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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. This ain't reddit. If you haven't logged in for a year, why are you on the forums? Not many really care to read personal blog posts like this. Also, ALL FTP KRPGs are P2W. Sorry if you can't see that.
  2. Welcome to GW2? Very little of GW2 PvP is about outplaying anything, most of it is about finding a build that you can either cheese/meme on or one that never dies.
  3. Blind. Thief applies so much blind to me I can't hit it AND it can block my projectiles at the same time! If it's cleansed, a lot of their blinds are pulsing so they will just be reapplied a second later. With all the skills thief has you'll be blinded forever. We must remove blind from WvW!
  4. I'm not the one getting hit by tail swipe...but ok. Could at least post a pet that people use to make your case lol; that's not even empty jab either, there is a reason people took the topic the way of smokescale because that's a pet people use. Nefing damage coefficients isn't going to stop a ranger from cc'ing you to death btw (pet or no pet)
  5. Downstate argument...yeah never touched a ranger. There is no avoiding an argument, because there is no argument. Those of us with many hours on ranger have seen these topics countless times over the years. It is quite simply a 'learn to play' issue.
  6. If you are calling pets an OP mechanic then you've clearly never touched ranger.
  7. How are you going to diss an entire continent then post nonsense like this? Think you really just need to get good at the game lol
  8. Pet CC has always been controllable. Many moons ago we ran double wolf because on swap the wolf would always go for a KD, making it very effective. As mentioned, smokescale is no different except it teleports to target prior to trying its KD. I guess the point everyone is making here is this is a L2P issue--not everything needs a giant neon sign before it happens. I'm not even sure why on ranger it would matter as there is little burst potential outside of maul--and maul already has GS #5 to proceed it. If it's other players that you are worried about then the ranger has many other ways to immobilize or CC outside of this specific instance, most with little tell. I guess this topic did start by someone getting owned by a literal drake, so a lot of these words are going to fall on deaf ears anyway.
  9. Smokescale KD isn't even the best CC ranger has access to; it's just used because every SB runs the same tired Smokescale based Sic Em' build, so the community gets run over by it and complains. This is why pets are fine, as you have something like Rock Gazelle which has far more CC potential (and damage potential), but no one runs it because it doesn't have a smoke field and takes too long to come back after it does charge. It also got heavily nerfed when people did use it so that it now does a fraction of the damage. I do love all the cries for merge bringing pet back to be nerfed--with no recompensation for core / druid that have to have pets out and that are downed all the time because they have no defense.
  10. This spin on this would make a top jealous
  11. The point was access to barrier and other damage mitigation skills making this topic a pretty non-issue for any competent player, not scourges roaming prowess lol.
  12. Oh look, terribads in the PvP forum complaining about pets...
  13. Nice to leave out weaver, and no idea why you crossed out scourge lol
  14. This. Scrappers and FB's literally walk by and if you try to rapid fire it's no different than a stiff breeze hitting them. Other classes like ele and scourge have so much friggin barrier that the damage you would do is utterly wasted on a second HP bar. Almost everything has reflects or blocks now as well. Face it, all of WvW is easy mode. I never see anyone roaming solo, and if I do happen to see someone by themselves up towards the north, they'll mount and instantly port 8/10 times. If you have friends around, what are you so afraid of rangers for...the rez speed is so fast you can't hope to stop it. And large scale? lol.
  15. The answer is no, no anet hasn't played their game for a long time. Current engineer though may be the single most broken thing in the game in any mode. I mean just the linked skill alone gives all that by default and it only gets better if you take other traits that medkit scrapper uses. Add to that the fact you can create an engineer build for pretty much anything and it will be top tier is pretty amazing. As far as superspeed, it's interesting because they essentially are doubling down on it. It isn't a boon so is untouchable (not that boon corrupts or strips really even work anymore), and it is stackable so you essentially can pay zero attention and cap it. There really isn't much explanation for this other than 'quality of life change' when it's much more than that. Though if there really isn't a balance team and the new expansion comes, what does that mean for all the new specs? Other than obvious best in slot power creep for at least a year after the expansion.
  16. So for those keeping score at home we have: - Trevor's 1K gold challenge to whoever can beat a celestial druid build - Hobo takes up the offer but is on EU, challenge issuer refuses to transfer from NA to EU - Tink organizes the duel and also facilitates Hobo transfer from EU to NA - Pre duel: there are many complaints by Trevor regarding how the F key works, starting distances, and also food (this will later be seen as toxicity) - Duel begins, Trevor kites endlessly and ragequits - Forums call Trevor out on this - Trevor starts talking about toxicity and disqualifying people (to explain the ragequit) also gets angry at Tink for literally creating content for the Twitch channel by facilitating transfer - Forums call Trevor out on this - Bigo offers to be a challenger - Trevor claims to be setting something up with Bigo but also claims that this entire thing was a giant troll to get traffic for his Twitch (probably the only honest thing said thusfar); also claims to be the savior of forum activity via trolling
  17. You can't even stop posting in a topic you said you were going to stop posting in seven posts ago...yikes.
  18. Six (large) posts later... Which normally is nitpicky, but the foundation of the topic is this: Then we have: When the entire topic was about disputing this. In fact, it started off as 'even in 1vX' (meaning always better in 1v1) and 'will out brawl' which later somehow morphed into 'celestial druid loses to tanky soulbeast in 1v1' and 'will out kite'--surely you can see why we're all confused here? No matter what spin, the foundations weren't proved. At the most neutral level this ended in a stalemate so we actually have no idea which side would have won. It's two tank builds and one is actively running from the other, that could take hours to see who makes a mistake or wins via attrition--that isn't fluff, it literally is what it is.
  19. I know I (and guessing most others here) want to see a conclusion to this 'cele druid is unkillible' debacle. I personally would be very interested to see what happens when a CC / power spec faces it; preferably in an area without a ton of LoS blocks as we'll have the same thing all over again (i.e. sorry you didn't realize walls blocked projectiles man). Anyway, about toxicity--maybe it'd be best if your char wasn't literally named 'gank' if you wanted a chill game experience 🤔
  20. Why do I get the feeling another GW2 'legend' is going to be born in this topic? This is why people hate Twitch though, anyone can stream on it, and when they stream they automatically get a certain arrogance from 'being a streamer'. It means jack all though, because this whole thing was a setup for bad content--but at least the streamer got some laughs out of it? At least I think...from watching the footage it did seem Trevor was a bit confused at times: "how do I enter?" "press F" "how" "he has ascended food, oh no no no, ascended food is OP---hey you, USE REGULAR FOOOD" "stay close to me so this is more even" *finds out no LB* "oh...huh" So really, what is the point of all this except to ruin credibility? Because now every time I see the name I'm gonna remember this 'challenge' 😄. As in "remember the time that guy made an ambiguous challenge for views and someone actually paid to make it happen and he ended it early to avoid losing?"
  21. I mentioned some of my issue in that streamer wars topic but, I think my overall issue with MH axe is it has tools but none of them work as well as other weapons. We have: Axe #1 - Ricochets and grants might; nothing a LB won't do at greater range and faster (if you use sigil of rage for instance); LB won't ricochet but it will pierce with MM Axe #2 - Applies bleeds; nothing a SB won't do but faster--can stack 10 bleed with sharpening stone and axe #2, can do this with sharpening stone, sb #2 and a few autos (or use crippling shot and have your pet apply some for you)--in addition you get poison with shortbow Axe #3 - Unique, the only really standout thing about MH axe If we extend to offhand: Axe #4 - Useless, but even so both concussion shot and PBS do a better job at overall utility Axe #5 - Biggest problem is being immobile while casting, otherwise works fine. Still outclassed by barrage and if you want rather immobile damage maul (4-5 second channel to get to 8-10k damage vs. one hit, if it hits lol). I don't really want to mention MH Dagger as as far as I'm concerned it has zero redeeming qualities. But for OH Dagger: Dagger #4 - This would be plenty serviceable if they'd give the range back from offhand training; as is pretty much anything is better for kiting (sword is closest but serpent strike just has more evade frames) Dagger #5 - Outclassed by crippling shot mostly--can be fine though, it's a toss up with torch really for me as burning field tends to do more with less telegraph (you aren't throwing it like you unfortunately are with torch #4) Anyway, I've personally been trying to theorycraft something with axe for forever now. I've tried replacing shortbow in my druid build with both Axe/Dagger and Axe/Wh (taking BM instead of WS)--neither of which really give me full utility that a shortbow does. Like axe will stack some nice stuff + chill, but reapplication is a pain and pressure is non-existent. Think axe would be dope if it would remove a boon on the #1 with a certain ICD. Then you'd have something super unique for ranger because you could strip boons in an area. Overall that would make it good for me, and then OH axe just need to entirely rework axe #4 (to be more like prelude lash) and axe #5 to be cast while moving (I can hear the forum cries from miles as an army of rangers runs into a zerg whirling away).
  22. Yeah, of course the forums doesn't want this touched. Engi has been a 'bad player with easy win buttons' for a long, long time now.
  23. It really is--it has no pressure and has nothing a shortbow can't do far, far better (aside from the chill). Even OH axe is a gimmick, yeah #5 can do a lot of damage if you get caught with prelude lash--but as we see here that damage is very easily negated by moving away from the whirling defense. No one uses the #4 on OH axe because it is terrible and has been since inception. On the Druid build in specific, axe is far worse than using shortbow; I get why it was used here (because celestial), but it really doesn't work at all. I don't really need to prove that either when there's enough content on that Twitch channel to clearly see why it doesn't work.
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