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Everything posted by Goettel.4389

  1. Are you sure it isn't 11 or 13 months? Maybe even less or more?
  2. That sucks, I can only tell you I'm on it right now without troubles. Maybe an ISP issue?
  3. I think it looks great and is a fine art direction for the game, but obviously tastes differ.
  4. Being toxic in games very probably means you have little else in your life. Pity these peeps and move on
  5. Welcome back. I'd start fresh, not only to get a renewed feel for the game, but also because GW2 does leveling better than any other MMO. Take your time, tag along or ask around. Hauler if you're on EU and need a hand.
  6. Used it here before, but it's just too great to...skip
  7. "there doesn't seem to be any clear goal by anet to address my concerns" That's obviously completely unacceptable ; - )
  8. Gz on your griffie, it's still the coolest mount in the game (fact ; - )
  9. Right there with ya, the story is just awful. I've been playing since launch and love the game, but when considering recommending it to people the story makes me hesitant. Not that I think GW2's is particularly bad compared to other games: story in games is generally awful. But hey, just my 2c, others disagree. At least you made it through to enjoy a great game! ; - )
  10. Maybe a long shot, but do you perhaps have a vulnerability patching tool like 0patch running?
  11. I used to regularly buy gems to support the one MMO I still like playing, but I found I've got everything from the gem store I want, apart from some nice skins once in a while. So I primarily preordered EoD to support the game. Having said that, both HoT and PoF have proven to be great additions to the game (for me), so I'm not worried EoD will add something worthwhile for me. And he ho, if it doesn't, I only lost a fistful of euros, it's not that big a deal. Blah, here's hoping it will turn out to be great after all! 🙂
  12. Open world is where the game shines, don't mess with it. Edit: I sucks at spellings ; - )
  13. The hidden cost of LW episodes remains a big problem IMO. I'd say, buyer beware: carefully select which ones you feel you'd enjoy before buying, there's NO need to get them all.
  14. Dropped out for awhile and back in, what are the current fastest ways to make gold open-world? Drizzlewood?
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