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Mrs Lana.2506

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Everything posted by Mrs Lana.2506

  1. I've done the Aetherblade CM a few times since its release, and every time I get a blue AoE to drop I have issues with the screen effect for it. What I expect to see is the edges of the screen glow blue, indicating that I have a mechanic to deal with, from when I am assigned the mechanic up to the time where the AoE is dropped. What I have seen is the edges of the screen either don't have an effect at all, flash blue so fast it doesn't register that I have the mechanic, or it glows blue as normal, but stops after about 2 seconds. This has happened pretty consistently every time I do the CM.
  2. I have one of each asc breather in the bank for the rare times I do underwater content on alt characters. I only have a dedicated breather on my guard because that's the only one I take into the aquatic fractal. I, too, would like a legendary breather. I was half expecting one with the EoD drop considering we were dealing with the water dragon.
  3. I don't want to play the game! I want everything handed to me! I don't want to earn my rewards! The amount of time spent complaining about it could be time spent working towards it. No.
  4. I've been waiting to see what happens for the past 40+ hours of fishing. 3h of this is post today's patch and it's done nothing.
  5. Recently I've been fishing in the Thousand Seas Pavilion, both in nodes and out of nodes. I've caught every saltwater fish other than the seahorse at least five times, and almost completed the avid world class fisher a second time. I'm still on the first saltwater collection, so to go for so long without catching a single one at all makes me suspect there's a progress-halting bug. Fishing was fun, but this has pushed out from the realm of probable to improbable.
  6. Yes, let's throw all these completely unrelated achievements into the same tab with each other, taking them away from the context and order in which they make sense. /s No.
  7. You have the ability to toggle off the weapon visibility if it so bothers you.
  8. I think certain things are past due with being added. For instance, I can't check any transformation skills in the hero panel. If I'm on a necro and want to read the shroud skills I have to transform and read the descriptions from the bar. There's nowhere in the hero panel that lists the descriptions for them. Same with reaper, holosmith, druid and specter. There may be more but those are the ones I can remember atm. Others, like straight up guides to things like skyscale eggs, shouldn't be in the game. That's just a "follow-the-adventure-line" game, which isn't fun or engaging.
  9. I wouldn't be opposed to non-expac accounts given access to a super basic speed-boost-only mount. I saw the mention of a possible rented mount, and think that would be a good idea. Have the most basic, no special skills mount that players can rent for a silver/gold price. That way it wouldn't need to tie into the mastery system, and wouldn't decrease the "value" of the current mounts. However, I'm also ok with this not being implemented. There's only ever been twice I've been asked "when do I unlock a mount". I think new players are busy learning the game. Having too much information packed in a short while can cause an overload of information, which can cause players to quit. Let's be real, no one wants to read. We want to play the game.
  10. Hey man, you just said it wasn't worth it for the small vit boost, I was just pointing out that it's not solely vitality. Whether it's worth it for alts or not had nothing to do with my response.
  11. You're not bringing attention to any bugs if you don't specify them.
  12. I only ever use the turtle for core map completion when I'm on a character with only a condi dps build. The turtle's auto attack doesn't dismount you, and does a fair chunk of damage to structures (supplies, gates, flagpoles, etc) where condi doesn't affect things like that in the base game. Saves time.
  13. There are builds that use traits that scale damage stats based off vitality, so not necessarily just a vit boost.
  14. That's because a member of the group is in either the Boneskinner instance (perhaps completed before lfging, or with another group), or the Icebrood instance (people don't always immediately leave instances). This isn't a bug.
  15. This is exactly it. The only other things that dps can mess up is mechanics, but if you're raiding you most likely know the mechanics before entering, regardless of the role you're playing (unless you're in a training squad, which is entirely different). I loved playing chrono tank. I love healbranding. What I don't love is awful dps players telling me I'm not doing my job right when they're not doing their job, and don't know the first thing about the role I'm covering.
  16. "Cool stuff they can add" ....like boons?
  17. I'm in the exact same boat. Only missing the Bonefish from the avid world class, but still haven't caught a single Seahorse so I'm stuck on the first Saltwater collection.
  18. The best part is if you don't like it you don't have to play it. You're entirely capable of making your own group that doesn't have requirements - everyone is. On that same point, no one is required to play with people who aren't willing to contribute to the group.
  19. After fishing for half an hour (just today, fished for hours here previously) in the Mysterious Waters I've had 18 rares and 3 exotics drop, multiples from saltwater and world class, but none of which I need. I still need a Seahorse for the first saltwater collection. I feel like there's an issue that arises where if you need a single fish for a collection, the droprate for that fish is decreased - much like the issue that people are having with "The Six" collection.
  20. So far so good, have switched around 10 times so far today and not had it happen.
  21. Just talking meta builds' food/util here (and only the ones that I run - and I run a lot); Power - 2/3 Condi - 6+ (EoD food becoming meta boosts the number considerably, on top of already needing 4 for pre-EoD builds) Heal - 2 Fishing -1 Misc -2/3 I was thinking about storing my asc food in my guild bank, but that only strips it down by about 5 over all.
  22. My favourite part is how - even though I have speech bubbles turned off - the transmitter's speech bubble pops up anyway, visually obscuring whatever it is I'm doing - right in the middle of my screen 🙄
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