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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. This is a post that was relevant in 2013, and still relevant today. We should also have golems that do stuff like in the GW1 training area, pulse aegis, constantly block, etc. So people can actually practice skill interactions and mechanics without having to use another person.
  2. We should all be able to agree that spellbreaker is pretty much fine because of its limited kit and that holo is a little over the top. #nerfCCthatignoreswallsandzaxis
  3. I say instant daze is fine since you can still dodge while dazed, it just basically becomes a different kind of defense. Instant cast stun however is not ok and thanks to CI giving immobilize that essentially becomes instant stun same as the old confounding suggestions though at least it requires an interrupt now. Very valid points, I have to agree with you. CI is definitely more the problem. I still personally believe instant cast ranged offensive skills like daze mantra and power spike shouldn't exist. Although with a CI change maybe daze mantra could stay.
  4. Condi mesmer has counter play. Daze mantra does not. That's the problem. A game built around dodging animations has zero place for an instant cast daze. When paired with CI it becomes even more ridiculous. Daze mantra must go.
  5. PvP always changes, (besides Mesmer) the only profession that has always had a semi viable build and could use a greatsword is guardian. That being said of the greatsword using professions in PvP, guardian ranks the lowest in terms of build tier list. Right now, the recent past, and looking ahead:Warrior spell breaker. GS d/sh. You have to swap weapons and it's a great side node 1v1er. Very mobile. Used at all tiers Guardian core dps. Sw/focus GS. You have to swap weapons and it's mostly a dps team fight spec. It can take some 1v1s but lacks mobility and is outclassed at top tiers. Ranger. Kind of a jack of all trades. Can go dps, or side node and use gs a/a or lb. good mobility. Somewhat outclassed at top tiers. Reaper. Gs, a/whatever. Super high damage, very low mobility. Teamfight spec that can wipe a team, if you can manage to get to them. Seems to be unviable at top tier - but can still wipe teams if it can get to them. In PvP you obviously have to swap weapons to win. And you should for PvE too for good dps rotations
  6. You're right you do have to do it at almost the same time. Describing it as a dodge jump was a good explanation, thanks.
  7. Alright. What the hell is going on? I have seen several people claim Clarion Bond gives the ranger unblockable if you merge quickly. I'm under the impression these people have gone completely insane. So which is it? Clarion Bond gives the ranger unblockable if you merge quickly, and these people are prophets.It doesn't do that... duh!
  8. Yeah but with staff reduction and Quickdraw if you swap and hit an ally or a pet, the skill instantly resets. So you could take some shitty traits and traitlines and swap, stealth, and then use it again to GTFO. Kinda neat. Still you'd probably die without evade frames lol
  9. You think you have it bad, try playing chrono. You think you have it bad, try playing druid.
  10. How can you deal damage with only 3 attacks being unblockable? (assuming the longbow 2) If you're running Clarion Bond or warhorn offhand, you can use Point Blank shot to knock back and interrupt the block before popping Rapid Fire. However, that assumes you're running marks for Clarion with your pet not merged and pet swap not on cooldown (or are on your warhorn set with weapon swap on cooldown). So realistically, pulling off an unblockable rapid fire is still possible, but highly unlikely. The Barrage change is meant to offset the unblockable nerfs, but I doubt it will be enough to save the build from irrelevancy. They aren't "meta" because they aren't as effective in the top tier of PvP gameplay, but they're very effective in lower tiers of gameplay. It's the same reason that Deadeye has seen so many nerfs. It's the same reason why turret engineers were nerfed long before that.Clarion bond doesn't work on the ranger.
  11. I don't know man, marksmanship is a pretty ballsy traitline... I was running it with zerker and sic em just to feel it was doing enough damage. The 15% reduction to sic em actually isn't much AND it has added move speed now... might still be worth it. I just don't expect players to be running marksmanship and dropping wilderness survival.
  12. Ranger isn't meant to be in competitive. The only times it has been competitive viable is when the numbers were busted.Trap ranger (numbers not busted) nerfed to not throw trapsBeastmaster: nerf to pet damageSpirit Ranger (saw tournament play): nerfed into oblivionPower core ranger (seen tournament play - Numbers not busted): heart of thorns came out, terrain fixes, rev existence, damage increase pushed it out.Druid (saw tournament play): nerfed into oblivionBoonbeast: nerfed/other things power creepPower soulbeast: nerfed. The problem is ranger is the only class whose main damage source can be hard countered by line of sight AND projectile hate. Every other class has mechanics to avoid line of sight through movement and/or ways to stay in or get out of the fight or force target drops like elixir s, teleports, rev heal, Mesmer dodge and distort, rampage, dagger storm, real blocks! Etc. No other class suffers from projectile hate as much for the same reasons, they can get in, stay in, and force target drops. You're not going to keep spamming skills at an S-engi or distort mes' or blocking war. But a signet of stone ranger? No problem. Because ranger can only stop physical damage but not condis or CC. As addition to projectike hate, Mesmers even have a beam as their ranged attacks. If a ranger pew pews they can't finish a fight due to LoS or projectile hate. If the ranger goes in they have no way to get out or drop target on them. (Only thing is stealth which is countered by Engi and rev - which happens as part of their natural rotation anyway). And then there is cleave. Even if you manage to down a target with longbow, you have no cleave available to stop the rez, due to low damage and projectile hate. A holo or a rev can solo cleave and keep a body down. Even if ranger goes into melee, ranger doesn't have enough damage without interrupting the enemy. And then there's reaction time, kits, and what not. Ranger does not have the mechanics to hang at high play. The only way it could is if all The pet skills were controllable by the Ranger. It would raise the skill floor slightly but allow for a much smoother and higher skill cieling - as well as open up synergies all over with traits. Pets should also scale with ranger stats... which would have substantially changed the game from the start and imo would have substantially changed the numbers that made ranger busted. Rangers lacks damage when building for damage. But ranger has always had over the top numbers with tanky builds because of pet damage. Changing pet stats to scale off of the ranger's stats fixes both of these problems. As for sustain and traits and anets trait philosophy and how that fits in... that's a topic for another day
  13. Dude can't dodge a skill with a 1 second cast time.
  14. This is exactly what I am talking about. The build is incredibly easy and powerful. It radiates damage just by existing.
  15. Let's have a moment of silence.
  16. Even if it was unnerfed and returned to what it was at HoT release, I am still not sure it'd be viable.
  17. One player who griefs ruins the game for 9 players with no consequences. It'd be a lot harder for 7 or 8 out of 9 people to grief one person imo.
  18. I bet more people crash and get dishonor than there are people who rage quit. I also bet that more people rage quit, stay, and grief than rage quit and disconnect. Why? Because they avoid dishonor and get their SICK satisfaction from ruining the gaming. If the above is true, Dishonor is being used ineffectively. Players should not get Dishonor for leaving a match or for missing a queue pop. Instead players should have the ability to vote for dishonor: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/79831/we-need-harsh-punishments-for-match-manipulators#latest If someone rage quits it's often more obvious than someone who DCs, players can vote for that Dishonor. If someone DCs and gets dishonor, well you're already getting dishonor with this system. Player stays and griefs which is all too common, with this system they get no punishments, players voting means they could.
  19. ..........................................................................
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