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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. That said, I don't see any use in participating in a poll that, aside from offering a totally biased introductory text that compares apples and oranges, doesn't even offer answer options that fit the question put. When have "yes" and "no" ever been valid answers to an "or" question?
  2. You should also be aware that just because Desolation is the server with most wvw hours at the moment doesn't mean it will stay that way, nor does it mean that you have full maps around the clock. Guilds and individuals transfer to different servers for a variety of reasons, and the flavor of the month server changes frequently. If all you are looking for is a match-up with many players on your side, some of the high population servers might give you just as good an experience, while some of the full ones might not turn out to deliver what you are looking for during the timezone you usually play. Probably the easiest way to make sure to have people to play with is to find a wvw guild and choose the guild's home server as your own. Post in the looking for guild forum, give your server region (EU or US), timezones you play in and playstyle of choice, or scroll through the guilds advertising in the same forum and see if there's one that suits you.
  3. I agree, and there are already the guild bounties and the treasure hunting kits. So the idea would be nothing new.PoF bounties, guild bounties, treasure hunting kits ... and all of that gated by mastery level. Part of the player basewill rush to get all masteries trained, binge-play the content until they have all of the rewards they see worthwhile, then complain that there is nothing to do. Part of the playerbase will rush to get all masteries trained, then complain that there is too much grind/rng/insertmethodtoprolonggameplayofchoice involved to get all the rewards they see worthwhile. Part of the playerbase will look at the mastery requirements and complain that they are gated from the content unless they go through (to them) boring experience and mastery point grind again, and that masteries in general do nothing but gate content without reason and what happened to play how I want? Three people will keep playing this and don't understand what the rest are complaining about since this is neverending fun.
  4. I can't think of any reason why being temporarily immune to CC would make you immune to damage too.How about soft CC like cripple and chilled? Their job is to slow you down so it will take longer to get out of reach of whatever damage source is beating on you, thus indirectly leading to you getting hit with more damage. Immunity to those CCs will reduce the damage you get simply because you can move away from the source of damage faster, which might just be the difference between living and dying. You can bet that there will be situations where players figure out that instead of playing to the encounter mechanics, they can just bait specific CC to abuse the immunity afterwards to skip obstacles.
  5. This is a game, not an interactive movie. It sometimes throws situations at me that I can't handle at first. If so, I sit back and try to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it, then try to use that to my advantage. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not the best player, and sometimes it takes me a lot of tries to get past obstacles because I can't seem to come up with the right ideas or put them into action. Still I don't think that's a game problem. It's a game, and as such requires some adjustment and trial-and-error at times, but crowd control effects and the tools we have to deal with them seem to be fine from my experience if you put a bit of thought and practice into how to deal with it.
  6. As the posters above me tried to imply, there is a buff called stability as well as several skills and traits that allow you to break stuns in this game. Check the wiki pages I linked and try to incorporate more stability and/or stun breaks into your build if you are having a problem on that front. Depending on your preferred playstyle and area it will also take a bit (or sometimes even a lot of) experience to know when and how to use or save your buffs and stun breaks, but once you have gotten the hang of it it is very satisfying to deal with foes that try to cc you to death.
  7. The price of rice balls, as somebody already pointed out above, does suggest that supply and demand for them really are in a good spot and work very well within the system we have. If you really feel the need to change something, come up with a recipy you think might fit, and simulate crafting by selling the materials on the trading post and using the funds to buy the rice balls. I wouldn't be surprised if any half-way realistic ingredient list would actually leave you with more silver (if not gold) in the process.
  8. Contrary to what it may feel like, you aren't being punished for having access to all content. Rather ANet has choosen to supply replacement dailies for those who do not have access to all content (either players without expansion(s) or those who do not have max level characters). Since options are more limited for players without expansions it might seem like they get the easier time occasionally, especially if you aren't far into the expansion content and haven't gotten the hang of it yet. Try to chalk it up as a learning experience. Soon you will have a feel for the expansion zones, the mobs and events, and have gotten some of the more basic expansion masteries completed that make your life much easier. Bounties for example are group content, but especially on daily bounty maps there will be commanders and mentors leading squads around from bounty to bounty, and you can usually jump into one of those squads through lfg (or even easier through advertisements in map chat) and have that bounty done in a couple of minutes. Since bountys also have different abilities (randomly choosen from a set pool), don't hesitate to announce in squad chat that you are new to the expansion and ask for an explanation of the mechanics and how to deal with them. You might also want to check out the buff tooltips of the bounty boss to see if they have a mechanic you've encountered before. You will meet those boss mechanics in bounties and other bosses all through PoF and the following seasons, so it pays to keep an eye out for them early. It's nothing magic though, just things like a boss putting up a big red stop sign occasionally that blinds those who keep attacking, or one summoning spinning lasers that it pays to stay away from, as they hurt (a lot ;) ). Event dailies on the expansion maps are actually preferable to those on the lower level maps, as events on lower level maps are often anihilated within seconds, while expansion maps usually have events robust enough that you've got a decent chance to get there and participate. Then occasionally there is a world boss or meta event daily, which can happen in core maps (I think we had the Shadow Behemoth the other day?) or expansion maps. Those bosses/events are usually on the timer. You can check the wiki to see when they are up. For expansion metas it pays to be on the map a bit early and/or check lfg for squads preparing for the meta to get on a map with a group focussed on said event, but it's not mandatory. Generally speaking, dailies in this game are not mandatory. You get a small bonus for doing them, but if you feel like they are beyond your current exploration of the game, don't hesitate to skip them. Unlike other games, this game's dailies don't hand you anything you can't just as well get another way or another day. Enjoy your exploration of the expansion zones and stories, and in no time you will find that dailies are just as easy again as they used to be. And on the days when they are not ... just skip them.
  9. Fortunately GW2 doesn't pigeon-hole you into following the same questline with each and every character. Instead, you can just go out and explore the world in whatever way you like. There are 5 maps (outside the five main race cities) filled with content for level 1-15, and every character automatically has a starting waypoint explored in each of these 5 maps. If you don't know what to do, just open your world map, look for the waypoints your character knows, jump to one and explore. These maps also stay relevant for higher level characters, as they are automatically down-leveled when the go there. Level range of maps in this game is just a lower boundary, not a ceiling. Story also isn't as static as other games, it's a lot more like a jigsaw-puzzle than a novel or movie. Part of the story will be presented in quest-like format later on (with a chapter of the personal story unlocking every 10 levels, dungeon stories starting to unlock at level 30, and expansion storylines and living story unlocking once your character reaches level 80), but it's really only a small part of the story. If you want the whole picture, you need to go out and explore the maps, talk to npc, listen to ambient dialogue, check out hearts and events, and more. It always pays to hang around for a bit after an event finishes, as many events are part of chains that have a follow-up (often after a bit of dialogue or npc moving around a bit) or offer a limited vendor npc after completion. If on the other hand you don't care about the story and just want to level, your best bet is exploring maps, participating in any events you come across, harvesting every node in your path, and generally do as many different things that award experience as you can. Check the wiki for a full list of things that give experience, and don't just concentrate on one of them, but try to use as many of them as possible, as they synergize well and make leveling a fluid (and for many fun) activity rather than a grind.
  10. If you were able to recreate a character the name probably had not been recycled and was still tied to you. I use names in Finnish, which you would suppose to not be too common on my server, NA, as most players that speak it would use EU. Rarely is the first thing I think of available. I usually have to try several times to find something that works and it winds up being something obscure.Actually character names are unique across regions, so it doesn't matter if you play on NA or EU (or transfer your account from one region to the other). Personally I'm glad the game keeps character names, even though several of my multiple asura had a hard time finding an appropriate name (due to the restrictions I personally selected). To me, the name goes with the character just as much as race and class do, and I just don't feel comfortable playing them if I have to rename them. Aside from personal preference I suspect there's also a lot of technical restrictions involved in this. The game allows you to use character names of an account and account name interchangeable in a number of situations. If for example I want to whisper a friend, I just type "/tell name of random character on the account", no matter what character they are currently playing. Friends list stuff and even guild invitations etc. work with any character name on your account, too. Imagine whispering a friend that logged in after a long time, only to find yourself talking to a complete stranger that picked up a purged character name in the meantime. Or even worse, imagine creating an awesome new character and suddenly getting hate speeches left and right from people that once were badly scammed by a character of the same name that was purged after the scamming account was permanently banned.
  11. 33 characters across two accounts. I just play whatever character I feel like playing that moment.
  12. I hope they will change it for every instance to have just one way to enter that provides you with a pop-up to choose which mode you want to open.It's really just the Toypocalypse that has two entrances, and that's for historical reasons. Originally it was only available as the random join option based on the pvp activities template. If you enter that one (the lower entrance) you'll notice the game defaulting to your pvp equipment and build templates (if they differ from the pve ones). The upper entrance opens a dungeon-style instance instead that you can enter with a (full or partial) party. That one was added later to allow people to play the Toypocalypse with a premade party. The difference to the random join entrance is that in the party instance you are using your pve build and equipment, so technically speaking it's a dungeon, not an activity. This can also make for a difference in combat performance you see based on the trait differences between pve and pvp and/or if the people you join with have a decent build for the corresponding gamemode selected. The (technical) difference between Toypocalypse and the strike missions (Freezie included) is that it only works for a 5-man party, not a 10-man squad. Adjusting the entrance to the Toypocalypse to work in the same style as strike missions might not be as technically trivial as it looks at first glance. On the other hand if they do set up a random join option for this, it should be just a small step to adjust it to work for other 5-person instanced content, too, namely dungeons (and possibly fractals, although that would be more complex due to tier access). Personally I'd put this one on my wishlist to Santa right away, not so much because of Toypocalypse but because I love running dungeons, but I'm not sure there's enough dungeon fans out there anymore to make this a worthwhile project :D .
  13. We had several tries last year that were just as lousy as what you've encountered this year, to the point where I ended up bringing my healing druid in full raid setup to public (lfg) runs. As everybody above said, it's not a case of changing difficulty but just of people not knowing what to do. Explain the mechanics and bring a build that can carry a bit, and things will (often) run smoothly again.
  14. Personally I'm in the camp of people that love the wintersday activities (Bell Choir <3 ) and much prefer this festival over Halloween. People are different, and so are festivals in this game. Not every one appeals to every player, but the variety offered ensures that most players will enjoy at least some of the festivals. Personally I prefer having a few I'm not so wild about if this means the festivals are unique and not just a boring mash-up of the same kinds of activities in each of them.
  15. It takes a while. I remember going a long time for getting some of those seeds, especially the ones that don't grow in farms. It's simply random.
  16. So you already have 2000 of them? Why not just make Ascended crafting materials and sell those? If i remember correctly the globs can only be used to craft accountbound items. There is nothing to sell with them.They are used in crafting ascended inscriptions and insignia, including a variety that are not bound (unlike the final equipment) and sell well on the trading post.
  17. so the gm can buy it for everyone in the guild? ;) Then send everyone in the guild 10g and tell them it's for a cape. If you're buying a cape for yourself, 10g really isn't THAT expensive. it's just not the same feeling though :\ which one would your son / daughter be more happy to find under the xmas treeA) a toy firetruck / pink poniesB) an envelope with a $20 giftcardIf I gave my daughters pink ponies for christmas I'd have a full-scale mutiny on my hands ;) . As much as I prefer to gift "real" gifts, the girls unfortunately would much rather have gift cards for their favourite stores or even cash to waste on junk food.
  18. I've been playing dungeons in this game since the time when dungeons were the endgame content, and I still love playing them today. I know all of the mechanics by heart. I know all of the tricks. I enjoy playing through them with similarly experienced people that go through the path like a hot knife through butter, where everything falls into place without thinking about it. But I enjoy just as much playing through them with people new to the path, that watch videos, ask for explanations, practice mechanics, whatever it takes for them to enjoy the thing. And I enjoy going through dungeons with everything inbetween, as long as people are cooperative and have fun. What I won't do is keep everyone waiting at the start of the dungeon by holding a speech demanding each one state their experience and preference to running the path. If people look like they know what they're doing, there is no reason to do so. If they don't then it'll be apparent soon enough to stop and ask (if they don't take initiative and talk themselves).
  19. Yes,but you have chance to get more than exact same 3 items + every precursor there is,which i am yet to see after 6 years.I'm not so sure about that. It's only anecdotal evidence, but what I've seen of Silverwastes drops (bags and chests) there really is only a handfull of named exotics that are part of those loot tables. Like I said, try different content that drops champ bags other than bandit champs to get different named exotics.
  20. Were the leaving people left behind by the rest of the group, rushing to quickly get it done?If so, I'd blame the rushing people, not the dying ones.Communication is key here. If I jump into a dungeon lfg and see everybody take off without a word, I assume they know what they're doing and take off, too. If I see somebody lagging behind or otherwise giving a clue of not knowing what's up, I ask if anybody's inexperienced and/or would like explanations. If somebody comes in and says they'd like to take it slow, I take it slow. If they just come in, don't say a word, then drop the party on the first sign of things not going smooth, it is their own problem, no matter if they're the one lagging behind/getting downed or the one running off without a care for the rest of the party. People in this game don't usually bite, at least most. If you don't communicate, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
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