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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Never seen a worst situation in 8 years of balance...all 3 modes completely dominated by nothing else but guardians and necros......In every mode just stack enough of these classes and you are gold....everywhere I go..I see nothing but guardians and necros being tanky and aoe dps everything down, spamming heals/boons/barrier/condis.... You go pvp....double core necro, firebrands, symbolbrand, reapers spamming aoe condi/dps on pointYou go wvw....a never ending sea of scourges and firebrands advancing while being perma boons and aoe dps/condiYou go pve...DH trap spamming , reapers and scourges Terrible, awful balance......
  2. Maybe we can find a middle ground? Nobody likes oneshot BS from stealth...not even those using it, at the same time we can't have bunker builds requiring 3-4 people to be downed, what about we cut frontload burst by 50% and make so that bunker specs take max 2 people to down?
  3. Your signature gives all the answers and explanations I may ever need : "playing revenant is borderline exploiting" - up condimirage 2k18 , you mocking mesmers gives a clear example of the self-entitlement of the mesmer playerbase, which has always believed a rotation of defensive skills with passive condi application...can be considered "skilled" gameplay I still wonder how many become pro players over night after the introduction of chrono bunker before and condi mirage after...hmmm... You rly make me laugh... what you try to use as arguments. Whatever, as said i stop trying here. Narrowness can't be fought with logic. You get the irony of that signature do you? And no, only bad Mesmer player defended stuff like old CI and Chaosline (what was the biggest issue for Mirage sustain, passive Chaosline and its very good synergy to Mirage traitline). I never did that. I was one of the first calling out old CI trait. I also made enough balance suggestions for Condimirage rly solving the issues of Condimirage and not just nerf around them.The guy who made that Rev hate thread from my signature was a joke as a player and a meme itself, he is not a valid example for how most Mesmer mains act. First of all I want to apologize , you seem a reasonable guy..compared to the rest of mesmer flock , if my reasoning appears to you as narrowness than so be it..I am just sharing my opinion on how a game should be balanced, for me a 50/50 scenario is the epitome of game design...whether that can be actually achieved...I don't think so, the devs themselves can be almost as biased as the players so... Second of all yeah the fact that most other mesmer main thought that CI was the problem and not IH+staff ambush...brings me to my first point, not even EM was that OP to guarantee the huge nerf....I have always asked for the removal of IH even before it became popular, the BS behind it could be already felt. I was dumbstruck when they nerfed EM instead than IH...EM condi mirage was a real threat but not as frustratingly oppressive as staff IH camper....but many mesmer mains were on board with the change , many saying that mirage was now balanced..while secretly jumping on IH the real issue. I m always ready to give up my "cheese" as long as you give up yours, I won't apologize for my ideals ...I want to put as much effort as you in this game to play comfortably...I don't want to put 3x more effort than you to accomplish anything OK firstly you're both wrong, CI was a problem because mesmers literally have 3 times more CC in the broken power crept fiasco of PoF (even now too) than any core CI interrupt build ever had and that took far more CC than most classes ever would in core. This meant they would always get CI proc by simply spamming their CC instead of carefully timing CC to interrupt and lock down the enemy for 2s to burst. The addition of expertise didn't help either making 2s immob into 3 which is insane....just as we have all seen on the current druid troll build. Secondly EM was flat out broken, there is no defending stunbreak on dodge, it should never exist just as Mirage CLoak being useable while stunned. Yes it's not so bad now because 1 dodge meme and currently CC availability is pretty out of whack at the moment meaning you're going to be CC'd to death a lot now, doesn't mean it's not a broken mechanic. As for "mesmer mains" saying IH was balanced, it was balanced in that meta at the time, then a few things got nerfed and IH mirage became dominant again. Now you might argue about the CI point to which I direct you to this comment: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1004275#Comment_1004275or if you feel like sitting and reading a much longer but more insightful explanation of what the real problems are here's a longer version: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/982194#Comment_982194 The best part, now everyone truly is complaining about CC spam. As for the topic itself, they actually do play the game and they do listen to feedback, I know it's hard to grasp but the reality is most of the game devs actually do love playing this game. CMC even competed in competitions because he loved it so much, same with Grouch when we had him and the game was in a much healthier spot when Grouch was communicating and helping to keep PvP fun and as fair as possible, much like what the current PvP team is trying to do.Then I ask myself what game are they playing?....They nerf one spec and the next moment the exact same thing but from another class take its place...we spent months/years to get rid ( barely) of condi mirage only to get camped by condi rev, the only thing they seem to be good at is to destroy whatever soloqers cry the most on the forum, which has little or no weight in the rest of the game or not in the same scenario at least
  4. Your signature gives all the answers and explanations I may ever need : "playing revenant is borderline exploiting" - up condimirage 2k18 , you mocking mesmers gives a clear example of the self-entitlement of the mesmer playerbase, which has always believed a rotation of defensive skills with passive condi application...can be considered "skilled" gameplay I still wonder how many become pro players over night after the introduction of chrono bunker before and condi mirage after...hmmm... You rly make me laugh... what you try to use as arguments. Whatever, as said i stop trying here. Narrowness can't be fought with logic. You get the irony of that signature do you? And no, only bad Mesmer player defended stuff like old CI and Chaosline (what was the biggest issue for Mirage sustain, passive Chaosline and its very good synergy to Mirage traitline). I never did that. I was one of the first calling out old CI trait. I also made enough balance suggestions for Condimirage rly solving the issues of Condimirage and not just nerf around them.The guy who made that Rev hate thread from my signature was a joke as a player and a meme itself, he is not a valid example for how most Mesmer mains act.First of all I want to apologize , you seem a reasonable guy..compared to the rest of mesmer flock , if my reasoning appears to you as narrowness than so be it..I am just sharing my opinion on how a game should be balanced, for me a 50/50 scenario is the epitome of game design...whether that can be actually achieved...I don't think so, the devs themselves can be almost as biased as the players so... Second of all yeah the fact that most other mesmer main thought that CI was the problem and not IH+staff ambush...brings me to my first point, not even EM was that OP to guarantee the huge nerf....I have always asked for the removal of IH even before it became popular, the BS behind it could be already felt. I was dumbstruck when they nerfed EM instead than IH...EM condi mirage was a real threat but not as frustratingly oppressive as staff IH camper....but many mesmer mains were on board with the change , many saying that mirage was now balanced..while secretly jumping on IH the real issue. I m always ready to give up my "cheese" as long as you give up yours, I won't apologize for my ideals ...I want to put as much effort as you in this game to play comfortably...I don't want to put 3x more effort than you to accomplish anything
  5. Don't you get the sarcasm behind the post? This is just a veiled "mesmer is UP" thread if you haven't realized yet..I mean..he has a mesmer signature...c'mon
  6. Your signature gives all the answers and explanations I may ever need : "playing revenant is borderline exploiting" - up condimirage 2k18 , you mocking mesmers gives a clear example of the self-entitlement of the mesmer playerbase, which has always believed a rotation of defensive skills with passive condi application...can be considered "skilled" gameplay I still wonder how many become pro players over night after the introduction of chrono bunker before and condi mirage after...hmmm...
  7. Sorry sunshine..I will never apologize here...we're all playing the same casual MMO, you're not better than me and I am not better than you , it's all buildwars with min common sense applied. All I see here barking are the mesmers wishing to go back to pre-patch status....and I have precisely described how fights with mesmers used to go. P.SAre you for real? The condi mirage meta had : torch/decoy/staff/jaunt and reflect on evasion......those have been the standards of 80% of roaming mesmer builds for years before the patch...I did enough homework I dont see any calculation to back up your claims, only salty insultsWhich insults? Point them out!Either way...dealing with the mesmer police or any other class forum "security" service is tiring and mostly a waste of time..so I tap out from here
  8. Sorry sunshine..I will never apologize here...we're all playing the same casual MMO, you're not better than me and I am not better than you , it's all buildwars with min common sense applied. All I see here barking are the mesmers wishing to go back to pre-patch status....and I have precisely described how fights with mesmers used to go. P.SAre you for real? The condi mirage meta had : torch/decoy/staff/jaunt and reflect on evasion......those have been the standards of 80% of roaming mesmer builds for years before the patch...I did enough homework
  9. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577610131 I was expecting top teams running 5 ranger with double bird.... accordingly to the forum and the "devs" listening to it, ranger is the uber OP class with pets one shotting anything with 1 hit, any outsider would read the forum and would think that a ranger or a lightning rod ele are the most OP specs ever created...then Top teams running with double rev during tournament...not a single ranger...not a single lightning rod...yeah the devs should play their own game instead than paying attention to the forum banter You ppl somehow cannot distinguish between opness and brokenness on one side and usefulness for conquest roles on the other side. Best example might be Condirev. It is still kind of broken it is way to rewarding to play in terms of easy offensive play by braindead skillspam being rewarded and defensive play by being way too tanky for the dmg it can pull out easy. In 2v2 top dog. In conquest? Not that much because the lack of mobility and other stuff (like 4-5 ppl can focus him here not only 2 on small maps he can just cover with his condi spam). Doesn't Condirev need nerfs still, also when not rly that useful in conquest? Ofc in terms of getting a balance state where stuff has a good risk-reward relation and is not braindead playable it still needs nerfs. If you start to buff mechanics which are useless in conquest to make them useful in conquest by simple being utterly op and broken you will not get a good PvP balance ever. Some stuff simply will not be the best for any role in conquest by simpel mechanics. You either change the mechanic or you play other builds (like Powerrev instead Condirev in conquest) on that class have more mechanical usefulness for conquest or you play a different class. Compensating a lack of mechanical usefulness in conquest by buffing it into braindead playable and op brokenness to make it conquest meta is not the way. Ranger is one example of being way to easy to play and having unhealthy and way too low skill ceiling stuff availabe while still not being the most useful for any role in conquest and counterable by coordinated teams. That we didn't see 5 Ranger teams with Birds (a good duel pet choice but too squishy in a 5v5 mode for example) doesn't say anything about how easy or broken something is. It just says how useful for any role in conquest something is. Ranger has good viability in ranked still but 5v5 vs coordinated teams Ranger is simply not the best choice for any role. And one Rev meme team in MATs showed pretty well, how even stacking the most braindead Rev specs doesn't make you win in the end. There is a difference between builds good in carrying low skill vs builds good in carrying a team in conquest mode. Sadly is: Meta gets what can do both in the end. Why? Because Gw2 still rewards low risk and low skill way too much. The balance patch philosophy is good but the implementation was not successful until now. In some cases it even killed skill ceiling (Soubeast pet swap deletion, Mirage one dodge) and made skillful builds even worse for the sake of nerfing some op stuff without even solving the balance issues by its roots (Obsidian Flash change killing FA even more, while bunkerish and low skill ceiling Ele builds still overperfrom, one dodge change on Mirage kills skillful power builds and even dumbs down the whole spec) and which could have been nerfed in a way not affecting other builds not op at all. Trade off agenda is still a mess too. I can be sure you don't play mesmer.It's no exaggeration to say that the current mesmer has been removed from the game. Mirage is still strong. It has a lot of damage and great survivability. That is true for 5v5 and for 2v2. Misha plays mirage and he is rank 3 or so on the 2v2 leaderboard. It is mmore a learn to play issue than an issue with the class. Misha will be here whatever he play. (And there is hudge teamplay combo in his match.)Where is the second mesmer after him ? My point was that it isnt the class that restricts you. Misha can play it at very high level in both 5v5 and 2v2. Therefore unless misha is some superhuman immortal being, people qqing here could become decent with mirage aswell if theyd just try. Mirage had a lot of get-out-of jail free cards. Now they are gone and you actually have to be able to play the game to be good. Deal with it. ^Seems they backpedaled a fair bit from here after the @bravan.3876 exchange. ^^ Not sure what you mean here tbh. What exchange from me? Who backpedals from what towards what?The only thing I see is the difference between selfishness and genuine understanding of the word balance. When I talk about balance I talk about equilibrium based on concrete concepts...not abstract self-made ideologies based on personal bias. By any accord we can use the word skill when the gameplay is uniform across the playerbase...not when we have hundreds of options available, I mean you should talk about skill only when players have access to the same set of skills and base stats.....basically not in a MMO. An example of your flawed argument and your strong hatred for rangers and eles , pre-patch situation : A ) ranger with sic'em approaches mesmer, the ranger try to look for an opening to burst the mesmer...but there is no opening, multiple stealth options with torch/decoy/mass invisibility/passive stealth....you try your best and bait all stealths but one, then proceed to use sic'em.....still can't win...mesmer uses blur...or distortion...or blink away and when all of that is done...mesmer dodges and applies reflection to himself..your 35s CD utility wasted....time to run away maybe..no can't do..illusionary leap/blink or jaunt if mass invisibility wasn't used..no way to escape. Ofc in all this, the ranger is a noob/scrub whatever and the mesmer is a pro player, ezport champion, chosen of the gods etc etc etc etc B ) Before sword expansion ele approaches the mesmer....more sustain than ranger and so what?...the mesmer simply keeps his distance easily, the ele can get close and then?...decoy/blink/phase retreat and safe...meanwhile the clones/phantasm safely consume all defensive options from ele before the inevitable burst. Again the ele here is a noob, bronze/silver scrub and the mesmer is the champion ezport.....ofc even more the ele will be a noob/scrub if he uses sword and now become an actual threat to the mesmer with the short CD teleport and dodges /evades to level the field In both examples, the mesmer display a plethora of "get out of jail free", engage and disengage options compared to both ele and ranger that you consider noob easy to play. Now pay attention please, you want to use hard logic in a MMO and by all means let's do it! If you talk about skilled balance then every engage option between any two classes should have a 50/50 chance to end in either favor with victory decided by split second decisions....but that's not the case here, both ranger and ele lack the tools to get past the defenses of the mesmer which can play the long game at its leisure. In a skilled balance scenario : the mesmer would have no access to reflect on dodge/healing skill use etc etc, skills like phase retreat would have a far bigger CD and some other things I don't want to list here...meanwhile the ranger would have more access to unblockables and more aoe to get past the clone wall....with ele, we would have a shorter CD gap closers and more dmg on its aoe skill to again get past the clone wall. This is what balance=equilibrium means...nothing to do with what you think is right Mesmer playerbase should try to be more reasonable......this is not 2012, we can all bloody see who is the real mesmer..we just can't get past through the sheer amount of defenses the class has...oh pardon me..."had". Now go on mesmers! Tell me how much of a noob/scrub I am and how easily other classes could kill mesmers pre-patch...I expect nothing less from you lot
  10. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577610131~~~~ Really?...Try again, reality is different from what the forum want you to believe
  11. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577610131 I was expecting top teams running 5 ranger with double bird.... accordingly to the forum and the "devs" listening to it, ranger is the uber OP class with pets one shotting anything with 1 hit, any outsider would read the forum and would think that a ranger or a lightning rod ele are the most OP specs ever created...then Top teams running with double rev during tournament...not a single ranger...not a single lightning rod...yeah the devs should play their own game instead than paying attention to the forum banter
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577610131... Top teams running mesmers while no Top team running the legendary double bird uber killer ranger build which apparently can down anything by simply looking at them.....do you see what I see?...DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?....Top teams playing mesmers while fanboys cry over their loss of condi mirage...oh sorry..It's called normalization of the spec from OP status...I will be waiting of your videos of Top team running the legendary double bird build dealing 30-40k dmg like the open arena screenshots
  13. Despite your claims....the amount of mesmers during this last tournament speaks for itself compared to the classes/specs you whine about....double revs, necs, tempest, firebrands, holos and mesmers with some thief....strange..I was expecting rangers with double bird one shotting everything accordingly to your "experiences" Ofc I am not stating that mesmer is OP or in the best spot ever...it's still far from the unplayable level few mesmer fanboys want us to believe
  14. Maybe mesmer players should have advocated for the removal of the problematic traits like IH and chronophantasm...instead mesmers were all "if you nerf those I quit"...well anet went and nerfed all around it..you reap what you sow Weird because quite a lot of mesmer players actually said that the problem is mirage cloak being busted in it's concept, something even you seem to miss. Weird huh. Also I didn't sow those seeds, go find me a post where I say "if you nerf those I quit", I dare you to try.Maybe if all those mesmer players would have stopped the whole "nerf my soft/hard counter"...you would have not ended up in a situation where nobody could stop you...that would have saved you from many nerfs, do you remember all the nerf threads started by mesmer main asking to nerf side duellists like ranger, ele etc etc? Always told you guys..the nerfs you suggest to others will inevitably come back to stab you in the back..it's a cycle
  15. Maybe mesmer players should have advocated for the removal of the problematic traits like IH and chronophantasm...instead mesmers were all "if you nerf those I quit"...well anet went and nerfed all around it..you reap what you sow
  16. That's because engi has access to consistent water fields and combo blast with which it can raise his sustain pretty high while doing above average dmg thx to might stacking, has access to long stealth and above average traitlines, both scrapper and holo see play in wvw/pvp...yup what not to desire about engi
  17. The same polls over and over again..from wvw to pvp...always there to stir drama.....
  18. Low skill floor and vast performances in all game modes, condi specs attract thousand of players
  19. Balance affects everybody in game..not only those free to play for 5-6 hrs every day of the week
  20. Been waiting for fire breathing quiver for an awful amount of time...please brink it back if even for few days
  21. Problem I see with this is that the ranger has quite an arsenal of skills and traits which trigger their effects on your pet's next attack. Which can't be used if your pet is not able to attack at all. Unless your idea for the offensive ward would be that it acts like a turret, being an attacking stationary minion. Was thinking more about ranged AoE skills and the traits for pet action could activate when the Ward land on the enemies, Ex: winter's bite weakness on pet next attack get applied to ward once activated say...Offensive ward 30s Cd 3/4s cast time, base 2k dmg and 3.5 coefficient -1200 range - "deliver an explosion of celestial energy on location" and now it's 2k dmg + 4s weakness from winter's bite Skills in GW2 don't have base damage, just power coefficients. Having a skill with such a long CD replace the pet attack mechanic could also prove problematic, since there are many effects like this. A pet can constantly make use of them, since their AA has no cooldown, using the spawn of the wards for this purpose makes it hard to use all these effects efficiently. My suggestion: Instead of a single big hit, you could make these wards pulse a weak attack regularly and that pulsing effects applies the pet "on attack" features. That way you still get to constantly use this stuff. Also, Druid shouldn't really have huge burst spells in their base mechanic in my opinion. The spec is supposed to be a healing support, not an AoE nuker.For offensive ward we could some sort of disabling like increased rate of attack for allies caught in the ward ..or something else, so yeah the pulsing dmg idea would work perfectly
  22. The pets would not attack though, they would no deal or receive any dmg, they're there to open access to wards and for the animation : the pet remains in ethereal form and when the ward activate the selected pet will teleport in the target area and become a ward
  23. Problem I see with this is that the ranger has quite an arsenal of skills and traits which trigger their effects on your pet's next attack. Which can't be used if your pet is not able to attack at all. Unless your idea for the offensive ward would be that it acts like a turret, being an attacking stationary minion. Was thinking more about ranged AoE skills and the traits for pet action could activate when the Ward land on the enemies, Ex: winter's bite weakness on pet next attack get applied to ward once activated say...Offensive ward 30s Cd 3/4s cast time, base 2k dmg and 3.5 coefficient -1200 range - "deliver an explosion of celestial energy on location" and now it's 2k dmg + 4s weakness from winter's bite
  24. I had this idea for a while, the aim is to have a strong support specialization suitable for small and zerg scale , while not able to compete as duellist spec like a core build or soulbeast can , ofc it should still offer the same levels of self-sustain of a tempest or a scrapper, so here is the idea : Ethereal pets-When slotting Druid specialization , pets become "ethereal" , cannot do or receive any sort of dmg-Pet skill bar replaced with ward like skills and can have maximum 2 wards at time along with druid bar, wards will have 1200 range and 3/4s cast time at least-Pets are divided in "ward family"...a bit like soulbeast pet archetypes An offensive ward for birds,cats and other...defensive ward bears-pigs ...etc etc and finally an utility ward with other petsNow if you use a bird and a pig your druid would have an offensive and defensive ward to useThis would be the main idea then the devs could fill in with the detail (like replacing ancient seed with something else).
  25. ..yeah and that CC should come after the teammates managed to build a 10k pieces of puzzle in 10m, win the New York Marathon, going to the Moon and come back and that LONG cooldown should be something like 48hrs at min
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