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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Maybe...just maybe we could reduce the number of ressers to 1....so that we remove the power ress joke mode, but I do agree with the OP...ressing in this game is an absolute joke
  2. This is why the first class I could think of when GW2 launched was elementalist..... This is what I used to play in GW1, played an air, a fire, an earth and water variant.....In GW1, I was exactly an elemental spellcaster and that's exactly what I signed for when I bought GW2. Now this is what I used to play during the initial beta and first couple of months in 2012 A build nerfed to the ground based on principles that nobody follows anymore...first and foremost the devs themselves don't respect these same principles...but the nerfs remain to this day: arcane skills.....phoenix....air minor....the damage was butchered, never compensated for. For god's sake...wake the hell up all of you! This is what elementalist supposed to be: Give me back my staff damage! Give me back my scepter damage....somebody throwing lightnings at you, supposed to open a new one on you. Nobody can tell me that full melee is what an elementalist is about, but for the sake of argument..yes we can have melee spellcasters...and are called battlemages and from the name you can deduce that to start with, they wear medium armor at the very least, they have some starting physical toughness and use spells to reach the peak of their abilities. Elementalits is not a battlemage, it was designed to be a glass ranged spellcaster but then they decided to shove everything aside to give space to their supposed meta and molded this class around the idea of d/d combat...without any substantial statistical addition: 1)The HP should have been raised to 15k at least 2)Should have been given better sustain tools like blocks or evades that don't depend on healing power 3)Should have been able to actually deal competitive direct dmg None of this has been given and worst of all, the advertised ranged combat has been slowly replaced by this melee mania over the years. Imagine we take warrior and start nerfing to the ground all its melee oriented weapons and then we force the warrior playerbase to play on rifle and longbow from on, it all makes zero sense to me.....still some people will whiteknight for anet...
  3. At 100% it will end with more people joining the necro/engi/guardian/rev bandwagon.... ...they literally never nerf properly those 4
  4. A profession should not be balanced around the performances of a single or small group of individuals...especially because every other profession is balanced so that even an individual with basic cognitive skills can do well on them, but people like Grimjack believe that in a game with the skill level of my little pony we should have a subset of professions working based on Doom eternal Nightmare mode, can you see the discrepancy?
  5. You would guess at this time, the entire ele community should well know that any ele "DPSSS BENCHMARKKKKK" get oblitared by nerfs because...we can't have a class with hard rotations, low or no sustain to reach that dmg..it sends a wrong message to those wishing to buy GW2. "To be the best in anything in GW2..we don't want you to put effort" and that's why they promote things like dragonhunter, scourges, reapers....press 2 buttons and do what ele do with 20 button press...while having 1/5 of the sustain.
  6. You are actually 100% correct...they know they messed up with weaver, creating an overly complicated mess...so they went back to more simplistic design, a good start I guess.......maybe by expansion 7 eles will get an actual ranged elite..fingers crossed
  7. The elite is the most stupid thing I have ever seen..but didn't even want to talk about it, was testing cata d/d and guess was much more fun than previous beta but yeah....let's all stop for a moment and think about it.....we wait 90s to recover the full CD not of all attunements at least...but a single one and we call that an elite, I am trying my best not to be a downer on everybody with how excited they are with cata d/d but yeah...let's be realistic here: 1) No boonrip 2) No CC stunlock 3) No range pressure above 600 range with similar levels of other professions This elite is just a bone thrown in our direction to shut us up and people are happy with the bread crumbles
  8. Is it really that much stronger than old cele d/d ? In the end all cata d/d does is to add a 10-20% to well known hard hitting skills and some additional boon uptime, I would be as excited as the rest if the sphere fields would at least apply some condis.....but heya that would send the reddit golem benchmark crowd in a frenzy and we can't have that can we?! The new sphere is certainly much better than before and the block utility is amazing for eles, so while cata d/d is usable now.....let's not forget that we're talking about ele and Anet so.....we all know that down the line that block utility will see a 15-20s cd increase, reduce stat gain from empowerment and some other nerf that will launch ele back in the gutter it is now For as long as core ele suck...a few nerfs is all that is needed to destroy a gimmick, do you all remember how popular was fire weaver few months after launch? Anet immediately killed it by increasing CD , removing the vital stability trait and killing the burning output by over 60%. After the 2-3 nerfs which ofc will come, all we will be left is...same old core ele and shaky foundations. Yeah I am part of the crowd which see things for what they are and don't buy in all the hype, created just to make you bring out the wallet. There have been 0 improvements to core ele in years and this cata d/d is yet another gimmick that will be nerfed down the rabbit hole...like weaver before it.
  9. You had your fill of "godhood", you had it for the last 3 years at least: you have been dominating WvW-PvP and PvE. New players on necro had a hell of a good time, you have been playing with a huge kittening grin on your face for the last 3 years. On the other hand you have professions like ele or warrior which have been dumped on with tracks full of horseshit, you have like 1-2 players still streaming on either profession and you rarely see them played in high number like necro, you'll never see 50 kitten eles clearing a meta event with world boss....let alone 50 warriors. It is about time they introduce something requiring some actual brain power to play rather than press F1 and feel like a god, I wish nothing more...nothing more than Anet giving blocks/invulnerabilities to necro with Harbinger, I only wish Anet would go and actually add them to Harbinger. I can't even imagine how hilarious would be to watch your average joe on necro trying to stay alive while scrambling to get 40s CD+ skill up and running, after years being left with the ability to access another HP bar and huge dmg/condi reduction on a 10s CD. Blocks? Invulnerabilities? evades?....oh God please yes yes! Please Anet give all of this to necros?.....I can only imagine how enjoyable would be to watch players struggle while unable to access their 50% dmg/condi reduction on a 10s CD
  10. I'd rather fight 3 mesmers together...than a single necro. Mesmer has clear openings any class can get in a put huge pressure...on the other hand, we have broken mechanics like shroud soaking dmg, where I see a player actively dodging to avoid going down with mesmer.....I then see a bot like thing walking in a straight line like a boss
  11. Yes! TOP teams use 2-3 necros in their winning team because the class is "good only against noobs"......give me a kittening break
  12. Harbinger is bad because they removed the passive 500HP for second, with 0 healing power, regeneration? Are you guys kittening serious?...yes yes you all are....and it's sad
  13. Maybe you should take a look at professions like elementalist and see really "how bad" necros are getting it , you are always welcome to try ele...but hey you won't for certain. The entire community is more than welcome to ask Anet to swap harbinger with catalyst..you can get even the focus with OB as weapon....any day...most eles will support you
  14. Although you should realize that the average joe here is not happy with the way ele plays, this because the effort=reward ratio for the whole game is 5 to 8 where with ele is 10 to 7, basically double the effort for similar or slightly lower rewards Ele is not popular for a good reason
  15. Right....we all know they will hard nerf the dmg by the time EoD launch or few months after....like they did with weaver dmg traits lol, they will lower the overall dmg to 30k something while nerfing the sustain on top......luckily they are not huge defensive factors to start with
  16. The skill should definitely be 240-280 radius and be able to remove at least 3 boons, ideally 4-5 and I would not mind to see an increase in CD to 20s+ , but right now a paultry 2 boons removed in a melee radius every 15s simply doesn't cut it. Even the most simplistic build these days will have access to 5-6 boons on a 10s CD average.....rending vines is simply too weak as it stands
  17. The hammer supposed to be a PvE/WvW weapon or at best with some tryhard AT team with heavy support...and I am fine with that, any defensive buffs to hammer would simply invite the nerf herd to cry on the forum till they nerf GS for all ranger build/specs Any QoL change are welcome for hammer always...except they should not equal the defensive abilities of GS at anytime, regardless of full mele ranger working or not It is possible to add AoE knockback/launch for defensive reasons, anything but a full block GS type
  18. This brownish yellow icon is hard to spot during a fight and even a fraction of second wasted making sure the ambush icon is up or not..can mean death due to a missed dodge, we need something which is more noticeable even using the corner of your eyes, I suggest to add a bright green aura around the icon like the guardian virtue, basically need more visual tell
  19. Catalyst is core ele 2.0 and that's why you find success with it already, by comparison Weaver was close to be a sub-par overcomplicated variant of core ele...just saved by sword and Twist of fate, without those weaver would have been useless for the vast majority of ele players. D/D catalyst would be a stronger duellist with better synergy with core traits and more power dmg in general but weaver still got sword -Surprinsingly Staff catalyst plays very well, better at ranged support and pressure with the ranged sphere-
  20. Finally managed to fully test untamed and...it's a 7 out 10 where sb is 8-9/10 , the condi clear on untamed is actually good and better than soulbeast with upfront cleansing so teamfight vs heavy condi specs won't feel bad at all ( especially in WvW when paired with cleansing sigils) -The pet dieing fast is an important issue, which I can personally overlook as I am used to play around dead pets with druid in wvw zerg fight, I won't ask for pet reworks at this stage -The addition of barrier to each cantrip use, it's possibly one of the best changes since beta 3 and it will be a vital part of Untamed sustain in WvW -Hammer is fine for me, no complaint, I will go ahead and craft The Juggernaut now So far Untamed offers enough for me to buy EoD finally, it may not be as strong as SB in 1v1(arguably at this point, seen Untamed downing SB with ease so...who knows); I'd prefer a more elegant solution for pets but..whatever I will swallow the bitter pill, I am mildly satisfied
  21. Is this guy serious with this video?...ha wait......it's gw2 forum so ofc he's serious.....
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