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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Scrapper is king everywhere, it has sustain and dmg for days both in PvP and in WvW...well ofc in the latter the sustain will be always 10x more but yeah...druid barely keeps up in WvW while it's a complete joke in PvP, due to the 20s CD on celestial form....
  2. No need...Untamed is literally a core ranger 1.5 that most will hate as it introduces a layer of complexity with pet management, with not many benefits attached to it. I personally love hammer as weapon and will build a legendary around it, then the unleashed pet skills do not offer much in terms of self-sustain at least not as far as I tested. The sustain seems lower than core ranger but again, I need more testing, so far I give Untamed a 6 out of 10 where SB is 9/10 ( in WvW) and 5/10 in PvP, core ranger is 6/10 both in PvP and WvW
  3. Players have been saying this for years now and it' s the main reason why PvP was abandoded by the vast majority
  4. They're just scared to give ele the ability to do actual dmg....
  5. Eventually people will start running some tanky/cele untamed as....yes the 1X+ roaming build on ranger. It will be great for a while in PvP...before being uber nerfed forcing players to go back to...yes core ranger. Basically we have the same script for each class...nothing will ever change...
  6. If Anet hates engis....they must wish certain death to eles
  7. Well said! I gave up on what's left of the ele community, those guys feel so bad for the time they're wasting playing ele still that they convinced themselves they're enjoying it
  8. It's still the same BS crap they have been shoving down our throat for years now! Go full melee and grind your way through dozen of AoE just to go and tickle the enemy after some elaborate combo/set up only for the enemy to "opsy daisy" and sprint miles away instantly, healing himself and laughing at you. Basically full melee gameplay it's like ...2012 and now it's 2021, everybody and his mom got access to powerful/decent ranged/mobility and every fight outside the "sacred PvE" becomes an exercise in frustration as you must dodge that attack and that attack again, heal there and there, Lightning flash there and there for mins...hoping the enemy is bad/stupid enough to stay in your melee aoe range for long enough. The most absurd thing is people are so disilluniosed and distraught ..they convinced themselves that Catalyst will be the bomb. it's still the same melee BS you all have been playing for the last 9 years and now you will play more for another 4-5 years
  9. Just look around you....... LOOK AROUND YOU! Claiming that everybody wrong on state of necro.....unreal
  10. They did claim that Harbinger will turn necro upside down...problem is , it will be difficult if not impossible to sell this idea to a playerbase used to core necro and scourge or even reaper. It's way too late to introduce high risk builds for necro
  11. I suspect the devs are finally considering the numbers of players playing what in game, from one side you have the players stating that necro hasn't got access to sustain tools like other professions...say elementalist, but then in game you see a single ele being played out of 20 players, where at least 10 of those players will be necro. Something does not add up, either the devs are lying with the numbers or the players themselves are exagerating the weaknesses of the class, I bet my money on the latter. First of all, it would be time to water down this talk of blocks and invulnerabilities like they are given on a 5s CD and lasting for long periods of time. Skills like obsidian flesh are on a 60s CD and last few secs , other block skills like arcane shield are on a 45s CD and merely block 3 attacks, finally Mist form is on a 75s CD so......there is that, that would more than explain the abundance of necros compared to those classes with blocks, invulnerabilities etc etc etc. If ele with his "blocks and invulnerability" is so good....why are you all playing necro and not ele atm? The point is, if necromancer was anywhere close to be as fragile as people on the forum make it to be...we wouldn't have so many of them and surely it wouldn't be a FOTM class so.....
  12. Harbinger will bring back the concept of risk=reward to a class which enjoyed a risk free life for the last 5 years thanks to scourge and core necro, I predict many FOTM necros will have to start training on that dodge mechanic they ignored for so long. Between the CC and 2 movement skills + dodges and bountiful boon application, the Harbinger won't lack on defensive rotations....ofc the gameplay will be much much harder than simply press F1 and tank dmg like you can currently do on core necro and even barrier spam scourge minionmancer
  13. Catalyst is now 30% less trash than before which is an improvement in the end....still glad I started to multiclass seriously years ago though
  14. That's the kind of sustain I want and need from a frontline spec, although ......i see no stability
  15. Yeah this is definitely multiple steps in the right direction
  16. The ones getting special treatment are part of the PvP/WvW meta now and seen as soulbeast/druid are not part of either...I'd say ranger always receive a proper trade off where you get penalized for playing a spec...current meta specs like holosmith parade around talking about trade off for losing...their toolbelt when we all know that holo makes literally an engi 2.0....let's stop this drama about trade-off.....otherwise we must see that holosmith receive a proper one...
  17. Because in most cases, power has been made not effective enough to deal with condi specs before they can overwhelm you, right now only thief and ranger have high burst enough to deal with heavy condi classes before giving them a chance to kill anything. Problem with condi build atm is that they are always linked to bunker specs, so condition damage is not the problem really, the issue is professions reaching high condi dmg while 2-3 defensive traitlines A proper power spec by comparison will take 2-3 offensive traitlines...you can see why the OP and many others have an issue with condi in GW2, people are not against DOT dmg, they are against the idiotic implementation in GW2
  18. Well....accordingly to necro main, Harbinger is super squishy....the gw2 community is something else for certain
  19. It would be pointless at this point to discuss about ideologies, people have different idea for "self sustain", some people would consider themselves satisfied with sustain only when they can easily tank damage from multiple sources for a considerable amount of time; by contrast other people would be happy with just winning that 1v1 in that far corner. Instead I want to bring attention to these new elite traitlines : I want to show people how biased and skewed is the design system for this game. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harbinger VS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catalyst For Harbinger: I see clarity, a strategy and specific paths for gameplay, I see what builds these devs want to see played, there is synergy within the traitline and with others. For Catalyst: I see a bunch of undertuned traits that offer little to no boost to sustain or damage, no decent passive minor like extra HP or armor...nothing and on top of that they add a 2 hand weapon with low dmg and a single block on a 20/30s CD. This thread like many is not random, these devs are extremely biased towards necromancer and for exactly the reasons I listed
  20. I dunno if people took notice of the Hairbinger trait line, one look at it and you'd realize Anet has zero intention of doing anything to necro other than slap on wrist kinda of changes.....it's a money talk....easy class=high reward=huge influx of players= high profit=corporate wish....you can't win, now matter how much you cry, play around it and be content with the crumbles....or better leave the game, if you are wise and smart...you don't waste time on this forum or game...I still play it despite the utter garbage design so.....yeah
  21. I simply would feel pissed off....because the new weapon is supposed to be the main feature of the elite, the whole point of this elite system was yes to give new gameplay option but mainly because people wanted to see different weapons on their chosen profession and if you tell me:" sorry the new elite weapon suck..."...I'd be pissed and pray that at least the elite was good enough to be played without. It has been a case with soulbeast for me, luckily it is one of the best elites for me to play followed by tempest, spellbreaker, dragonhunter. A case of badly designed elite would be Weaver for me, close to unplayable without the sword...poor design, poor gameplay...good only as bunker...completely awful compared to even core ele, if not for the fancy sword evades, a player should feel entitled to ask a "refund" (bunter speaking but...that is the sentiment) So yeah a viable elite weapon is a really a great deal and becomes of secondary importance only if compared to the new gameplay option itself
  22. ...So bloody stupid that players in your game are forced to play exclusively with tank stats to actually "enjoy" a class concept you designed....complete failure on all possible sides...
  23. No surprise...the game is very badly managed and it's a far cry from the peak era of GW1, a combination of spoiled and rotten playerbase and a strong lack of design ideology have destroyed that legacy GW1 created and that was what attracted majority of people to GW2 in the first place. Where in GW1 we had a design studio focused on adapting, innovating and creating fun content...in GW2 we have the opposite, they don't innovate or adapt, they simply downgrade to please a vocal and misdiricted playerbase, which is also very different from the playerbase of the last decade. MMOs used to be a niche market with a very dedicated playerbase, you were rewarded for your time...now MMOs are made for the "playstation generation", the one made of players who buy the game today..and tomorrow expect to be dragon lords of the whole fantasy world...that sort of thing. In GW1 as player you had to learn perfect timing to avoid interrupt, set change with "dodge" button, fake cast, positioning, timing CC as there was diminishing return......in GW2 players just want to rush at you, press all buttons and expect you to die, and if you don't....then clearly there is something wrong with the game and so we need to go the forum and complain even if I may have bought the game last week and got few dozen hours under my belt...that's your typical GW2 player. Another thing: in GW1 if there was a mechanic/skill really too good for the effort, then the devs would change it so that it would still be effective but definitely less oppressive to fight....by contrast in GW2 these new devs simply nerf=delete the problematic build/skill so to please the vocal forum tribe throwing a tantrum on the forum. So yeah, I am not surprised of what GW2 has become...of what MMOs have become these days, too mainstream too be any decent to watch or play like a streamer would, complexity and strategy are thrown out of the window to attract as many players as possible...boring to watch really
  24. The GW2 community will throw a tantrum if they face anything else but huge PBAoE builds....if GW2 had anything similar to the dunno...the bright wizard from Warhammer Online...you'd see 3/4 of the community crying so much, you could fill the black see area with that amount of salty water. Staff ele used to be good but then yeah...after years worth of salty cries...that's what we have today.
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