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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. It takes the average log in session for each player. So for you it would show 8 hours lets say. You next session is another 8 hours.. You stats will compare with lets say 150 guild members and then divided up. AS for the dungeons it shows as completed, doesn't matter who or how you completed, it just gets a total for the month, and averaged against the rest. Then the stat comes back with the result. So in other words you don't have to run them with the guild in order for it to count. However in your case, you would want to search for a guild that has a hardcore rating for dungeons, and probably hardcore rating for guild activity because when your on, they are on too. If you joined a guild that had casual rating, you would see people come and go as your logged on. The might do raids too, and because you do not, you would bring down their average a bit for the month. It all depends on what the guild wants to be, so they would recruit more raiders to bring it up. Yet I'm completely happy with the mixed group, large, active guild I'm in. Want to do a dungeon? I can often find someone. Need help in a story? Someone will jump in. Want to run events? They do that often. And stats won't really show everything a guild does. What about metas, boss trains, HP trains, fractal and raid training... Really, the only way to find a guild that offers what you want is to find it yourself. Not really. Not sure how many MMO's you've played, but I can tell you Ive played my share of them, and there are a ton of guilds out there that are dead as a doornail, and wont run a thing with you. Im sure the guild your in is great, I got lucky too and found a good one. Guilds overall, no way. They will have a cool recruiting message, and you might meet a few people to run with, but when you look at the whole picture, no. Guilds need a lot of work, which is why there are static raid groups out there, or static fractal groups for example. The whole point for the static groups is because people in there guild do not run them. But that's not something you can change with statistics. It's just a people thing. Even if the statistics "match", that's no guarantee (not even close) that you will mesh with the guild or vice-versa.My main guild for example would probably come up with 30 dungeon runs for the last 10 days ... because I've been running about that many dungeons with friends from other guilds. It would show a ton of wvw hours ... collected from a handfull of guildies that mainly live in wvw. We have people playing all kinds of content in this game, but content focus isn't why we are in this guild, it's the people. No statistic is ever going to do us justice, nor anybody interested in joining us. There are people who look for "people to do content with" when looking for a guild, but there are many more, different reasons to join a guild that simply can't be expressed through statistics. And as always there are many ways to game the system to make your guild "look good" if you go by numbers. And lastly, there's such a thing as "personal data". Giving a player the option to see their individual stats might be one thing, but automatically making these available to others (the potential guild leader or anyone else) is plain illegal in a considerable number of countries.
  2. Or ... we could just talk to the people who's guild we think about joining, and find all of that out during personal conversation.
  3. are they unique per character?I think they are actually unique to the map instance, so if you hop back in on the same account two hours later you should have a new map with new pods available.
  4. There are a few pods scattered across the lanes that are there all the time, regardless of event status, so you can take a character (or a few) through the contested map, hunting out those pods. Of course it's slower than opening pods on a full map, but if you can't find an active map in lfg this is the way to go.
  5. Expecting new players to gold farm after playing content so they can go back and play content to give the content they've just played context is a ludicrously inelegant solution Not really if gold farming includes actually playing the content you already have access to. ". Going completely conservatively and just doing SW farming , which is easy to do, its sth like 4 hours a day. And this reduces a lot if you are skillful in the game and know how to do fast t4 runs and dungeons runs or raid full clears. And you can mix by adding istan and HoT metas for some variety."I think you proved my point about expecting new players to gold farm is silly. Not to mention it's terrible game design. in that case there is bad news for you. GW2 is all about farming for gold or materials. E.g. the narrative part of a living story episode is easily played through in 1 or 2 short evenings, then it is weeks again farming maps for some irrelevant skin or achievement. It is not completely without appeal, but in GW2 you don´t go on adventures, you scrounge the majority of your time. Relaxing, sometimes entertaining, rarely exciting.That may be your way of playing this game, but I can assure you that it's not universal :) .
  6. Oh, that postcard idea has the collector in me all excited. Besides gemstore-bought motives, you could attach them to achievements and collections, motives from different vista around the world that you unlock by watching that vista, from meta events unlockable by doing those events ... ok, ok, I admit that's a ton of development needed for fluff, but for once it would be something I'd really love to get into :) .
  7. My guess is that it would be a serious amount of extra coding (including all the extra chances to mess up and introduce new bugs to pve mounts in general) to figure out if the character in question has the associated wvw masteries unlocked and whether or not you are in territory controlled by your faction (whatever that may be in pve). Warclaw in wvw does start out with 2 energy bars and without extra speed in friendly territories, just like in pve. It's individual character masteries in wvw that enhance it for that character and gamemode alone.
  8. I can hold my own when being ganked on pretty much any character I step into WvW with, but I still don't enjoy it any more than I did when I first stepped into the mode almost seven years ago. Being forced to duell people built specifically with cheesy ganker builds just isn't my thing. And before you ask, I'm not into zerg karma training either, but much prefer smallscale gameplay, just not with the objective to gank unprepared players. If you can't unmount people with a specialized ganking build that's on you, but the excuse of "warclaw killed wvw roaming" is a lame one, since it's simply not true. Try adapting instead of forcing people to play your way, and you might just find that it's much easier to bond with a team and actually have fun. We'll leave it here as you're not understanding.Try me.
  9. I can hold my own when being ganked on pretty much any character I step into WvW with, but I still don't enjoy it any more than I did when I first stepped into the mode almost seven years ago. Being forced to duell people built specifically with cheesy ganker builds just isn't my thing. And before you ask, I'm not into zerg karma training either, but much prefer smallscale gameplay, just not with the objective to gank unprepared players. If you can't unmount people with a specialized ganking build that's on you, but the excuse of "warclaw killed wvw roaming" is a lame one, since it's simply not true. Try adapting instead of forcing people to play your way, and you might just find that it's much easier to bond with a team and actually have fun.
  10. If you want a different game, there are many out there that offer open world PvP.
  11. I do my fair share of WvW roaming if I feel like it, spending roughly half my gametime on the borderlands these days. I don't want the competition, the aggressiveness, the general stressful athmosphere that any kind of pvp breeds when I'm in PvE. And yes, I do avoid farm maps as well as new living story maps, too, to find peaceful, relaxed PvE maps when I feel like it. I don't want to get used to the stress and aggression pvp breeds, I just want that to stay in its place, and leave the relaxed, peaceful PvE as is.
  12. 5 dungeons per month would end up with people only running CoF p1 or SE p1 or whatever dungeon is considered "easy" by the general public at that point in time. It wouldn't change a thing for any of the other dungeons. The way to go really is to learn them yourself and find friends that enjoy running them. I rarely have a problem finding people to play dungeons with if I feel like it, but then a considerable part of my friends list is used up by people I got to know through the old dungeon forum years ago ;) .
  13. Anet DO NOT have problem with the visual noises in the game. If that was an issue for them they wouldn't add all those shiny weapons, and armors, and mounts, and gliders, and World Bosses to gather all those shinies on one place.I'm not talking about shiny stuff (although I do try to avoid that as much as I can). I'm talking about people bashing each right other on top of me. I've had my share of that in other games, and it's one of the things I really can do without. This is you. Some win, some lose. Anet decides what is best for sustaining and growing the gw2 community.ANet decides, and all signs point at them deciding repeatedly to not include open world pvp.
  14. Thats not the probleme here. bugs get found and reported by players but anet does not fix them. Why? i think because they have not the man power to fix them.That's like saying "I've got a belly ache. Why doesn't my doctor fix it?". Witnessing buggy behaviour is a long way away from locating the piece of code that's responsible for said behaviour (like the piece of food or virus or allergic reaction or physical damage or whatever else might be responsible for your belly ache), and that again is a long way away from being able to fix it (like finding just the right medicine, physical treatment or voodoo spell to cure your belly ache). And just like a human body, a piece of software has so many interconnected bits that it's just as easy to break it in two other, seemingly unconnected ways while fixing that one bug.
  15. Anet DO NOT have problem with the visual noises in the game. If that was an issue for them they wouldn't add all those shiny weapons, and armors, and mounts, and gliders, and World Bosses to gather all those shinies on one place.I'm not talking about shiny stuff (although I do try to avoid that as much as I can). I'm talking about people bashing each right other on top of me. I've had my share of that in other games, and it's one of the things I really can do without.
  16. It might also be a case of bugs so obscure that tracking and fixing them takes an unproportionate amount of resources. Software can be complex to the point that stuff like that happens. Compared to the amount of events in this game it seems to me to be a very small subset of events that keep breaking, while I remember a lot of others fixed over the years. Would be interested to hear from a developer that tried to analyze the events in question, but then again I'm not even sure if explaining to us why they can't track those specific problems would really be a good use of their time.
  17. Personally I've found that just gathering nodes and magic on the living story maps quickly has me drowning in magic, even without those glyphs. If it's just about gathering magic to buy the home instance nodes, you can farm those in other people's instances until you have enough magic to get them yourself. Check map chat in DR (other cities work, too, but DR seems to have the most people just standing around) or ask nicely. There are plenty of people around willing to share their home instance with strangers.
  18. That said, a month and a half is really not far into the game. There is a lot more to it than just playing story, and if you play around on the living story season maps you'll quickly find enough currency for getting ascended jewellery there. It is not however even necessary, especially if you don't intend to play group content like fractals and raids. Exotic jewellery is close and can be crafted by a jeweller or gotten for gold on the trading post. For (most) open world and story rare or even masterwork jewellery of the matching stat set will probably serve you just as well. The thing about this game's equipment system is that the difference in stats between the different rarity tiers isn't what will make or break your gameplay. Your personal experience with your class and the combat system, ability to adjust build, weapons, utility skills to suit your needs (and do that frequently and on the go if you come upon something your character isn't well suited to tackle), the ability to react to different mechanics, knowing when to dodge or use your defensive skills ... all of that is often more important and will separate the good players from the decent ones much more than the equipment they wear. If you can't get that one amulet there are others around that will be much cheaper and easier to get, and you probably won't notice a difference in your performance if you go for the easier alternative.
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