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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what the lvl 80 boost is for that comes with purchasing an expansion?
  2. Wrong. Guild Wars as a title is a reference to the Guild Wars that were a historical period in the history of Tyria.
  3. The crucial part of that article is this: Check the level-up rewards page of the wiki. There are 78 hero points rewarded between levels 73 and 79. If you are missing less than 78 points to max your virtues traitline (going by your screenshot, which looks to me like you have everything else except elites unlocked), then you likely have one of those characters that simply had more points unlocked through conversion than would've been naturally available at that level. Once that difference is reached, you'll unlock more points by levelling.
  4. I rarely open black lion chests, but the addition of the plush raptor skin made me try my luck. I did get a rare item from one of the chests, but to my disappointment it turned out to be a novelty which I had already unlocked (an endless mystery tonic). I was disappointed but put it in my bank to give it to a friend. Only then did I find out that it was actually account bound on aquire. I didn't expect this since I thought that at one point it was said that duplicate account-bound unlocks from the chest would be replaced by a new key. I have a hard time believing that bloating the rare category of the chest with unique unlocks that have absolutely no use when you get duplicates is intended 😞 .
  5. Put up an lfg in the section of the dungeon you want to run, write something like "new to dungeons, story + exp", and chances are good you'll get a couple of veterans ready to lead a tour through the whole thing 😉 . Or if you are on EU, just drop me a message and we'll go on a dungeon tour together 🙂 .
  6. Depends if you accept normal mode strike missions (10-man instanced content) as endgame (which it actually is for a lot of people), or only challenge mode strikes. As far as I've picked up from the info available yet, the 10-man strike mission version of those instances will be considerably different from the (solo to 5-man) story mode instances. They've explicitely mentioned somewhere that the story mode version will be focussed on the story elements, with cutscenes and npc chatter, while the strike mission version will loose most of that and instead have a stronger focus on introducing the mechanics you will need in both normal and challenge mode. It's not like forging steel where the story and normal mode strike are literally the same instance, but a deliberate split between story instance and repeatable strike mission.
  7. You mentioned playing another character, so I'm assuming you played the story once already? Mastery points awarded by story steps are actually not awarded by the story steps themselves, but by achievements tied to finishing the story steps for the first time (per account). If you have done a story on one character and won the achievement point for it, you won't gain another by playing the story again on another character. Training raptor canyon jumping is probably the biggest bottle neck in all of the PoF mastery progression, not because it is actually difficult to get the points, but because you need to know which of the many points you can see on the maps or in your achievement list are actually reachable without canyon jump or any of the other mounts. Story alone will not give you enough points to progress beyond that step. Check the Crystal Oasis part of the achievement log for achievements that award mastery points. Some of them just require you to reach and channel them (which is easier said than done, as even the Crystal Oasis has several that require advanced mounts to reach them), some require you to take part in events or finish collections. You will have to look around to find the ones you can do without advanced mounts, but there definitely are more than you need to train your next mastery.
  8. Neither comparisson is fair, if you want to call it that. Considering that IBS died an untimely death 5 episodes into what was supposed to be an extensive story arch that was to rival expansion plus living world, comparing it to a full expansion plus living world season plus raid season isn't exactly "fair" either. So far, HoT, PoF, and IBS all started with relatively few extra mastery points. Even Core Tyria didn't have all that many extras at launch of the mastery system (and didn't really get easy access to them until the mastery insights were released when Aurora was introduced at the end of Season 3). The problem isn't that IBS did things much different from the expansions when they launched, because it didn't. The problem is that IBS was killed early on, before it branched out to have a comfortable amount of extra mastery points available. I certainly hope EoD will not die before it's run its course, but I fully expect it to launch with considerably less easy mastery points than are needed to max the new masteries. After all, expansions are supposed to keep players busy for months, not days, and keeping them progressing through the mastery system is an integral part of that.
  9. And we're right in the middle of carrot-on-a-stick territory again 😞 . Why does everyone seem to want developers to tell them what to play by tying "rewards" to all kinds of stuff that can only be gained by doing that specific content, whether you enjoy the content or not??? This is the one game that really allows me to play a character in a fantasy world, explore that world, "live" in that world, and have a great time all while equipping my characters and gathering shinies just like everybody else, not matter what corner of the world they enjoy to be in just now. We already have way too much "reward tied to content" and "gaming the system for reward maximation" for my taste. Why does everyone seem to be set on wanting the developers to force funnel them into specific content instead of enjoying the freedom of choice???
  10. If you enter your API key into the wiki page about mastery points it'll show you which points you have/haven't earned. You still need to count them by hand, but since they're all on one page and sorted by achievement category, it's pretty easy to do.
  11. Medium armor classes dropped from EoD - confirmed 😉
  12. Like I said, Season 3 brought and excess of available mastery points, which made HoT masteries a lot more accessible. At HoT release (and for a long time afterwards), there were only 132 points available, 30 of which came from adventures. You needed 112 points to max out HoT masteries, so even if you gained every single non-adventure mastery point you still had to do more adventures than many players were able to (either from personal or technical restrictions). I'd honestly be interested how many HoT core points you actually have, how many Season 3 points, and how many from raids. Both raids and season 3 do give a good many accessible points that weren't available at HoT launch or for a considerable time afterwards. I know that several of my friends had problems with those, too. I'm not quite sure what I did differently, but I didn't have problems finishing the IBS masteries, despite not playing those maps all that much (or DRMs at all). I know I only did the more grindy achievements (e.g. 15 meta events or 10 strikes) after I had already maxed out the IBS masteries, so I'm really not sure where the difference is from.
  13. Things were different before Season 3 added an excess of HoT mastery points. I vividly remember spending days trying to gain a silver medal in some of the HoT adventures since I didn't have enough mastery points to finish my masteries. If you're not good at adventures (or tend to get motion sickness from a lot of them, like I do), then mastery points were pretty hard to get pre Season 3. To this day I still have 22 mastery points to earn in HoT, of which 16 are from adventures (the other 5 from raids, plus one from story act 4).
  14. I just stumbled upon this blog post from 2014 where ArenaNet explains the reason for the daily revamp:
  15. You can just use the boost on an existing lvl 80 character. It'll give you the equipment, bags, etc. that a boosted character would've gotten, which you can then decide to use or trash at your convenience.
  16. That's certainly a possibility. What we don't know (since we don't have access to those numbers) is if those numbers are actually bigger than the extra hours played by those who do log in more often because of those daily achievements. ANet has the numbers of how many players log in daily/weekly/monthly, for how many hours, and how many of those do what kinds of repeatable achievements. They likely also have people that can crunch those numbers to give them an idea of what works best for the general playerbase. I certainly hope that they don't make decisions based on anecdotal evidence from individual players.
  17. I'm probably the odd one out here, but I don't get this desire for the game to tell me what to play. It's actually one of the things I love most about GW2: I can decide what to play without seriously gimping my gaming experience/account progression. In my opinion we already have way too many daily achievements, and even weekly ones (fractals, festivals, raid reset, strike mission prophet shard chests, wvw skirmish reward tracks). If you don't know what to do with your gaming time, you can spend hours each day and week going through the daily achievement category and ticking every one off your list, then spend even more hours grabbing all the weekly gated rewards. Why exactly do you feel the need for even more content "on wheels", or carrots-on-sticks, that the current daily and weekly rewards don't give? If you want to play the game, why not just play whatever content is fun to you that day? And if you really don't find anything entertaining to play in this game, why do you want the game to give you an incentive to play anyway, when you could spend your entertainment time better elsewhere? Or is it really not the content but the rewards you are after? The return-to achievements were rewarding, possibly too rewarding compared to other gameplay (and especially other daily/weekly rewards), but they are one-off achievements. I seriously doubt that you would see rewards that far above regular gameplay rewards for repeatable achievements, since it would throw off the whole "comparable rewards for comparable time investment" that is the basis of this game's reward system.
  18. There's a big difference between disagreement and cancelling. Trying to "cancel" any kind of disagreement by painting it to be some kind of nefarious action out to suppress you, neither helps the discussion nor does it give your stance on the subject any credibility. If you really want a race change option in this game, you're better off to offer some suggestions as to what the benefits are for both ANet and the playerbase as a whole, and how those benefits outweigh possible drawbacks (most prominent among those the development costs of the proposed change). Then we could actually have a productive discussion about the subject, and maybe come up with ideas that would lead ANet to consider working on it.
  19. I honestly don't care, since unfortunately anything related to the roller beetle is content I'll never be able to do anyway. Riding on that mount gives me a bad case of motion sickness super fast. Even just doing one of the race courses would lead to me having to lie down feeling sick and with a splitting headache for a couple of hours, so I quickly shelved my beetle for good.
  20. As far as I know, those hydras are part of the event, and from what I've observed also are the main obstacle that requires people to actually react to the situation rather than just attack anything without much thought. Most of the dredge are too weak to do serious damage to the drills (unless there are no defenders at all), so the hydras are the main threat that needs to be dealt with.
  21. That meta actually doesn't need all that many people. It is important though that people know what to do. If nobody takes care to kite the hydra away from the drill, that's usually what makes the event fail.
  22. Thanks for the correction. I seemed to recall that I was able to do it on other characters, too, but this time I just didn't find the right spot to get into that tunnel. I did get to the log at the side of the platform, and I think the character's still there, so I'll see if I can figure out what I missed next time I play her 😉 .
  23. This old lady doesn't do such new-fangled stuff as videos 😉 . But if you want to go there, simply glide north from the matriarch platform, and take the updraft right behind the airship. From there you can easily glide over to the frogs (if you have the appropriate gliding mastery). I just did a full map completion of VB with my new guard (that hadn't been on the map before) without mounts or choppers, and the only poi that posed a problem was the patriarch one, since most of the updrafts around that platform are only available at night, and I was up there during the day 😉 . I'm available as an HoT tour guide, too (EU in my case ... Vayne is on US if I'm not mistaken)
  24. I don't have a screenshot, but did encounter this issue when we were playing yesterday. My daughter and I were in a party, duo-roaming wvw. We usually are on different servers (her account is on Elona Reach, while mine is on Drakkar Lake), but choose the same guild for beta, so ended up on the same team (Silent Woods EU). Issues we noticed: guild menu showed two different desert borderland names as our locations while we were standing next to each other on the red map we didn't see each other as blue (party) dots on the minimap, just as regular green ones, despite being in party (and having proper blue nameplates)
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