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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. As far as we can see the expansion will likely bring 9 new trait lines, 9 new heal skills, 27-36 new utilities and 9 new ultimates, along with a chance at 9 new sets of weapon skills (2-5 skills per set). That definitely is more than I would expect of the one new class some other games' expansions deliver (if they give a new class at all, which many didn't in recent years), plus we get the added bonus of being able to mix all those new skills and traits with a variety of existing ones to come up with even more interesting builds.
  2. I remember being similarly underwhelmed back when they did the first reveal for PoF. Mounts was something a lot of other games had, and it didn't look exciting to me at all. Boy was I wrong 🙂.
  3. Yes they have. The reasoning they gave for locking the weapon access into slotting the elite spec is that it allows them to tie the weapon skills to the elite spec mechanic and not having to worry about how weapon skills synergize with other elite's weapons/mechanics/utilities. Just imagine a shield-wielding mirage ...
  4. The op has since clarrified that he wasn't even going for any of the new achievements (none of those require specific events beyond the high sage anyway), but rather was trying to do some of the old season 3 achievements on several alt accounts within the space of this week. I'm not quite sure how to interpret the Lake Doric section on the event timer, since it doesn't seem to pinpoint specific events, but rather "during this timeframe activity is focussed on this section of the map". Unlike most of the other sections of the event timer, this one seems to be more of a general reminder than a fixed time window in which certain event chains start and proceed. If you try to brute-force (or grind?) a specific achievement on several accounts in a rather short time window, I can easily see how such imprecise "timers" can lead to frustration, but I'm not sure that putting stuff on a precise timer is the best (much less only) way to deal with this. My suggestion to the op would be to basically ignore the timers (since they are not precise enough to rely on them for any specific event out of those associated with the meta) and treat the events like any other event-driven map (e.g. Silverwastes legends). Only go after those achievements whenever you have enough other fun/interesting activities to keep you busy on the map (harvesting, events, map-completing on a new character, ...) and hope to stumble upon the event sooner rather than later.
  5. I'm afraid ANet never intended the story reward to be a "repeatable" reward that people farm, or else they wouldn't have restricted its aquisition in the first place (at a time when people were farming the lvl 10 story daily and more on throwaway characters). With that background I sincerely doubt they are interested in implementing a guaranteed, non-grindy (or even just less grindy) way of getting black lion chest keys. Your best bet probably is playing fractals for the chance at a chest of black lion goods, that gives you a chance of various black lion merchandise, including keys.
  6. No time limit on the achievements or achievement rewards. The only "time-limited" thing is unlocking access to the story episodes for free if you don't already have them unlocked, everything else is permanent.
  7. The "salvage" part is in case you have more encapsulators than you actually need, like if you bought one on one character but forgot and bought one on another character again. What I did was simply buy all 6 up front and put them into one of my shared inventory slots, so that whenever any of my characters stumbled upon one of the events they would have an encapsulator at hand. They even worked from shared inventory for most maps, only for Amala (Istan) I had to move them into the character's main inventory.
  8. Do your guild members all have their game client set to the same language? Do they all have the same home world? If I play by myself, I often find myself in maps that seem to primarily hold players speaking my language. Only when I am grouped with international friends and join maps they already are on, or if I join a map that is just not very populated (no active world bosses or recent achievements on the map) I see a more mixed population in chat. In really popular maps like Divinity's Reach I regularly end up on a different map than friends I am partied with thanks to me being on a language-specific home world while they are on international ones. From my (anecdotal) evidence the system works pretty much like it is described in the above post.
  9. As was mentioned before, we had a system that was very similar for quite a while, and I for one am glad we no longer have it. It was fun on the first character, ok on the second, but by the 3rd character at the latest it got awfully repetetive. I have a ton of max-level characters in this game and very much enjoy that fact that no matter what class and build I want to try, it's quick and easy to get a character that has access to all skills and traits. Compare that to ESO, a game I have played almost as long as this one (since ESO beta), where I only have one character for endgame stuff because I can't be bothered to play the same questlines with again and again to get enough skillpoints on the other characters to gain access to all of their skills. Exploration is great, one of my favorite pasttimes, but forced exploration across several characters gets a big fat NO from me.
  10. If you have already played the episode and still have access to the character that played it (not deleted it for any reason), then you can replay the instances on that character. Activate the episode in the story journal, and it will give you a purple star (instead of the regular green one) at the instance entrance. This only works for characters that have already finished an episode, so if you want to play the instance on a different character you will have to play through the whole thing.
  11. You've missed my point. Defining what's "best" for any given situation always depends on the scale on which you measure said "best". For you it might well be "highest damage output" or "most efficient gameplay", but that it not a universal scale. This isn't the olympics or proffesional football. This is a game, and most people play it for entertainment value. Once you start measuring your gameplay in entertainment value, "best" quickly becomes a very subjective thing, simply because each of us is entertained (or frustrated) by very different activities and situations.
  12. Lucky you. Beetle racing is something that makes me sick no matter what I try 😄 . But I think that is the main reason why it's hard (if not impossible) for ANet to adjust the game to avoid motion sickness: it is a very individual thing, and you'll have a hard time finding two players that get sick from exactly the same kind of content/visuals.
  13. "best" is subjective. It depends on your goals and limiting factors. While "best" for you might mean "max dps", for the person next to you it might mean "being able to survive despite bad reflexes/high ping/insert handicap of choice here", and the person on the other side could define "best" as "the setup that has the highest personal entertainment value". For an objective "best" there needs to be a universal scale on which to measure it. It's more likely though that if you ask 10 players about what that scale would be for them, you'd get 20 wildly different answers 😉 .
  14. I'm not in game right now, but I'm pretty sure there's an lfg section explicitely for story instances. Try that one.
  15. I have to admit I really don't care whether they add new raids or not. I used to be a heavy raider in previous MMOs, but that was a decade and more ago. Today I have neither the luxury nor any interest in devoting a fixed number of hours/nights each and every week to that kind of content, so I rarely participate in raids in this game, and only when friends ask me to join. I know many of us are conditioned to raids being "THE endgame" by other games where raids are your only avenue to top-tier equipment, but I find that GW2 attracts many players like me simply because in this game you can play any content you enjoy without being gated from maximizing your characters. Raids are an important part of the game for people that enjoy that kind of content, but so is WvW, sPvP, storyline, map exploration, achievement hunting, world bosses, map metas, elite specs, and much more. I know I would be severely disappointed if I found out EoD won't bring lots of new, detailed maps to explore, and I can understand people that would be just as disappointed if there were no new instanced group content added, but in the end I think it's the mix of different content that will make or break EoD, and not the omission of any one narrowly focussed kind of content, be it raids or anything else you like.
  16. Those sets are so primarily WvW players have the ability to get armor by playing their prefered game mode. This game is based on the idea of "comparable rewards". No matter what type of content you play, you have avenues towards all best-in-slot gear stats through that content. There's no need to make things "exclusive" to one gamemode or the other, since that's not what the GW2 reward system is built upon. This game is focussed on "play what you enjoy to maximise your character", not "follow a carrot on a stick because only that leads you to a maxed-out character".
  17. A few more things you can try: turn down camera settings in areas/encounters you know don't agree with you. The less real things look, the less likely you are to be affected post processing is a big offender in my case. Turning that off helps a ton, but sometimes I have to turn down texture quality and more, too if it's a cutscene that's bothering you (like the end of the Thaumanova fractal one), don't hesitate to just close your eyes until it's over make sure the room you are in is well lit so that the things surrounding your monitor are at least as bright as the picture on the monitor place a couple of post-its around your monitor edge to remind your brain that it's just a picture it sees, not the real world play in window mode and make the window smaller so it doesn't take up as much of your vision I first encountered motion sickness back in the days when games first came up with detailed 3d-views. I remember I was totally hyped about Wizardry 8, having spent hundreds of hours on 6 and 7, but never got to play it for more than a couple of minutes before getting violently sick. Same with Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I've had problems with different games ever since, even with GW2 if I'm not careful, but I've learned to deal with it (most of the time 😉 ). All of the above tips (including the ones Danikat mentioned) help me to enjoy the game without getting sick. Sometimes it's little things you wouldn't expect. For example, I tried not to use my skimmer for the longest time, because even moving across flat water would make me sick quickly. Then I got the turtle skin for my skimmer, because I loved the skin, never expecting to get much use out of it, but something about the animations of the turtle is different, and I'm surprisingly fine riding it. My skimmer has gone from rarely used to being used more often than the bunny (that used to by my favorite mount for the longest time because it was the one mount I could ride without problems). Long story short, try fiddling with your video settings as well as your real life surroundings to figure out what works for you. And if all else fails, get somebody else to help you so you can stand off to the side and just watch (or not even that 😉 ).
  18. They didn't get it from the marionette itself, but rather from the bonus week box. Like previous bonus events (e.g. boss rush week), those boxes do have a chance at rare infusions, but they're only here for the one week bonus event, not tied directly to the marionette.
  19. I have absolutely no problem with people prefering to play with like-minded players. In fact, that's exactly what I try to do, too. What I do have a problem with is the "like-skilled" part, or more precise, the extremely vocal part of that community that talkes down to everyone not playing their way, ridiculing them and asserting that everyone not playing their way is unskilled and not worthy of rewards or even of just participating in content. Whether you raid in this game or not is absolutely no indicator of whether you are skilled at playing this game or not. There are plenty of people around that don't raid for a variety of reasons but are easily more skilled than your average raider. Play with whoever you want, but quit implying that that makes the people you play with more skilled than the rest of the playerbase.
  20. I think the wording is the same, and I recall that I expected it to be the same, too, but then checked the achievement after doing warden V twice and being pleasantly surprised that the counter had gone up twice, too.
  21. For the 2021 achievement it doesn't matter which warden you kill. Source: I've got the achievement with only killing wardens IV and V (as I was still missing their specific achievements).
  22. I ended up with 49 of those code fragments left (it took 50 to turn them into a key). I've kept them until today, just as a reminder 🤣.
  23. Ah, now I understand what you're talking about. Since the posts before yours were talking about weeks required I automatically assumed your 18/36 were weeks, too, when you were actually talking about wvw reward tracks instead. Sorry about the confusion. I still stand by my previous point: the limiting factor is skrimish claim tickets. It takes almost 4 weeks of max tickets per individual piece of armor, and the time needed to play in those weeks is plenty to finish more than the two reward tracks you need for one piece of armor. The only situation where reward tracks would turn out to be the limiting factor were if you already had plenty of skrimish tickets from playing lots of wvw in the past, but neglected to unlock the skins during the time you saved those tickets.
  24. You are still mixing things that are not dependent on each other. Gift of Battle is a WvW reward track reward. Reward tracks progress every five minutes depending on your parcitipation tier. With max participation and without any buffs it takes roughly 8 hours of gametime to finish one reward track, but that can be considerably shortened by stacking appropriate buffs. Skrimish claim tickets are rewarded through Skrimish reward tracks, which are independant of WvW reward tracks. They progress by pips earned, which also happen every 5 minutes, but depend on your server's rank as well as your own wvw rank (plus a few extras, see wiki) rather than your personal participation tier. You can earn a max of 365 skrimish claim tickets per week, and need them to both buy the precursor armor and some of the materials needed to upgrade that to legendary. These give a fixed minimum of 22 weeks per armor weight for a full set of legendary wvw armor. You can gain anywhere from 3 to 22 pips per 5 minutes (see wiki for the breakdown of what gives how many) and need 1450 pips per week to gain the full amount of tickets. The gifts of battle are a by-product you can aquire in parallel to gathering the tickets needed for your armor. They don't figure in the calculation of min time needed.
  25. Where did you get those 36 full reward tracks from? Skrimish claim tickets are aquired through pip rewards, which are independent of reward tracks. According to the wiki it takes 22 weeks to get enough tickets if you play enough to get all of them each week (assuming your goal is any legendary armor, so no mistforged skins in that calculation). You will easily be able to get your 6 gifts of battle in those weeks, too.
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