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Everything posted by necromaniac.7629

  1. at this point idk, give it anything, it might work
  2. realistically though, mesmer is a master of arsenal and should be able to use any single weapon weather magically and or mechanically so hammer would fit tbh.
  3. yeah i know but imagine having to
  4. too late, i'm already tryna build new fashion look around the daggers...
  5. lmao what and here i was thinking of getting the ascended version when it doesn't even have optimal stats
  6. yeah they to have not updated stat selectable gear with the new stats...how troll
  7. I don't like it all, still searching for a pistol skin with similar color scheme as harb animations so plz tell me if you find any
  8. I'm playing condi harb with aristocracy runes, cpc and the might elixir that also does weakness for high amounts of might in a solo scenario.
  9. sigh i haven't even started the story and i'm already annoyed
  10. mirage cloak can't even compare to how well you can avoid damage with the insane aegis uptime!
  11. I don't what tree you live under but chrono is very much still a strong class in all of the game's content even discretize added chrono on their site so you go complain to them its not meta enough https://discretize.eu/builds/mesmer/power-chronomancer/ there is a meta chrono build in wvw too and raids speak for itself: https://snowcrows.com/builds?profession=Mesmer
  12. any which way it was deserved...for balance
  13. no i was saying virtuoso not having clones would make chrono better in solo play because you actually have clones then, and clones actually take some aggro off you, you might not realize it but they do alot
  14. just play illusions chrono lol, you don't have clones which makes chrono far better in solo
  15. was no good, was testing it sometimes then i just had to swap to chrono to finish what i was doing
  16. whoever "designed" the spec missed so bad, its literally just hitting me, mirage and chrono are so much better and unique in their own ways, the pretty effects are just not enough, the spec name doesn't fit, the theme is not congruent (singing dagger throwing screaming BIRD?? ), spec has no mobility, doesn't use dual dagger despite being the "master of blades" and doesn't do anything cool for sword nor greatsword, no good enough built in defensives, only thing carrying it previously were the numbers but now its omega nerfed, i'm confusion, at this point just make a whole new spec.
  17. posts like this that make zero sense should get taken down, there is no logical follow up to this absurd argument whatsover, i don't think you know what you are talking about.
  18. it wasn't even that deep, i was venting, you seem very bothered
  19. and my question still stands, why were you trying to be shady and rude? idk why you're trying to stray away from my main point?
  20. this is why the forums is a mess cause of weird people like you...why are you trying to be shady and rude?
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