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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Indeed, sounds more like a bug and OP should contact support to get it sorted. Where I'm from (EU) the price shown must be the final price so it has to have all taxes included. The receipt I got says that I paid €79.99 for the Ultimate Edition. Product price is €64.51 plus €15.48 VAT (value-added tax) which makes it €79.99.
  2. Here is the current policy: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013762153-Policy-Macros-and-Macro-Use In short: binding dodge & jump in single key, auto-clicker to open/consume a stack of items and macros to play music are allowed as long as you're not afk while using them.
  3. By the Eternal Alchemy, I like the look of that view! (New widescreen background, yay!) Maybe we will finally meet some bookahs who'll understand asuran technobabble.
  4. "The College of Synergetics is an asuran scholarly society. The members of this college study magical metaphysics, cybernetic systems, and the theory of abstract structures." "Definition of cybernetics: the science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (such as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)." "Examples of cybernetic systems are various kinds of automatic control devices in engineering (for example, an automatic pilot or a controller that maintains a constant temperature in a room), electronic computers, the human brain, biological populations, and human society."
  5. Fishing may be boring feature to you but people have different tastes. No one is forcing you to do it. I for one enjoyed fishing in WoW and will most likely enjoy it in GW2 too. Do whatever floats your boat.. err, I mean skiff.
  6. Here's the map tour stream: https://twitch.tv/videos/1210147468 After watching that I'll vote for no, it looks fine to me. Could throw some blue/teal hue here and there (would make it look even more awesome imo) but meh, I'm fine with this look too.. after all it's just a game.
  7. Well hello there! Different song started playing in my head.. So hello from the other side.. https://youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A
  8. I will wait for friday's new Guild Chat episode at noon PT before making any assumptions. However, I'll say (again) that Anet should really tune down the color intensity for the trailers. So far all have had much brighter colors than actual gameplay shown in GC.
  9. Welcome to Guild Wars 2! Good info from @Danikat.8537 👍 Only thing I'd add is that the GW2 Wiki has lots of info for all things in the game. Here's the wiki crafting page. Another handy site gw2crafts.net has fast and cheap leveling guides for all crafting trades. Have fun and enjoy exploring Tyria!
  10. Just to add I can now also log in when not using the VPN. Usually I always have it on since it's paid service from well known anti-virus company.
  11. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/104416-cant-launch-game-after-the-november-9-2021-update/page/18/?tab=comments#comment-1508878
  12. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you find balance in your life. Maybe someday you'll feel like coming back. I've had breaks lasting years for rl reasons or just for losing interest. Remember, the forums/reddit does not represent the whole community. Only a fraction of the players discuss things here.
  13. So.. the cake is a lie? Sort of. I agree, and since the candles are on two sides there's space to add more on other sides plus one in the middle which would make nine.
  14. Now that you mention it, yeah that is very true. In particular Ember Bay has very bright orange glow lighting. Playing that map for the first times was likely the moment when I turned off/down a lot of the bloom and shaders. I think the issue with these videos is that since Anet wants to show Cantha in it's full "glory", they have every setting on max detail with all the bloom. Rember that you do not have to play the game in such eye-sore brightness.
  15. Was trying to suggest this, albeit my post was poorly worded. I also have the bloom effect turned off and shaders tuned down since imo they are too bright for enjoyable gameplay experience.
  16. Quoting myself: "To me it looks that only the teasers and some screenshots have bit too high color intensity." To rephrase; to me the foliage in Sunqua and what is seen in the livestream gameplay videos do not look too bright or too green. We all have our own settings and preferences. I think it is far easier to change your own settings than to get Anet change their design choices. But we'll see how it actually looks when it is released.
  17. To me it looks that only the teasers and some screenshots have bit too high color intensity. If the foliage in Sunqua Peak and the fishing & skiffs gameplay videos looks too bright you might want to adjust your settings. Maybe do a monitor profile to be used with GW2 with toned down brightness/green color intensity.
  18. I agree with this. Likely has more to do with the settings used on the system/program they record these videos and screenshots with. Settings might be bit off or perhaps bit too oversaturated in editing phase or it's just visual design decision they made for the trailers.
  19. My inventory is combined into one big bag without hidden or special bags. Lower right corner is for various stacking things like luck essences, bloodstone dust etc. (I keep few of each in there so they will stack where I want them to) and bottom left is for foods, extra weapons etc. I also always sort/salvage/bank my loots to keep most of it free since I like it neat and tidy.
  20. Sounds like the game is trying to use the laptop screen settings. With some google-fu found this article which might help: https://appuals.com/fix-monitor-not-displaying-fullscreen-on-windows-10/
  21. You could try changing the interface size and/or setting dpi scaling on/off in graphic settings to see if it makes any difference. Can't remeber what settings I use but my monitor is 35" 1440p widescreen one. I agree the minimap is kinda small hence why I mostly use M key for world map if I need to check my surroundings. The minimap is handy to see gathering nodes nearby (and the time) but not much else.
  22. Here's the news post about it: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/guild-wars-2-live-fall-and-winter-2021/
  23. Alliances soon™ https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/studio-update-world-restructuring-and-the-future-of-world-vs-world/
  24. Well, it is said so on the notes in gathering section of the wiki. This has been my experience as well. Currently four guilds I am in have fully upgraded nodes (one is new guild without nodes) and I can only gather one set of nodes per day. Before one of the guilds did not have fully upgraded ones and I was able to gather those as extra.
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