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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. I used to wonder why frisbees looked bigger the closer they got. Then it hit me. *bump*
  2. HoT: • Where am I? *opens map* How do I get there? • Ages like fine wine. PoF: • There's dust in my eyes. • Bad god, bad! PoF LWS4: • Praise Joko! • Crunchy! EoD: • You tyrians call that technology? Pfft. • Canthans got really lucky with the dragons.
  3. Also from the Lore forum section; about the Southsun Cove cut: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/113043-edits-to-return-of-scarlets-war/?do=findComment&comment=1644318 Few more comments down about the main NPC introductions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/113043-edits-to-return-of-scarlets-war/?do=findComment&comment=1644330
  4. Found this: "Obviously, the Guild Wars 2 holiday events, such as Wintersday or the Super Adventure Box, were easy cuts from Scarlet's War, but other story arcs are being culled from the story as well. The Southsun Cove arc is one such casualty, as ArenaNet decided to focus on Scarlet Briar and her schemes first and foremost with the rerun of Living World Season 1. Unfortunately, this means characters introduced in that chapter, like Ellen Kiel and Canach, will have to be introduced elsewhere in the narrative." Source: https://gamerant.com/guild-wars-2-interview-living-world-season-1-modernization-challenges-joe-kimmes/
  5. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-the-future-of-guild-wars-2/ Under the Spring 2022 Roadmap section it says May 24th for Episode 2.
  6. Can confirm this achie is working since I got it some time ago. It did take quite a while to get the last statuette but eventually got it. Not that I was trying specifically to do it, but I did take notice of the popup when the collection was finished.
  7. Taimi, Canach, Rytlock and Eir. For baddies: Joko and Scarlet.
  8. Have to agree on this. I've lost count how many dusk/dawn cycles I've gone thru trying to catch the Mystic Remora. And if/when I finally manage to catch it I'll have to do it again for the avid collection. For now I've pretty much stopped trying since it's not fun anymore. Also still missing Golden Trout and Muskellunge from the avid collection, tried both many times but less than that kitten remora.
  9. I'm using the build Belisaria mentioned: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Greatsword In open world solo play I run the minion master variant. It's easy to play, doesn't get downed much and esp the flesh golem pulls aggro away quite nicely. In longer group events I might switch to the normal dps version since I have it saved on another build layout.
  10. Easiest way to obtain Spark is to buy it from trading post if you have the gold. I'd suggest checking the wiki and see what you are missing to craft it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spark_(weapon)#Acquisition
  11. The autoloot feature works mainly on mobs you kill. I generally think chests working same as resource nodes, that you have to click them and it's best always to check. On a side note: really loving the treasure hunter module on jade bot. Especially handy if you run around gathering a lot. Never miss a chest!
  12. Happy to help to see if it works. I'll add you when I have the time and feel free to do the same. Summer is picking up affecting my work load so haven't had time to log on much. Usually I'm free on weekends so likely have more time to play then. See you ingame!
  13. Majority of the story is accessible if you have it unlocked. You can see it in chronological order in the ingame Story Journal or in the wiki page. Only part missing is the Living World Season 1 (Scarlet's War) but the latest patch added the first part "Flame and Frost" and they will add more in later patches so those who missed it can play it too.
  14. Yes. If you have the expansion you can use TP to Friend to get to Cantha. I did this shortly after launch with my thief. One blocked off area that comes to mind is Club Canach in Arborstone. You unlock it after certain story point but once you do so you can access it with all characters. As for the DC problem - have you tried doing the story part with a friend starting it? That way when you DC you might not have to restart, just relog and perhaps you'll get the credit. Worth a try maybe? If you're playing on NA side I'm willing to try this when I have the time (often quite busy with work sadly).
  15. You can travel directly to Seitung and other Cantha areas from the Mysterious Gate in the water (huge gateway portal in north side of the map): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Portal_to_Tyria_(Thousand_Seas_Pavilion)#Dialogue These are the fishing location destinations. There's a zipline connection on the main area ledge to get there fast.
  16. Mayhaps it's in the works since there's this new dialogue for Moto in Rata Sum: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moto#Dialogue Player: I'm really hoping for a new level one year. Moto: I know that waiting can be hard, but I want you and other fans of the Box to know that I'm striving to meet those hopes! Player: Thanks, Moto! I'll keep believing.
  17. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma#Acquisition
  18. For me this started after I got a new 49" Aoc Agon monitor, did not happen with the old 35" widescreen (same manufacturer). Could have something to do with the old being G-Sync monitor and the new is Freesync (using Nvidia GPU). Tried changing many settings but once I disabled the dx11 beta and it stopped happening.
  19. I'm loving the puns. Here's one for you: Why doesn't Drooburt's Ghost like going to parties? Because he has no-body to dance with. Edit: would also like an invite if you don't mind?
  20. I live in the EU but transferred to NA for a guild after my rl friends stopped playing and stayed because of the nice people I met. In my experience the NA atmosphere is generally more friendlier but ofc there are random kittens everywhere so I might've just been lucky. It's been many years since I played in EU side so no idea what's it like nowdays. Currently in another guild I like so not even thinking of moving back. Latency is not much higher for me but that depends on your location and connection. I also use a paid VPN service which likely helps too.
  21. A necromancer really should not be downed contantly with proper build and gear. I'd say the reaper minion master build is one of the easiest to stay alive in open world content. You can find it here: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_LI_Reaper I use full Berserker's gear with Scholar runes - not as tough but does more damage and can still stay up relatively easy.
  22. Indeed. Don't get em much but don't really use em much either. Been a slow process but bit by bit still running out.
  23. I think the whole 'I have billion shards vs I have none' has more to with the time you put in to the game. I've pretty much used my reserves since I don't have the time to play as much as I used to.
  24. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Knowledge Other uses besides giving a level each are some guild upgrades or you can trade em in bulk for spirit shards (mystic forge vendors).
  25. [TINY] is NA based asura guild. Ofc you can have bookah toons too but repping is for asura characters only. I think the 3rd guild is not full yet, but the 4th guild was made to get the new EoD guild hall since the other three have fully upgraded different ones. The website: https://tinyarmy.org/
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