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Everything posted by Mysticjedi.6053

  1. Sounds like the Dev's took the right lessons. The story was definitely too big for a single expansion. I look forward to a more grounded regional story that will hopefully flush out new characters.
  2. Grown to like pistols. Especially skill 3. It has a lot of utility. I think skill 5 charge could have the charge go up like stairs.
  3. Quick Feedback: Skill 1: Projectiles are too slow. Damage feels low. I don't care about bleeding, but if it needs to be there we should get a bonus to bleeding if the target is also on fire. Piercing is nice. Skill 2: Please make a cone attack, not a beam attack Skill 3: For consistency based on what the attack skill does, could it please be a FIRE field and not a light field? Increase the length by a second or two. It feels like a vital part of the weapon set. Skill 4: Again, bleeding on Guardian is meh, but if it needs to be there give it bonus damage if the target is on fire. I like the piercing. The power of the attack needs to be increased. Skill 5: Put defiance damaged at all levels, but increase with charge Allow for quicker charge. Increase damage. Overall: I like the idea of laying a symbol and having it influence what projectiles do. Feels more like a trait, but can work with it on the pistol. Since Guard has some good interplay with vulnerability, maybe give an extra bonus to bleeds if Vulnerable.
  4. Update: I can load the game, but it crashes right away.
  5. Woohoo, I am not alone. This is happening to me too. I even tried launching repair and it is still stuck on downloading.
  6. New Rush Events: Dragon Response Missions Strike Missions Beetle Races Griffon Races Dungeon Prizes: Allow for individual prizes, but there should be community goals as well. Maybe Guild goals that provide some kind of bonus.
  7. Anet has made it pretty clear they want hammer to feel heavy. I know people feel they want quickness with hammer, my personal opinion is that hammer should double down on skills 2-5 controlling. It would be nice glacial heart didn't just affect Heavy Blow, but applied it whenever a crit is hit with hammer a person was either chilled or immobilized (1 sec duration). I would like see the damage on the second auto hit and symbol increased. I would prefer more control that allows the auto attack to hit. (Ex. Heavy Blow might knock down if the target is immobilized.) I would rather Warding Circle went away all together and was replaced with some type of Stun attack that didn't root.
  8. I use this build for general pve. I don't know if power is the best, but I have fun with it. You can solo most elites with it. I've even solo'd a champion with it once, but I think I got lucky. I forgot the runes I use. **EDIT** I use Pack Runes. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWzAEx7lVwQYqsJWLO0L/RVA-zRRYBRNGMMA-e
  9. So there are a total of 5 mastery lines in EoD. We know one is fishing, one boating, and one is siege turtle. They hinted that a fourth is using dragonjade. In the interview they said they are breaking a lot of their rules about specializations. My random speculation, what if the 5th mastery line allows players to use two specializations at once? That is my speculation based solely on the idea that they are breaking their own design rules. I know they hinted that meant things like no clone mesmers, but maybe it was a bigger hint.
  10. EoD maps need to be designed like PoF maps with metas like HoT.
  11. Considering that point, it is more than likely that those inexperienced players had somewhat optimized gear. Removing the timer takes away the "need" (notice the quotations) for gear optimization and can allow for a group of ten to take their time. If they want to spend 30 minutes on Vale Guardian, go ahead. Mastering the mechanics would still be something to be proud of in the end. Removing the time limit is also probably the easiest fix. They could implement the Strike Mission version of a timer. Completing a boss in X amount of time provides additional loot, maybe an extra LI or maybe a mystic coin? I completely agree about once we've cleared a boss allowing us to go to that boss any time. That would probably make training easier and be less of a time sink for the trainers. They just open the instance people want to train on. "Easy" mode has never made sense to me either.
  12. Played a T2 Gold game last night still had most damage and healing with nerfs on a core burn guard. I'm sure DH is fairing just as well. Can't say what is happening at higher tiers because, well, I'm T2 Gold.
  13. I love Sunqua fractal!My normal team consists of my wife, daughters (9 & 11), and niece (17). It took us a few hours to learn the fight. We eventually beat it though, with everyone standing. The cheers and pride I saw on my daughters' faces for persevering were great. Bosses should be hard and there should be a challenge. Learning patterns, working together, and thinking of new ways to be successful is what makes games fun.
  14. I can only speak from my experience, but doing the special tournaments during the last week of the PvP League season feels like it split a player base that isn't the largest in the game and made ranked matches kind of crap. Could Anet explain why they decided to do this? Why couldn't it have waited one more week?
  15. I've tried swapping stories and maps, I still can't get credit for the instance or get it to show up. I've done it twice with family. They got credit for completing the story. I have not. The weird thing is I have gotten achievements...
  16. To make PvP enjoyable, people have to be able to survive more than the initial burst. It makes sense to nerf damage first, and then look at making adjustments to toughness and damage to find a Goldilocks Zone. I'll just remind people that PvP has been out of wack for a LONG time. The solution will take awhile. I don't think this will last forever. (I hope not at least)
  17. I did symbolbrand for awhile, switched to sagebrand, and wow.After a little bit of a learning curve, I've seen a steady increase in ranking. It has been nice.
  18. So you believe that a group of skills that have pretty easy to see wind up animations, is completely static, and REQUIRES the opponent to stand in the symbol in order to receive maximum damage multiplier is too strong?Dodge and attack the Guardian from behind. Every other class can literally run circles around Guardian.
  19. I can get behind Strike Missions being stepping stones to Raids. Rewards do need to better to get people to come. I'm okay with unique rewards only available in a Strike, kind of like raid skins. I like the concept of fractals, but really would prefer dungeons or shifting dungeons into the fractal system. Good content is going unused. Please help it come to life again. Final comment, please do something to support Guild play, like updated Guild Missions!
  20. Long-term:I would like to see each class be able to have a competitive and viable damage build, support build, and control (bunker) build.This would require more than just splits, but as I have felt this has always been the spirit of the GW2 and I would like to see it a reality.
  21. This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.My speculations: A big 45 minute reveal for just season 5? While it will probably include build templates I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore. The number of events in the game are being increased and these increased events are easily automated. This doesn't mean they are abandoning the game, just getting ready to put effort toward another project.Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.
  22. My guild has been adding people almost every day that are either new or returning to the game. The concept of a gaming thriving or dying is based on our perception of the game we each experience. Unless Anet releases data saying X number joined or Y number left it is hard to make a determination. I would say that Guild Wars 2 is a game that you can pretty easily leave and come back too, so the population will vary. We're in a "new content" slump. People who don't want to do the special events are doing new content in other games. When Living Story 5 comes out we'll see a huge increase for a bit.
  23. DPS meters are good for groups who want to clear content fast because they either;A. Think speed equals skillB. Have a limited okay window and want to go through materials they have already done for the joy of it, without teaching it Typically I look for semi exp groups when I have plenty of time and don't care as I do not expect them to use DPS meters. I like for exp. groups when I am in a rush and expect my DOS to be monitored. If you are concerned about not hitting benchmarks play Druid, Healbrand, or Chrono. Their dogs sucks, but that isn't why they brought. Just keep everyone else alive and boon'd up and life is good.
  24. "can help win a 1v1" but cant beat anyone 1v1 how is this a good weapon warrior GS 2 work way better bc they have cc if guard spec in signets for extra cc we lose healing from medi spells and condy clear guard GS is bad end of story it was bad in 2012 its bad now but then we didnt had all new elite specs and now we feel how bad it is Keep in mind you comparing two classes with different roles too. Warrior is supposed to provide sustain Ed pressure, while Guardians have become the burst DPS class. This same set up exists in every armor class. Guardian greatsword meets it's role. Other Guardian weapons fail. The fact that making choice limits our ability to do so somethings is actually evidence of good design and poor design of the other class(s). Choices from traits to skills must come with positive and negative consequences. This makes the game fun. Classes specializing in a type of DPS is good too.
  25. Most of this thread is either learn to play issues or silliness. Greatsword is a good weapon. When traited right it can help win a 1v1. Everyone can heal through every attack of any class, if you know it is coming. If you want to improve something look at longbow 2, 3, and 5, mace speed, hammer 5, scepter range and accuracy, or updating concentrations, shouts, and a majority of Guardian traits.
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