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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. inb4 casuals don't realize Twice Told Legend is a thing... o wait, never mind ya'll just want free stuff as usual for no work carry on
  2. Need to put what their rank is as well, and a line if they are unranked More info the better
  3. Don't buy it, if I see any war spec on my team I'm ok with it. Firebrand on the other hand....
  4. Flags started turning blue checkered for me in WvW within last few patches. Nothing else blue yet, not windows or doors, or houses.
  5. Before clicking 'show results', just going to call Ranger. Or thief. But if not ranger I'll be disappointed. EDIT: Oh wow, was wrong. Not what I expected but almost what I expected....
  6. They do, and still don't use them. Since topic is about DE, it has very obvious tells as to what it is about to do, and there are many, many projectile hate options across every class. Those are the buttons people should be using, and time and time again see the 'deer in a headlights' when someone literally watches the thief go into stealth and stands there then gets instagibbed. But, stealth, by itself...does nothing. For me as a Ranger, if a DE is around, I use Turtle, and also have staff, untamed bubble, etc. etc. to mitigate any burst. When they are in stealth, just wait it out...they have to come out of stealth to attack. Even stealth attacks right now only crit for what 8k? That's barely a third of my health--and even squishy classes have super access to prot/hate bubbles/auras (i.e. ele). Anyway, my point about the blind is the counter-attack opportunities are small, because stealth can be cleaved through--but blind prevents this. Blind is literally the only danger to me when facing a thief, as they can hit hard with attacks that blind (again preventing counterattack) AND go into stealth. That becomes very tough to manage and leans into somewhat unmanageable territory if there are two coordinated thieves around.
  7. Stealth is far healthier than blind. Blind is actually probably the most degen condition in the game, but most won't see it as it isn't always obvious you are getting blinded without watching the bar constantly. Blinding Powder, Black Powder, etc. is what is making DE so oppressive, and people are blaming it all on stealth.
  8. They don't balance around duel arena though. For good reason, cause that Reaper just W key'd at you...not a single attempt to kite there. Also, the vid is a year old..pre-weapon master even.
  9. I'm talking competitive--it might be ok in PvE. I've literally never been rezzed by it in competitive, and been CC'd out of it far more times than I've actually managed to rez someone. For me, it, or sprit, needs to compete with the instant revives.
  10. Glyph still sucks too with all the instant rez skills in the game. Have to wait for it to pulse rez and it can be outcleaved very easily.
  11. It does in competitive 💀. ~Hello condi druid my old friend~ (jk I never stopped playing it). Also, wtf at prelude lash getting no damage now but still having a power coefficient, so it procs random kitten like auras? It got its immob and damage removed, so it's a glorified short-range pull...hooray? Anway, for prelude lash and lightning reflexes please remove all damaging components.
  12. We can just delete Mechanist from the game, I'd really like my F skills to be responsive again. Your special ed child in Mechanist ruined that one right quick with 'auto cast' 😂. Anyway, Ranger is always strongest but never makes it to mAT grand finals but 1/10 times. Makes sense.
  13. Right, which is why 'passive' and 'active' never really made any sense to me. As Lock On is 'passive' but you actually have to try and find something to hit to use it--while Sic' Em is 'active' but you can passively spam it at a thief 3 kilometers away and reveal them. Still think Sic' Em should get buffed though, 1s daze or something added to it to proc Midnight King to help with Ranger burst setups.... mwahahahaa
  14. If we want active reveal, time to buff Sic Em'.
  15. Probably better than Iboga because it survives way longer. Blind is also useful since it has no CC. Condi's still 'meh' unless you merge, as the damage there is atrocious on pets.
  16. 7-12k DPS is a bunker though? Unless they've truly nerfed damage that much, I've massively scaled back on my WvW time, but a few patches ago I was getting 15k-20k sustained DPS on a power soulbeast. Maces were never about pure damage though, like hammer. The playerbase, and anet, seem to forget this and just ignore the contribution of striders strength, ws traits, etc. Without these, hammer, mace, etc. are going to hit like wet noodles.
  17. This. It's always been WS. Stab stack nerf just pushes farther into soulbeast builds now. Only thing that did was make it easier for rangers to CC eachother, no one was complaining about stab access, they were complaining about CC access and the mace reset. It's fine though, the bar in sPvP is so low I'm still using a Druid build from 2021 in g3.
  18. I don't PvE (much)...but You missed an opportunity to call this The Lonely Island.
  19. This isn't a ranger complaint topic, so they won't do anything
  20. I get it, but WvW is so bad now that might as well bunker and get bags from just tagging things. More interactive version of old arrow cart ranger. There's reason we put * near the 'damage' portion of this, as the damage ranger is used to might as well be zero, so maces kicks that up a few notches but still might as well passively tag things. On a more serious note, Druid seems like it would be better though for pure healer then just CC with maces/hammer/CA form. I'm not entirely sure though as I don't zerg, so my 'stand in zergs' was me standing in zergs lol'ing at the 5-target cap with a bunker build...it's not engaging but it was funny.
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