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Everything posted by Algreg.3629

  1. not saying I would or would not like something like that, but here is the thing: You bring up a personal preference of yours and paint not fulfilling it as an absolute wrong. Which it is not. As you have voiced stuff like that repeatedly, one could just as well claim "well, we all know Jun Yang, don´t expect too much. He will always demand pvp in pve".
  2. what makes you think you are considerably more busy than the average player?
  3. well, one can hardly argue what another person feels, I can only give a counter-perspective: I don't feel that at all.
  4. I think a bit of sincerity would gain you considerably more sympathy. This is about you, stop pretending to worry about "the players" or "the game".
  5. apart from Thaumanova, I cannot think of any fractal mechanic that cannot be figured out quickly.
  6. That's a pretty steep requirement, one that is a lot harder to fill. If you're among the lucky that can learn the basics from youtube and master them quickly, within a few practice runs, then good for you, but for lots of people out there, it doesn't work that way, and the cost of finding 9 other people with matching timeslots for hours upon hours until everyone has mastered the content can get exorbitant if you need a different approach to mastering that kind of content. Source: a 50-year-old ex-raider (in previous MMOs) that learns from explanations while doing things. I don't want to count the number of hours I've wasted trying to put together raids with people in similar situations (older, slower learners without "youtube learning talents") only to have them fall apart after weeks of wiping to the same bosses. I'm lucky in that I have younger friends that drag me along if they need a filler, so I've at least been able to experience about half of the raids, but getting enough practice to feel comfortable with the fights is pretty much impossible in my current situation, no matter how much I'd like to get there. this is not an age thing.
  7. not sure what you are talking about. Yes, if you want to skip to a specific encounter, you will have to rely on an opener. But you have to join a team anyway or are you going to solo raids?
  8. long story short, support is super effective in GW2, but the exclusively outhealing damage on a guy insulting some giant dude's momma routine you seem to be accustomed to is not a thing here.
  9. Great, here I was wondering will Makuragee now start raiding? Good to have that question off my mind.
  10. that does not make a whole lot of sense for various reasons: You bring up isolation as a driver, when in fact isolation is rather detrimental for technological progress.Asura have changed the GW world from fantasy to an arcanotech setting. Without them, where would the technology suddenly come from?Cyberspace is a visual/tactile extension of an internet. What is a single Canthan big city connecting to? Seems strange to jump from no computers at all to virtual reality suddenly. If anything, some "interconnecting astral plane" setting would seem more appropriate for GW's arcanotech world.and last, while Cyberspace is certainly a key element to a Cyberpunk setting, it is not the defining one. Corporate plutocracy and social decline are.
  11. Tengu directly come from DnDhttp://connorscampaigns.wikidot.com/d-d-races#tengu tengu are adaptations of mythical creatures. As many other D&D monsters, which also drew heavily from literature. And many franchises drew from D&D, from which in return D&D drew. It is called culture - google it some time. Not to mention anthropomorphic beasts (btw, if you want to use "fancy" words, maybe understand what they mean first?) do not require that much imagination. Maybe go away to some D&D or more traditional fantasy franchise then? I mean, since day one you campaigned for everything wow and stuff has in GW2. Maybe just go someplace else for your fix?
  12. zero. In fact, you gain every future minute and dollar not spend the moment you quit.
  13. you must understand the severity of the matter. It would be like taking auto-attack away from you, self-proclaimed champion of mediocrity :P
  14. considering recent developments, prolly yes. Griffon true flight treat, 2 hours duration, 800 gems or BLC :p
  15. cute fauxparison, so let's think it through. Yes, twitch skills are irrelevant in chess, but it certainly takes a specific skill set / level of abilities to master it. Various mental disabilities will keep you from becoming a good chess player, as even will a short attention span, bad memory or even lower intelligence. So following OP and you, the individual chess pieces must be reduced and/or their individual move aspects have to be simplified. You know, as we have advanced beyond those petty things like mental prowess, thinking ahead and fake difficulty by arbitrary chess piece movement. You don't have? Even in 2019? Shame, shame...
  16. so in essence, you want a wvw map with more pve action. I mean, you could have just voiced that which would have been a lot less confrontational. But then, you would not have been able to come across as sooooo super edgy, telling all those carebears, right?
  17. "I am casual" is really the new think of the children! You can up your game though - bring up you have a job, you know, almost noone else has one of those elusive things...
  18. Wildstar failed for a number of reasons, the often cited "hardcore" is really an oversimplification. Just a few points: Devs did not really understand "hardcore". They took things that were annoying in MMORPG of the past and used them, things which are not "hardcore", but just atrocious, just like that annoying raid attunement stuff.Even if you want to do a "hardcore" game, it certainly is not wise to actively antagonize parts of the overall playerbase. Do a hardcore thing, but don't overstress that stuff in communications. And certainly not in an antagonizing way.The game felt unbelievably cluncky at launch, no idea if they ever fixed that.Pseudo-action combat. Just like GW2, Wildstar had a weird hybrid approach to that, still relying on stats too much instead. Tera has a way more true and intuitive action-combat (but sadly, the game suffers from unbearable otakuism - but I am sure GW2 will get there eventually =) ) PVP equipment: While I like free open world pvp (not implying every game needs it or should have it), the idea of having to switch gear for pve/pvp is really arcane to me. Not talking about things like berserker vs soldier, but either/or. If you cannot use one set of stats/gear for pvp/pve, especially in maps where you will encounter both kinds of challenges, back to the drawing board with you.entering the market with a pure subscription based model in today's environment was, say, bold, if you don't have the buzz of the gaming superstars.housing absolutely rocked in Wildstar btw.
  19. easy to explain and understand: your contractual partner is not anet, but the retailer.
  20. here you go https://google.com/maps/place/Bellevue,+Washington,+USA/@47.5978499,-122.221171,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x54906bcfa3a66041:0xbacf5482ead00765!8m2!3d47.6101497!4d-122.2015159
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