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Dinas Dragonbane.2978

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Everything posted by Dinas Dragonbane.2978

  1. 2nd worker 100 supplyBuild oil 100 supplyReinforced walls 200 supplyBuild Cannon 150 supplyAdditional guards 200 supply This was the order we used to build the swt in enemy maps, 750 supply is 22 regular yaks or 11 double yaks. We used to flip the sc and double its yaks, respawn and start the breakout, then flip the swc and double it, take the tower, buy worker with the tower's 100, razor filled it back up and we had 2 double yaks already on the road to the tower, meaning it could have 340 of the 750 supply needed to upgrade to that level in the first 5 minutes of capturing it. Played well you can upgrade quickly, now sometimes when we did this we had money shinez show up to build trebs but that was how it goes
  2. You can't rally off dolyaks because they are not veterans. They also must have killed two guards because only one will rally off of a kill, player or npc
  3. I remember playing through that but hot was new and those upgrades cost lots of flax fibers, resonating slivers, which were super rare and VERY VERY expensive at the time, compared to now where they are dirt cheap. Sadly we are not talking about guild claim upgrades, we are talking about standard structure upgrades. This was before HoT. Stop for a second. Under your option, only a claiming guild can upgrade. I am in a tiny guild that has a small number of active WvW players. We get the option to claim quite often for however the game mechanics work. Again, a havoc guild at best. Now take one of these small or mid-sized guilds. If they have 2-6 members all with alt accounts on enemy servers its super easy for them to claim and then they never upgrade. Is that really what you want? So you expect that the best way to defend your home server is to play for an enemy server, capping objectives, claiming, locking upgrades to the claim, and not upgrading? If playing for the other server is better for your server, then your logic seems off somewhere and this behavior would not be normal.I also am in a havoc guild that plays 3 nights a week for 2.5-3 hours. Auto upgrading is super slow compared to the old system, and while we try to upgrade and defend anything we take, we usually only get keeps and towers to t1, t12 if we are lucky or the dominant server in the match(boring). These structures always fall once or more (to that map's home server) during our run and only the first cap has the ability and chance to upgrade.The old system allowed more intelligent upgrades and encouraged smarter use of supply, the wvw only mechanic for the mode. There are advantages to both systems and neither one is perfect, I prefer the one that has more individuals learning to play smarter with upgrades and supply than ignoring it all to follow the zerg.
  4. Retaliation damage is a fixed amount plus some of the person being hit's power, so if you hit tanky people it does less damage than if you take retaliation damage from a glassy character.
  5. I remember playing through that but hot was new and those upgrades cost lots of flax fibers, resonating slivers, which were super rare and VERY VERY expensive at the time, compared to now where they are dirt cheap. Sadly we are not talking about guild claim upgrades, we are talking about standard structure upgrades.
  6. Dual accounts and trolling still exists in the present, and will likely exist in the future no matter what system is in place, right? Did you have anything insightful you would wish to add?
  7. Which follows what some people on the forums want, right? They say t3 is too hard and want no gates and walls weakened because it takes too long.
  8. Manual upgrades return, cost badges instead of coins. Guild owned objectives only upgradeable by guild members, with a toggle just like tactivators. Also possibly make badges community donated like bank/tp upgrades in silverwastes.
  9. All too true, which is why small havoc groups like mine are always private. Few tags actually want keeps opened up or softened unless it is by their own group when they try to rush it. If the claim buff is so strong why don't more people defend t0 and t1 keeps and towers at all? You have the buff immediately when it's yours, same goes for camps.
  10. Which is nothing new and should not surprise anyone. Plus there are many more traits that are tied to power damage as opposed to condition.
  11. I believe they are almost as balanced as ever, but power still is more effective than conditioning from my perspective of running an 5-9 sized havoc squad tues and thurs.Condi intensity basically got halved for increased duration. If I have 22k hps on any character, that character usually would take 22k damage from power much sooner than 22k from condi. Only thing you have to watch are the few condi spikes from some classes like burn guards for example. One good cleanse there is just as good as a well timed invuln or block or no damage skill. I don't see why people get so ruffled.
  12. Regarding arrowcarts they are fairly useless in the times you need them the most-holding off a large enemy force to buy time, like this thread explains. More than one AC is pointless based off of ac damage rules, and one is not enough because standard groups have solid healing to handle it. Best way to buy time is disablers but that is another tread entirely.
  13. The majority of commanders do not use this because they want another person to stack on the tag, not somebody else that could still be a scout in map chat. Even the zergs that are looking for fights do not semd out scouts to find these fights, they just use the map and anything flagged or not their color.
  14. I have always disliked how youvcan port out whenever, i would have preferred waypointing allowed only if you are invuln like in the spawn porting to another map or nearby keep, or dead. Not being able to do it from anywhere you want. EWP should be usable from anywhere, however
  15. In the days of server pride I used to care about this stuff all the time, since links we have more people around at all times yes...but hardly any of these people seem to care. I preferred having much fewer people but they all actually cared about the team and how the war was going, nowadays minus my guild I feel my server for wvw is a bunch of strangers since they rotate every two months.
  16. I find it somewhat funny that as of right now guardian and warrior have zero votes, but the humor is that its not a surprise :P
  17. Sadly this would likely still keep a zerg in a circle even if it took a while. If there was threat of them losing it they wouldn't split their force, they would likely just wait the timer to MAKE SURE they capture it. I could see this as people using circle captures as a bathroom or drink break.
  18. I would love collision, worked wonders in warhammer online. Would reduce zerg sizes...or they would just get stuck on each other going through chokepoints which is also awesome, hehe
  19. This is absurd, if people are so worried about pay to win why don't they recommend making everybody a warrior with mace, healing signet and rampage...nothing else. Total balance, right?
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