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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. And I sincerely, honestly hope there will be more maps like it in this game's future, because it was hands down the map I had most fun exploring in the entire game, and none of the PoF maps came even moderately close to the fun I had there. Runner-up probably is Draconis Mons for me in terms of exploration fun, but TD is the king.
  2. Using the same line of thought, does it seem strange to you that a character that jumped straight to the PoF storyline does not have the base game, HoT, and Season 2+3 stories auto-completed,, and the rewards and achievements for those earlier parts of the storyline unlocked? You can skip parts of a gen1 legendary journey, or do them back to front, just like you can skip parts of the ongoing storyline and come back to do the earlier parts at a later date. Doing a part of it does not however auto-complete and reward you for the parts you skipped.
  3. The achievement points as well as unlocking the plants in the hidden garden are actually not tied to crafting Kudzu. They are part of crafting the Leaf of Kudzu, the precursor weapon. You didn't craft the precursor, but instead bought it. Nothing about that has changed. Nobody that buys or finds the precursor today and uses it to craft the legendary bow gets those achievements or collections unlocked. You have to go and craft the actual precursor to gain access to the garden, and you gain that even if you then proceed to sell the precursor. Crafting Kudzu has no part in this.
  4. Every player that plays a lot of one part of the game will eventually run into the "problem" of formerly valuable currency that eventually only has very limited use any more. The game at this point has two options going forward: implement new uses for said currency that give what the player perceives as "value". This feels good for the player that has already exhausted most of the other uses of said currency, but at the same time widens the gap to players that haven't gotten enough currency to get everything (or most of the things) yet. In the long run adding new uses to keep up with the top end of player earning will put more and more of those rewards out of the reach of the masses that don't aquire currency at the same pace as the top-end earners. buyable buffs are especially problematic here as the players that have mostly exhausted the use of once currency will now gain other currency at a higher speed than the average player on top of it. Average Joe has to choose whether to invest their testmonies of heroics (I guess those are what you mean by "wvw skill points?) into rounding out their character's skills or into gaining additional loot/karma/whatever, while the top end players can go full in on those extra buffs, putting them even further ahead alternatively the game can go the route GW2 has gone so far: implement secondary sinks for the currency that are by design far less valuable than the primary use. You can use your testimonies of heroics on superior siege as well as account-bound runes, sigils and recipes, while skirmish tickets can buy infusions, tactics, trinkets, and more. Theoretically you can spend an unlimited supply of those currencies on wvw consumables, which is the equivalent to the piece of unidentified gear you can buy with most pve currencies once you have exhausted the more interesting options. It's not nearly as "valuable" as the initial options, but that's on purpose, to keep the top end from exponentially widening the gap between them and the average players.
  5. What other posters have tried to say but maybe hasn't been stated clearly enough: The restrictions on playing cross-region are strictly technical. The game has two datacenters (one for each region), and while things like chat and guild interactions work on systems that function cross-region, the bulk of your character and game data resides in one datacenter, and moving it to the other one is a process that takes significant time (as in minutes). Playing the game with players who's data resides on another data server doesn't work simply because the delay the server has for accessing data from both datacenters simultaneously is too large to allow for fluid gameplay for both players.
  6. Help numbers in what way? For me personally all of your suggestions are somewhere between "totally indifferent" and "no way", and if all of them would be announced it would likely change my personal numbers from playing to not playing. There are plenty of games around where best in slot gear requires endless grind. The beauty of this game is that best in slot is easy to get and grinding legendary is just a qol upgrade that you can very well do without. What I'm hoping from EoD (I don't really care about reveals, because I want to PLAY EoD, not watch tv about EoD) is interesting zones, encounters, and activities, a new (part of the) world to explore, and so far it looks promising. To me new zones to explore are vastly superior to new races/classes, especially since we already get the equivalent of new classes with new especs for each of the existing classes. Why should I replay existing places with a different-looking character when I can spend the same time exploring totally new places?
  7. Their twitter explicitely invites new players to check out the prime rewards and get a boost to the gaiming experience, so to me it looks like this promotion is aimed at new players, not veterans. As such, I full expect all four of the rewards to be stuff unexciting to the game's veterans.
  8. The base game's personal story actually is a collection of several different stories that you will encounter with different characters, based on character race and choices both during character creation and in several story steps. The eventual outcome is the same, but on the way there you will find a wide variety of side stories that dive deeper into characters and topics. If you enjoy playing story, you might actually end up creating a host of alt characters, either permanent or temporary, to check out all of the different story paths (3 per race, 3 orders, 5 lesser races to assist, 3 parallel arcs of the campaign in Orr). There are characters you will meet again in later story parts (for example Shashoo, a quaggan that first makes an appearance in chapter 5 of the personal story, plays a central part in one of the outposts in Verdant Brink, the first map of HoT), but none of the knowledge of previous story steps is crucial to the later stories. Replaying season 2 and HoT will give you better context to the HoT story, as well as a chance to brush up your knowledge of the game's combat, which might pay off if you want to focus on the later stories that generally require more combat experience than the base game. From a technical point of view people often suggest to play the first couple of instances of the PoF story to unlock the first mount. It does help a lot with moving around the maps, but beware that doing so will spoiler the main reveal from Season 3 of living world (which story-wise comes between HoT and PoF). If you like to play stories, go ahead and grab a new character to replay parts of the story. You can always take a break and go back to your old character if it turns out not to be your thing. Your old character should also have access to several birthday gifts that give a level boost to a new character (up to lvl 60 for a 6th year gift), so it would be easy to play the new character to max level and gain access to the living world and expansion storylines even if you don't have a lvl 80 ticket available (you get one of those as bonus if you buy an expansion).
  9. And no, you're still only counting a part of what you gain (the 4 gold guaranteed raw gold) on your side of the equation, leaving out all the additional resources you gain and can turn into gold (with the guaranteed rare unid again only being a part of what you leave out), while the 15-25 is still from optimized liquidating every last bit of resource you gain. Or to put it more simply: you're still comparing apples to oranges. By the way, magic find does nothing while opening unidentified equipment. It affects the rarety of the unid you get, but doesn't have any impact on actually opening them.
  10. The 15-25 gold per hour you like to throw around for top gold farm includes researching, optimizing, and salvage and tp fees, too. If you want to compare your income, you need to use comparable methods. 12 (27-15) unidentified rares means that in your 4-5 days of world boss farming you have at most killed 12 world bosses, since each guarantees at least 1. Several of the more involved bosses even guarantee more than one rare (yellow) unid, so if you did for example the Shatterer, you would've gotten at least 2 from that fight alone, further reducing the number of world boss events you've participated in in that time.
  11. You are still only counting the raw gold you want to add to the world bosses, and (purposefully?) leave the loot that is already there out of the equation. This loot that you ignore includes 1+ guaranteed unidentified rares per world boss that gives decent profit if you bother to research how to get the best profit out of them ... incidentally the same kind of research and liquidation of every single piece of loot you have to do to have a chance at those 15-25 gold per hour that you like to quote.
  12. Let's say I have a warrior and choose necromancer as my subclass. Once I have leveled my subclass to max, what happens if a balance update makes it so warrior with mesmer subclass is suddenly meta and warrior with necromancer subclass no longer brings anything to the table that is desired in group play? Can I switch my subclass, or do I have to start a whole new warrior to choose that playstyle because my original one is forever blocked from getting mesmer subclass?
  13. Well, then your "math" in the opening post is simply dishonest, because it doesn't factor in any of the other rewards you gain. Rare unidentified gear alone counts up to more than one gold extra if you do four bosses an hour, plus lower tier gear and other crafting materials, plus karma, plus map bonus rewards, plus spirit shards from experience gain on a lvl 80 if you're maxed out on masteries for the region, plus rewards from pre-events that often have a lot of foes that drop crafting materials, and so on. We are not talking "4 gold at most". We are talking "5+ gold minimum" if you really restrict yourself to doing world bosses only, not participating in events you pass, not harvesting nodes you come across, not doing anything with the time between bosses but port to the next one and wait there.
  14. Simple: because being "all over the map" still gives me good rewards (easily several gold worth of materials per hour an most maps) and good enjoyment while requiring less time to invest into researching and optimizing. Your "throw raw gold at me for easy content" suggestion doesn't have the trade-off the current system has, it straight-out disadvantages everyone that doesn't follow that specific content.
  15. Actually the first thing I did in this thread was block your signature, because the sheer size is annoying. If you have something to say, you might be better of saying in a way that doesn't turn people off by the sheer presentation. That said, I think you are missing a fundamental puzzle piece: those gold farms don't inject raw gold into the game's economy. Most of those 15+ gold per hour people are talking of come from meticulously optimizing the material gain, converting gained materials like unbound magic to other materials, and ultimately selling everything on trading post sell orders. All those "worthless" rewards you get at world bosses, be it unidentified gear or crafting materials, are part of the puzzle. If you don't make use of them, that's on you. Like you said: you don't have to do anything, including researching what the rewards you get are worth and how to make best use of them in whatever you're after. You won't get raw gold thrown at you because you can't be bothered to check what already is available.
  16. On the contrary, there are many reasons to not change it. it skews world boss rewards to the point where they are considerably more profitable for the investment than most comparable content, thus actively disadvantaging people if they choose to play something else it accelerates inflation, which in turn disadvantages people that take a break from the game by accelerating the pace at which their formerly earned resources loose value it funnels people into playing world bosses instead of other content by rewarding your time and investment considerably more it encourages people to farm one kind of content, which is something this game is actively trying to avoid ("comparable rewards for comparable content") On a side note, I hate world bosses. It bores me to flock to the ever same event every day. I much rather play around on the maps, explore places, do out-of-the-way events, and enjoy that the game still rewards me with enough stuff to reach my goals. I get it, you like world bosses, but that really is no reason to break the game's reward balance.
  17. World boss rewards are in a good spot the way they are now. They give loot comparable to a lot of other activities in the game, so people are free to choose what kind of content they want to play. If you like world bosses, then great, go ahead, and if you don't, then you can safely ignore them.
  18. I don't know about "worthless". Every blue or green piece of equipment I get gets me one step closer towards my next crafting project. For me this game's reward system is miles above what I've experienced in other MMOs, where most drops really were worthless and you would have to wait for rng to favor you to get the rewards you want. As for making unidentified gear non-salvagable, that's kind of counter-productive. I know people that actually prefer to salvage their drops on the fly (and accept that they won't get any higher drops from them) to avoid the hassle of having to deal with unpacking and salvaging manually. If you are afraid of accidentally salvaging them when you don't want to, reserve 3 spots in an invisible bag (or even in shared bag slots if you have enough of those) and just let them pile up in there until you are ready to open them.
  19. They flat-out told us they don't want any workarounds in the form of slumbering trinkets in the armory, they'd rather do things right, even if that takes a while. Personally I prefer this approach even if that means I won't be using my legendary trinkets for a while yet, since it will keep things clean and not muddle up what is there even more (or "create more technical debt", as the techs say). We'll get the trinkets without effect, we just have to be patient a little longer. And yes, I do have the trinkets in my armory, and I'm among those who aren't using them (yet) due to the effects.
  20. They did include some of the older novelties in the recent events, which lead to duplicate novelties for players that had already done the old event. I don't mind if they want to offer those again in future events, too, but I hope they'll find a better way to deal with duplicates in the future. Just having them dropped in your inventory so you can destroy them manually always feels kind of unpolished to me.
  21. Yes for season 2 only, no for seasons 3, 4, and icebrood saga.
  22. This is something that makes the "new" (if you consider a change from 2014 new by today's standards 😉 ) way preferable for me. I remember playing the personal story on my first few characters. There was a lot of frustration because I constantly ran into story instances that were way over my head. I was frequently forced to take a break from my story to level up. This made the story instances pretty disconnected and hard to even remember where I was in the story and what an instance was about by the time I dared retry it. Since the NPE every story arc (or story chapter) is placed so you can do it in one go. It makes following and understanding the story itself much easier. You can still drop out and do something else anytime you like, but if you want to see that story arch through, you won't suddenly find yourself underpowered in the middle of a chapter.
  23. You can already use it on a lvl 80 character. It'll simply give you the same goodies a boostet character would get (equipment, bags, consumables).
  24. But nobody would be able to mix and match with older skins anymore, as those have different points where the armor pieces meet up (which is the main problem why you can't mix-n-match in the first place). I'm sure that would go over great with the community /s
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