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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. And? One is often all that's needed to setup a burst, which would shred most Harbs since they are kinda glassy even with Cele. If they didn't have any of the boons on them they'd go down quick--from fighting them it seems very much burst or be bursted. That is, whoever bursts first wins. Having a sustained fight is different, but this sounds like it was not a long encounter at all.
  2. Warriors are CC machines, which is possibly the only weakness Harb has atm.
  3. You're going to have to leave spawn to find out. Being scared of losing and blaming that fear on 'geared' players says to me that competitive might not be for you? Or at least this form. Can always go play PvP, everything unlocked from the start there.
  4. Yeah not sure it matters. Only done open world PvE but pets are all but useless there, and most times are a handicap. So more control wouldn't do anything there as 99% of people just perma-merge and call it a day. For competitive, usually you just want the CC off the pet or the F2 (i.e. smoke field). The other skills aren't too useful in general unless they are a CC+ pet like smokescale (has CC and has smoke field), or are a double CC pet like Gazelle (Charge and Headbutt). By and large though most pet skills are useless so the micromanaging doesn't really translate. Even then, full control feels like Untamed only thing as its the only spec that works with the pet. Even more than Core which only worked with pet out of necessity--Untamed actually uses synergy. So leaving full control there is probably fine, and then fixing up the other specs...someday...
  5. Stop bandwagoning to full T1 servers then. In T2-T4, only time I ever see queue is on reset night for maybe an hour if that.
  6. So...Untamed? Untamed literally is Core+, but better because you can control all your pet skills, have much better defenses, have a whole new AoE CC weapon, and have a state switch on top of it. Only thing Core may have over it is a slight DPS increase from the third traitline, but by and large that won't matter. So, I agree with OP that the tradeoff thing is dumb. Just make better roles; Core for Ranger will always be flawed as long as pets are, but you can easily make the elites into different roles: Druid more CC/Support, Soulbeast Power DPS, and Untamed Boon Rip / CC bruiser. I believe OP is correct in that Soulbeast flexibility was ruined with the one pet only change. 90% of the time in any mode you are better off staying merged, so would be nice to have swap back then and no pet. As only reason you are unmerging is to attempt to get an extra CC off or use smoke field for stealth. It's just hokey, especially since there are three other specs that use the pet in some form.
  7. GW2 was never marketed for Twitch--Lost Ark had an entire ad campaign with key drops KEK Why would you keep returning here then? It's like continuing to follow your ex on social media hoping things are gonna turnaround one day...
  8. Game died so fast on Twitch they should just call it 'Lost'. I mean I was hyped on it once...in 2013...
  9. Don't you main thief? Of course you'd give up on raids and strikes...thief has no place there. As for WvW, this forum proves your point otherwise. In fact, this very topic does 😂. If WvW were relaxed then there should be no counter-argument to buying a Warclaw with gold.
  10. Agree with OP. WvW is toxic enough without having to add the Warclaw nonsense to it. Don't even want prior compensation for it, as for us 'WvW vets' it was easy anyway so no one should be complaining about new players just buying one. Make it like 50g and call it a day.
  11. Never will understand this. In fact, a lot of times rank is inverse of skill--so higher ranks have less skill because they mindlessly zerg more. I fear platinums and diamonds way less than like gold.
  12. Realistically, Alacrity should come through Celestial Avatar and we should just get a Druid rework apart from whatever they plan to do with spirits. Give some meaning back to it and make the original support spec into a support spec again. Just a blatant sprit rework is going to be disappointing as it won't fix anything. Highly doubt any comps will change because of it, and I can't see taking spirits over boonbeast or immob druid. I also don't see the point of spirits on untamed unless they specifically buff the pet to be more resilient. So, something like pet is unkillable while in range of an active spirit or something, but not sure they'd go that far at least not in competitive. As for topic, I agree Untamed is in a less than ideal spot, and we won't see any changes to it as they simply have no idea what to do with it, or any care to.
  13. Yes, alone cele harb is very strong--but I don't see how it's any more unbalanced than certain condi renegade builds for instance. I think above take on reducing the Elixer elite boon time is probably all that is needed here. Harbinger does have some impressive condi spam from distance, but so do a lot of specs--it's really the boon uptime with cele that puts them over the top.
  14. I was going to lump it in with OW content, but most story stuff is instanced. Sure some of the story rewards carry over to open world things, but by and large I think story is separate. So if there were to be an open world legendary set you wouldn't earn it through story. Maybe the Living World stuff, but by 'story' I mean the literal chapters that are instance content and not the in-between things you sometimes have to do in open world areas.
  15. Why would you gatekeep legendary armor like this though? You don't have to do raids for legendary weapons or trinkets. I also think you have it backward, only raiding would be severely limiting yourself as raiding makes up like what, 5% of all content? You could look at it like: Open World - 40% of content Story - 20% of content Fractals - 10% of content PvP - 10% of content WvW - 10% of content Strikes - 5% of content Raids - 5% of content
  16. This is true. They should make legendary armor available for OW PvE, and also should make unique legendary armor skin for WvW armor as right now the only 'fancy' legendary armor skin comes from raids. I see raids, fractals, and to a somewhat lesser extent strikes, as pretty niche content. So I can see the frustration there with trying to grind out armor, which is why I just went to WvW for mine. Sure, got plenty of toxic ppl in WvW and you can get PK'd a lot but overall I found it fun once I found a WvW guild group to run with.
  17. Yeah, stop rushing it. I did an entire set of Legendary armor via WvW with 600g total starting, and around 150g remaining after. Then did Aurora and Vision for around 200-300g total. I just happen to have a LOT of mats from years playing the game. I know, I know...everyone wants everything NOW and must grind then burn themselves out and be sad. That's why you don't do that...'touch grass' one in a while as they say.
  18. I wouldn't worry too much about the damage modifier, if you want that you are playing the wrong spec. What's more important is what you want to do during the state you are in. If you need pet skill access, then unleash ranger; if you need a quick ambush then unleash pet then unleash ranger. If you need instant blind, boon rip, projectile bubble, etc. then just stay with pet unleashed. That's basically it outside of taking more cantrips for extra CC or the boons they give. Mostly the defensive ones like resistance help out quite a bit with not being immobed, etc.
  19. It's been like two weeks so had to go back and look to see what this even was about--think it has to do with soulbeast essentially removing the pet? Which ya it essentially does; comparing say untamed to soulbeast in terms of pet interaction is night and day. For Core and Druid pet is no more than a CC now because the game moved on and pet damage got nerfed into oblivion. I disagree that the game naturally killed pet interactions, it was very specific targeting because of sPvP complaints and also in PvE devs that thought pets allowed you to solo too easily. The rest compounded and we have what we have now--utter neglect to the point of the new pets freezing for 5 sec on swap and not one patch note for the past what, nearing three months?
  20. What does this accomplish in a mode that is based around far more than 5 people in an area at a time? Probably has been debated for years now, but what is the fixation with making 10 cap skills into 5? If sustain was the reason, what about a jagged balance where defensive (i.e. heals/boons) skills are a lower cap than offensive ones? So like heals can be 8 capped and offensive skills 10 capped so you would have to plan pushes a little better? They talk about bringing melee back up to prominence, but you can't do that with a 5-target cap as there is no reason to jump in the middle of a group of more than 5 only to be hitting 5. Just one of those things I wonder if there ever was an official explanation for or if the right people got angry on reddit and they changed it.
  21. Not sure how restrictive PvP is, but I would say that yes, I'd go condi with MH axe since AFAIK celestial doesn't exist there. Even though the auto does strike damage you essentially use it for might since its terribly slow and they nerfed the bounces from 3 to 2 ages ago. So, you'd basically be looking at shotgunning bleeds with 2, adding more with 3 along with chill / weakness. Take dagger OH if you want more condi or WH OH if you want the boosts from #5 (as vuln from #4 is kind of garbage).
  22. Sadly no. We basically lost our entire condi cleanse from BM viaTrooper rune by them changing ranger shouts to commands. They of course never did anything with commands, so they are just useless reclassification for past 3 years now.
  23. Every game mode? Maybe fractals or raids, some instanced PvE stuff. Not in WvW or PvP though. If competitive success is the claim I'd definitley be interested in some gameplay to back that one up. I mean, maybe after the spirit rework if we're extremely lucky, but definitely not now.
  24. I do appreciate how this is formatted like one of those 2-week weight loss sales pitches 😂 Anyway, it is a sad day when we have to mold our DPS spec into the group support when we have untamed and druid that would naturally fit that role better, but are hampered by the pet dying quickly. As in, the most effective traits here are actually from core lines (BM, NM); Soulbeast only contributes pet not dying and stance share, which help--but not in the support department that say OG Druid could provide. I mean, just compare the Druid traitline to Soulbeast and it becomes even sadder.
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