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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Even more knowing that numerical changes is all he can do...maybe he shouldn't listen at all to this so called "TOP player" cabal where in the end all they care about is their own profession...no matter what otherwise they'd like us to think. You mentioned one name Arken, watched few of his streams years ago and yeah..I can say that he's a honest guardian main, he's not looking to have a broken guardian class but that didn't stop him from shouting for nerfs about ele at that time. How rightful were his remarks at the time is not important, what matters is that he doesn't main the class and the changes he was asking for were relevant in a vacuum ..and that's what this community has been doing since launch. CMC with his behaviour only incetivize people to cry even more on the forum before even looking at themselves, if this guy goes and "nerf the numbers" of every little thing , people whine on this forum....well does it come really as a surprise why we are at this point?
  2. Just me ? The error is a disconnect from server and the lag is packet losses along the way..nothing the ISP can do anything about bud! Their servers are throttling more than a galloping horse on a track race. In simpler terms : GW2 is the only application suffering from the issues described and it doesn't seem like I am the only one
  3. Lag and DC 24/7 during all weekend....the game is borderline unplayable. It's about time you do something or at the very least acknoweledge the problem....
  4. Constant DC, lag spikes..all freaking weekend..trash servers.....I am getting this error non stop, game is freaking unplayable
  5. Spot on analysis, a well played spellbreaker in pvp is a losing MU for a similar skill level ranger
  6. We should consider what other professions bring to the table, soulbeast is already overnerfed in PvP and only now it seems apparently prot holo will see nerfs next week, with sustain reductions and CD increases. Now unless I see the same nerfs being extended to wvw also..I see no reason why dolyak stance should be nerfed in wvw too. Outside 1v1 what else do you excel at on ranger that other professions don't do exponentially better? Let me play professions for what they're supposed to be, if ranger cannot be one of the strongest 1v1 class..then I would have zero reason to use it.
  7. Somebody who gets it..Willbender is a mobile duellist rather than power burst, I theorycrafting a cele and condi version of it ...xd...it's over for typical thief harassers, sword/sword + meditation and the shadowstep utility...nothing will outrun a Willbender...nothing
  8. I'd rather play a game where you can expect always a different type of build to face.....I'd hate to have a game where every single ranger I meet is using "protect me" and Lightning reflex...because everything else is hot garbage. The stability and immunity to immobilize/chill/cripple is what makes Dolyak stance good...people can have their nerf by removing the dmg/condi reduction is redudant regardless
  9. That's not the only issue, it doesn't take long to outsustain a guardian and all top roaming specs are heavy on sustain to fight and run away and..ofc survive a 1vs2 so...Willbender got so much to cover that I doubt it will
  10. Ele has been basically the same since launch...they slapped us with this d/d set and it seems we're fated to live and die on melee front ..all the while hahving no blocks, stealth ect etc....just stack toughness and healing power with a sprinkle of evades there and there. There is very little on ele to justify being at melee...
  11. The NM variant has more upfront defense against sudden power spike thx to Protective ward and in terms of cleansing they're almost similar if you decide to run evasive purity. But yeah the build is not unique, just another tanky boon bruiser bunker roaming, in the same category we have holosmith and scrapper , both offer better survival options if heavily outnumbered and still prove to be useful during teamfights. We also have condi/power herald which can be prove to be a challenge , same story with well played d/p or s/d thief as both can rip boon, with s/d coming on top. Boonbeast is strong ....in WvW thx to better stats availalbility while completely fails in PvP where instead holo/scrapper/herald still hold the whole table......I don't agree with those who gave you confused emotes...but I don't agree with you either, as right now soulbeast is indeed a "meme" build for wvw only, thx to unnerfed dolyak stance and cele gear
  12. Everybody knows that EoD elites will be broken/OP at launch, that much everybody should have realized by now as it's a common marketing strategy to sell the product...it's what happen next that really matters and what people fail to realize, the meta will have same professions at the top as now after some time, just different specs..but exactly the same professions. Virtuouso may be OP at launch I dunno..but he will follow the same path of chronomancer and mirage this much I can fully predict
  13. It's a l2p issue when dealing with condi tanks......dieing to a 900 range glass build with no stealth and just an elite on s180s CD to escape is a balance issue, I am not quite sure about that my friend P.S you may want to make an ele and check the numbers for arcane blast/wave yourself..then compare to spinal shiver...you are way wrong and that dmg coefficient means very little as you will see by yourself
  14. Core FA ele was perfectly viable in WvW during the last months of the HoT era and prior to the Feb 2020 patch where they butchered dmg coefficients, deleted air minor lightning.....arcane skills and halved the sustain on ele, all of this while somebody running an oximoron "tank" reaper can passively crit you for 8k with a bloody trait (shivering), it's instant, no animation..but it's deemed ok...the clearly visible arcane projectile had to be gutted instead..seems about right
  15. I'd rather die to oneshot with the knowledge the opponent is taking risks knowing he could be blown up himself at any time...than die to an oximorom build backpedaling or running in circle never pressing the dodge button while eating every single big hit skill...the same skills which used to do crit damage and now tickle these dire/trailblazer monkey builds.
  16. It's because unless you nerf something so hard that it becomes useless...the gw2 community would keep crying about it, this is just a reaction from the dev team. When the GW2 community asks for "balance" what they mean is "Delete!" from the game. Wanna an example? See Ranger pets...one pet does more than bark from distance acting like a controllable mini-pet and the gw2 community will bring out the pitchforks and torches...once one pet becomes useless that nobody can use effectively anymore...this community will jump on the next pet, till the whole ranger class goes around with a dead mechanic. To say that anet always smither boon things is wrong, I mean...everytime they do apply some nerfs you always get the usual cadre of carebears saying :"is that all? we need more nerfs" This community just keeps asking for nerfs until something is not used anymore in game...the devs just act accordingly to keep the job
  17. We can directly specify that the Feb2020 was a "dumbing down" of the game, the devs intentionally changed the game from the reaction/twitch based version they advertised to...facetanking condi bunker version we have now. The game was deemed to be "too fast for the average player" so they...slowed it down.....now I find it hilarious and sad at the same time that those same players who benefited from the dumbing down of the game try to lecture others with l2p messages...lol. Before the Feb patch my favourite build to play was FA ele but...it was deemed...too unfair even though I was going around with like 1200 toughness, which is 200 from base lol...... They destroyed my damage, destroyed the game so that Timmy doesn't need to learn how to dodge...he just press F1, walk in straight line while the game tank all dmg for him. Now Timmy trying to teach people how to play...hilarious...that's the state of the game. ideally Anet should revert a great deal of nerfed power dmg, so that many Timmy can get a slice of humble pie while chatting at respawn I miss the days when I could arcane/zap Timmy's kitten back to spawn in a fashionable way, now Timmy goes either shroud while backpedaling or invoke a Jalis/staff dashing forward without a single care in the world....thx to CMC, now even Timmy gets to win..when he should lose before learning how to win. Back in the day players would spend months trying to improve and get a chance of being invited in a winning team to get one day an animal emote in Heroes Ascent.....now Timmy buys the game today and tomorrow he expects already to be top of the board :"whaaa I played the game for 300 hrs why am I not platinum yet? the game too fast why there is so much dmg?" Am I ranting? yeah...I just miss the days when fights would end in few secs/2m max and when people would pay the price for acting like a wannabe Rambo
  18. Your actions speak louder than anything, your presence here and of those like you with their petty and silly talk is proof enough, what you believe doesn't concern anybody as the meta speaks for itself, this will be the last I reply if you haven't got anything else worth discussing
  19. My is post is in clear enough English...read multiple times if you don't understand a wall of text.....
  20. People buy pre-release based on past performances, it's safe to assume that 3/4 of those who initially pre-purchased GW2 did so based on GW1 performance, I was one of them and so did my friends(none of them still play GW2). With that said why anybody would pre-purchase a product from Anet after everything GW2 has proved to be...it's behind me. The situation is quite clear: if EoD elites prove to be as badly designed as PoF ones..then I see no reason to even bother, ofc to each his own but ...yeah
  21. It looks stupid even saying it but...nowhere I've said condis buffed on necro?!reading comprension problems....
  22. Nobody cares about your pistol engineer, nobody ever complained about your pistole engineer, nobody ever mentioned it on this forum and such there is zero point in mentioning it. I have specifically mentioned Necromancer and Revenant as main offenders, both have dodged the vast majority of nerfs,,,,yeah they did cut by half the condition application of certain skills...only most of them were ele skill ofc, necromancer by comparison was virtually left untouched and still sport pre-Feb power/sustain levels, something which should have been addressed ages ago accordingly to what the devs promised last year.
  23. Let's try this other approach and see if you get it..... People hate condi builds because 90% of them are PBAoE spammers, the only builds people ever complained about are always the same: Mesmer and Necromancer , both apply condis with PBAoE on skills/utilities with very low CD, nobody can deny that PBAoE gameplay is far less skill intensive that single target gameplay requiring LoS and more. If condi skills would be linked to reflectable single target skills...there would be almost no complaint, basically the main issue people have with condis in GW2 is the braindead specs behind it.
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