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Everything posted by Dadnir.5038

  1. Like AliamRationem said, a lot of dungeon path are soloable. In fact, in the vanilla game, there used to be an unofficial competition between players based on the solo clear time of various dungeon paths. Quite a few paths can be soloed in less than 10 minutes which is not far from the time you'd need to do it with a full party. That said keep in mind that it might not be easily doable by the average player, a good understanding of each path is required in order to achieve such result.
  2. These are meant for PvE from what you write but a few of those suggestions don't really have any meaning from a PvE point of view.
  3. The professions in GW2 and GW1 have the same names but are very different. When making a character in GW1 the main focus one should have is a focus on the primary attribute and profession's "feature". Everything else, you can get it through your secondary profession. For ranger, the main appeal is the decrease in energy cost on many skills (unfortunately, spells weren't included), the "balanced" armor class, the few skills associated to expertise and the "not-so-great but not-to-bad" energy pool. Some of the most famous ranger builds had little to no use for a bow (ex: Ranger touch, Bunny thumper or Trapper). Also, if you want to know I was "maining" ranger from profecy release to EotN. I've spent way to many hours on my ranger and if I look back objectively on those years, the best use I made of the bow was exploiting it's attack range to pull manageable amount of mobs toward my group. A job that would have been better done by the warrior since he was the "tank". On another hand, expertise gave me access to the most useful stances I could hope for (movement speed, dodging/blocking incoming projectile, trap CD reduction and the lovely whirling defense).
  4. The choice of answer on the pol is a bit frustrating as the answers don't really express my opinions. My opinion on this new "class developpement" is that the ideas are interesting but the execution was poor. Weapon master made e-specs lose a part of their identity and broke balance in many way. Two points that I'm not especially fond of. Did it change much in term of gameplay? No. The new weapon proficiency... I think the idea behind the concept was neat but, unfortunately, the result don't really live to my expectations. Did it change much in term of gameplay? No.
  5. I do believe that in GW2 the role and playstyle of each elements are more defined than it was in GW1. And it's not necessarily a good thing. Quite a few of us are frustrated by the water element being pidgeonholed into healing, a flaw that GW1 didn't have. For elementalist, the difference between GW1 and GW2 is more that specializing in a single element was encouraged in GW1 while GW2 encourage the player to actively use many elements. The gameplay philosophy for the elementalist between the 2 game couldn't be any different (Just like it was a lot better for necromancer to try to lower it's health pool as much as possible in GW1 while in GW2 having a large health pool benefit the necromancer more than any other profession.)
  6. 1- I think the invuln frame could be replaced by a significant amount of barrier. 2- Aegis on each pulse would be OP. If you are really bothered by the "low health" of the guard, you should probably suggest a change to the passive. Something like: "increase health pool by 15%"
  7. Well, the only comment that mention staff, aside from yours, also mention PvP. Keep in mind that 95% of the threads created on the professions subforums implicitly talk about competitive mode balance (WvW/sPvP). Staff isn't the most sought after weapon in PvE instanced content due to it's shortcomings while open world players hardly come to the forum to complain about their skills effects. The thread is about arcane wave's change anyway. A not very impactful change since barely anyone used to use the skill before the change. That said, the niche population that made use of it might or might not welcome the change. If you want a "PvE point of view", the change to the trait is more impactful than the change to the skill fonctionality.
  8. How about we just have the asuran engineers that made entering the fractal of the mist possible have a "technology" breakthrough. Allowing our character to get a brand new fractal experience, something more akin to reviving past events with their plots and twists. This could have the support and interest of the priory as well as consequences bleeding in the main world that our character would have to settle. It would be interesting if the first one were to create tensions between 2 races leading the various races autorities to get a tight control over the technology.
  9. What's amusing is that what's seen as barely viable nowaday would be seen as blatantly overpowered and overperforming even in HoT era. Truth is that you could complete 99,9% of GW2 PvE content as a thief even with sword as your main weapon.
  10. That's why there was a link in my post. Maybe you didn't even bothered looking at this link.
  11. Does celestial avatar, specter shroud, harbinger shroud or photon forge give you more health? Those would most likely be the main target of the relic anyway, it's not like a 10s transform on a 180 to 240s CD would be worth sloting a dedicated relic.
  12. It's not that the effect is unhelpful or weak, as a matter of fact it's a very potent effect. However, no matter what build you use, it's simply not worth the investment. The cons of such an investment will always outshine the benefits. I'd even dare say that many relics suffer from the same design issue. 1 and 3 would make competitive modes players cry tear of blood on the forum until the relic is nerfed to oblivion. 2 is probably the only option that wouldn't be completely rejected by the playerbase. Personally, I'd prefer a neutral design for a "relic of the necromancer", something like: Relic of the necromancer: Gain 300 vitality while under the effects of a transformation skill.
  13. Ele: torch (fire theme) Engi: torch (welding theme) Guardian: rifle (sherif theme) Mesmer: MH pistol (cowboy duel theme) Necromancer: longbow (bone theme) Ranger: scepter (offensive wood magic theme) Revenant: Rifle (high tech theme) Thief: torch (treasure hunter theme) Warrior: MH pistol (commander theme)
  14. For those that are realists instead of idealist: Elemental signet Passive: Auras last 20% longer Active: gain an aura based on your current attunment.
  15. Whatever it is, it will most likely somehow fall into my definition of "broken OP"...
  16. Well... You're making some nice advertissement for the extension because one gotta pay for this staff on warrior.
  17. Why? It remove a part of their balance issue in competitive modes. It make the next few x-pac features somewhat easy to design. But, yes you are right, the devs' design trajectory don't seem to go in this direction. They've always been good at pointlesssly tweaking numbers around the various balance issues instead of eliminating the source of the problems.
  18. I believe the answer to your issue is the trait Relentless pursuit.
  19. You should ask yourself why people follow the zerg instead of scouting. The answer is that there is more to gain in following the zerg than there is to gain in scouting. Ultimately for the majority of player the game is all about what they can gain and only a small minority is altruist enough to do things for "free. From experience, typing short form of information in chat isn't necessarily well received either. Maybe it work for you but, personally, I've been told in many instances that I shouldn't type such information in the chat. Neither on the map chat (because they are "fighting/recaping, they can't see it anyway!") nor on the discord chat (because it's for "important stuff and I don't have the 'right' to write anything there"). Most players that are willing to provide these scout reports are bound to face those walls which lead them to just not be willing to make those reports. I comment on an answer that you give to someone that tell you that the commander giving incentive to players can motivate them to scout. Your answer to this comment was that it wasn't about how they should play as a scout (an answer that made no sense at all). My answer on another hand is that with some incentives and a bit of respect, players might make some effort to give accurate report as scouts.
  20. The scout getting a reward could possibly lead to a good scout report. The scout being respected by the zerg could possibly lead to a good scout report. It's not about how the scout should play but more about how the zerg can get scouts that want to provide good report.
  21. General: Remove runeset with 25% movement speed and introduce relic with passive 25% movement speed. Remove the ability to share quickness and alacrity from the professions WvW: Remove celestial stats from this gamemode. Increase boonhate access (Even thought there is enough boon conversion, more boon rip would be welcome) PvE: Well, I don't really care about balance there, I just want some fun content (waiting for the polymock arena to open since 2012). Introduce PvE mastery granting access to "bundle kits" that would allow a character to provide either quickness or alacrity. sPvP: A full underwater map A map with void between the various capture points and sPvP only flying mount/gliders. (sPvP players nightmares) Professions: Elementalist: conjured weapons mechanic rework. Just summon a single weapon in the character hand and reduce CD to 30s. Engineer: Give this shortbow some love. Guardian: Give shattered aegis a rework. Just make this trait grant aoe might instead of dealing damage when one of the guardian's aegis is shattered. Mesmer: Shatter skills that are specific to mirage (for example, Mirage F4 could grant mirage cloack instead of distorsion). Necromancer: Delete Lich form and replace it by either Grim specter or Summon madness. (I'm not against the idea of replacing summon flesh golem by Summon madness and Lich form by Grim specter as long as lich form is deleted) Ranger: Remove damage component from lightning reflexes. Revenant: A break stun on the legendary centaur stance. Thief: Rework of the stealth mechanic. Warrior: Rework rampage in such a way that it's no longer a transformation skill. They can just keep the various passive effects of the transformation and get rid of the skill kit associated, that would actually be pretty decent.
  22. I remember scouting in 2012/2013, I was paying for tower/keep/camp upgrade, paying for siege engine, defending alone (yeah that's the only monet I got a little something for my effort and it often ended up with getting thrown back to the rally point), warning allies... It worked "alright" until may/june 2013 and then the bulk of WvW players called themself the "karma train", never to fight another "karma train" head on, making sure to recap the objectives once the invuln state wear down and telling the scout that they are just useless and that they are messing with their sweet karma hoarding trip. To be received by insults and not gratitude from your allies. To invest without gains. To take on the task that other despise. You scouts are the true heros of WvW.
  23. You know, I don't want phantasms, I just want the things to work like phantasms and get a bit of synergy with the necromancer's kit out of it. I don't even want a full spec, I'd be satisfied with a weapon skill set filled with such skills (I'm not going to expect the devs to suddenly release new e-specs any time soon but I do think they can still release a few weapon skillsets).
  24. The irony is that if it was a daze instead of a stun this skill would still retain it's damages. As for what I'd give up? I'd give up the melee range pistol off-hand for a mid range pistol main-hand 🤗 I'd give up the transformation elite skill Rampage for GW1's elite stance Bonetti's's defense (Make the skill grant protection, resolution and aegis to the warrior every seconds for 5s on a reasonable CD).
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