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Everything posted by Henrik.7560

  1. We will be talking more about alliances in the coming months. years ago
  2. Anet OMEGALUL don't worry guys, you're getting free stuff in the gemstore!!! They care!!!
  3. Probably too busy eating turkey to care for the dead game mode
  4. Bulls charge and greatsword 5 completely miss the target majority of the time because i play 200ms and anet won't fix the clunky skills ever
  5. It's really not hard to avoid the mesmer pull, it just requires using a brain cell or two. The mesmer has to aim it then wait a sec to do the pull. They also have to have the entire zerg in position otherwise you can just get away. If there's a big group right below you maybe you should move away! If people played the game more instead of sitting on walls humping siege they'd learn a lot more about these things but hurr durr me use ac me die!
  6. Yes a broken mechanic, that can be stacked and spammed and can do half or more of the squads damage is fair and we should just dodge or block it. Let us know when you're capable of rolling your face on the keyboard to play scourge, because you seem to be lacking the IQ to even do that.
  7. The balance is a joke and it takes them over 3 months just to nerf a couple extremely broken holo traits. Haven't bothered logging in lately, having too much fun with genshin impact. I'll drop by next time I hear of a balance patch
  8. I'd take one shot mesmer any day over the stupid perma evade condi mirage we used to have and still have to some extent. Be careful what u wish for
  9. 2v2 and 3v3 are pretty fun but i agree it would mess a lot of builds and strategies up being the main game mode.I Wouldn't mind if they did 1 month season of 5v5 and then a month of 2v2 though instead of 2 months of 1, 2 weeks of the other. Playing consistently for 2 months without burning yourself out in the current pvp is the real challenge.
  10. yeah nerf it, the daze/blind as well is super cancer. does way too much damage and can easily hit 10k bursts when combined with stuff like sword 3/grenade 2/barrage
  11. 90% of "top players" are all just holo/decap scrapper abusers. that should give some indictation that there's something wrong with the spec.Everyone is just another grenade spammer, sorry to crush the ego of high rated pvpers. Grenade kit #2 paired with explosive entrance can easily hit up to 10k which is just ridiculous given its single digit CD. Grenade barrage can do up to 10k on its own WITHOUT explosive entrance. Ya very nice.Explosive entrance in general is busted, the fact it hits like a truck (free 3-4k damage) and blinds, and can daze, with no cd, and can be pre charged.Corona burst still crits up to 5k btw, very balanced.Photon Forge should have a longer cd than 5 sec given they nerfed druid's CA cd and several other transform timers. And now the stupid decap scrapper crap.Throw mine is the most obnoxious skill ever, stripping stab and pushing people off the point every 15sec. Ya thats REALLY fun to fight. Especially paired with flamethrower #3 and shield 4. Balance team must have had 15 fireballs the day they balanced engi last time. tldrNerf explosive entranceNerf grenade 2 and grenade barrageNerf Corona BurstNerf throw minebuff prime light beam to do dmg again tho tyvm
  12. Disappointing relink but that's nothing new Can we please fix the stupid nonsense with every host server being full most links being very high? Just how desperate are you for money? Its cutting my guildies off and no we aren't paying 20$ for 2 month link.
  13. Holo is pretty stupid atm and every pvper currently at a high rating is just another holo abuser 80% of the time. Explosive entrance is ridiculously overpowered in pvp: It does too much damage (crit up to 4-5k)It can be pre stackedIt has no cdwith flash bang trait which everyone uses its even more stupid, blinding every single time and sometimes even dazing. GG anet.Elixir S is stupid giving both aoe stealth and self invul to secure stomps but that's been around for years, make it barrier+condi clear instead so theres at least counter play :smile: the stealth is ok Now let's talk about grenades, too much damage too quickly, nerf grenade 2 and barrage a bit either increase cd or reduce damage. Explosive entrance + grenade 2 can easily hit 10k. I will say this tho, Give prime light beam its damage back. It's a frickin elite skill with a huge cd and a huge tell. It shouldn't be worse than rifle 4. Nerf the rest first tho ty Ah yes then the decap scrapper garbage. Throw mine is ridiculously obnoxious knockback spam, especially when used with shield 4 and flamethrower. No one enjoys fighting this nonsense at all. Lots of things to fix with Anets little pet class.
  14. It's been strong in the past but now it's been over nerfed in all 3 game modes, engineer and guardian is Anets new pet class atm with the amount of reworks and buffs they get.Pve ele is stuck on super stale sword Weaver,Pvp ele is jailed on support tempest which can't carry that hard really and wvw ele is good but not mandatory/meta like scrapper. Fresh air is pretty bad, why be full glass and execute a perfect combo when a holo does more damage with a grenade 2 and EE proc :smiley:
  15. Staff is in a pretty terrible state in all game modes, its only semi decent in WvW if the enemy has a massive blob and sits in your meteor otherwise a good herald will do the same damage and bring party buffs, and a good scourge will bring corruptions. Even meteor shower isn't really that great and only hits 5 digits on up levels, and staff is completely out of the meta in pve. Some suggestions:Increase damage of fire 1/2/5 by 15-20% in all game modesFire 3 should hit way harder and do bonus damage to burning foes, give it a longer cast time to compensateAir 4 should grant 3-5s superspeed making staff support potentially betterAir 5 should be large radiusEarth 2 should be faster cast and reduced delayEarth 5 should be ground target and faster, but not a projectile, make it like ranger muddy terrainWater 2 could do more dps,15-20%Water 5 reduce cast timeWater 3 buff the healing a bit
  16. Make core necro less tanky than 40-50k HP then you can have all the red circle spam you want.
  17. I agree it does a bit much of everything, it's not as bad anymore but can still kite and heal forever while doing huge amounts of damage, and this is speaking as someone who would put holo in their top 3 most played pvp classes in the last 2 years.The new grenade spammer build is pretty fun not gonna lie but it can stay alive forever with blocks/leap/stealth/elixir S the usual. Heat Therapy has always been and still is way too strong, the cleanse on exiting forge is a little more difficult to manage and not too broken imo. Superspeed on the Holo leap needs a icd or shorter duration. Scrapper is pretty strong as well and will probably become meta if Holo is nerfed so that's another thing to consider.@Noah Salazar.5430 I myself bounce between gold 3/plat 1 and will have to disagree, holo is sifinicantly stronger than scrapper, especially if the player has half a brain. There's just a lot more potential and flexibility with it.
  18. Dear Anet I will put in my 2 cents hoping someone sees itYou need to stop removing everything and taking cheap shots to addressing problems.The game mode functioned significantly better in 2012-2015 with all the original runes and amulets, but ever since HoT and the rise of the bunker meta, you never addressed the issue of rising power/heal creep and removed half of the amulets, and made a bunch of silly hybrid ones like mender and sage which dominate the meta and still promote the bunkering/bruiser thing, which didn't end up solving annything. Now everyone is running some self sustainy hybrid build, and things like shatter mesmer, fresh air weaver, berserker, etc are all obsolete since they will just die and not do enough damage quick enough. Then you completely normalized the weapon sigil options and made them incredibly stale, instead of nerfing the very few OP ones like energy, things like leeching+hydro or air+fire were cool combos, and made bursty builds actually have potential but they are gone now, even sigil of agility was cool and added some strategy but that went too. Finally, power creep was addressed on February 25 this year, wow! But it doesn't stop there. However, for some reason you decided to completely ruin over half of the runes while leaving others untouched, which really didn't achieve anything, because now EVERYONE is running tanky runes or -condi duration runes, since there's no reason to get +10% X when you can get -25% incoming X. There's a lot more balance in choosing between 25% outgoing condi dur. or -25% incoming than what we have now... There was nothing wrong with runes that gave boon duration or might duration, maybe nightmare rune was a problem but why not just nerf the condi application in general because that's still pretty nuts which leads onto my next point. There should have been a follow up very shortly after Feb 25, fixing several things that were forgotten, such as the rising condition and cleanse spam. A long time ago in core gw2 you could get away without running cleanse if you were fast and bursty enough and it was rewarding, otherwise you would tick down to death. (see double ranged shatter mesmer or something). Now its mandatory to run cleanse/sustain otherwise tanky spammer builds like core necro, sage weaver and condition herald will tear you to pieces, these builds need a rework. In correspondence, the only way its balanced is everyone has a lot more cleansing options than a while ago, and your bar will get filled and cleared with condis within seconds in group fights, and it's just turned into a massive cc and condition/power burst spam in team fights. The amount of conditions that are able to be applied along with the amount of conditions able to be cleansed in short intervals needs to chill. Let's look at some key examples: Mesmer Scepter 2: This has been buffed countless times, to have a shorter cd, activate faster, inflict tons of torment and produce more clones. Creating 2 clones and blocking an attack is already strong enough, it doesn't need a huge amount of torment as well, yes condi mes isn't great anymore but this is a fundamental issue that made it so op in the first placeScourge Torch 5: doesn't need to do torment considering you can almost always land torch 4 immediately afterScourge Trail of Anguish: doesn't need to corrupt boons, burn and cripple when it already stunbreaks and gives nice self boons. Remove the conditions/corrupts and givei t a shorter CDFirebrand Axe 2: Remove the cripple or the bleed, both is just spammy and annoyingFB Mantra of Truth: Too many conditions, give it 2 seconds duration but remove the cripple.Rev Mace 3: remove the weakness or lower the torment. Currently too powerful.Rev Axe 4: pick one, both of those conditions are extremely oppressive and powerful, increase the duration of whichever you keep to 3s.Necro scepter 2: Reduce durationThat's just a handful but you get the idea. You wonder why everyone runes Resistance runes and cleansing sigils, there you go.Recent changes that I appreciate: Nerfing Support FB and symbolbrand Rev and Spellbreaker burst potentials were out of hand and are nerfed in good place now. Spb might be a little overnerfed but I'm sure it'll be back laterCondition mirage eliminated, yay! bring back power now tyRanger/Soulbeast pet and stat boost nerfs was great, although it took way too longThings I would like to see in future patches: Revert the sigils and runes back to normal. Target a few very strong ones like energy sigil and nightmare rune, and keep durability out. We need some diversity and options to play around withCore necro is a really boring 40k hp condition bruiser build, please tone down its survability and give it more damage it's just annoying to deal with and no fun to play I'd rather play reaper or scourgeCondition Herald isn't on steroids anymore but still pretty dangerous, it has a lot of ways to do damage and it's way too tankyBunker Renegade is stupid, reduce the pulses of the daze spam kalla legend, 6 dazes in an area that is bigger than most points is stupid. Add a small ICD on soul cleave.Bunker weaver is still annoying and rather stupid, increase it's damage but nerf it's sustain and evade spam, get rid of the evade on earth 2 or something, and bring back fresh air weaver, give it some damage buffs; it has no survability so doesn't make sense to do less damage than a herald or core guardIn summary I may have overemphasized some points and some people may disagree with some of my class balance ideas, but as a veteran that has been reasonable active in pvp over the last 7 years, that's my view of things. Something we can all agree on is how it takes way too long to fix busted builds, and the poor way anet adresses it by removing amulets/runes/sigils and ignoring key traits/skills that make builds OP.
  19. Maybe if anet stopped releasing pve nonsense every patch and actually put some effort on wvw / pvp instead of a day of living world content, game would be a thousand times better. They've even abandoned pve raids for strike missions. All my hardcore friends and myself have basically retired now- it's a casual game for casual players, treat it as one and play 2 days a week for a couple of hours. Oh yes still waiting for skill lag to get addressed, several people can hardly even play anymore
  20. Holo isn't that bad quit crying, bunker renegade is worse, fb and condi rev still really strong too
  21. Bump.Still laggy as ever, more guilds disband as anet continue to remain silent and provide no communication on the issue ruining the game.
  22. I stopped trying to play this game, lag ruins every game mode. It's an actual joke
  23. The servers are straight up failing to function as of lately. I play NA, OCX and SEA and its awful the entire time. NA reset for the most part is unplayable, the game struggles to keep up with two servers; skills flash and take several seconds to activate, people blink around, and its a slide show. Then if a third server shows up anywhere nearby, outside of render distance and stands still even, the servers just completely die and you get dcs, crashes, and 30 seconds of skill lag and people desyncing all over the place. Aside from the disaster that happens at reset, sea is probably the worst timezone where at least a third of asian and australian players can't even login, or are at permanent 4k ping and are unplayable soon as a fight starts (perfectly fine beforehand). Ocx is pretty bad as well, i sit still in mistlock sanctuary with 800 ping like wtf. Meanwhile my local connection and download speed are perfectly fine. Please FIX your broken game servers, no one cares AT ALL if you delay the living world releases. Fix the routing to Asian and oceanic countries as it exponentially worsens for them and it lags and dcs even in 15v15.
  24. yes please fix the lag or at least mitigate it, its literally unplayable. the game can not handle 3 servers existing near each other at all.
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