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Everything posted by Fenella.2634

  1. I think Braham is actually on a really good way. Sure, he was a brat in LS3, but he was a teenager who had lost his mother and who took on a role that was too much for him at the time. Right now, IF he survives the IBS, he may be on his way to become one of the most awesome havrouns ever. I do hope he wont have to sacrifice himself, he's still so young. Laranthir could have been someone you'd like, but for some reason he was put on a bus in favor of Jhavi. I hope there's a story-relevant reason for that and he's doing something interesting in the background.
  2. Honestly, what I want to see the most in the Expac is a good story, consistent lore and well designed maps. As for expansion-level features: Elite specs should be a given, I hope. Maybe new raid wings? And as a new feature, maybe player housing? Or... real build templates instead of that joke we have to improvise around right now? I think features like Alliances or engine upgrades would be amazing, but they likely can't be features of an expac. Those would have to be implemented for the entire game, not just for people who have the expac.
  3. It has some really low lows, but also some really good patches. All in all, I'd still rank it higher than LS2 and LS1, but considering that in the meantime we have learned how good the LS can get, it's a disappointing season. I really hope ArenaNet does not consider any of this "expansion-level content" anymore. Otherwise, I'd be very concerned for the actual expansion content. I do hope it will be way above IBS-level content.
  4. Ryland was in the meeting with the Asura where they told him that Primrodus has a feedback loop with his minions, where the more the burn, the stronger he gets, and the more they burn.This part was weird, anyway. Doesn't that make them a Perpetuum mobile? Something seems to be wrong there.
  5. Just a short update: The German version is now back to male pronouns.During the previous stories the translation team was a bit unsure maybe, trying out avoiding all pronouns or even making up nonsensical grammar, but now they're back at where they started.
  6. While you are correct that the Commander's circumstances were very unique, no resurrection results in undeath of any form simply because of the spellcaster/school of magic/magical energy involved. In GW1, resurrection spells belonged exclusively to healer classes - monks, ritualists, and paragons - which seem to utilize the school of Preservation (and mechanically, used holy/light energy)- all three also merged into the Guardian; meanwhile, undeath spells belonged exclusively to the necromancer profession (no surprise), which utilized the school of Aggression (and mechanically, dark/unholy energy). So the Commander not becoming undead is rather "the very same as all other resurrections in the GW universe".Wait, player gameplay deaths are canon deaths? I always thought they were just unconscious or something and the resurrection spells were not exactly resurrections.
  7. Well, alright, I also was not aware it was actually established lore from GW1 that bodies had to be in a reasonably good shape. :) However, that whole argument aside. What also sets apart the PC from most other resurrections in the GW universe, is that the PC did not become Risen, Awakened, a necromancer's minion or any other kind of undead. Even with resurrections being a thing in this universe, death always matters. Our circumstances were very, very special and unique. I don't suppose other characters could easily find their own Eater of Souls to kill, plus a deal with an Avatar of Grenth to make.So, even if Trahearne, Vlast or anyone else could somehow manage to get a body back, they would most likely not return like the PC did, but as an undead. Do we really want that? Maybe it's better to let them rest in peace.
  8. Good idea. ^^ I love raiding with my guilds, however, most of the most fun episodes have to do with social stuff, so telling it here wouldn't mean much to other people.Maybe this story fits:When we had just started raiding, we were training in W4 and we were a little short on players. Even after going through all our guilds and friends lists, we still had two vacant positions, so we went to LFG, of course advertising as training run. Two players joined and it was very obvious very soon that they were way more experienced than any of us eight guildies. We expected them to leave at any point, with or without insulting us first, but instead, those two made it their mission to carry eight noobs all the way through Cairn, MO and Samarog. XD They switched classes so often and really put in so much work, it was ... a bit embarassing for us, sure, but on the other hand really amazing how they played. ^^ We didn't know them, we didn't pay them, we didn't look for pro raiders in LFG. Sometimes strange things happen. Maybe we were someone's twitch content for the evening, who knows. Most of the fun for me seriously comes from playing together in semi-static groups with more or less consistent groups of friends for a long time. The bosses and rewards are nice too, but it's the social aspect and the progress we see that give me longterm motivation.
  9. I don't care so much about the administrative features, but I do miss the position markers in group content. They are useful.
  10. HoT for me. It was cut a bit too short, but otherwise good story and atmosphere.I also really like LS4, despite a few shortcomings. LS3 (except Ep6) is also fun to play.And parts of the core story. The quality can't keep up with later patches, of course, but some of the stories are still fun to play. On the other hand, I don't care much about the PoF story and LS2 is exhausting. LS5 is in parts even worse.
  11. So what on Tyria would have been so extremely urgent and important to send the two that far away that soon? If it was related to Mordremoth directly, there likely would have been a link to the Malyck story. Which was not there. Malyck was a surprise for everyone, including the Pale Tree.Maybe something Mist-related? Or something about the cave with the seeds? Yes, I know, most likely it really was related to HoT and just one of the scrapped stories. But maybe not?
  12. Btw, humans are very different from norns, as they are basically aliens. They may look similar as long as we ignore that norns are basically bears / wolves / whatever, but their genetics shouldn't be compatible.
  13. Who were they?Two ghosts a bit hidden in the story instance of the Realm of the Lost.They are former Pact members who actually already regained their memories and identities, but decided to stay in the Realm of the Lost anyway so they don't have to go to their separate afterlives.
  14. I don't know how WoW deals with it in detail, but I suspect they don't have their PCs stand out as much as GW2 does with their Commander and Aurene's Champion figure. This kind of character can't be randomly replaced anymore. It's just not Adventurer#22148 anymore. Also, as mentioned, 6 additional voice actors would have to be given contracts for as long as voiced story will be produced.
  15. Not necessarily. The tengu race can start in Cantha which I'm sure with basic knowledge everyone knows that Cantha had no communication with the other races and our side of the world. So the Tengu starting in Cantha would be a "for now" if they wanted to end up doing voice lines for the previous living stories. However, I don't really see any issue when it comes to voice lines and the plot if they just started in either the Domain of the Winds/Cantha. Also, what's to say if they didn't want to have a bond with Aurene and ended up having one with the Deep Sea Dragon over in Cantha? Again, I don't think the tengus will be added, but I'm still neutral and not going to rule things out just because of assumptions.Sorry if I misunderstood you, but in this scenario Cantha would be only playable for Tengu characters? Anyone wanting to play on their old asura would be left out?Or it would have to be two completely different stories, one for the old characters and one for the tengu. And then, what do we do with LS6? The tengu is bonded to DSD and the rest to Aurene, separate stories forever? Or will the tengu not be playable in story content after that?
  16. It's been a while since this topic was being discussed, but replaying LS2 reminded me that we still don't know all the sylvari firstborns. At launch, we knew 9 out of 12, later Wynne's fate got revealed, but two are still completely unknown. In LS2, Caithe's memories are especially interesting as they give us a bit of a timeline. Apparently, the two missing firstborns disappeared even before the secondborn awakened. Riannoc was already dead by the time of Caithe's first memory, so it's not certain if they disappeared before that happened or after. Also, this happened before the Nightmare Court was founded. At this time, the death of a single sylvari was a huge deal for them all. So I imagine if at a time like this two more firstborn would have died / had something traumatic happen to them, it's likely we would have learnt about this, since it should have left a strong impression on sylvari society, especially the other firstborns.In contrast, when Wynne did die, the sylvari had already experienced trauma and deaths as a society numerous times. This was some time after the asura captured larger groups. So, because they disappeared at such an interesting time in sylvari history, I personally suspect they might be still alive and on some kind of mission. Maybe exploration or diplomatics concerning other continents, so they basically had no chance to visit home in the meantime? Like, I don't know, maybe Cantha or even that continent in the west that seems to have trading routes connecting it to Central Tyria? However, sending them that far away when their siblings even barely left the grove... I'm not convinced. ... Or maybe they died in some really stupid accident that everyone refuses to ever mention. Has anyone heard anything about them in the past ~8 years? I mean, they must have some kind of story, otherwise the devs could just have not defined the number of firstborns in the first place.
  17. Well, there is one canon human/norn couple in PoF. So it's possible, but kind of rare, I suppose.
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