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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. What ruined roaming?.....easy....it's people losing any sense of honor and self-respect. People who still roam alone are super rare, people who act like a respectful human beings are even rarer, what killed roaming is the downward descense into degeneracy of this community. It's not mainly powercreep what killed roaming(even though it greattly affected it) it's how low people act these days, players these days for the vast majority have not got a single shred of decency in them They will roam in groups chasing single individuals, you see 5-6 people including support, stealth cover...all ganking on a single target actively and for the whole day, these same people will then run off to the nearest tower or simply log off when alone occasionaly. In the past there was more skill and less ganking...now it's the other way around and ofc people always try to use "your class" as an excuse to group up and attack a lone player. Thieves and condi heralds are the biggest offenders by far, excessive stealth and broken condi bunkers builds with mobility, 50% dmg reduction, blocks etc etc etc. Yeah ..."roaming" as people still call it, it is nothing more than a shitshow .... P.S personally I adapted, I either run 1shot builds hiding near closest tower or some unkillable ele bunker build...just for the sake of it, people hate both playstyles..but any attempt at legitimate gameplay has always been met with the same outcome, 1vsX....so I said :"screw it", I play specs you'll regret even attempting to gank in the first place
  2. By adding a sort of invulnerability to unleashed pet state, we would solve the issue of the pet dieing during zerg fights, therefore by forcing the player to choose between unleashed and core skills on the pet, we can justify my suggestion where yours would simply be a powercreep change, if the pet keeps its core skills while unleashed then....the idea of making pet invulnerable wouldn't really make sense balance wise. -By adding conditional dmg modifier we add that layer of complexity so necessary for the game....the extra dmg on CC must stay and be focused on -The adept trais need help, GM are mostly fine -Hammer dmg is fine for the control it hopes to bring, if anything we need some sort of defensive mechanism...maybe on hammer -Unleash only affecting hamer is a weird choice made to keep things simple...I don't think adding an unleash mode for the remaining weapons is possible at this point or even healthy for the class....being an ele main I can honestly say that more skill=more nerfs=worst result=most of the extra skill just end being useless and weak -I really think that the pet should be invulnerable while unleashed, this would be justified by it losing the core skills and be not much of a danger like it may be with core ranger, actually it would be the perfect evolution: 1) core ranger - biger control of pets + free style 2)Druid - weaker pets for support 3) Soulbeast - Merge with pet and resurrect it 4)Untamed - pets are invulnerable while unleashed at the cost of core skill access
  3. Those asking for pet centric spec weren't really "rangers"..they were mostly PvErs wishing to roleplay like a pokemon trainer with the pets...sad as it sounds that's their main reason for wishing for a pet centric elite
  4. The hammer is a control weapon overall and on ranger it does already ok dmg for a what supposed to be a control weapon with boonrip, this community is obssesed with this DPS and golem numbers when utility and build variety comes first....
  5. I can now see PvErs under a positive light, if there is one things all MMO players can agree on is...how the official forum is generally used by players to cry for nerfs after being defeated, that's like common across all MMOs
  6. There is a solid base concept for Untamed and that's what I rectified in the OP, numbers can and will change, functionalities can be added later but...the concept is there. The situation is definitely not as bad as with elementalist and guardian where the devs have zero clue.
  7. The catalyst is a complete failure : a 2hands weapon for a class without weapon swap, this hammer has just a single block skill for the class with the lowest HP and armor, Feedbender may require some additional work....catalyst is a complete joke not worth even talking about
  8. You can pat yourself on the back all you want, believing to be whoever or whatever...I don't care, I have simply used your post as an example of what forum "feedback" is about. I am looking for balanced gameplay, and the closest balance this game can have it's from the core aspect, everything after that has been an asinine powercreeping. Anet with EoD is trying to dial back with the powercreeping and that's a very smart decision...no matter what some..."forum guru" would think otherwise
  9. I dunno why you claim that CC does no dmg...when everybody can read tooltips indicating bonus dmg on CCed targets with a base dmg of 1k I believe depending on unleashed state but again...furthermore ranger has already got access to some very strong stunbreaks from core, whoever said that we must have a stunbreak with each new utility line I consider elementalist specs or similar as a benchmark, it's easy for me to dismiss then any claim that untamed does no respectable dmg. I have clearly mentioned that untamed still need some minor changes but what shown so far is not at the same garbage level of willbender or catalyst. I am satisfied with what has been shown so far, anything else from this point will be an addition and not a necessity to buy the game exp
  10. Should have specified then....Untamed provides significant aoe respect to other ranger specs and I am quite happy about that
  11. ..my comments always ruffle some feathers of a fragile ego, but...no need to turn every thread into a school yard. Your prediction was off the mark like similar predictions done for willbender and catalyst and that's the reason it didn't blow out of proportions like the drama loving queens of this forum wanted. At first glance your "suggestions" aim to remove the hard decisions a players should make before coming up with a chosen playstyle, for example :" The problem here is that you can't take Marks & Beast & Untamed without ditching Wilderness, and then you have no Fury for Remorseless proc and no sustain "....it's not a problem, it's called opportunity/cost , a concept highly disliked by the gw2 community...used to busted specs that do it all with few button press, where they get all goodies in a single buid...like Boonbeast-holosmith-scrappers-core necro etc etc...all builds played by the sycophant crowd . Your initial assumption about the spec...was wrong...your list of suggestions is equally as wrong as they aim in removing deficiencies from the class, which are always needed to balance specs... Sorry for those who wished for the GW2 version of a pokemon trainer...but we need balance and that's something wished by the majority..of which this forum is certainly not a part of.
  12. ..Yikes....This post completely contradict what you stated before, it puts the validity of your "feedback" into question to say the least. If anything I question Anet ability to make good use of this forum "feedback", stepping away from the "auto-play" mode of PoF elites was an amazing achievement and I salute the devs for that, that PoF balance was off the charts in terms of OP broken mess and it is something this community is accustomed to and now won't move away from. I pray this time around Anet will stand their ground and don't give in, sending us back in time with the EoD release
  13. The ranger community was crying for Bunny Thumper despite being warned against the idea, this bunny thumper has been cried about for years since soulbeast launch.......this happens because a developer studio seriously makes use of forum banter to design a prodcut..rather than use common sense and trusted methods like any other studio does
  14. No need to join or looking for accreditation, all you need is aoe dmg and sustain to gain the benefits of wvw zerg fights, something which Untamed offers, I never cared about this need of be part of the zerg, so far I used the lb to collect bags, it works for me and hammer on untamed plus these great utilities will give me exactly what I need. Troubles with pet? it can be managed and for me it's a small price to pay for what untamed offers.
  15. Well....you can't really reason with the mob....
  16. If you want to dps race like a soulbeast to record a video and post on reddit....play a soulbeast, we needed better aoe access for ranger...and we've got it with Untamed. Outside of minor improvements, the concept is solid....if you think otherwise, you should multiclass and try catalyst at next beta....you'll realise what "bad elite" really means P.S PvErs were the one wishing for a pet elite class, so they could roleplay as nature pet trainers, you've got exactly what you've asked for and before anything, PvErs were amply warned about the pitfalls of an elite pet spec. Untamed is not the elite spec I wished for and made this openly clearly with several threads before the design inception and now...I adapt as all you should, other, the best that can happen now is for Anet to turn unleashed pets into the ethereal form as I proposed ages ago...otherwise you lot, should not expect much other than some number changes
  17. Maybe you should try to re-read my post...after you clear your mind, you are clearly upset and not thinking straight
  18. The utility and usefulness of a spec is way more important than DPS, soulbeast is just an eye candy dps spec, where the untamed is an aoe/control spec with respectable damage nevertheless
  19. Imagine a GS/LB MM Untamed with KD utility and cage utility + entangle + aoe boon removal, you can play a ranged support CC machine( chaining with the CC cd reduction trait) alongside a boonbeast with stance share , I see two different gameplay options in this case. A hammer untamed + GS or axe/axe or sword/wh, a tanky set up with..."some pets" would offer a more mele oriented option for smaller skirmish. We just need to improve the pet unleash options and possibly some better way to keep pet alive, possibly reducing the time the pet stays dead to 25s Cd rather than current number
  20. -We have precedent with other elites using their main weapon everywhere: weavers with sword and renegade with shortbow...I rarely see any of those two playing without the main weapon, personally I don't mind using hammer with untamed and it's better to reduce the balancing load, as I main ele too...I can guarantee you that more skills most times results in more nerfs, super weak skills and just not fun to play options -I'd say reduce CD by 15s...that should be about right -I don't mind about the aura, I am not a fashion icon -Agree...the pet unleashed skills need something more in terms of utility, they're fine ...just a tad weak atm
  21. Never been one to follow the sycophant crowd...I do enjoy the functionality of untamed, I find it laughable those claims about hammer lacking dmg..but to each his own I guess, I have left a couple suggestions in a couple of threads but seen the reactions I can see where this community stands right now. I have to give it to Anet for steering clear from another boonbeast , this new spec is not straightforward but still enjoyable and useful once you get the idea behind it, this is not core ranger 2.0....it's rather a different gameplay option, I wished for a strong aoe build style on ranger for years so I am glad. Again I am very happy that this espec is not a boonbeast 2.0 where people press a button (moa stance etc etc) and start facetanking damage, this untamed is a spec offering decent reward for decent effort in lining up attacks and that's how the whole game should be balanced around, I find myself experimenting with pets like gray wolf , which I haven't used seriously since launch so kudos to the devs this time around. With that said, the spec is not perfect ofc course and there are few critical errors which should absolutely fixed before launch: 1) UNABLE TO SWITCH TARGET - it's rather tedious to use the uncommon tactic to switch target yourself and let pet follow you, currently the pet will stick to initally selected target...not a favourable situation 2) MORE OPTIONS TO KEEP PET ALIVE - I believe there should be at least 1 option to restore health to pet while in unleashed mode, possibly with Enveloping Haze - letting the pet leach health from targets within the sphere, just an idea 3) VENOMOUS OUTBURST - should be 1200 range and apply torment or bleeding That's all really I have to report at the moment, but for me so far...untamed is worth buying EoD for, and I am glad...after the catalyst fiasco I was in doubt whether or not I should keep bothering with GW2...time to finally craft The Juggernaught I guess...
  22. You are supposed to use unleashed pet+hammer to refill CD with the GM 1 using 3-4, unleash pet= disable ranger , unleashed ranger= dmg/support
  23. You are one of those people who wanted a pet elite for EoD, while me and those same others suggesting to use double bear, were the ones advocating for no pet elite for Eod. So based on what principle do you complain now? I called "bunny thumper" a BS idea since its inception, always been an asinine concept for a game like GW2, now it's too late for anything.... I made threads suggesting for intangible spirits replacing pets for Eod, something in line with the lore too....but no...people wanted to "collect" pets, become a beastmaster. My thread before the untamed reveal, specifically explained why a pet elite would fail....but while few agreed with me, the majority were playing the "Wiseman" part....well..not so wise now, isn't it?
  24. ....yeah lol..if you want more than this...I dunno https://i.redd.it/xqzppmqm43v71.png
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