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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. A tad old thread but interesting read thru the posts. Chose my original main because of Rytlock (still have the collector's edition figurine) so charr warrior whom I played the core game (map 100%) and some HoT with. After a long hiatus wanted some change so made a ranger and played thru PoF with it. Now I mostly play the ranger and necro, since they are my most time invested toons, but also guard, mesmer, engi and thief. Guardian playtime has been increasing most since I like the firebrand a lot.
  2. In some countries you can also use the paysafe option (list in this GW2 news post), similar to paypal but one time purchase (unless you make paysafe account). It's bit like buying a store gift card. I've had no issues using it unlike some credit card payments in the past.
  3. I think the Blish FAQ page highlighted well the important parts from the Third-Party Programs policy: "[...] we are aware that some utilities help players without affecting others; that is, they do not give one player an advantage over another. While, in general, we will not take action on an account for the use of such a utility program or modification, action is subject to ArenaNet's discretion. You use any third-party program at your own risk. Note: ArenaNet does not review, approve, or endorse any third-party program. Each use of such a program is made by an account holder at their own risk." Also the maker of TacO posted in April about moving on for now (no future updates coming) and made the code open source. I am unsure if anyone has picked up the project.
  4. Sound options: disable player chatter & turn the dialog volume all the way down. Not ideal I know but at least your character will be silent.
  5. Sorry but condi damage does not work that way, it's not bursty nor big numbers. It's a flow of small numbers that add up over time. Stacking the conditions on enemies makes the damage ticks stronger, so try to stack them as high as you can. Having high expertise is important in this since it increases the condi durations. You should try to get condi duration to +100% (max), at least for the main condition you inflict. In case of a ranger that is bleed and depending on the build also poison and burning. So get expertise to max (or near) and then boost condition damage as much as you can. Here's the common condi ranger build: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condi_DPS Designed for raids and fractals but works fine in open world content too.
  6. Basic shortbow condi build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAUVlZw+YTsQGKWaP7rvJkC-zRJUmRFfZUZK0RF4zA-e Use any food you can while leveling. You can use sinister gear before you get viper's, or carrion if you want hitpoints instead of crit chance. For underwater I'd use two harpoon guns for weapon swap procs. If you need tanky condi pet then murellow is nice one - has self heal, damage ignore and aoe poison as usable skill. Shark is my go-to condi pet for underwater combat. Swap beast mastery and beast skills to soulbeast and stance skills (vulture & wolfpack) once you get it unlocked. There's also version that uses beast mastery instead of wilderness survival, has weaker poison damage but stronger pets.
  7. Since there looks to be chair novelty rotation going on, would like to request Super Adventure Box Chair too please. Missed it in March when it was sold very briefly (a day or so).
  8. Ah, I see. My mistake. I really shouldn't respond when tired.
  9. You do not need to have a free slot for the lvl 80 boost because it comes in it's own extra shared inventory slot even if you are maxxed out on them. You get the new shared slot open after you use the boost so it works exactly like the boosts that came with the other expansions. Edit: as Inculpatus cedo pointed out below the boost doesn't come with a free shared slot. I was mixing it up with the expansion lvl 80 boost. Sorry.
  10. Bought Razer Nostromo Gaming Keypad some years ago and it's amazing for single-handed gaming once you get used to it. Razer has also more recent one called Tartarus which costs more but has 32 keys instead of 16. But because it's bigger it's not very comfy for small/normal sizes hands. I have small hands and can use the Nostromo with ease.
  11. My advice: just get ascended one and use that. If you were able to get legendary then it should be easy thing to do compared. I waited to see how the new armory system worked before deciding if I want to get rid of any asc equipment. I'm glad I did not salvage them and will keep using them for now.
  12. What is my hype? None, because I don't get hyped over things in general. Stress-free living ftw.
  13. GW2 Wiki - Miss Most likely the enemy used some kind of avoidance skill.
  14. Was having a break from the game when Scarlet came knocking, but I remember the old LA being confusing as kitten at times, so I kinda like the new one better. However they should do some changes to it every now and then. Add/remove things to make it feel more like a living city. In the end doesn't matter to me that much cause I spend more time in DR or Mistlock than in "Lobster City".
  15. Trina Malus, The Extra Life, the phoenix necromancer: https://gfycat.com/agreeablesparklingblacklemur
  16. Oh sorry, you did say Sharpened Edges so it was my mistake. Sharpening Stone is the skill. I agree the trait is underhelming tho having decent crit it does proc quite often and helps with stacking bleed. Ofc taking Trapper's Expertise is good choice too, but I mostly use only one trap so it's not that big benefit for me. With two traps (and perhaps also heal trap) is definitely the better trait to take.
  17. I like the skill cause it's easy to use and usable from range. Here's another double shortbow build. Poison variation from the trap build posted by Ashantara. Also has different runes for more bleed duration: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAUVlZkx+SaTZNpomZmWaP7P3TSVKIB-zRRYfBFYGVc+jR8UoTF47gQyIAW0BMk0PQ0DYBmpN-e
  18. I mostly use the ranged version of condi soulbeast with double shortbow (the easymode). Listed as raid build but works fine also in open world content: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condi_Shortbow_DPS
  19. So much great advice in this topic! Love how helpful this community is. As mentioned before following gw2crafts.net guides is the easiest and cheapest solution for leveling crafting. If you haven't already, you might also want to check out metabattle.com for best (meta) builds. I usually choose a build I enjoy most for the class and then customize it a bit to fit my personal taste. Having the most optimal and fitting build for you will be important especially in the expansion areas where the skill level required is higher. Also for fractals/strikes/raids playing a meta build is usually the safest option, since they have been tested and vetted by the more experienced players.
  20. Level 80 is the maximum level, aftet that the "endgame" starts with getting better gear, mastery points for elite the specs, and perhaps start doing fractals and/or raids (if you like those). The main reward for getting all maps completion to 100% (known as world completion) is two Gift of Explorations which are used for crafting legendary weapons. World completion does not include any of the expansion or season maps. Many people do "mapping" for a chance to get a Black Lion Chest Key, since each completed core game map has ~30% chance to reward you with a key. You can do map completion only once per character but the expansion and season stories you can replay as many times as you like even with the same character, so you don't have to get the achievements done on first try. Except season 1 which is sadly no longer playable since it involved the destruction of old Lions Arch. Hope this was of some help. If you need help with items, achievements etc. the official GW2 Wiki is very helpful site with lots of information. Also most times the /map chat is willing to help if you need quick advice while playing. Have fun gaming!
  21. In the past with other games I've paid more for less content than this expansion will likely deliver. Why? Because I enjoyed that game and wanted to show my support for the people making it. So far I got thousands of hours worth of enjoyment out of the game, so didn't even think about not getting EoD if only to support this game studio. Even if the expansion is few areas in Cantha with fishing, skiffs and turtles plus new elite specs I will have no regrets about spending that money. Playing GW2 is my hobby and there are plenty of way more expensive hobbies than this.
  22. FYI: if you like the effect you can buy additional copies of the Celebratory Enrichments from the Laurel Merchant for 25 laurels + 5 gold each, once you have the achievement unlocked on your account.
  23. It would be a "mini home instance". What I'd like them to do is add lot more customization to home instances, for example if you could claim a house in Salma District. On the other hand some would then demand that all home instances need this option and that would be very hard to do for some of them. The game has five home instances so that's a lot of work to do this for all of them. Likely the easiest solution would be to do a new home instance somewhere in Cantha with lot more customization options and/or add them slowly after the initial release. This might be even in the works, we do not know yet. Who knows, maybe we save Cantha and rest of Tyria again, and the emperor grants us high title, gifts (sweet sweet loots) and a palace in Kaineng city. Then we can decorate and customize it thru next season gameplay. Here's one hoping!
  24. Plenty of people use TacO and in the past a developer has said that it does not seem to modify the game files which is forbidden. Same thing with the popular ArcDPS damage meter, both work as an overlay and only use data from the GW2 API . Anet will not likely ever endorse any third-party program but some are safe to use (at your own risk, like all programs you install).
  25. My guess about the design choice would be that they wanted to capture the look of Aurene's Brand, seen in eg. Aurene's Grace in Grothmar Valley.
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