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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. You must have missed the target cap increase on Vine Surge.
  2. An example is Shortbow , it is essentially 'auto'ing people to death' as the rest of its kit is utility outside the small condi burst #2 provides. Sword was same way pre-animation change as the auto did serious damage (and had a ton of lockon potential)--we can't just neglect the original intent of the weapon and the huge DPS loss that happened when the animation was changed to the vanilla one we have now. With all the quick spam we have now, we wouldn't be talking about anything else in terms of PvE DPS if the original animation was intact because it was sustained unlike the usual burst suspects (OH axe #5). Wasting leaps to disengage is a bad practice, sorta like dodge rolling to engage instead of using a skill. We lost the actual disengage portion of sword in hornet sting which is the issue; essentially since none of our OH's are defensive sword does not get the luxury to utilize something like SB #3, GS #3 or Staff #3 as a disengage, because allof those have additional defenses (block, CC, vine, wall, etc.). This may change if OH Mace is defensive, who knows. Ranked sPvP--S/D was used there a lot pre-OH dagger nerf (removal of Offhand Training / #4 range) and power creep leaving sword damage behind. Outside that, i'm not sure the vast majority of the game has been easy though, even things like Orr and all HoT maps have a history of wrecking casuals (especially pre-mount). So, the evade portions of sword could help there, basically anywhere that isn't a DPS fest (stationary bosses). One stack of might vs 2s~3s of Quickness (factoring in most people run boon duration gear of some sort) is a huge nerf. They'd have to buff that to at least 2-3 stacks to make trying to kite for might viable. Dueling is a thing in WvW. While not usually my thing it does provide pretty accurate measurement of both small scale GvG clashes and 1v1 potential. I mean, Roy literally balances WvW partially around what he wins or loses to in GvGs...
  3. Strider's Strength is the reason sPvP is creating salt fields over Pounce because that 3-5% damage is producing some insane burst numbers when played on glass amulets. It may have been enough to make up for old sword if they would have implemented Strider's Strenth and just buffed the AA and not reworked the entire thing into a DPS weapon. In PvE yeah, Sword is useless because it is a competitive designed weapon. So, agree these changes would benefit its use there. Can feel free to show demos of kiting old sword vs. new--I think it's pretty objective fact that the new is geared towards engaging all day every day. Sure, you can about-face your camera, but you could do that (and should have been doing that) with old sword. Essentially, one leap replaced both a backward evade and a sidewinding evade (as we always had Monarch's Leap), and an entire trait replaced evasion bonus with vanilla power bonus. That has little to do with button mashing and a lot more to do with devs wanting it to be DPS--even in the stream they liken Pounce to Warrior's eviscerate. They doubled down on that by giving Pounce a power coefficient equal to like level 2 adrenaline Eviscerate for warrior which is kind of like playing football in a soccer field. The games named the same, but the rules are far different. As for the last part, it matters because it was a blanket statement that anyone using old sword was just RP'ing and not using it in meaningful content, when a lot of us were straight up wrecking people with it prior to the game becoming Power / Boon Creep Wars.
  4. Agree. The example was to point out that interactions can exist 'backward', essentially, they can easily break something existing (soulbeast) even with something mediocre (hammer) because of interactions with might on merge, stances, etc. Druid definitely could see some overturning with it as well due to the number of CCs Druid already has and that staff was balanced with that in mind to have no hard CC and only a slow moving targeted soft CC. This whole thing just seems like they should have rolled it out in phases. Start with maybe unlocking one weapon for each spec and go from there and at the end do the rune decoupling thing. All at once is pretty bonkers.
  5. Find a more fitting boycott then, because the two you named dropped have oddly specific reasons as to why they happened. Advertisers boycotting Twitter for instance is much more applicable, as that isn't directly rooted in ideology but a guy who's good at space stuff being very bad at tech stuff.
  6. Immobilize is a condition, is it hard for you to understand? Apologies if English isn't either of your first langauges, but here immobilize means something very specific--in that you can't move. You can move during worldly impact, it will just cancel it--same with whirling defense (OH axe #5). You are not immobilized, they are self-canceling skills. Fun fact, you could move during Worldly Impact during the PoF beta tests, but a certain section of the community complained about that being OP, so we now have the animation lock / self-canceling version.
  7. Gotta lol at 'Target' and 'Bud Light' name drop in this context when this community is probably the friendliest to LGBTQ on the entire internet. Also, your icon Kid Rock is drinking Bud again, so no, not even there was your money heard 😃. Same applies here, people will buy the xpac to keep the game going, and you angry forum dwellers will give them site traffic to keep the cycle going.
  8. Cause, 30 seconds makes win-trading slightly harder. They could implement /gg for sPvP but that would be logical.
  9. Thanks for the visual representation of salt 😂. They won't give us shields so guess we got sword and boar instead of sword and board. But ya, if you dying to a boar gotta re-evaluate where the WSAD keys are cause his wiki page be empty of buffs: Juvenile Boar - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) In semi-seriousness, maybe someone can fill me in on how Boar took over Drake's spot? Did it steal kiki? Cause boar been there since 2012, pretty geriatric, but still wrecking...maybe it was this hidden buff to Maul from 2017: Updated this attack to move toward the target when used on land.
  10. None of those terms are correct--self-canceling is. I'm still lol'ing at how hard these forums salt when ranger gets anything that isn't a nerf. Sword can be garbage bin for years, and now is decent in melee fights but on a glass build with little sustain and forums are crying about pet damage again. If you are dying to pets, re-evaluate your gameplay. Also, Warhorn #4 crying...it hasn't changed since May where it got a 0.02 power coefficient increase. It's a terrible skill--still way, way easier to kill with LB #2 / SoTH and kite around then try to get WH #4 to work.
  11. Despite this topic probably getting locked once a forum mod is on tomorrow because of the literal 3 year necro (irony), I have to lol at this. Necro has actually never been the weakest class in the game. From the old days of core tank to disco scourge to cele harbs of today--there has always been some super strong necro spec.
  12. The biggest question is what ARE they actually balancing towards? DPS against stationary golems? Functional DPS in fractals / raids / strikes that require actual mechanics? Competitive? In any case it'll be interesting. Things like Untamed's Hammer came well after Soulbeast who I can already see using it to great unintended effect. In that case, do you rework hammer because of the soulbeast interaction(s)? Nerf soulbeast around a weapon it was never designed for? Do nothing and watch the world burn?
  13. What's weird is it is ONLY the F2 this happens with. I use smokescale a lot on Untamed and have no issues ever getting it to do the KD on the F1 or the smoke assault on F3 (though usually have that set to auto). Ironically, I've never seen an issue with the field on F2, always wonder why just that one behaves. Same with Rock Gazelle, no issues with the kick or the charge. The headbutt on F2? 9/10 times have to spam the crap out of that thing for it to work. The point about lack of outcry is true because in PvE you don't need pets, just perma merge slb. Which even in competitive is somewhat effective too as the sic em build are the most popular and they only ever unmerge for smoke field stealth. Really wish the September patch or whenever they do balance next is not actual balance but just bugfixing.
  14. I wouldn't full revert, no. As much as I liked the original sword, to say it was an acquired taste is putting it mildly. The OG one had the sticky AA that most did actually dislike because you had to be more careful with it than the average player is going to want to be. So they changed that which was fine, but the downside is they never compensated for the DPS loss from the animation change--they never buffed the AA damage. The second iteration is where things just got weird. There really is no reason to take serpent strike off its own key as it was arguably the most unique thing about sword. Then flipping hornet sting / monarch leap was odd because sword was primarily a defensive weapon, so engaging with it was out of place. That was fine enough though because at least serpent strike was still on the toggle, the bad part was leaving hornet sting as its own key when that skill has always been wonky and in dire need of a cast time shave. So that's where my original suggestion came in, which I guess to some degree they did implement because both #2 and #3 are now engages. What I would personally do is just revert serpent strike to what it originally was and keep everything else the same. Or keep serpent strike as an initial leap but make a secondary toggle that does the actual serpent movement. This has precedent with gs #4 where the toggle is the kick that is really only useful in competitive. The downside is it pains me to lose the backward evade of hornet sting, but it wasn't nearly as useful as shortbow is in that regard and there isn't enough else on sword to really have it because sword is only 1H so missing 2 skills compared the 2H ones. Pounce is actually a straight upgrade there.
  15. Play the same build? Ancient Seeds was a 15s CD in sPvP anyway, so not super useful outside of securing some kills. I hate eclipse as much as anyone, but things like decap druid is still very much a thing.
  16. Another thread with silver's getting bodied by a flavor of the month build. Makes me wonder what kind of salt is about to flow when hammer is finally useable on Soulbeast 😂. Anyway, all this would be shocking, but half of you were getting destroyed by pets back in the day when they still can't find their way up a flight of stairs.
  17. Not in the slightest was my suggestion what they actually did. The suggestion you quote was to put Monarch Leap on #3 instead of #2--that's it. The reason for that suggestion was every other ranger engage is on #3 (even the underwater spear); the only exception to this is hammer. There's no possible way to interpret that as I want two identical leaps named differently. Neither is 'if they buff sword damage it'd compete with GS' which obviously means the AA damage, especially since I immediately refer to 'number of evades' there (i.e. meaning the kiting capability sword used to have). Anyway, don't know why you are doing random out of context quotes from last year when I have my exact full opinion on the matter on page #2 of this thread...with a video. The reason for the PvE meta build is due to Strider's Defense change to Strider's Strength and it giving some crazy power when you are wielding a sword. That, and with two leaps it's of course easier to mindlessly spam attacks on bosses--we are in a facetank boon puke meta after all--so who needs dodging? As for 'meta PvP build', I do use sword in competitive, but always have (see video on page #2 for me using it in like 2015). Again, the only reason it hits hard now is strider strength and they overtuned the #2/#3 damage a bit because of how linear the weapon is. It's all engage all day though, as evidenced by it being 'meta' on a sic' em build--you either burst someone down with it or die. That has never been the spirit of the sword and is what a lot of us longtimers are upset about. That is: "The fact that nobody who wants old sword back used it in content where performance actually matters" is plain wrong as there are still some of us around from when this game took skill and didn't rely on boons / cele gear to carry the bads.
  18. Removing words isn't editing? As you clearly removed 'it's an attack move' and then left out all the context of the quoted reply to make it seem like a contradiction. The only insult here is to my intelligence atm... Since we have no statistics here other than 'almost no one used it' I'll just say anyone good on ranger used it to great effect. It was hard for casuals to use, but so is the ranger class as a whole at a mid to high level. Talking competitive of course, I'm not sure it has been used in PvE since all the DPS got removed when the AA animation was changed. Basically, Sw/Wh and Sw/Dagger have always been very good. The latter was THE evade coupling before the dagger #4 range nerf. Now sword is just objectively worse in every regard except damage. If they nerf the damage of either leap the sword will actually be far worse than it was pre-change.
  19. I swear the troll on that edit job you did is pretty impressive, almost made it look like they were contradicting themselves. But, alas there is no contradiction. You can obviously evade and attack at the same time--or rather, could, before anet reduced sword to 'new and exciting ways to press W'. Wanna know why shortbow is so good? The #3 is an evade that sends you backward and gives swiftness--single handedly makes the weapon very dangerous. They should have applied this to Hornet Sting by just reducing the animation and increasing the evade time, possibly upping the damage modifiers, then left everything else alone. The only thing we can hope for is they are playing 3D chess here and sword has some hidden synergy with offhand mace to justify gutting all of the evasion / kiting abilities it had. There is no other spin in the world to make two forward leaps seem like anything but copy/paste.
  20. Since it's on the 28th, are they going to run SoTO concurrently with an anniversary event? Or...just more Heroic Booster and neon colored dye pack?
  21. Basically, I think OP missed the whole discord balance drama from last year. Without the table where would I get a new signature?
  22. Neither should this: Elixir of Ambition - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  23. This kinda falls under tactics--usually not seen because ppl are too busy k-training. It's under same category as disabling siege build sites or omegas that are contesting camp circles. Guess depends on context too--if you are running with 50 ppl probably not a reason to do it, but a 5-man keep sneak you definitley want to siege and/or distract the EWP.
  24. Mine are: Vet dailies Tonic transforms (provided they don't follow forever to troll) and people visiting that shrine thing in N camp (this includes balloon processions) Duel spot(s) (mostly just south alpine, but S plateau thing on DBL gets used too) Anyone viewing a vista (I know it isn't req. anymore but seen new ppl do this a lot) Clearly new people without mounts (i.e. non-smurf accounts / sPvP mains going wanna be MLG on invader rank)
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