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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. You can craft jade bot cores for those characters that you don't intend to play the story with, or buy them from the trading post (they'll get to be cheaper over time). As for fishing, you can share bait with your other characters through your bank. I haven't payed much attention to fishing yet, but I'd expect lures to be available somewhere, too.
  2. Back on topic: This very much sums up my experience with this expansion (so far 😉 )! Thank you for a wonderful expansion. My poor guildies had to wait 45 minutes for me to join guild missions the other night because I was like "I'm almost done, this was the final fight, just need to talk to some guys ..." and then I lost myself in the final two instances, talking with npcs, reflecting on the story, and at the same time already thinking about which character to take through the story next. This was probably the quickest first playthrough I've ever done, thanks to having the week off from work. I had intended to play through the first time with a friend, but we eventually split up because I couldn't wait to see how the story would continue 🤣. It was so worth it!
  3. You can trade your EoD testimonies for the corresponding HoT ones at the notary, and use those to buy what you need from the vendor.
  4. Honestly that's one of the main reasons why I usually take it slow with new releases. If you wait a couple of days, the "I'm better than you" kind of people have mostly moved on to prove their superiority elsewhere. That said, I reached the map today (yay for taking a few days off from work) and had a quite similar experience with that meta. I ended up turning off map chat and simply enjoying myself. I usually try to enjoy content first, then read up on it once I've done it a few time and figured most of it out by myself. After all, figuring out new encounters is a large part of the fun of new content 🙂 .
  5. What kind of update are you expecting at this time? You just said yourself that the expansion patch will hit in 2 hours.
  6. Don't tell me ... the patch is supposed to hit right around dinner time, and after dinner I'll have to drive the kids somewhere ... although with our internet speed it'll probably take an hour to patch anyway 😂.
  7. Then I suspect that the wiki has somehow got its timezones messed up, because ANet explicitely stated on Twitter that EoD will launch at 9 a.m. PST, which is an hour later than what the wiki displays.
  8. Since there's no game downtime when ANet patches the game (regardless if it's an expansion release or any other patch), patch notes don't usually come ahead of time, but rather at the same time as the patch. In general, this game isn't quite as static as others. Patching happens on the fly to the point where some people are still playing the old version (if they were logged in when the patch hit, they have a window of up to 3 hours depending on gamemode until the pre-patch map instances close and they have to patch) while others are already playing the new one (in new map instances). Coming from games that have to take the servers offline to patch, and that try to avoid frequent patching, this takes some getting used to. Expect frequent patches for the first week or so, sometimes even several patches in a day. In very rare cases these might even effect class balance (either in case of bugs, or if players exploit side effects that weren't foreseen). Once you get used to the way this game patches and changes gameplay, you'll find yourself worrying less and less about preparing. That's really the beauty of this game, a few hours (or days or even weeks) won't set you back compared to others.
  9. If you have old characters on your account, check their mail for birthday presents. Up to 6th birthday each present contains a leveling scroll that allows you to level an alt character to a specific level, from lvl 20 for 1st and 2nd birthday, up to lvl 60 for 6th birthday. As one person afflicted with altitis to another, I can tell you that these really make the process of leveling alts much more enjoyable 😉 . On the same note, think twice (or better yet 20 times) before deleting old characters. If you like playing different characters, it's often a better idea to just retire them quietly and buy a new character slot. Surprisingly enough, most of my 20 odd characters get to see the light of Tyria again sporadically. Since max level and equipment are moderately easy to get in this game (compared to others) and don't get outdated, they usually are still relevant and ready to dive into new content even if I've shelved them for months or years. If you like story gameplay, the personal story will give you experience roughly 2 levels worth every 10 character levels. Exploring the world also gives significant amounts of experience, so if you just go out, play the story, and see the sights, you'll have a decent part of the leveling experience covered. Jump into events you find on the way, harvest any nodes you come across, maybe do some crafting ... all of this will give you leveling experience. Leveling really is a side activity in this game and comes automatically with exploring the world. Above all: have fun! Doing whatever you enjoy most really is the most effective way to level (except maybe if trash-talking on map chat is your activity of choice 😉 ), since leveling will just be a side effect of having a good time 🙂 .
  10. The lvl 80 boost, aside from permanently boosting one character to max level, also allows you to test-drive any class at max level as long as you haven't used it for a permanent boost. Boosting works in two steps: Step one puts your character in the Silverwastes map with max level gear and traits, and lets you play that character in that map only as long as you want. Once the character leaves the map, the boost resets. To make the boost permanent, you have to talk to an NPC in the Silverwastes and confirm the boost for that character. Until you do so, you can use the boost to try out every class at max level. If you're unsure what class you might enjoy, putting a few (or even all of them) through this trial could be helpful. You can test classes in a similar way in spvp, where all skills and traits (and even elite specs) are unlocked for all characters, regardless of character level. This however only allows you to test them against training dummies (or other players), and some skills function differently in pvp vs. pve. As for catching up, depending on your point of view, their is either very little to catch up to (max level and equipment are the same from base game to the newest expansion), or so much that the boost doesn't matter (years and years of achievements, skin collections, and whatever other sidegrade you enjoy).
  11. There's really no right or wrong here. Your best bet is probably to just go and check it out, and if you find out that EoD isn't your cup of tea, you can always jump back to earlier maps and stories.
  12. No. The top level rank of a guild is the only one where one person can demote another person of the same rank. I've done this before (guild-reorganisation in accord with the other guild leaders that couldn't all log in to demote themselves at the time), and just recently seen it happen in another guild, too. See above: the top (leader) rank in a guild is the exception here in that they can change roles not only for lower ranks but for everyone, including removing others from the top rank.
  13. You need to update your post. Fishing threads need their own sub-forum, now that they no longer are in the realm of suggestions 😜.
  14. The mystic forge recipies have a 1 in 3 chance for clovers, so not getting any in 3 tries is not unusual. People suggest using the 1x recipe (that uses philosopher's stones in the place where the 10x one uses mystic crystals) because the higher number of forgings make an even distribution of results more likely. Bottom line still is that you have to expect to spend around 3 mystic coins per clover through the forge, and since it's random, actual results may vary widely depending on the number or times you try to forge clovers.
  15. How do you know they wanted to say something about Zojja, and not about Destiny's Edge, or even the Pact, since she was part of both (and that scene from the HoT intro one of the key scenes about the Pact being brought down by Mordremoth's attack)? As others pointed out already, there are more characters in that scene, namely Eir, Logan, and Traherne, and we know that all four are badly affected by that attack (although not all fatally).
  16. The trailer, when viewed from a technical point of view, is simply a montage of existing in-game cinematics. They picked the best snippets to go with the narrative, but had no in-depth control of character placement and such, since they had to work with what was already there. You can see this for example when we see the relatively unimportant scene of Belinda's death in the "not everyone made it" part, but not the much more impactful death of Blish (that didn't have any strong visual presentation to accompany it), the different scenes trying to show the elder dragons' deaths (that are very well picked but still different in impact due to the material available), and several other subtle differences. Long story short, from a technical point of view I think they just picked the closest scene available, but really just wanted to show "Destiny's Edge went down" in that scene, without implicating any specific member of that group.
  17. I don't think there's a "one size fits all" rule that works here. I've seen threads being merged that were loosely related but felt to me like they were about different topics, and at least one of the topics got killed in the process, but I've also seen situations where seemingly identical discussions were going on in parallel and people got just as confused by that, in which case I felt the merge was totally justified. Am I always happy with the way threads are merged in this forum? No. Am I sometimes confused by looking for a discussion I was interested in and finding it has since been merged somewhere that makes it very hard to follow for me? Sure. But at the same time I've seen plenty of the oposite, too, and people (especially those who seemed to have an agenda where the topic in question was concerned) artificially inflating the importance of the topic and their stance on it by posting the seemingly same thing in half a dozend or more threads that more or less all revolved around the same topic. Generally speaking though I find it easier to follow and participate if threads are merged early on. It's when threads on the same topic run in parallel for a while that things usually get messy. Again though that depends on the individual thread. Some of those that get merged into the suggestions thread would imo benefit from a stand-alone discussion, while others have been discussed so often already, that I can almost predict the individual posters that will post on them and what their postings will be 😉 .
  18. The skiff skin (and the raptor skin) aren't part of the preorder bonus. They're part of the deluxe edition (and as such available even after launch, but only if you buy or upgrade to deluxe).
  19. The problem isn't unwanted ideas. It's ideas presented as universal truth and people actually unwilling to discuss their ideas. There are plenty of posts along the line of "I'm new, and this doesn't work, and that feels awful. Am I missing something?" that get filled with lots of tips and ideas in a matter of minutes, and end up with productive and fun discussions about game systems, how they work, and what improvements people can think of. Then there's the posts that start with "I'm new, and this game is stupid and does everything wrong and if it doesn't implement this grind and that vertical progression and those power moves it's dead", and the moment another poster questions the post's premise the original poster moves the discussion to a personal rather than thematical level. We've all seen those kinds of posts, and probably seen way too many of the "this game does everything wrong and you're all stupid" posts from new and old players alike, which frankly makes it hard to react to them impartially. I know I've personally reduced my forum interactions drastically because I find some widely used key words and phrases triggering me into dismissing posts and posters alike without being able to stay neutral. At this point, I'm annoyed by people on both sides of the fence (and am pretty much ignoring posts based on the posters interacting within them more often than I'm comfortable with), but I can emphasise with the people that seem to be "bristling at people" if any of the ideas promoting grind, uncooperative pve gameplay, addictive systems and the like under the guise of "increasing player retention" for example come up. I know the topics are new to some people, but personally I've read those discussions way too many times to trust myself to stay neutral when those topics come up for the millionth time.
  20. It's ctrl for international keyboards, not strg 😉 . But that's one neat trick I hadn't thought about, thanks!
  21. You can always go full-out fashion wars with your weekly key-farm character (if you are into that kind of thing) 😂
  22. You don't know that. They've mentioned several times in the Guild Chat that the EoD story will explain how Cantha developed into what it is today. They obviously don't intend to spoil the story before release though, so you'll have to wait for that explanation for a few more days.
  23. If you read back into the beginnings of this thread, the 250 years were actually first brought up by somebody opposed to the theme arguing that 250 years was not nearly enough to realistically explain this evolution of the canthan society. I've re-watched the different guild chats we had on EoD recently, and pretty much all of them strongly hint at explanations for this rapid evolution being given in the EoD story. Personally I'll wait and see what's behind all this. I don't see a reason to argue either way without knowing what's been going on, especially if the argument on both sides seems to boil down to "250 is not enough for this change" - "no, 250 years is plenty of time" - "no way" ...
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