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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday
  2. no it means req> @"DeceiverX.8361" said: nah skillfoor is the required skill to play it effectively. doesn't require much skill or knowledge to be reasonably effective -> low skill floor
  3. nah even when i kill a death magic necro on power mesmer i still think "fuck me this is boring and unfun"
  4. nah, a build can absolutely be too effective for how easy/effortless it is, turret engi is a decent past example. The only issue that could arise is botting, but evidently you dont need an easy build for botting nowadays. Otherwise, it doesnt matter how easy a build is, it should be no different in power to a hard build. Imagine if, iunno, Street Fighter did that. Noone would play Ryu because he would suck.nah, decent fighting games absolutely take this into account. ryu doesn't play himself, he is more like the gw2 equivalent of warrior i suppose. even in melee, people complain all the time about jigglypuff being too easy. nobody would want to play or watch if there was a character that could go toe-to-toe vs fox by pressing two buttons (just as an example) while the fox has to l-cancel, wavedash, shinespike, etc etc. both skillfloor and skillcap matter.
  5. nah, a build can absolutely be too effective for how easy/effortless it is, turret engi is a decent past example.
  6. S: rev thiefA: engi guard ranger necroB: ele mes wari suppose
  7. True. The idea is rewards = more people grind in plat = more match quality = more fun. Which is fine but you have to understand that people have different reasons for playing a game. I like competition and fun fights. You can increase the rewards massively but I care more about the quality of the time I'm spending rather than how many shinies I get out of it. So if the gold per hour was something crazy but I wasn't enjoying ranked conquest, I don't really want to buy anything in particular so it wouldn't make a difference in the amount I que up. Hence why I think that having a healthy amount of all 3 would draw people in. Rather than one over the other. One of the issues is the constant nerfing making everything feel worse to play. Nerfing cooldowns and damage as much as they did drastically reduced fluidity. skill ceiling and floor, and made many things feel worse to play especially when builds don't die even when outplayed. More competition / guild capes / unique items for ranking = more prestige + better rewards.but you must surely agree that some of the nerfs they did were very healthy to the game, for example removing stunbreak on legend swap? there is nothing skilled about being almost unpunishable.
  8. I suppose you can call it that, but you'll more often hear the phenomenon described as "reverse power creep".yes, which is not power creep, which is what my point was from the start -> that you do not get power creep from nerfing things, by definition. I apologize for the long post but, it's precisely for the purpose of being ingenuous that I go into such detail. Either way, you must have also noticed the aftermath of Anet's recent balancing? Anet nerfed damage across the board --> Necro became unkillable tanksAnet nerfed stab and stunbreaks across the board --> CC is overbearingAnet nerfed nearly every ability but left Engi kits alone --> Mortar kit became overbearing Nerfs have consequences, often greater ones than we initially expect. As I said before, my goal is simply to get other players to look past the short term and think about the consequences. We need to make sure we're nerfing the correct things, and we have to open ourselves to the possibility that buffs and/or reworks will also be necessary to ensure that classes remain fluid and functional. I see far too often, players are afraid of so much as mentioning the word "buff" for fear of re-introducing power creep into the game. Again, apologies for the long post, but if you had read it you wouldn't have to ask that. i mean yes it is obvious that we should "make sure to nerf the correct things".
  9. What I just described was reverse power creep, which can cause just as many balancing issues as power creep. It usually occurs as a result of two things. A desire to lower the difficulty curve of a game, making it more accessable to newcomers. In a game that suffers from power creep in an attempt to avoid it. Unfortunately, In the latter scenario, Devs often take the easy path when it comes to nerfing, which causes issues. Consider why the game became power crept in the first place. It wasn't simply numbers that crept up. Mechanics were changed. Abilities were reworked. Odds are no small amount of reworks too place to accommodate the new additions into the class's kit. Changes like these usually happen as a result of large expansions or major patches, so a lot of work went into them. When attempting to nerf in order to undo what was done, Devs will typically try to hit numbers, or flat out remove what is considered problematic. Why this causes issues is because the class may have been reworked in such a way that it relied on whatever was just removed or overnerfed (Smiter's Boon'ed). It needed the nerfed ability or trait in order to either function or play fluidly. In other words, when attempting do undo power creep the easy way, you often make classes clunky or cause it not to function as intended. In other cases, the problematic ability or trait is left alone, and the class is nerfed around it, leaving the rest of the kit feeling weak and unsatisfying. I'd argue Scrapper, Druid, and Chrono each suffer from this to a degree. If you want to undo power creep, the easy path of simply refusing to buff will not make the game healthier. You need an equally high-quality patch which addresses the new additions that the class relies on to function. If that new addition is deemed to be problematic, then before nerfing or removing it, the class must be reworked in order to no longer rely on it. In Chrono's case, the equivalent would have been either reworking Chronophantasma and CS, or reworking mesmer skills in such a way that these traits no longer break them. I'm not sure if the latter is possible, so the prior option is most likely the appropriate choice. If you want an example of what reverse power creep looks like, you need only search "World of Warcraft class design". Look at the trends regarding player feedback. It goes beyond loss aversion, even new players coming into the game complain that classes have become clunky, sometimes not functioning as intended because the Devs figured "If adding things into the game causes power creep, then removing things from the game will make the game healthy." If you're curious I can go into detail about which classes suffer from these nerfs the most, and which were made the most clunky as a result (Shadow Priest), but this post is long enough as is. so it isn't powercreep (as i said), but "weakness creep".i didn't read the whole thing but it is disingenous to call the recent changes in gw2 "reverse power creep" and then trying to equate it to the problems that power creep has caused in gw2. they have been nerfing things recently because a ton of players have been begging them to, for years years, and because they have finally gotten over their aversion to splitting pvp/pve. did you miss how much stronger every class got after specialization rework, HoT and PoF? apparently so.
  10. power creep can also mean individual options within a class, or certain classes being stronger than others. pretty sure there isn't one concrete specific definition, as long as there is buffing going on and that buffing makes something stronger then everything else. you linked a definition which agrees with me, was that the point?
  11. @Kuma.1503 powercreep is when the absolute power level in the game creeps up because the devs favor buffing over nerfing (usually related to profit reasons and/or loss aversion).
  12. you are wrong, that is not what powercreep means
  13. Nah they haven't nerfed even close to enough, though they need to nerf mechanics and not just damage and numbers.
  14. adjust a little and condi thieves are no problem at all for mespower much harder im talking about filling a role in 5v5 not thief v mes duels. the same as always? what part of condi thief prevents running mes?you can guess that 1 yourself
  15. i think the confusion one shows up, ill double check though. the torment one does not show on tooltips however
  16. So you always change class to the broken one? if you knew me you would understand how wrong that statement is
  17. adjust a little and condi thieves are no problem at all for mespower much harder im talking about filling a role in 5v5 not thief v mes duels.
  18. tell me 1 reason to run mesmer while condi thief exists
  19. Everyone knows about this bug (it has to do with the general movement engine of the game) already but I thought I would post an example in a clip. Mirage thrust daze is very unreliable and a QoL improvement would be great if it is even possible.https://clips.twitch.tv/LazyQuaintSparrowGivePLZ
  20. lol at people taking this sersiously
  21. ive said it before, new mists makes me borderline depressed because of how dull it is i have asked quite a few people and i don't think anybody preferred new mists idea: old mists vip area for top 250/100 players? single-instance (everyone on same map).
  22. OP wouldn't want this because it doesn't directly or indirectly benefit thief above everyone else. How does weakning sword 2 massively indirectly benefit thief over anyone else? Seriously Im pretty sure the only other teleport like that is Revenants. Thief would lose sword two but have a relative gain in mobility compared to everyone else who now not only need a target but need to be in range to do so. It wouldnt relatively gain mobility at all. This literally only affects 1 revenant skill as far as I can tell. If it meant "all teleports now need a target", that would actually hurt thief by far the hardest, as with the loss of shortbow 5, they become an unplayable class overnight. Yeah except, everything else already does that. Thief and Rev have 1 skill each thats the exception. Rev has two with Deathstrike and Phase Traversal. I was under the impression Deathstrike doesnt work until youre in range. Nope, you just get the out of range pop-up as usual. Judges Intervention doesnt, not sure on the sword but probably not. the other guy already corrected you on guard, but infil signet also ports out of range. Is that so? I see. Wonder what I was thinking of then, no pathing to target or something? Alright, it changes a few more skills then, but its still a change that hurts thief more than others.it would fuck over powerrev and sd thiefidc though because it won't happen anyway
  23. OP wouldn't want this because it doesn't directly or indirectly benefit thief above everyone else. How does weakning sword 2 massively indirectly benefit thief over anyone else? Seriously Im pretty sure the only other teleport like that is Revenants. Thief would lose sword two but have a relative gain in mobility compared to everyone else who now not only need a target but need to be in range to do so. It wouldnt relatively gain mobility at all. This literally only affects 1 revenant skill as far as I can tell. If it meant "all teleports now need a target", that would actually hurt thief by far the hardest, as with the loss of shortbow 5, they become an unplayable class overnight. Yeah except, everything else already does that. Thief and Rev have 1 skill each thats the exception. Rev has two with Deathstrike and Phase Traversal. I was under the impression Deathstrike doesnt work until youre in range. Nope, you just get the out of range pop-up as usual. Judges Intervention doesnt, not sure on the sword but probably not.the other guy already corrected you on guard, but infil signet also ports out of range.
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