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Everything posted by Turkeyspit.3965

  1. I opened my GW2 account February 2018, and I have 3 fully ascended geared characters, that latest one completed back in September. I only do T4's on one of those characters so the others have about 100-110 AR, but I have about 60 +7 Infusions in my bank ready to trade in for +9s if that should change. Ascended gear is 'grindy' as far as GW2 is concerned, but a flat out joke in comparison to other MMO gear treadmills, and that's a good thing. GW2 doesn't use gear as the main driver for players, and one of its best strengths.
  2. Honestly, this is a major reason why I fail at dodging. At least in other games (like WoW) you could see cast bars appear under the name plate, and you could see the target of your target, so if the boss was all of a sudden targeting you, your name plate would popup and you knew kitten was about to get real.
  3. It's pretty irritating as I have developed muscle memory so I can quickly activate my abilities right after a legend swap, and now I keep activating the wrong one =(
  4. I've seen a couple. What I found distressing though, was a few weeks back, there was a player with ANET tag waiting for the Auric Basin meta to start, and once the players around noticed this, they began to bombard the ANET employee with questions: "When will be fixed""Why won't you nerf " I recall thinking, and then typing: "This is why we can't have nice things".
  5. For Engy I always thought rifle was just a stat stick? I'm leveling one now, and I'm running either Flamethrower or Mortar kit 100% of the time.
  6. That's an interesting point, because I'm sure these recipes haven't been updated over the years. That said though, were you able to earn gold as quickly back then when they sold for 30s as you could now? I'm told at one point Dusk sold for like 40g on the TP whereas its 750g now. Last night alone doing T4 dailies and my Daily Completionist I earned about 12g for 80 minutes of play time. Were you able to earn 10g per hour, WITHOUT farming a meta, back then? There's people who earns thousands per day fiddling with the TP. That doesn't mean thing should be tailored around the highest earners. Mots people don't even farm, play fractals or raids.By the same extension, most people have no need for mystic coins, as they aren't crafting legendary weapons, feasts, or any of the uniquely named items in the game that call for them. I'm merely addressing your point that the coins used to cost less than now, by pointing out that gold is (likely) far easier to obtain now than the time period you are referring to. I wasn't playing then so I can't speak from experience.
  7. That's an interesting point, because I'm sure these recipes haven't been updated over the years. That said though, were you able to earn gold as quickly back then when they sold for 30s as you could now? I'm told at one point Dusk sold for like 40g on the TP whereas its 750g now. Last night alone doing T4 dailies and my Daily Completionist I earned about 12g for 80 minutes of play time. Were you able to earn 10g per hour, WITHOUT farming a meta, back then?
  8. Many of the WvW reward tracks can reward Mystic Clovers, which if you also partake of that game mode, can quicken your journey. The mistforged armor reward track for example rewards 2 clovers in the final box, and is repeatable, and same for the hero weapons. There are also some tracks that give a 1 time reward of 7 clovers in the final box.
  9. Because Glint has more cc and AoE cleave, and better tools overal for fighting against humans. I'm afraid you'll need to expand on that for me.
  10. At first glance though, this really does kill off Glint's usefulness in WvW, regardless if you're zerging or roaming.Why would you want +Concentration vs Shiro Life Siphon / Boon strip or Jalis DR / Stability. Seems like a no brainer.
  11. Jalis F2 in WvW sounds like a nice upgrade, as more stab is always good. But Glint man...F2 is just flat out boring.
  12. Rising Momentum: This trait has replaced Hardening Persistence as an adept tier trait and grants the revenant a 5% increased movement speed for each point of upkeep they are using. The movement speed granted by this trait stacks with all other movement speed increases. Does this mean we can attain 'super speed' status, as in above 33%? I don't understand the purpose of this given we have Facet of Elements.
  13. Given the level of clipping I've seen with the chest & leggings models already I the game, I shudder to think what cloaks would look like.
  14. Both are accessible via in game activity, with linear and predictable progression, and RNG has nothing to do with it. More MMO games should pattern their 'epic' quest chains in the same way.
  15. In some of the personal story missions and also in meta events, they often use a red or green arrow, so the coding has been done.
  16. 1200 Gems - available now on the Gem Store 20% off during the Anniversary Sale. I bought 2 because I hate cooldowns.
  17. That's my only issue. I concur that especially with Medium armor, there are too many butt capes, though I wear one on my Ranger because for me, it looks exactly like what someone who lives in the outdoors might wear, similar to an Australian Outback trench coat. But having just recently re-done the set up on my Guardian, I kept coming across tiny pieces of the armor that would poke through the GS on his back. I even noticed that with one chest piece, the GS on his back would end up coming in closer to his body (I guess the chest was thinner?), which made the clipping even worse. Had to abandon using that chest piece for another one that pushed the GS back to where it was originally. I still have a slight clipping from one of the fringes of his belt, but the uniform look from chest to pants is so perfect, despite them being from separate armor sets, that I'm going to live with it (for now). And my Guardian spends most of his time actually swinging that greatsword at things to make the loot come out, so /shrug
  18. I run meta events all the time, and I have no trouble running with only 18-slot bags, and on extra bag slots. I'm even someone who doesn't clean out their bags the way they should. I have a few 20 slot bags from achievements, but I won't even consider crafting 24+ slot bags as the material requirements are, to me, obscene. Sure if you have the mats and gold to spend, you may not think it's a big deal, but I'd rather sell those mats and take that gold and buy gems, and then use the gems to buy skins and such off the store. If ever I reach a point where I have everything I want off the gem store, I suppose then I wouldn't object to sinking mats into bags. I mean, the difference in cost of crafting a 20 slot bag vs. 18 slot is silly, considering you only get an additional 2 spaces in your inventory. Crafting in GW2 is one of the very few things I dislike about this game - far too many fixed costs that crafters cannot avoid paying through farming (looking at you Icy Runestone).
  19. In WvW you are auto-booted from the server if you don't move within 15 mins. Maybe that is what ANET should apply to all game modes.
  20. You had me at solo 99 CM, but then no incoming damage? If there wasn't a vid I would have called BS. Out of curiosity, how many attempts did you turf because you took a hit before getting this one flawless?
  21. And we do have Slayer achievements, so I think it would pretty simple to expand on those to earn a title (eg. kill 5000 Centaurs, earn title Deadly to Centaurs)
  22. Having just received a repair canister out of a BL chest, I'm fully supportive of the OPs argument, as at this point, armor damage doesn't really add anything to the game, and in some ways, actually has a negative impact.
  23. There is also the GW1 tie in. ANET very consciously keeps bringing elements of GW1 into GW2.
  24. But is the 'drop rate' the issue? How is this item 3-4x more expensive than the Vial of Liquid Aurillium? My guess would be, a hella lot more people run the AB meta than TD, so you're going to see more of them in the market.
  25. I'm interested: what is the basis for suspecting that as a cause of lower performance? I found this solution after looking very closely at my own task manager, and keeping some detailed logs. I found that any time i had a sudden crash in FPS (Sometimes down to a single frame every 2 seconds) the DWM.exe was taking huge amount of GPU time (Not CPU, just GPU). Once I suspected that DWM was the cause, i started keeping a closer eye on it. Not only did I see the DWM.exe <-> Low Game Framerate Correlation, but I also noticed DWM.exe sometimes occupying 35% of my GPU's 3d capability, WHEN MY PC WAS IDLE! I've got a GTX 1080. Some games don't even use 30% of my GPU, why the hell should windows use it when i'm not even at my computer?!?!! So I started to do some research on DWM and found that people were having the same problem in several other games, sometimes even seeing 80% GPU usage when the PC was idle. Long story short, someone noticed that DWM.exe is sometimes set (seems to be hit and miss) to have a HIGH priority in windows, for seemingly no reason. Like seriously, there is NO REASON that DWM.exe should be set to anything higher than normal. In any case, setting this to a priority lower than your game priority (Guildwars2 is Normal by default, like it should be), prevents DWM.exe from taking huge amounts of your GPU cycles. Your mileage may vary. Did you try mine?I tried this out last night, and I saw a marginal increase in FPS, but I'll take what I can get. FWIW, by default DWM' s priority was set to 'high' on my system.
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