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Everything posted by perilisk.1874

  1. I note that Eive retired in 1320, the same year Glint was killed. I wonder if that's a coincidence, or if the responsibilities she mentions have something to do with the fight against the Elder Dragons -- maybe she also had some connection to or leadership role in the Zephyrites or the Brotherhood?
  2. Re-reading the letters, I also noted that Lady Wi was the cousin of Caudecus's wife (ie, the one he had murdered); I had forgotten about that and was thinking for some reason their feud started with Demmi's defection. So, there was some serious beef between them for a very long time, which definitely comes across in both sets of letters. Definitely leaning toward Lady Wi as E.
  3. I never noticed the L+F... anyway, the deep voice could be a Bruce Wayne / Batman thing. I would also note, since you pointed out that E got played into helping Caudecus get his position in the White Mantle, that Lord Faren now has Caudecus' position. So, that would be some fitting payback if he happened to take it personally. Also would put the assassination notice in a different light! The fact that Faren was given that title suggests, considering how much trouble someone in that position can obviously cause, that Faren is actually trusted by the queen quite a bit. Lord Faren was given Shire of Beetletun but the most important title, Legate Minister was given to Minister Wi, husband of lady Wi, so there is that. So... could go either way. Is there any reason Minister Wi isn't a candidate himself? It would allow him to maintain a certain amount of independence from the Whispers, since he isn't technically a member. But balance of probabilities (especially hearing writers talk about Faren and how they wanted to develop his character) suggests it's more likely to be Lady Wi than Faren. And I think you're right about E's second letter -- even though on the surface it seems like it is referring to the queen, Valette Wi could be the actual subject.
  4. I never noticed the L+F... anyway, the deep voice could be a Bruce Wayne / Batman thing. I would also note, since you pointed out that E got played into helping Caudecus get his position in the White Mantle, that Lord Faren now has Caudecus' position. So, that would be some fitting payback if he happened to take it personally. Also would put the assassination notice in a different light! The fact that Faren was given that title suggests, considering how much trouble someone in that position can obviously cause, that Faren is actually trusted by the queen quite a bit.
  5. Just tried to do "Defend the Deldrimor Ruins from the mist rift attack". After the initial countdown, the event just disappeared, and a bunch of non-interactive branded crystals spawned.
  6. Technically, Joko was already undead when we met him, and continued to be undead. Transitioning from alive to dead to Awakened may be a little different. Well, it makes for a powerful conclusion to the episode -- and just because it's "easy" (in the sense that the Commander doesn't have to do anything to bring her back) doesn't mean that it can't cause the plot to go a different direction that it would have if she survived (much like the plot would have gone a very different direction if the Commander found a different way to kill Joko, or sealed him away, or their battle ended in a stalemate). Notwithstanding the opportunity for some good character moments, the Commander and Aurene are reading off of different pages (the Commander fears Aurene will die, but Aurene fears being corrupted, and they even perceive the vision in Ep4 differently as a result). Glint acknowledges it briefly, but deliberately avoids setting the Commander straight, even though she could have easily told the Commander "Make sure she doesn't get Branded. If she dies, well, no biggie.". That suggests that the Commander's false belief that Aurene is dead will end up playing a role in the prophecy, the same way that the antagonism between the Commander and Joko did.
  7. Maybe not so much new races, as a way for the PC to transform into one of several new races as a Mastery ability (applying the same system to the playable races, it would be a nice opportunity to revamp the racial utilities). I do want some mechanical overhauls, but I just don't know how feasible they would be in an old game. Considering the outcry over sigils and runes, I can't imagine what would happen if they, e.g., replaced random criticals with a new skill customization system that lets you pick "critical" effects that trigger under an associated condition, making skills more like GW1 skills (prec/fero could be replaced with an anti-condi and hard CC boosting stat, respectively, if you were wondering). They might just about be able to get away with revamping the combo system, though, which at least would be nice.
  8. I mean... I just can't understand the mindset of someone who would think an infinite-use BLSK would be available for 600 gems. 4800 gems, ok, I can see how you might be misled. But really, for the price of a few keys or upgrade extractors (which don't even destroy the item), you're going to get infinity BLSKs? If it sounds too good to be true...
  9. It would be a lot less confusing if they said "...salvage upgrades into upgrade components", or something along those lines.
  10. Elite specs sometimes feel like a kind of dual-class spec. Scourge is Necro with Mesmer elements, Reaper is Necro with more warrior elements, Mirage is Mesmer with elements of sneak attack/mobility/evade from thieves, druid is ranger with Life Shroud, DH is guardian with Ranger's bow and traps, etc. Some are their own thing, or build on certain elements of their own class or resolve some complaints about the class (e.g. Soulbeast, for people who hate ranger pet AI).
  11. To play devil's advocate, I remember going through the light female armor skins and noticing that there were, indeed, a lot of boots and shoes with high heels. However, only a tiny handful were genuine "you could break your ankle wearing this torture contraption" high heels. Most were fairly subtle, much like riding boots, which seems perfectly reasonable to me. OK .. but I think the problem here is that we have a person who's issue isn't that there are too many 'high heels', it's that there are ANY high heels. That's not reasonable. Until this person tells us what their standard is for what is 'high heels' and 'skimpy' armor, the response is very simple; Anet can't cater to someone's subjective opinions about what is acceptable to them or not. Funny because I looked through the wardrobe and I wouldn't consider any of them 'high heels', by my standards (granted with my woman card.) All of the footwear that has a heel in game are low-mid high riding boots.Considering that half the point of high heels is to encourage a change of posture, and that different boot types don't produce different animations AFAIK, it's sort of an all or nothing proposition: either nothing is functionally a high heel, or everything is and changing artwork on future boot skins won't change that.
  12. I've seen this before: It's not their equipment that's the problem, it's everyone else that doesn't conform to their standard of what they believe we should be allowed to equip. Oddly enough, even that can be addressed through game settings, as those of us with potato computers could attest. I just see vague gray blobs everywhere I go.
  13. Maybe they need to release a mobile version of GW1, heh heh.
  14. I remember that one as being a real PITA. I ended up using a Mesmer and got it after 10-20 tries or so, but the PPR seems like a better idea.
  15. Wouldn't be bad to have some outfits suited for swimming and summer fun, for both sexes. If you can dye it metallic, so much the better. I'll make sure to buy Speedo Armor and get my Lord Faren RP on.
  16. I've found it a little easier to just keep everything left hand, and use mouse for the camera. So, WSAD for movement~ for swap123QE for weapon skillsShift+123QE for utilitiesCtrl+123QE for profession skillsAlt+Shift+QWEASD for specific mounts.shift+R for the special skills that pop up above the skill bar
  17. New races could be interesting, but considering how ArenaNet likes to do their own take on things -- what if new races were the next Mastery system? Like, you develop some new shapeshifting ability through the story (soaking up lots of Mist energy or something) and can unlock new racial forms. You could still customize the face/hair/horns/etc. you have in that form , and would gain new racial utilities or movement abilities for PvE or something. While you wouldn't have normal armor (otherwise, it would run into the same scope problems keeping them from adding proper new races), you could possibly have various outfit unlocks for your different forms, just like mount skins (but hopefully a few would be available in-game as prestige armor of a sort).
  18. I don't know why they don't just rubber band you like they do under the ocean at map boundaries. If you really wanted to leave the instance, there are lots of better ways to do it.
  19. Ultimately, it's up to the writers. If they want her to accept her fate, or die a martyr, or refused to accept it but still die of boneitis, then they will write it that way. If they want to save her, there are loads of ways. Merging with a golem is the obvious one, but there are lots of other transformations that take biological weakness out of the picture: becoming exalted, adapting the rite of the great dwarf for asura, or having aurene turn her into sort of a free-willed branded, minus the purple.
  20. Just personal preference, but I would rather disable floaters entirely and just show it as a highlighted section of the affected health bars.
  21. I guess you could have an extra weapon swap as a general utility skill? I mean, it's not more imbalanced than putting a kit in that slot, really.
  22. While Chalice of Tears is annoying, the couple of times I did it recently (for tokens and then Aurora) I found I didn't have to wait long for Mesmers to port. Just make sure to tip them well, so they have reason show up! They definitely earned it for that one.
  23. I never really had much of an issue with Trahearne as a scholar or as the one selected by the Pale Tree to use Caladbolg to purify the Artesian waters. That's a plotline that runs through the entire course of the personal story (if you're a sylvari) and he's written well for the part. It's an important part of the fight against Zhaitan, but not the be-all and end-all. It's just that shoehorning him into the role of Pact leader as well feels hard to justify -- why would you pick the charmless, uncertain loner who doesn't seem to know anything about commanding miliatry forces and who is going to just do whatever his one friend (who, in 2/3 of cases, is a member of a different Order) tells him? I think it was probably a way to avoid needing to a write a second character for that role, but it contributes a lot to the Mary Sue impression. He isn't just the Pale Tree's Chosen One, he's also leader of the world's largest paramilitary force. Being Treesus alone might be okay (and he's written well enough to support that role), being Stick Fury alone might be okay (if he was re-written for it), but both at the same time feels a little Mary Sue. The whole Pact concept itself bugs me. I don't mean the concept of the Orders working together, more the creation of a bland new supergroup that creates an excuse to sideline all the interesting lore and character of the Orders and eliminate the PC's connection to their chosen Order. Anyway, I think they could have split the role of Trahearne into five racial characters who aren't exactly iconics, but play a major role throughout the entire storyline, such that none would feel over-important or overused. A Sylvari whose Wyld Hunt is to reclaim Caladbolg and purify (corrupt for Mordremoth?) the Artesian waters. A human who is a scholar of Orr and the gods and a powerful necromancer (Priestess Rhie, with a bigger role). An Asura researching dragons and dragon-killing lasers (Gorr, with a bigger role). A Charr war-mechanic who dreams of flight and builds the Pact's first flying machines. And a fierce but savvy Norn Lionguard who survived and led the retreat from the original battle of Lion's Arch, worked with the Orders to coordinate the assault on Claw Island, and continues in that vein as a war commander for all three Orders to take down Zhaitan.
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