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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. I'm sure they can, too, but coming up with a story is the easy part. Balancing the encounter to account for leveling characters with low quality gear and incomplete traitlines as well as players on the map instance that don't participate in the boss fight (thus reducing the number of players in the lanes) is the bigger problem when you put the fight back into the open world.
  2. Bad example. If you use your longbow in short range, you have way bigger problems that boons. Ranger longbow (like mesmer greatsword) damage is greatly reduced at short distance, and I'm not aware of warrior or dragonhunter longbow builds that are good enough to make boons an issue.
  3. Aside from that, the scaling would also have to be redone to account for the fact that the map is accessible to characters considerably below lvl 80. The marionette as it is now is fine for players at lvl 80 with elite specs and exotic+ equipment, but it would have to be considerably easier to be doable for lvl 40 players with a mix of blue and green leveling gear and only two traitlines available.
  4. The recipe to upgrade slumbering to full versions of both Conflux and Transcendence still work. You can use them if you don't want to wait for the vendor to trade them in. Conflux is no longer unique, so your legendary armory has room for multiples of that ring.
  5. Welcome to Tyria! There is one fundamental thing about this game that you should know: This game does not "do" quests in the way you know them from similar games. Instead, it works on the basis of events that happen around you. You can participate in them, but they usually come and go on their own schedule, not based on where you are in your leveling process. Instead of quest rewards you gain loot and experience from everything you do: uncovering areas, waypoints, points of interest, taking part in dynamic events, killing creatures (which is only a small part of experience gain in this game), gathering crafting resources, and lots of other things. There is no "clear" path through this game. It relies on you exploring your surroundings, participating in events, and doing what you find fun. You can even try out different map areas to see which one(s) appeal to you most. There are five starting waypoints unlocked for you on the world map that drop you off in different maps all made for level 1-15 characters. If the one you are on doesn't appeal to you, or you find yourself outmatched by the map (or map area) you stumbled into, just check out the other maps. The rotating icon on the 1 key means that the weapon you have equipped has a skill chain on that key (for your character ... different classes have different skills on the same weapon). Hover over it when you're out of combat, and you will see a tooltip with all of the skills that are chained. Since 1 is usually set to auto attack, the game just automatically goes through that attack chain whenever you are in combat and your target is in range. The "learn to dodge" event is just a simple explanation of the dodge mechanic. There should be a circle nearby with a chest in its center. Dodge through the barrier around the chest (default is the v key) and open the chest to complete the event. Getting turned into a wolf sounds like you started in the Wayfarer Hills as a Norn and either joined an event or a heart area (similar to quests in other games, although you are free to "fill" the heart with different tasks rather than having to do one specific thing), but they are not related to the dodge event, just possibly happen in the same area.
  6. I suspect you're overthinking things here. I doubt somebody went and said: "Let's see how annoying we can make level-ups to get people to buy boosts". Level-up rewards are aimed at the newer players without many resources. That most of it is useless clutter to people who have been playing a ton is more likely a side effect not important enough to try and code a way around.
  7. This right here. I am perfectly able at raiding, did so with good success in other games, and occasionally do so in this game, mostly with friends, but it's just not something I can or want to dedicate a full night (much less two) a week to at my time of life. As a result, the number of LI/LD I actually have are negligible, especially compared to what people ask for for private squads. I was never fond of gatekeeping by arbitrary numbers, and I've seen way too many players in my online gaming time (which spans around three decades by now) to know that those numbers don't say anything, both in the positive and negative way. One of the main reasons I play GW2 is that I enjoy playing with a large part of the community that is inclusive and genuinely interested in cooperating with each other. I have no interest in playing with people that think they're better than others for blindly grinding a narrow part of the available content, but are unable to actually adapt to the people they play with or to situations where things don't go according to the skript they memorized. As for the marionette, I saw ugly gatekeeping back when it was first released and some guild decided to hog our low-population server event for themselves, with some of them being outright nasty to the few "natives" that tried to participate. I don't need that kind of stupidity in my gaming time, and reading the forums I doubt I'll ever participate in a private squad encounter. I did however jump into a public instance this morning that went very smooth. People tagged up, joined squads, coordinated via map chat, provided explanations to those that hadn't done the event or no longer remembered it. We quickly had 5 squads around 15 each without problem, and all lanes succeeded first try. Thanks to everyone that participated, that's the kind of community and event that I enjoy GW2 for 🙂 .
  8. Sunrise and Twilight are unlocked for accounts that have bound Eternity to the account. Yours went away the moment you sold your Eternity. Players that have bound either Sunrise or Twilight to their account will not be able to craft a tradeable Eternity from them in the future, either, just an account-bound one.
  9. I seem to recall that she spawned somewhere east of the town rather than in the town, but I'm not sure. She does however only spawn if she's not currently sitting in the cave to the west, where the event chain eventually leads to. If you haven't, then check the surroundings.
  10. I prefer to believe ANet's explanation that it is in fact NOT simple at all. They do after all know all the tech involved and available, unlike those of us who have no access to the actual code. Just in case you missed the latest post that specifically adressed the trinket situation:
  11. The way I understand the explanation given, there is nothing "simple" about this. First of all, your "simple" solution would lead to two different base items for each trinket, e.g. Aurora and Aurora-no-visuals. The solution they have used for the slumbering trinkets seems to involve that only one of them is actually in the armory (the non-slumbering version that now has the visuals toggle). You would also want only one of the Aurora variants in the armory, especially if you can only have either or (since there is no way to get a 2nd Aurora). Which one do you put in? Either way would lead to a lot of hassle to the subset of players that choose that variant, not to mention the support overhead from those players that choose the trinket that gets absorbed into the armory and afterwards find they'd want the other version after all. What about the players that prefer the variant that does not go into the armory? There already are several people up in arms because their slumbering conflux will not be absorbed into the armory and they will not be able to upgrade/vendor trade it for a while because the vendor is not yet implemented, which leaves them with a legendary ring they still have to manually trade between characters. I doubt people would react kindly if their Aurora/Vision/Coalescence would be kept out of the armory for however much longer unless they "upgrade" them to a no-visuals version (as that would effectively have to be the upgraded version to avoid the unfairness to current owners mentioned in the ANet posting). ANet has made it clear that they see the visuals on those trinkets as a problem, and I am certain it is a problem they intend to fix as soon as they have the resources to do so. They have also been open about the fact that the current implementation isn't easy to fix (and with a background of 25 years working as a software engineer in large-scale projects I fully believe what they said). The sensible approach to this problem really is to wait until they have the ability to do a thorough, technically robust rework of the trinkets and their effect to fit in with the current technical base as soon as they have the resources available to do so. Implementing a convoluted, error-prone workaround that doesn't account for edge cases (and I'm sorry to say but the way I understand both your suggestion and ANet's explanation of the base problem) and isn't future-proof simply is a waste of resources. I get that you're disappointed this isn't going to happen with the armory. I am in the same boat, with Aurora sitting in my bank (I hate those floating balls) next to all of the materials needed for Vision (minus clovers and t6 mats, as I used them on Astralaria once I found out the visuals aren't going to disappear soon). I still prefer to wait however long it takes if that means we get a clean, well thought-out fix to the mess, rather than a band-aid that'll break every time someone as much as looks at it.
  12. So you prefer all the "I have no storage space because every inventory is full of useless essences of luck bloodstone dust ascended chests" posts? 😉
  13. But you always needed that. Two weapon slots is main hand and off hand, no more, no less.
  14. Personally I tend to choose priory for most of my asura and sylvari these days simply because I love seeing Sieran and my character try to build an experimental sword sheath 😄. I used to be a big Tybalt fan (my first character was whispers and charr), but Sieran has grown on me over the years 🙂. Other than that, I try to spread it out, choosing an order with a story path I haven't played in a while, or one I want a particular weapon skin from (you get a choice of order weapons as a story reward), or one that introduces a character that shows up again later, or simply throw the dice.
  15. The game is what you make of it. If your goal is to short-cut a crafting process that was meant to take months per item, then that's your choice, but don't complain about a grindy goal you've chosen yourself. On the topic of mystic coins, I personally am ok with both price and modes of aquisiton. Fortunately the things I look for in my MMO are not prestige items. I actually have several legendary items, mostly from playing for many years and occasionally finding enough resources in my storage to craft something nice, but I don't see any reason to grind for them. All of my characters have equipment (some ascended, some exotic) that does the job and enables me to enjoy playing them. This is probably not the best MMO to play if your main focus is on aquiring prestige/top tier items, but for the rest of us the price of mystic coins isn't a problem.
  16. Sounds like a simple case of different people like different things 😉 .
  17. Feedback is not an order coupon. You are free to make any suggestions you want, and I am sure ANet is interested in getting as much feedback and suggestions as they can, but they are in no way obligated to act on each piece of feedback nor to implement each suggestion they get.
  18. What about the many months players with transcendence already had to use it while those of us not into pvp won't get to use a legendary amulet for many months yet? You could just as well say that's unfair, because those with Transcendence had use of it considerably earlier than those who rely on the new amulet. Online games like GW2 evolve, and part of that is that best-in-slot equipment is not guaranteed to remain best-in-slot nor guaranteed to be the most efficient way to get an equivalent piece of equipment forever. It's not a question of fairness, it's simply evolution. Things change, for the better for some, for worse for others. Early adopters always run the risk that things will be easier and/or cheaper to get (much) later. There's nothing fair or unfair about it.
  19. That's what condi clears are for 😉 .
  20. ANet usually puts out info on upcoming releases a week before the release, so you should get some news around the next 36 hours. I don't remember that people nagging at them to give news earlier has had any effect before.
  21. It's more a psychological problem than a physical one, but "incentives" do work both ways. While they encourage some people, they put stress on others by putting the game on rails and making them feel left out if they don't follow those rails, even if the actual bonus is marginal at best. Personally I find that the strength of this game is that all maps are relevant for pretty much everyone. I'm one of those players that jump around and play different maps on a whim, without a grand master plan, and I find pretty much any map I go to still being played, and old achievements being able to be completed if I feel like cleaning up some of my log (or just stumble upon them by accident). As such, I have a hard time seeing the need for more incentives other than inflating bonus rewards and messing with player psychology in a way that personally I find detrimental to the game and its players. I've played a lot of MMOs in my time that sorely needed bonus incentives to get people to play older content, since rewards in different areas of those games didn't measure up to each other, but GW2 definitely is not that kind of game.
  22. As others said, gear doesn't carry you in this game. You can have full ascended/legendary gear and still get wrecked by lvl 80 content, while the person next to you with the same build/class but only green gear can easily beat the same content if they are experienced in playing this game. Choose the class you find most enjoyable and go back to core Tyria maps to learn how to deal with different situations. Silverwastes and Dry Top (in the Maguuma Wastes west of Brisban Wildlands) are two lvl 80 maps that sit in the middle between the leveling maps and the expansion maps difficulty wise, so those would be a good target if you want to learn your lvl 80 character. Learn how to deal with boons and conditions, which skill combinations give you combo fields and finishers for extra effects, when and how to cleanse conditions, to crowd control your enemies, how to time your dodges and invulnerabilities, and more. Don't hesitate to swap to different characters/classes for a change of scenery as well as to learn different ways of tackling the world. The combat system in this game is pretty complex, but once you dive into it you'll find plenty of fun. One last word on the question of "endgame": in this game, endgame literally starts at level 1 (well, level 2 past the tutorial instance to be precise). The game doesn't give you a carrot on a stick to follow, nor does it lock endgame rewards behind a narrow number of max-level activities. Instead you pretty much have to find yourself what activities are fun to you, and if you are a pve player, then you will pretty much find yourself doing the same kinds of activities at level 2 that you'll still do and enjoy at level 80. You can even start instanced group content at low levels. The first dungeon opens at level 30, and fractals (a special kind of dungeon) even up-level your character so you can play entry-level fractals at pretty much any character level. Beware though that instanced group content in GW2 is considerably harder than open world content, so you might want to avoid those until you've got a good grasp of your character/class and the combat system in general.
  23. How do you know that the cooldown is shorter after a failed trial? Do you have a source for that? I've tried to search for that info, but not even the wiki says anything about it. I've participated in a trial at least once when another primer event was already active before the trial event was finished, which seems to imply that it doesn't make a difference whether you win of loose the primer event (unless there's a way to make it fail considerably quicker than to finish it, in which case again I think it's something ANet would want to fix like they fixed similar event conditions in other places over the years).
  24. If I read the OP correctly, then they're actually saying they fail the events on purpose because that speeds up the respawn of other trials? So if there are other players trying to finish said event the OP actually is griefing said players by sabotaging their events? What I'd like to know is why they even feel the need to fail an event rather than finish it. ANet has always tried to design events and achievements so that nobody would benefit from failing any events, so if finishing a trial event actually leads to an extended spawn time for the next (which I find hard to believe, as I've seen successful trials back to back in Bjora often), then I'm sure they'd want to know about it to fix it, just like they did with a lot of other events in the past.
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