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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. To the OP, well yes, because as a whole Untamed is rather pointless. We know the problems, but to reiterate a fundamental one, the Untamed has no way of boosting movement speed passively. That's a pretty big oversight for something so obvious--I mean, can make it so you are boosted in speed when unleashed or via trait like Natural Stride, but to have nothing? Also, before the 'mah superspeed' people get here, I'm talking passive, so no disables, strikes, skill use, etc. needed. Since the movement speed is so fundamental, everything else is only worse from there. Dropping damage for zero reason (seriously, someone explain how untamed is the 'tank' spec other than marketing), relying on bad pet AI like its 2012, having some hokey keyboard piano mechanic for little to no benefit, etc. etc. I also hate the Mechanist argument because Mechanist is engineer with pet-like thing tacked on, it's nowhere near comparable to rangers and actual pets. It 'works better' because it was developed to work better; that's it.
  2. That is correct, in its normal state having unleash as a 10s CD was unworkable. In this context though we're changing it to the single more powerful pet idea, so unleashing will work more like soulbeast merging / unmerging (except in this case it is power transfer instead of merge), so it seems natural to have the CD line up the same as the soulbeasts does. Along the AI front, I don't think they can improve it at this point. I think the mech (if it has better AI, havent tried it) was a new creation so even that isn't 1 to 1 with ranger pets. From what I understand ranger pets are more deeply tied into normal PvE creature AI and changing that would be difficult. Which is why more new pets use teleports (smokescale, white tiger, etc.)--so having a teleport as a baseline wouldn't be a bad idea.
  3. I mean, maybe if they made a single pet and the unleash itself powered it up. So put the unleash on a 15s CD or whatever and have loud whistle reduce the CD like it would pet swap. When the pet is unleashed, it'd get the ranger's stats and have the unleashed skills in addition to its normal ones; I'm with the idea of leaving the pet work like it always does and only have the F2 + Unleashed skills as controllable. Unleashing the pet would also revive it to put it inline with Soulbeast. Not sure what to do with the ranger portion of the unleash though except maybe increased stats similar to merged soulbeast + beastmastery. I'd get rid of the hammer swap altogether and just make it work like greatsword, with some CC skills and some damage ones (and a proper leap for kitten sake). Only thing I'd worry about is pet pathing, there's no way 99% of the pets can hit moving targets to make this worthwhile. They'd have to change all of their attacks to teleports or something, which seems a bit much lol. I guess otherwise we can just camp unleash ranger and get our stats powered up like soulbeast does, but with the benefit of an extra CC from the pet. I also like the idea of teleport on recall that way you can reposition the pet like you would with pet swap, as that's important.
  4. Someone needs to unleash Will Smith on DE meta
  5. I believe men make female characters (and I'd assume possibly women make male characters) to make an 'ideal' for themselves. Essentially the old adage 'well if I'm going to look at it for a thousand hours...'. I mean personally I did it a decade ago for pretty much that reason--aesthetic, as I find women attractive. It also doubles in the context of the entire story revolves around women in power, so when my female commander is barking orders it just seems 'normal' in the GW2 universe. But that aside, I'm not sure that's the intent as far as story goes. Usually 'because men like women' leads to objectification. Some women don't mind, some do; but GW2 story seems to be putting females in the forefront to combat that. Which again, personally I don't even know if that's something that needs combating. Beauty is fine, and 'using what you have' is fine to me as well, male or female.
  6. I mean, TC isn't wrong about Rytlock. IBS proved that he is indeed 'whipped' by Crecia, and the xpac cemented it as he's nowhere until the Epilogue. This is the same charr that chased a sword down into the netherrealm, became a revenant, and for a long time was feared by most characters. I think the problem here is too much focus on relationships and intent to pair everyone off. When they are paired off they seem anything but partners; some like Logan are in servitude to a female because they want to be, some like Canach are literally in servitude for a period of time, and others are in 'fear' of women (Rytlock, Rama to an extent, Gorrik, etc.). The only actual 'power couple' and equals are...shocker...Kas and Jory. I get this is by intent to 'break boundaries' and is neither here nor there for me, but it is pretty obvious. I do agree also about the villains being less than serious if male...save for Balthazzar. They did that one 'right' and I think there we had a strong male, albeit with bad intentions.
  7. Can't we just get rid of stack damage? Then it just becomes what conditions can be applied against me and how can I counter those, instead of what conditions can be applied against me and in what quantity. Would have to rework a lot of the spam mechanics though. For instance, like ranger shortbow (as example as I'm most familiar with ranger) would have to be redone not to apply bleed on each hit but maybe only on crippling shot or something. Essentially skills and such would still grant conditions if they hit, but dodging them also means dodging the condition as well so they equal out to what you expect when fighting power.
  8. You also went back and edited a few of your posts to include clarification on zerging, so it's hard to find the context of what is going on right now. Your original contribution was pretty confusing and just listed 'soulbeast doesn't bring an impactful new weapon and must rely on GS' and not stating anything about zerging at all. That's where the dagger discussion came from, as dagger is pretty impactful in small scale due to aformentioned quickness generation. As WvW is more than zerging, and actual zerging (big 20-30 blobs hitting) has no place for ranger at all no matter what configuration.
  9. I think they should baseline Ferocious Symbiosis but make it for CC. So if ranger is unleashed and CC's, pet becomes more powerful, and if pet is unleashed and CC's, ranger becomes more powerful. It still messes up pets that have little to no-cc but at least its something. As for me the biggest issue with hammer (at least competitively) is losing all damage when you change to 'CC mode'
  10. I never said anything like that--but if you want to compare 'pre-teen edgelord' speak you might want to surf some fortnite discords or something. If Rama's dialouge is changed to call Minister Li an incel or something then we may be on the same page here.
  11. I feel like all of this is from a PvE perspective--as I was ready to reply with a bunch of things and then realized all of them are competitive minded. Though, I use staff / shortbow in PvE even and am literally unkillable, so I dunno. I guess my advice is stop focusing on the heals and start focusing on what you can do with all the bleed / CC access you get, and can even expand that to other condis like poison. I'd stay far away from power druid though, that's a soulbeast thing.
  12. I mean, it's been established at this point that the game has a rating, and if someone isn't happy with the rating, they don't have to purchase the game. Otherwise, there is no limit to what a person can take offense to. I've been around people in my life that just the dragon's speaking would be considered 'demonic', and even stricter yet that view any talking animal as pagan or occult. Then you have the 'relationship themes' that some consider offensive, as well as the closet xenophobes that don't like Cantha at all. I personally don't understand it, because if someone's household is 'above' swearing, why not be 'above' murder? As I don't know how many countless people, animals, and otherworldly creatures the commander has murdered at this point. That commander, being US the players.
  13. I guess competitively I put versatile above ferocious in terms of useability, so I like my CC pets to be versatile for Prelude Lash. Also, if Tiger is switched ferocious the possibility of canceling the phase into Worldy Impact is there--I feel like that works best to keep people guessing.
  14. I'm guessing they are reading the forums for player backlash 'input' and going from there. Since there is supposedly a bigger rework coming in a few months they most likely will just do everything then.
  15. You should really try an immob/bleed build for Druid. As a roamer nothing is beating a good one, most you are going to do is vastly outnumber it so they run, stalemate and both leave out of boredom, or lose. I run full melee Soulbeast in WvW with great effect (with OH axe); I don't disagree soulbeast still has to rely on GS (almost every ranger variation does) but I do disagree about dagger not being impactful, as you can stack a ton of quickness. I also don't think Soulbeast is the best roamer, you just don't tend to find good players often for the things that are (i.e. Weaver). I'd agree on 3, mostly because of all the stat buffs you get with merged Soulbeast and Beastmastery.
  16. It's going be a single change to staff auto to be able to target allies isn't it?
  17. Feel like they need to rework the archetypes too: Tiger - Ferocious Wallow - Supportive Phoenix - Versatile Turtle - Stout For SB pet skill changes... Tiger: Furious Pounce replaces Maul as SB F2 Wallow: Maul Replaces Vampiric Bite as SB F1 Phoenix: Dash Replaces Wicked Bite as SB F1 Turtle: Slam replaces Snap as SB F2
  18. Could be interesting if they merge the functionality of Untamed and Soulbeast. So, keep the Unleashed Ambush skills and Unleashed Pet skills but have the Unleashed Pet skills on the ranger's bar when you use Unleash (so just one Unleash now, on or off). When the ranger unleashes, pet goes away; and I'd merge the functionality of hammer together into one (so no more bar swap, a its confusing and a problem competitively as you lose all damage for CC at times). Can keep all the trait buffs for pets and keep the full pet control when they are out, but repeating for the thousandth time--with some of the pet abilities able to be auto-cast. Then, Untamed basically becomes Soulbeast + Core instead of Core+ which I personally think makes it way more useable without an entire pet rework. If you do all that, then you only really have to tune soulbeast merged modifiers a bit (not that I personally want to see them nerfed, but might be needed) and then tune Untamed modifiers a bit to bascially make the specs even. You'd run Soulbeast if you want stuff like Prelude Lash and Worldly Impact, and run Untamed if you want the boon rip / denial / etc. that comes with the unleashed stuff.
  19. If want a serious take, I think it's because they seriously fear pets and have no idea how to balance all of them (never have). There's also the issue of Soulbeast straight up being superior in every way to the Untamed, which is bad, because Untamed has no use. They also can't nerf Soulbeast to promote Untamed without looking REALLY bad. So...they just leave everything as is and hope the playerbase doesn't notice one profession just missing from the notes. Surprise...we noticed.
  20. Wow I guess the 'Unplayed' meme became a reality with this patch. Not even a note that says 'hey we're aware but are going to make bigger changes later', just literal exclusion.
  21. Can we get a little controller icon on the nameplate so we know who is using one? That way we can avoid them. I'm kidding....sorta.
  22. I mean, if you like spending 2 hours to prep for something that a few average players might ruin, then sure, no problem. I've been in one successful run and one that failed with < 1% on the boss, both runs were equally well ran and came down to RNG with CC phases. The latter seems like an utter waste of time (outside of XP you get for mastery track) because RNG caused failure. That to me isn't really 'fine'.
  23. Have you ever been on a boat? Unsure how the Skiff's physics are anywhere near 'embarrassing' when they'll even start to skip on water if you put the throttle high enough. If you think turning is 'bad', then go try doing 360 no-scopes on a boat IRL and let me know how that goes. Also, unless you average like 1-2k+ viewers at a time then not sure how much weight the stream threat holds.
  24. The reason for me is feature creep. HoT and PoF both added fundamental new ways to access things, and a lot of their content was based around unlocking that (so it seemed longer). EoD adds nothing but the skiff which is strictly outclassed by Skimmer and is only use is for fishing / collection. Since not everyone is into that, a big part of the expansion gets ignored. There's no new feature that isn't really ignorable and that's why I think people see it as 'worst'. You don't need Jade Bots for anything really if you have Skyscale and you don't need Turtle really either. You just don't need to use any of the new features, so it's mostly a story grind. Considering the opinion around here about the story....we can thus logically conclude people would like the expansion less than prior. Game and engine is also a decade old, so finding 'new' things to do is going to be pretty difficult.
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