch.Which why I say it's hell to balance ad should be removed because as long as they haven't the time and money to do this, we will always end up with plethora of unused things.Answer the hypothetical.I just said to assume that CS wouldn't work on elite skills (which is something I advocated for years ago btw).Time warp has not been nerfed after chrono got added, it has actually been buffed. Same with Mass Invis. The only one that got nerfed was Moa but that was not just because of CS but also because people hated being locked out of their skills for 10 seconds and hated getting instakilled from stealth by the enemy team (used to be a common game open as you recall). Either way, doesn't matter because of point 2.You always have to think about how things interact with eachother, which is hard to do for every class, which is why we get broken stuff constantly despite other classes having no CS. Also, almost everything new is added in the form of elite specs in expansiond, which doesn't affect chrono anyway.First of all BD is not a dead trait, second of all it got nerfed during the reign of mirage (because it was overpowered, it gave essentially perma stability). In fact, you could just as easily stuff that got nerfed to uselessness because of mirage than because of chrono (for example chaotic interruption) which countradicts your point of chrono being especially impossible to balance. BD stab was gut thanks to last chrono tank perma stab + phantasm spam hype which was op on chrono.You are wrong, BD was used by all chaos IH mirages during the time it was disgustingly op, after it got nerfed everyone swapped to CI which people then realized was also cancer - which then also got nerfed removed because of Mirage.Time warp rework were mainly about PvE, you barely see it in PvP and even less if not on chrono 90 sec.Oh of course I know that TW isn't used in PvP (aside from 2012), all I'm saying is that your point of "elites got nerfed cuz of chrono" only applies to moa.They nerfed Moa and CS only on the base that Moa is on a 90 sec thanks to CS. Nobody used Moa on 180 CD.No, Moa was used for most of the game's existance before Jaunt (because Jaunt is both very strong and much lower risk). In WTS beijing, cologne, and boston (qualifiers), Mesmers used Moa.There were way more core nerf and rework thanks to chrono than core nerf thanks to mirage.General balance is around how synergy will be created and will it be op or not, not about if a counterpart is enough on doubling skills or not. If CS didn't work on elite then it's way more easy to balance even if I don't think chrono can be viable with no distortion or other way to sustain as counterpart.CS is still sustain, remember it resets your damage taken. Doesn't protect against CC and such though.But it's more easy to figure keep CS if elite aren't reseted yeah. This is like trying to teach high school calculus at a brick layers yard.boring and unfunny BD was used by all builds at the same time because it was the better trait until it was nerfed. You don't seem to be capable of understanding that 2 builds can be playable in the same time period on the same class. BD was abused the most on chrono which was being played by everyone and their mum at the time, it literally had perma stab while mirage didn't, it was nerfed because of Chrono.Nothing I said would indicate that I "don't seem to be capable of understanding that 2 builds can be playable in the same time period". Both chrono bunker 2.0 and chaos mirage were broken, and we are lucky that they nerfed BD because it was completely nuts: five seconds stability on every shatter. The trait isn't even ruined, it is still perfectly decent (unlike CI). Timewarp was changed to allow you to get higher uptime on quickness with boon duration investment without over riding it in PvE. However this was all balanced around the idea that chrono would use it in CS (90sCD at the time) in PvE. What you can't seem to understand is that changing skills to be better used on Chrono in CS and leaving them to languish on the rest of the class is essentially a missed opportunity to actually make the skill usable on the rest of the class. I wouldn't call it a nerf when this happens but I certainly would say that CS prevents skills being good on anything but Chrono.Ah so it was actually buffed because of Chrono? Interesting. Moa was indeed used before hand however once chrono came everyone was playing chrono and had Moa on a 90s CD, this allowed you to secure kills every 90s more or less because it lasted 10s, so they reduced the duration to 6s. Guess what? Even core stopped using Moa after that because you could not longer secure the kill vs the massive cool down it was and all it's drawbacks, they even changed it so you can't cast behind which wasn't a problem to chrono that used ToT to stun then Moa. It was nerfed around CS, this should be so painfully obvious to anyone that's got any form of analytical capability.Yes, I said in my reply to him specifically that Moa did get nerfed (unlike the other elites), slug. Interestingly I have said for years that it would be completely fine if they made CS not work on elites, you can also find a post from me from just a few months ago (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1080459#Comment_1080459). BD, Illu Defense and phantasms were all nerfed on the exact same day (22 May 2018) and it was entirely because of chrono as it used all of these, view sources below:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Disillusionmenthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Defenderhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Warlockhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echo_of_Memoryhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Disenchanterhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_DefenseThe phantasm mirage build was also completely disgusting, because phantasms were overpowered after the Feb 2018 rework, which is why they had to be nerfed in the months afterwards. The phantasm rework itself was fairly dumb.You are right that chronomancer absolutely contributed to these needing a nerf, but specifically CHRONOPHANTASMA, a trait that I have wanted to be deleted since day one - again you can find posts from me about this (ex https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/875210#Comment_875210 and https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/846246#Comment_846246). Thank you for supporting my thesis that the best way to fix chrono is simply to revert IP and delete chronophantasma - as I have said since the chrono rework/nerf/destruction. Edit: Just to nip this in the bud, this is also AFTER Chrono Phantasma had been changed to what it is now. This was entirely a Continuum Split problem and everything suffered because of it.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/ChronophantasmaHilarious, trying to make it seem like phantasms got nerfed because of CS (which was mainly used for grav well anyway) rather than the trait that makes every single phantasm summon twice (making disenchanter remove 12 boons par example). Also, I am happy that the phantasms did get nerfed, because most of them were completely fine after the nerfs - illusionary warlock even got nerfed to summon 1 instead of 2 phants after chronobunker had fallen out of favour because it was still too much on chaos mirage. Wasn't meant to be funny, was meant to convey how painful it is explaining something basic to someone who can't or won't understand.I changed my mind it was super funny & hilarious "Bunker Chrono 2.0" and mirage were broken for different reasons, mirage didn't use either phantasm so not sure why you think mirage contributed to them being nerfed and BD was taken to give decent stab uptime as Elusive Mind had just received exhaustion. Also it was 3s of Stability at the time, you need boon duration to get 5s which "Bunker Chrono 2.0" took while mirage invested into condition damage and/or movement speed usually.Yeah it was 5 then 3. Timewarp wasn't buffed though, they adjusted it so that Chrono and only Chrono didn't overwrite quickness as much, it changed nothing for every other use case for every other class, some might even call it a nerf to other classes as it made cleanses more effective against the slow effect. I wouldn't call it a buff or a nerf.Yeah Phantasms weren't as overpowered as you claim, defender was and needed a damage reduction, Warlock? Nope, Disenchanter? Maybe a slight toning down but was OK as a single use because of the 1s cast time. Echo of memory didn't do very much damage for the state of the game back then and hardly deserved the 50% reduction treatment. Literally every single thing was not a problem on any other mesmer build because they couldn't double up on everything while being immune to CC and have perma prot.They absolutely were. There is a reason phantasmal swordsman had to get nerfed despite not being used for bunker chrono, because also phantasm mirage was broken (not just bunkerchrono and condimirage). Echo of memory isn't really relevant since it is only available on chrono which means it can't get nerfed "because" of chrono. If Phantasms were nerfed because of Chrono Phantasma, then they wouldd have nerfed Chrono Phantasma to begin with, OH they did that and it changed nothing. Why did it change nothing? It was a CS and Chrono Phantasma problem. Instead of removing both they nerfed everything else for what is the 4th time trying to explain this basic concept.They should have removed the trait as I and others told them to, adding a daze and a dmg nerf is a terrible bandaid (non-)fix. One of the problems with chrono bunker 2.0 was the insane visual noise, which was mainly because of the phantasm rework combined with chronophantasma (because no longer would phantasms get shattered away). The daze on CP doesn't really make this better, it just means they stay and clutter the screen even longer.
  9. i love condi thief and so do so many of the thieves in this thread clearly - i think we should keep p/d condi thief as is and nerf d/p power instead! :)
  10. @"bravan.3876" :On a side note, It's lovely how you jump on litteraly EVERY mesmers post while rarely posting on other class.Mean vast majority of your replies are on mesmers asking for more "mind rework" with your usual ego tendency who should improve the ceil of the class.But ofc it's not at all a crusade on mesmer, as you said you want to rework all classes (but only by destroying mesmers.), I'm just paranoid... It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills. It is because contrary to having different form, skills from forms have differents traits synergy than normal skills.Mean if you take a on skills activation skill, it's 2 times more efficient if you double it while with shroud you either take a normal skill activation or a on shroud skill activation.Like @"bravan.3876" explained better than my bad english.So yeah CS should be removed at least for core ulti who are garbage and were balanced with CS in mind. Let's do a hypothetical. Take core Mesmer and replace distortion with CS, and do not allow CS to reset elites (no other changes). Would you take this over core? If yes, increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. Would you still take it over core? Increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. And so on. At what point do you think the tradeoff of getting CS but losing distortion would not be worth doing? Would you take chrono in PvP currently ?Mean taking one of the main reason why chrono is dead will ofc not make me taking it on core. Because no matter how much you can double skills if you die before doing anything. Now just ask you the question : When is the last time you use time warp or moa on core mes in PvP ? MI is taken by default because it has the lowest CD and sometimes master of manipulation is taken, that's all. Moa and TW were used only when having 90 sec CD thanks to CS.When is the last time you use phantasmal defender and Phantasmal disenchanter on core mes in PvP ? They were nerfed to death thanks to chrono ability to double spam them during the rework chrono hype. While they were barely used in core. Mean it's no that hard to find skills that are bad in core, currently dead or were balanced for the sake of CS. (SoIn, BD double spam, most on illusions procs traits are other examples.) So even if in a perfect world they can on the paper find a balanced counter part with ajusting numbers (on CS or stats malus.), they will have to think about it in every changes they will make on mesmers : "is that change is right with the current counterpart numbers". Every patch.Which why I say it's hell to balance ad should be removed because as long as they haven't the time and money to do this, we will always end up with plethora of unused things.Answer the hypothetical.I just said to assume that CS wouldn't work on elite skills (which is something I advocated for years ago btw).Time warp has not been nerfed after chrono got added, it has actually been buffed. Same with Mass Invis. The only one that got nerfed was Moa but that was not just because of CS but also because people hated being locked out of their skills for 10 seconds and hated getting instakilled from stealth by the enemy team (used to be a common game open as you recall). Either way, doesn't matter because of point 2.You always have to think about how things interact with eachother, which is hard to do for every class, which is why we get broken stuff constantly despite other classes having no CS. Also, almost everything new is added in the form of elite specs in expansiond, which doesn't affect chrono anyway.First of all BD is not a dead trait, second of all it got nerfed during the reign of mirage (because it was overpowered, it gave essentially perma stability). In fact, you could just as easily stuff that got nerfed to uselessness because of mirage than because of chrono (for example chaotic interruption) which countradicts your point of chrono being especially impossible to balance. BD stab was gut thanks to last chrono tank perma stab + phantasm spam hype which was op on chrono.You are wrong, BD was used by all chaos IH mirages during the time it was disgustingly op, after it got nerfed everyone swapped to CI which people then realized was also cancer - which then also got nerfed removed because of Mirage.Time warp rework were mainly about PvE, you barely see it in PvP and even less if not on chrono 90 sec.Oh of course I know that TW isn't used in PvP (aside from 2012), all I'm saying is that your point of "elites got nerfed cuz of chrono" only applies to moa.They nerfed Moa and CS only on the base that Moa is on a 90 sec thanks to CS. Nobody used Moa on 180 CD.No, Moa was used for most of the game's existance before Jaunt (because Jaunt is both very strong and much lower risk). In WTS beijing, cologne, and boston (qualifiers), Mesmers used Moa.There were way more core nerf and rework thanks to chrono than core nerf thanks to mirage.General balance is around how synergy will be created and will it be op or not, not about if a counterpart is enough on doubling skills or not. If CS didn't work on elite then it's way more easy to balance even if I don't think chrono can be viable with no distortion or other way to sustain as counterpart.CS is still sustain, remember it resets your damage taken. Doesn't protect against CC and such though.But it's more easy to figure keep CS if elite aren't reseted yeah. This is like trying to teach high school calculus at a brick layers yard.boring and unfunny BD was used by all builds at the same time because it was the better trait until it was nerfed. You don't seem to be capable of understanding that 2 builds can be playable in the same time period on the same class. BD was abused the most on chrono which was being played by everyone and their mum at the time, it literally had perma stab while mirage didn't, it was nerfed because of Chrono.Nothing I said would indicate that I "don't seem to be capable of understanding that 2 builds can be playable in the same time period". Both chrono bunker 2.0 and chaos mirage were broken, and we are lucky that they nerfed BD because it was completely nuts: five seconds stability on every shatter. The trait isn't even ruined, it is still perfectly decent (unlike CI). Timewarp was changed to allow you to get higher uptime on quickness with boon duration investment without over riding it in PvE. However this was all balanced around the idea that chrono would use it in CS (90sCD at the time) in PvE. What you can't seem to understand is that changing skills to be better used on Chrono in CS and leaving them to languish on the rest of the class is essentially a missed opportunity to actually make the skill usable on the rest of the class. I wouldn't call it a nerf when this happens but I certainly would say that CS prevents skills being good on anything but Chrono.Ah so it was actually buffed because of Chrono? Interesting. Moa was indeed used before hand however once chrono came everyone was playing chrono and had Moa on a 90s CD, this allowed you to secure kills every 90s more or less because it lasted 10s, so they reduced the duration to 6s. Guess what? Even core stopped using Moa after that because you could not longer secure the kill vs the massive cool down it was and all it's drawbacks, they even changed it so you can't cast behind which wasn't a problem to chrono that used ToT to stun then Moa. It was nerfed around CS, this should be so painfully obvious to anyone that's got any form of analytical capability.Yes, I said in my reply to him specifically that Moa did get nerfed (unlike the other elites), slug. Interestingly I have said for years that it would be completely fine if they made CS not work on elites, you can also find a post from me from just a few months ago (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1080459#Comment_1080459). BD, Illu Defense and phantasms were all nerfed on the exact same day (22 May 2018) and it was entirely because of chrono as it used all of these, view sources below:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Disillusionmenthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Defenderhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Warlockhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echo_of_Memoryhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Disenchanterhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_DefenseThe phantasm mirage build was also completely disgusting, because phantasms were overpowered after the Feb 2018 rework, which is why they had to be nerfed in the months afterwards. The phantasm rework itself was fairly dumb.You are right that chronomancer absolutely contributed to these needing a nerf, but specifically CHRONOPHANTASMA, a trait that I have wanted to be deleted since day one - again you can find posts from me about this (ex https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/875210#Comment_875210 and https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/846246#Comment_846246). Thank you for supporting my thesis that the best way to fix chrono is simply to revert IP and delete chronophantasma - as I have said since the chrono rework/nerf/destruction. Edit: Just to nip this in the bud, this is also AFTER Chrono Phantasma had been changed to what it is now. This was entirely a Continuum Split problem and everything suffered because of it.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/ChronophantasmaHilarious, trying to make it seem like phantasms got nerfed because of CS (which was mainly used for grav well anyway) rather than the trait that makes every single phantasm summon twice (making disenchanter remove 12 boons par example). Also, I am happy that the phantasms did get nerfed, because most of them were completely fine after the nerfs - illusionary warlock even got nerfed to summon 1 instead of 2 phants after chronobunker had fallen out of favour because it was still too much on chaos mirage.
  11. What's the point in playing condition mesmer for that matter? It's not doing that much better. During a TeaTime CMC popped into Twitch chat and mentioned that the main plan for PvP mesmer across the board is for it to be like necromancer minions in that they are a thing you can run if you really want but they're not supposed to good in a way that incentivizes them being widely run like a normal profession like before. The current state of Chronomancer isn't an accident or oversight, it's part of their philosophy. Mesmer and Mirage are on their way there. He also mentioned they are planning on nerfing the duration of Portal Entre down to 15 seconds and the cooldown on Signet of Illusions up to 300 seconds. Both those changes are currently in the pipeline but he wasn't sure when they'd go live. Mesmer isn't meant to be good and it's only going to get worse. This is intentional. calling bs/troll unless you post proof
  12. @"bravan.3876" :On a side note, It's lovely how you jump on litteraly EVERY mesmers post while rarely posting on other class.Mean vast majority of your replies are on mesmers asking for more "mind rework" with your usual ego tendency who should improve the ceil of the class.But ofc it's not at all a crusade on mesmer, as you said you want to rework all classes (but only by destroying mesmers.), I'm just paranoid... It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills. It is because contrary to having different form, skills from forms have differents traits synergy than normal skills.Mean if you take a on skills activation skill, it's 2 times more efficient if you double it while with shroud you either take a normal skill activation or a on shroud skill activation.Like @"bravan.3876" explained better than my bad english.So yeah CS should be removed at least for core ulti who are garbage and were balanced with CS in mind. Let's do a hypothetical. Take core Mesmer and replace distortion with CS, and do not allow CS to reset elites (no other changes). Would you take this over core? If yes, increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. Would you still take it over core? Increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. And so on. At what point do you think the tradeoff of getting CS but losing distortion would not be worth doing? Would you take chrono in PvP currently ?Mean taking one of the main reason why chrono is dead will ofc not make me taking it on core. Because no matter how much you can double skills if you die before doing anything. Now just ask you the question : When is the last time you use time warp or moa on core mes in PvP ? MI is taken by default because it has the lowest CD and sometimes master of manipulation is taken, that's all. Moa and TW were used only when having 90 sec CD thanks to CS.When is the last time you use phantasmal defender and Phantasmal disenchanter on core mes in PvP ? They were nerfed to death thanks to chrono ability to double spam them during the rework chrono hype. While they were barely used in core. Mean it's no that hard to find skills that are bad in core, currently dead or were balanced for the sake of CS. (SoIn, BD double spam, most on illusions procs traits are other examples.) So even if in a perfect world they can on the paper find a balanced counter part with ajusting numbers (on CS or stats malus.), they will have to think about it in every changes they will make on mesmers : "is that change is right with the current counterpart numbers". Every patch.Which why I say it's hell to balance ad should be removed because as long as they haven't the time and money to do this, we will always end up with plethora of unused things.Answer the hypothetical.I just said to assume that CS wouldn't work on elite skills (which is something I advocated for years ago btw).Time warp has not been nerfed after chrono got added, it has actually been buffed. Same with Mass Invis. The only one that got nerfed was Moa but that was not just because of CS but also because people hated being locked out of their skills for 10 seconds and hated getting instakilled from stealth by the enemy team (used to be a common game open as you recall). Either way, doesn't matter because of point 2.You always have to think about how things interact with eachother, which is hard to do for every class, which is why we get broken stuff constantly despite other classes having no CS. Also, almost everything new is added in the form of elite specs in expansiond, which doesn't affect chrono anyway.First of all BD is not a dead trait, second of all it got nerfed during the reign of mirage (because it was overpowered, it gave essentially perma stability). In fact, you could just as easily stuff that got nerfed to uselessness because of mirage than because of chrono (for example chaotic interruption) which countradicts your point of chrono being especially impossible to balance. BD stab was gut thanks to last chrono tank perma stab + phantasm spam hype which was op on chrono.You are wrong, BD was used by all chaos IH mirages during the time it was disgustingly op, after it got nerfed everyone swapped to CI which people then realized was also cancer - which then also got nerfed removed because of Mirage.Time warp rework were mainly about PvE, you barely see it in PvP and even less if not on chrono 90 sec.Oh of course I know that TW isn't used in PvP (aside from 2012), all I'm saying is that your point of "elites got nerfed cuz of chrono" only applies to moa.They nerfed Moa and CS only on the base that Moa is on a 90 sec thanks to CS. Nobody used Moa on 180 CD.No, Moa was used for most of the game's existance before Jaunt (because Jaunt is both very strong and much lower risk). In WTS beijing, cologne, and boston (qualifiers), Mesmers used Moa.There were way more core nerf and rework thanks to chrono than core nerf thanks to mirage.General balance is around how synergy will be created and will it be op or not, not about if a counterpart is enough on doubling skills or not. If CS didn't work on elite then it's way more easy to balance even if I don't think chrono can be viable with no distortion or other way to sustain as counterpart.CS is still sustain, remember it resets your damage taken. Doesn't protect against CC and such though.But it's more easy to figure keep CS if elite aren't reseted yeah.
  13. @"bravan.3876" :On a side note, It's lovely how you jump on litteraly EVERY mesmers post while rarely posting on other class.Mean vast majority of your replies are on mesmers asking for more "mind rework" with your usual ego tendency who should improve the ceil of the class.But ofc it's not at all a crusade on mesmer, as you said you want to rework all classes (but only by destroying mesmers.), I'm just paranoid... It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills. It is because contrary to having different form, skills from forms have differents traits synergy than normal skills.Mean if you take a on skills activation skill, it's 2 times more efficient if you double it while with shroud you either take a normal skill activation or a on shroud skill activation.Like @"bravan.3876" explained better than my bad english.So yeah CS should be removed at least for core ulti who are garbage and were balanced with CS in mind. Let's do a hypothetical. Take core Mesmer and replace distortion with CS, and do not allow CS to reset elites (no other changes). Would you take this over core? If yes, increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. Would you still take it over core? Increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. And so on. At what point do you think the tradeoff of getting CS but losing distortion would not be worth doing? Would you take chrono in PvP currently ?Mean taking one of the main reason why chrono is dead will ofc not make me taking it on core. Because no matter how much you can double skills if you die before doing anything. Now just ask you the question : When is the last time you use time warp or moa on core mes in PvP ? MI is taken by default because it has the lowest CD and sometimes master of manipulation is taken, that's all. Moa and TW were used only when having 90 sec CD thanks to CS.When is the last time you use phantasmal defender and Phantasmal disenchanter on core mes in PvP ? They were nerfed to death thanks to chrono ability to double spam them during the rework chrono hype. While they were barely used in core. Mean it's no that hard to find skills that are bad in core, currently dead or were balanced for the sake of CS. (SoIn, BD double spam, most on illusions procs traits are other examples.) So even if in a perfect world they can on the paper find a balanced counter part with ajusting numbers (on CS or stats malus.), they will have to think about it in every changes they will make on mesmers : "is that change is right with the current counterpart numbers". Every patch.Which why I say it's hell to balance ad should be removed because as long as they haven't the time and money to do this, we will always end up with plethora of unused things.Answer the hypothetical.I just said to assume that CS wouldn't work on elite skills (which is something I advocated for years ago btw).Time warp has not been nerfed after chrono got added, it has actually been buffed. Same with Mass Invis. The only one that got nerfed was Moa but that was not just because of CS but also because people hated being locked out of their skills for 10 seconds and hated getting instakilled from stealth by the enemy team (used to be a common game open as you recall). Either way, doesn't matter because of point 2.You always have to think about how things interact with eachother, which is hard to do for every class, which is why we get broken stuff constantly despite other classes having no CS. Also, almost everything new is added in the form of elite specs in expansiond, which doesn't affect chrono anyway.First of all BD is not a dead trait, second of all it got nerfed during the reign of mirage (because it was overpowered, it gave essentially perma stability). In fact, you could just as easily stuff that got nerfed to uselessness because of mirage than because of chrono (for example chaotic interruption) which countradicts your point of chrono being especially impossible to balance.
  14. change escape artist to shattered strength (the old trait that gave might for every clone shattered).
  15. @bravan.3876 :On a side note, It's lovely how you jump on litteraly EVERY mesmers post while rarely posting on other class.Mean vast majority of your replies are on mesmers asking for more "mind rework" with your usual ego tendency who should improve the ceil of the class.But ofc it's not at all a crusade on mesmer, as you said you want to rework all classes (but only by destroying mesmers.), I'm just paranoid... It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills. It is because contrary to having different form, skills from forms have differents traits synergy than normal skills.Mean if you take a on skills activation skill, it's 2 times more efficient if you double it while with shroud you either take a normal skill activation or a on shroud skill activation.Like @bravan.3876 explained better than my bad english.So yeah CS should be removed at least for core ulti who are garbage and were balanced with CS in mind.Let's do a hypothetical. Take core Mesmer and replace distortion with CS, and do not allow CS to reset elites (no other changes). Would you take this over core? If yes, increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. Would you still take it over core? Increase cooldown of CS by 10 seconds. And so on. At what point do you think the tradeoff of getting CS but losing distortion would not be worth doing?
  16. It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered. Turns Chrono from a "higher skill ceiling than core" spec into a simple lower cds- lower punishment for cd wastes- lower skill ceiling skill spam monster, gg. CS at least is active gameplay, gives more combos and adds for that skill cieling, makes a big difference between a good and a bad Chrono. Just some lower cds in a very passive way (ok you click one button to apply the boon or effect of alacrtity but that is not rly highering the skill ceiling remarkable, all other ways to get alacrity just happen as a side effect from spamming other skills for other purposes and are for that active-passive in a way not adding skill ceiling). Overall you just give Chrono lower cds without adding any skill ceiling. That is clearly worse than the CS mechanic. My PoV still is, that stat penalty can do the job without turning Chrono into something completely different would need a rename, by keeping its interesting and higher skill ceiling main mechanic (CS) and without making it unplayable by contradicting basic mechanics of the class or elite spec itself. If Chrono has to give up dmg and sustain for some lower cds on utilities, like a strong double boon remove on the utility phantasm or double moa than this is a fair trade off and no balance issue anymore. Yes, much skill giving an instant refresh button to every skill. You messed up your skills? No problem you were in CS so get to use it all again while the enemy had to manage their cool downs, positioning and abilities to avoid your stuff. Rinse and repeat. This was exactly one of the problems with Phantasm Chrono, you summoned your stuff 2-4 times and it didn't actually matter if you used skills correctly you threw out so much stuff no-one could really deal with it. Giving a free reset to skills doesn't increase the skill ceiling unless those skills are weaker than without the reset which is hard to balance because as I pointed out you can't simply reduce stats and say good enough as many skill effects will be left untouched which is a major aspect to mesmer, the effects. You could reduce the duration and effect in CS but then you're creating a lot of work for yourself back end as each one would have to be a separate skill (like lesser X) which also means adjustments any time you buff/nerf elsewhere. Adding alacrity to those components does make it simpler to use but it also makes it less of a headache to balance and adjust, what would you rather have? A mangled corpse of a spec that can never be allowed to be good and will always have the potential to throw off balance in a massive way or a more streamlined spec that is actually useable and won't cause the rest of the class to be a mangled misshapen mess(mer) of a class? I know what I would choose.I'm so close to voluntarily getting an infraction when reading stuff like this you have no idea. You simply don't understand what something being "skilled" means. Ask yourself, will a random gold Mesmer get as much consistent value from continuum split as some 10k hours high-level Mesmer? No, not even close, because CS is incredibly situational, with a myriad of ways to use it appropriately, plan your cooldowns, and so on and so forth. It is not like having perma alacrity, or perma 25 might (as an example), which would be buffs that any player get huge value out of. What you are saying, is the same as saying that Portal is "just an instant teleport across the map, no skill in that waow", i.e. completely dumb. When compared to mirage and (especially) core, chrono is more "skilled".
  17. Nerf signet? I guess you missed where I said reduce it's cool down to 30s and when you trait it that can remove 5 boons, CC and give you 1s of invuln, it would be insanely broken as a 3s stun and even 2s would make it a sure pick.Pistol, magic bullet you mean, is a very overloaded skill and stuns/dazes for a long time for a ranged 1/2s cast that's meant for interrupting. It interrupts fine but interrupt CC should be short duration.Tides of time, again you miss where I ask for it to be cast behind you, the idea is to make it better to use but likewise it's an overloaded skill so reduce the CC duration an argument can be made to remove the stun entirely.Mantra of distration I asked for it to be able to be cast behind you again which would be a major usability buff to interrupt play styles but it can't be used to stunlock opponents by chaining mantra into diversion into mantra and then repeat 15s later because one recharges the other. Mesmer has a lot of CC and needs it for interrupt play styles but it's not fun to be constantly CC'd so making them shorter duration allows you to keep the interrupt style while making it less egregious on the receiving end. I think you missed the part where magic bullet is the only hard CC mesmer uses, if you think you can set up bursts with dazes then think again, interrupting is cute, its all it really is Uses currently but that's not a reason to leave it as being a 2s stun, 2s daze, blind to last target and confusion to all with a 25s CD. Signet of domination is rarely used but if you reduce it's cool down to 30s then a lot of people will start playing it, 3s stun with a 1/4s cast is basically a free kill. then why the heck would you make it 1/4s cast time? lol, you want cutsy interrupt playstyle then go for it, grab all the garbage interrupt traits and knock yourself outbut dont come back crying when the balancing geniuses implement these changes and combo oriented class has to set up their bursts with 1/4s daze xd https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Domination It's already a 1/4s cast time.Also interrupt mesmer was a thing till they massively buffed the amount of CC mesmer had to make it brain dead easy to interrupt.Edit: Being brain dead easy to interrupt resulting in interrupt traits getting nerfed below the floor.it is 1/2 seconds go into the game and check for yourself
  18. It's more that because chrono can double up on anything then anything it can double up on has to be garbage to not make Chrono insanely strong. Remember Phantasm Chrono? All those phantasms were OK without Chrono but because of Chrono phantasma every phantasm it used is poo. So yes, I'd rather Chrono be unusable if the rest of the class and other elite specs (we know another is coming) can actually have decent utility skills. Edit: However my preferred choice is to remove the ability to double up and boost alacrity gains for Chrono. This provides CDR without running a foul of doubling up.Chrono Phantasma could give you alacrity for every phantasm you summon.Continuum Split could give you alacrity based on number of clones shattered.I think I have said it before but you simply overrate continuum split. It is not really much different from having a different form (shroud, rampage, CA), but instead of getting different skills you get to use your regular skills.
  19. If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. These are facts. @Thornwolf.9721 said: If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. Warrior has more tools, and is more reliable. It also has strong CC and can easily our pressure a revThis is an opinion.@Thornwolf.9721 said: If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. Infused light is rev's best heal because the others are kinda bleh most of the time. (This wouldn't be an issue if rev had more weapons they could reliably use.)Infuse light is only the best because it s broken. Infuse light on berzerker could rival with kalla heal on mender.The average healing skills on 30s cd are around 5k heal. "The others" heal for 5k-6k. They re not "meh". They re just being outshined. Lmfao alright so I swapped to warrior a while ago, and I have no issue stomping revenants. And I use defiant stance. I also use shake it off and basically just out box and overpower them. Its not opinion you're just unwilling to let your specific narrative rest, because im all for removing Infused light completely and replacing it with something more fun. As a spellbreaker/core warrior Rev's are not an issue especially when you know how they play, plus I can out burst them with duel axes any day as well use shield for reliable blocks, or warhorn for buffs. Duel daggers shut them down with boon cleave and interrupts and paired with my CC and Condi-cleanse condi rev is a clown on legs. And power rev is a baby me with less tools, so again. They have two heals and two sets of utilities MOST of which are garbo, and most of their heals are garbo with their weapons being primarily garbo and they all run about the same thing because its all they really can run. So being pigeon-holed with no choice in your utilities and your utilities most of the time equating to joke skills that honestly don't compare to the impact of other classes half the time and there ya go. Infused light is not the problem, the problem is people being unwilling to learn the class and its weakness's/strengths. And the propagation that they are an issue when you have other classes out there who literally do everything they can do better. I feel guardian is BY far the biggest offender of being broken with tons of Aegis and tons of other tools, they are bloated out the window and can run just about anything. Rev needs some reworks/fixes/changes and I mean the only reason condi-mallyx is being played as much regardless of if its core or herald is because its kind of easy to understand. And its efficient at its job and can do good work, where as power right now feels horrible and lacks a lot of fun and is more of a meme of what "balanced" means to be fair. So get out of my face with your bias, I was a rev main and now that my fave class is in this state im going back to other classes who can do what they do better and honestly there are quite a few. (Its also why im not playing a lot right now, because its just not fun..) Plus infused light only works because YOU KEEP HITTING THE DANG REV. It turns all the damage you receive into healing which is the exact same skill warrior has in defiant stance, both of which only work if you keep hitting them.. So when you see the strands of light swirl into them and notice that they are healing stop wacking them and get away. Can't heal if you're not hit. war is the weakest class in the game, rev is potentially the strongest Warrior is by far not as weak as ppl want to make it. Some other builds need nerfs which share same role in conquest but Warrior is far away from any need of buffs.didn't say that it needs buffs but it is the weakest class, due to not performing to standards in any role
  20. Revert self-shatter (and the new shatter effects).Remove chronophantasma.Anything else is pointless, this is the only way to make chrono fun.
  21. If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. These are facts. @Thornwolf.9721 said: If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. Warrior has more tools, and is more reliable. It also has strong CC and can easily our pressure a revThis is an opinion.@Thornwolf.9721 said: If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. Infused light is rev's best heal because the others are kinda bleh most of the time. (This wouldn't be an issue if rev had more weapons they could reliably use.)Infuse light is only the best because it s broken. Infuse light on berzerker could rival with kalla heal on mender.The average healing skills on 30s cd are around 5k heal. "The others" heal for 5k-6k. They re not "meh". They re just being outshined. Lmfao alright so I swapped to warrior a while ago, and I have no issue stomping revenants. And I use defiant stance. I also use shake it off and basically just out box and overpower them. Its not opinion you're just unwilling to let your specific narrative rest, because im all for removing Infused light completely and replacing it with something more fun. As a spellbreaker/core warrior Rev's are not an issue especially when you know how they play, plus I can out burst them with duel axes any day as well use shield for reliable blocks, or warhorn for buffs. Duel daggers shut them down with boon cleave and interrupts and paired with my CC and Condi-cleanse condi rev is a clown on legs. And power rev is a baby me with less tools, so again. They have two heals and two sets of utilities MOST of which are garbo, and most of their heals are garbo with their weapons being primarily garbo and they all run about the same thing because its all they really can run. So being pigeon-holed with no choice in your utilities and your utilities most of the time equating to joke skills that honestly don't compare to the impact of other classes half the time and there ya go. Infused light is not the problem, the problem is people being unwilling to learn the class and its weakness's/strengths. And the propagation that they are an issue when you have other classes out there who literally do everything they can do better. I feel guardian is BY far the biggest offender of being broken with tons of Aegis and tons of other tools, they are bloated out the window and can run just about anything. Rev needs some reworks/fixes/changes and I mean the only reason condi-mallyx is being played as much regardless of if its core or herald is because its kind of easy to understand. And its efficient at its job and can do good work, where as power right now feels horrible and lacks a lot of fun and is more of a meme of what "balanced" means to be fair. So get out of my face with your bias, I was a rev main and now that my fave class is in this state im going back to other classes who can do what they do better and honestly there are quite a few. (Its also why im not playing a lot right now, because its just not fun..) Plus infused light only works because YOU KEEP HITTING THE DANG REV. It turns all the damage you receive into healing which is the exact same skill warrior has in defiant stance, both of which only work if you keep hitting them.. So when you see the strands of light swirl into them and notice that they are healing stop wacking them and get away. Can't heal if you're not hit.war is the weakest class in the game, rev is potentially the strongest
  22. we should state all the ways we DON'T want it changed to, since they always do reworks that nobody has asked for (see chrono tradeoff)
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