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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. I used to be a warrior like you but then I took an arrow to the knee.. from a ranger.. I mean I made a ranger and never looked back. Lotsa fun altho different playstyle, and I like the thief too cause of the same mobility. For more warrior-like playstyle I'd suggest guardian or revenant. Necro is also fun in group content but for me it's bit too boring in solo play.
  2. This also depends on the profession and build. For the commonly used ranger, guardian and revenant support healer builds Harrier's is indeed the default set since it gives more boon duration. The primary job is to keep the boons up and secondary role is to heal. For the raw healing power stat Magi's is preferred by some other classes, for eg see the necromancer and elementalist support healer builds. And ofc you can also mix and match the sets to match your preferences.
  3. Ever heard the Canthan saying "whatever floats your skiff"? Perhaps the content you say is subpar is enjoyable for others? 🤷‍♂️
  4. Hmm, this was true for me also when I did the achies first time. But now I'm doing the avid ones, have more fishing power and I've found the exotic ones hardest to catch, esp in Cantha. Maybe the solution is to try match the fishing power requirement. Dunno if this would work better. Has anyone tested? Started thinking about this since there seems to be no difficulty difference catching fish wheter you are at the treshold, 50 or 200 points over it. I've stopped using lures and/or food buffs while fishing on low power areas but I might still have too much if it works like this. I've also noticed that when having trouble catching last fishes changing area or toon can help. Take a break and come back later and you often get em only with few tries. So maybe there is indeed some kind of diminishing returns effect at play.
  5. I'd say the mount skin loading thing is different. Happens to me also esp in crowded areas and/or after a map change. I don't see this on other player mounts, only with my own and it affects the skin not the colors. On the other hand the skiff color change I never see on my skiff, it keeps the colors I have on it. I see it only with other players skiffs when they use/board it that's when suddenly the colors change.
  6. I'm using the 1TB version of Samsung's M.2 NVMe 970 EVO Plus. Up to date and no problems with loading times.
  7. Seen this a lot and I'm also using dx9. Happens when someone fishing on their skiff comes in to my view range - it will often look as the default red color (on the dragon skiff all color channels look red). When they finish and use/board to move the skiff it suddenly changes to the set color scheme they have on it. Haven't tested with dx11.
  8. I've made the same observation, it's indeed the exotic quality fishes that are most often the hardest to catch. As for fishing power: haven't noticed much difference wheter you are eg. 50 points over the required power or 200 points over it. On the easier areas I've stopped using lures since they are not needed to fish and do not influence what fish you catch like the baits do.
  9. Agree, would make it easier to see the time with a glance. I've been using the wiki 'day & night' page on 2nd monitor. I also changed to show Tyrian time from options for fishing purposes. Ideally should be able to see all the times easily. Perhaps by always showing your selected time (Tyrian time / local time / server time) and the other two with mouseover.
  10. I'm using it while fishing and gathering since it recycles the cheap fished up junk (already did the collection for those) and eg. dandelion blossoms you get from plant harvesting. If you do a lot of gathering might be handy for you too. Also works outside of Cantha. Edit: imo the fished junk items should give more slivers since they are worth more than the gathering junk. 16 copper vs 2 copper but both give you one sliver.
  11. GW2 Wiki links: Writ of Seitung Province Writ of New Kaineng City Writ of Echovald Wilds Writ of Dragon's End Check the 'currency for' section to see what you can trade them for.
  12. The new fishing power recipes all use fish fillets. You can see the vendors selling them in eg. this recipe. And it's quite likely that they'll add more in the future.
  13. To me it's pretty clear what time it is ingame, if hard to tell then look at the sky. Moon = nighttime & sun = daytime. Perhaps having some setting on low disables this. You can also set the minimap clock to show Tyrian Time from options. The wiki has a list of fishing supply vendors and fishmongers who trade fish fillets (also trade fine fillets for mackerel bait fish now). The exclamation mark is not a new thing but they made it bigger so now it's much easier to see.
  14. If the GW2 Wiki is correct (see Day/Night Schedule), you can catch fish that say dawn or dusk (or both) also during day and night. So the ingame description could just say "time: any", but I guess this was done because of variety and all. I haven't been paying attention when did I catch them but haven't had (too much) trouble catching them either. Should be pretty easy to test tho. Edit: It might also be that dawn means from midnight till midday and dusk is from midday till midnight.
  15. Agree on many points, especially the need of storage space for lures and baits. About the dawn/dusk part here's what the GW2 Wiki says: "Fishing will treat dawn and dusk as both day and night at the same time." I think this was done on purpose because of the short duration these events have. It's likely someone has tested this since it was added to the wiki.
  16. No, to me it doesn't feel like that. It's up to you how you play the game. I'm still doing the things I enjoy like story, mapping, fashion, the occasional achievement or meta and now fishing.. so casual things since I have quite limited time to play. Even the turtle mount is not that important for me since the other mounts are much more useful. I also need writs for the egg and likely guild help for some following parts but I'll get it eventually. Took me months of casual playing to get the skyscale so I'm in no rush to get the turtle either.
  17. I also use yolomouse and never had issues with it. While ago I was playing without it, meant just quickly do some stuff but got into meta and lost my cursor 4 or 5 times during the fights. Had forgotten how annoying it is. Many players use other tools like TacO which has lots of markers to make life easier. Anet has said all 3rd party tools are in the 'use at your own risk' category but they made the API which enables these tools to work in the first place.
  18. Good insight from Aznarb.6347. I've been playing the condi shortbow build so long that I no longer need to think about what I'm doing so it does take practise. In the end it's about finding a class and build that fits you. Been thinking of doing tanky untamed build, which would look something like this. Longbow for 2nd weapon since I usually like to have ranged option to switch to. If you don't have EoD elites there's similar soulbeast build. Works with greatsword + longbow and the same defensive gear. Can use Superior Runes of Vampirism if you want even more survival. And you don't need ascended gear in these builds since exotic works fine for open world, tho I do recommend getting ascended weapons for a build you like/play a lot since those have higher base damage value.
  19. Hard to rate them since each has their strengths. I enjoyed HoT story the most, but there were some PoF story parts I also liked a lot. Praise Joko! The story in EoD is fine, but I'm enjoying the general content more than earlier expansions, plus fishing and skiffs are great additions. Still, mounts from PoF are imo the best thing added to the game.
  20. Great advice from Infusion.7149! I use the shortbow build as my main open world build and it does good enough dps for any content really. I have two shortbows in it to proc weapon swap effects from talents. Very easy to play since you just use skills off cooldown. Here's the build on gw2skills editor. Infusions are not needed but I fine tuned it to have exactly the capped +100% bleed duration with food. I use agony resitance + condi damage infusions on other slots (also some infusions for fashion wars). Lynx pet is for dps/meld and Murellow I use to tank tougher mobs. You can meld/unmeld with it to refresh pet hitpoints.
  21. I like the new skin, looks great and hope there's more skins coming soon. Likely won't be using this one for fishing since looks more like a looooove boat (que love boat theme). I did notice that if your character wears a cape (or other big backpack) it's clipping thru the back end esp when moving forward. When anchored the benches also hinder characters movement on the skiff, have to jump over them to get to the front.
  22. I had similar issue with Mud Skate from the Krytan Fisher achie, used over 300 lures trying to catch it. Then I logged in with another character and got it from the first fishing hole on my third cast. Maybe it was just RNG trolling me but no harm trying with another toon.
  23. The more I've played it the more I'm enjoying the new content and imo it's definitely worth the price. At first I didn't like New Kaineng being so big but guess I'm getting used to it by now. And I'm now addicted to fishing in a computer game - gotta catch them all! Can't wait to see what new LW seasons bring.
  24. Was using Cup of Light-Roasted Coffee while ago, but no idea if it still works. These gave 1-3 notes per kit.
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