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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. Yeah...we say this after CMC ( most honest dev at this point ) admitted that Mirage Cloak was a terrible design idea. This is what I meant for "lack of honesty" from players....fair enough, pls keep going with the L2P arguments...see where that brought you . I remember years ago when I made a thread suggesting Anet to nerf Celestial Shadow and Ancient seeds and turn druid into a proper support spec for teamplay...ofc all rangers attacked me with L2P arguments and some more trolling....few years later...see where druid is now. You people need to realize the way this company think : They want to keep the whales happy for as long as possible and while you're happy to play around brokenly designed traits...the devs will destroy everything around it while attempting to reach some resemblance of balance....if the playerbase would denounce the real issues from the start instead than going with their L2P arguments...things would be different If instead than L2P arguments the mesmer playerbase would have used the the situation to suggest a proper balance decision (like small ICD on IH or dmg nerfs on ambush skills) chances are ..Anet would have not insanely taken away a dodge or other questionable choices like CI nerf where the problem was never the CC lock/punishing gameplay ) , which is to be expected from mesmers since GW1 , but rather the amount of gratuitous amount of dmg you could receive in a short amount of time, courtesy of all the ambush clone dmg. Same argument for condi mirage , all because of that single trait, if not for it ...Mirage Cloak would be at the very least tolerable haha, as if people didnt suggest them to tone down ambush dmg, and as if they also didnt infact do that
  2. This is true, it would be the absolute worst patch ever. As for the OP, I can't possibly disagree more with the request. Something is not always better than nothing. In fact, in my line of work, the vast majority of the time the 'something' that people choose to do is 1000000% worse than nothing. Just ask mirages how the 'seomthings' they got turned out compared to nothing. actually condi mirage is way more fun now so it was a net improvement.
  3. ofc it would be about build but that's the interesting part, to see what builds prevail etc
  4. In the past you have taken the time to do some optimisations on maps like coliseum and djinn but I believe that un-toggleable particles are one main culprit as to why the newer maps have such abysmal framerates compared to old ones. On coliseum, if we could toggle off the confetti and preferably also the fire particles, the framerate would DRASTICALLY improve. It is a shame that we have so many graphics settings that barely have any effect at all while we have no way of turning off these costly particles (that also don't add much aesthetically). Similarly, but to a lesser extent, it would be great if we could also turn off the rain on battle of kyhlo.
  5. I never said Cluster Bomb was too fast. I meant grenades should have AoE markers on the ground like they added to Cluster Bomb a while back. Grenades are not blindable in my experience... I'll shadow shot towards and engineer that nades their feet and I'll still take damage (and be blinded myself because of Flashbang...) Cluster Bomb is just one single explosion, meanwhile all grenade skills generate 3 seperated grenades which most likely would have to get their own AoE circles respectively. That would clutter the ground quite alot, especially since the cast time for them is quite short. Grenade barrage goes even further by creating 6 grenades at once.People are already complaining about too much AoE spam and that it is hard to tell what is going on with so many AoE circles on the ground. Adding circles to grenades would make this so much worse.hahhahahsha "people are already complaining about too much aoe spam" yes as if the existance or nonexistance of circles is what people mean by aoe spam and not the damage/effect itself. in fact, a big part of why people want circles for nades is precisely because of the aoe spam, if there was more clarity and fewer aoe effects im the game then skills wouldnt need circles as much bcs it would already be easy to spot them. the problem of lack aof visual clarity and aoe spam are a result of the skill design in this game (where aoes dont have weaker effects than single target, see nades or burn dh), exacerbated by the expansions. if it were up to me i would reduce the effectiveness of aoes in general and redesign some animations (ex corona burst), but as this wont happen, they should indeed add circles to nades (at least nade barrage).
  6. Good for you that you have a class that you 100% love. As for me, I absolutely adore GW2's combat mechanics but I've never had a class that I love perfectly. I usually go with Bards in RPGs so having one here would be perfect. I don't 100% love chrono, I am strictly talking about the theme of the time manipulation as well as the name itself "chronomancer"- which I think is spot on. Gameplay aside, I am saying that I don't find the concept of a bard or minstrel nearly as interesting.
  7. the three dots to the left of your shatters
  8. Same with mirage thrust, even on an enemy standing completely you will still regularly not get the daze. If you are running infinite horizon and dodge with three clones out there is an approximately 0% chance that all four leaps will hit.
  9. I saw a reddit comment before, it talked about water buckets. There are ground targeted, pointblank aoe, single use and multi use water buckets. Anet is known for being consistently inconsistent, also they don't really have a game director afaik. and just look at the ranger tiger leap, it can literally go 90 degrees around corners and still hit you, its annoying how a pet skill has better accuracy than most player movement skills.
  10. i would not like this concept personally. that said, i honestly don't know what could possibly top chronomancer - both the theme and the name itself are just so good.
  11. Nah the design of certain especs is just not that conducive to a good pvp experience (probably because they were designed mostly with pve or just "coolness" in mind). For instance, scourge is worse and less fun than reaper even when the latter is stronger (like right now). Deadeye is not meta yet its constant resets are still dumb as fuck. Mirage is not currently meta but being able to dodge in immob and stun is still a terrible idea. Renegade kalla being based around these big glowing persistent aoes that badly clutter up teamfights in a conquest gamemode is another example of this - a bad idea in terms of design.
  12. i said it years ago, as soon as renegade is good it will be aids, and here we are. the design of this espec is just bad, along with deadeye.
  13. Hybrid.Sceptre is kinda Hybrid too with the Sceptre 2 Counter and Sceptre 3 burst. yeah. the vuln is cool and and old staff 3 design of "do 10% more damage per condition on your foe" was nice.
  14. Yep It used to give prot on cast and random blinds instead of weakness, core mes really needed this to deal with thief. Give me blind on Staff 4 activation and pbaoe on Staff 3 and I'm happy. Been playing some classic staff/gs power shatter today and it is surprisingly fun actually.
  15. Today we are at a point where its just two sides of the same coin. Power need the damage to beat condi and condi need the sustain to beat power.Not sure I agree, I think condi builds in this game are usually hybrid builds by default simply because condition weapons still deal significant power damage while the other way around is not the case. Carrion is also a hybrid amulet just as celestial was. For example, mirage axe is a condition weapon but it still has decent power coefficients (actually better than sword), and it would be a waste not to use them. In other cases, condis are added as procs to other attacks, such as we see on burn guard and incendiary powder engi or dhummfire necro.
  16. I like all of these ideas, they all seem small, but would it be too much for the weapon overall? Yep chaos armor on staff 2 would be way too much. Well to each their own; at the end of the day, staff is gonna remain the same, useless and I wouldn’t expect much to any change at all when the new expansion comes. But hey, you play however you want to...Thanks, I do indeed - and I certainly don't use staff.
  17. most staff skills are throw away abilities, you cant time autos with enemy dodges since they are slow, you can spam 2 off cooldown to create distance and a clone and thats enough value from the skill, 3 is useless so you just use it as cannon fodder, 4 is irrelevant since 5+2 gives you aura anyways and since mirage is the only semi viable thing you also have jaunt for chaos aura, and then you have 5 that even if you miss you still get boons so no big deal.The only real thing staff has is abusing 2+shatter bug and abusing 2 up the ledges to escape all the non-tele classes, everything else is absolute throw away with no real timing required. People don't really time autos with dodges in general, not staff specific. You are right that phase retreat can be used off cd to create a clone but often it is more optimal to time to avoid something or kite (which is a good thing) - it is most certainly not a noskill throwaway ability. Staff 3 i completely agree, this is the biggest problem of staff which is why I suggested a melee skill, which would introduce risk to the weapon. It needs to be impactful enough so that it feels worth to hit (torch 5 pbaoe is a great example). Chaos armor certainly not difficult to use but it is not fire-and-forget, I definitely feel the weakness and prot make a difference when used correctly. That said, if they want they could add a flip skill just like they did to ele auras https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aura#Transmute_auras - "Transmute Chaos". Disagree, the chaos aura interrupt matters, this skill can certainly be used incorrectly. In general don't have much of a problem with this skill, however, and this is just a personal thing, I would prefer if it was more of a reliable poison source, for example if it had a reliable order Daze -> Poison -> Weakness -> Chill.
  18. I like all of these ideas, they all seem small, but would it be too much for the weapon overall? Yep chaos armor on staff 2 would be way too much.
  19. I like all of these ideas, they all seem small, but would it be too much for the weapon overall? To be honest, if I had to pick and choose what I’d ideally want the most would be:Move chaos armor into Phase Retreat, reduce Chaos Storms cooldown atleast for PVE and create a new Staff 4 skill. I still think staff should be more confusion/condition focused because right now it doesn’t have much of an identity or use that’s worthwhile. I’d like for it to be atleast on par to the greatsword but the condition equivalent. Same, I wanted 4 merged with 2 for a while now, and in turn increase its cooldown to something like ~ 20s, maybe give it swiftness to somewhat compensate mobility loss, buff warlock damage, maybe last tick so its easy to dodge, and add new 4 skill that is worth usingWhy would you want to do that? Phase retreat is by far the most fun aspect of staff. Staff 4 is already mostly fine. This would kill the weapon (in terms of fun).
  20. I like staff identity as a very hybrid defense-power-condi-weapon, it has always been very fun to play even on power. However, I will admit that staff has a bit of a tendency to carry bad Mesmers in duels when it is strong. All skills on the staff are quite good except for Phantasmal Warlock. I suggest to give it a melee-range pbaoe around the Mesmer with some effect (maybe something like "Deal X damage and heal yourself. If you hit an opponent, deal 10% more damage per condition on your foe"). Unlike scepter, staff is meant to have some aoe capabilities but at the moment it lacks in this area. This introduces a bit of opportunity and risk-reward to the weapon.I'm not sure how to change the phantasm itself, but it needs to have a quicker and more satisfying animation that feels impactful to land but can also be dodged (phantasmal berserker is obviously the gold standard). Maybe make it a bouncing projectile that bounces 3 times and applies vuln to its target and fury/might to allies (or even cleanse). Again due to how bouncing attacks works, this would make it slightly more rewarding to be close to your opponent, which introduces risk-reward.Another option in the same vein as (1) and (2) would be to make it a pbaoe immobilize with a good winup animation, which introduces some fun combos like (Staff 3 immob -> Chaos Storm -> Swap Weapon -> Axe 2). In that case, maybe make the Phantasm run onto your target and cast a pbaoe around itself, which would combine well with the immobilize (or f2 cripple, etc).If possible, reduce clone autoattack damage to near-zero (just as power weapon clones). This is the primary thing that at times make staff Mesmers annoying and unfun to fight.If this Phantasmal Warlock rework is not enough then change Chaos Armor from "Apply a random condition to nearby foes and gain chaos aura" to "Apply blind to nearby foes and gain chaos aura". Remember, Chaos aura itself used to apply blind until 2016 so this would fit its theme.
  21. cba responding to everything but your main argument is basically that condis are as compliated as, or more complicated than, power. which is true - if forcing you to constantly look at your UI is what good complexity is to you. the game would be better if it had been designed with only debilitating conditions (immob, blind etc) in mind. DoT could still exist in this environment, see guardian focus 4.
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