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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. Anyway, summary, leg runes is not necessary content, I pref have 12 sets.
  2. How I understand the main idea of topic - living STORY is not RAID boss.Who want challenge go farm cm99 fractal wiht non skilled players, or go raid.Why people like me, who like ascalon dungeon and don't go raid should stuck on living STORY and 30 min dps boss?
  3. also no one say - 'you should craft it or world will burn!'have leg armor - relax,have like me 12 ascent sets for fast swap = relaxanyway - relax
  4. don't see any problem that self-style hair is dropped and very sad that total make kit is gone.
  5. I was try holo, and have different more less numbers. If this is 21k is true - this is good news for balance. Great !I tied from domination wars, necro, mirage and etc ..
  6. if we make/return Death Penalty we can very very hurt players who try/want make old or not popular content with more less player count because no activity. There is no any point do that.
  7. please don't try find any common from STORY boss and raids top content where I don't go.
  8. don't see any hacker on pvp, may be better don't try find hacker in spvp, but try get fun.wvw gold? never hear that someone try to earn gold on wvw. Also I think it was never gold source ... this is source of fun. Don't get it ? - don't do. I can give to you very rare and very powerful source to earn gold - relax and play.Want something asap and don't want wait so buy gems and relax.
  9. It is easy if you have at 3/5 skilled exp in party. If skilled 1 or less - this is cosmic pain and gain ...yesterday we have try do CM dungeon, all 80, 3 was not exp .. It was hard. So next time when you want get more action in AC, don't write 'only 80 exp', say 'welcome all'. And any question about difficulty will be fade asap.
  10. this is sadness cry from toughness bunkers or what?if someone think that condi is op - use it. I don't see any condi domination.
  11. lare.5129

    RIP chrono

    I like that change ! new breath for another supports or combo. Why not?Some people stack in chrono jail - time to wake up, try other builds and etc.I tied for long waiting for qbf, so any mesmer nerf is like legendary gift.
  12. it is not easy to find 9 people to do something that not is on trend - 25 is unreal and potentially dead content.
  13. perma-invis ? Why not?I think this is ok. This is thief !Ofc I also myself relog on thief and was try do it and don't have success to get 100% invis uptme ...
  14. I was nover see that boss, but if it to hard for you - may be just not go kill him ?
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