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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. Greatsword is just different. It's fine. Our best weapon in PvP in my opinion. The problem is... it's 100% getting nerfed again... that nerf is gonna hurt. Complaining won't bring the evade on autoattack back. But something better than 15 endurance would be appreciated.
  2. As others have said in this thread there is unfortunately a complete lack of core weapons that work for a condi Ranger..You might be able to substitute a traitline and probably get some use out of main hand Axe but Axe really isn't a condi weapon.. neither is Sword so your options there for a pure condi build are already shot.. this is pretty much the reason I went with a Hybrid in the first place and went with Soulbeast. The only way to DPS with Core Ranger would be to play Quickdraw SBow + Axe/Torch and Iboga or Jaguar for Core pet. Utilities : Flame Trap, Sharpening Stone, Something (Sun Spirit?) and Entangle as Elite. Probably Krait runes. BM : 2-?-3WS : 3-1-2 or 3-2-3 (Whatever you like the most)Skirmishing : 1-3-1 That's one way sure.. though I'd prefer to have Light on your Feet over quickdraw as it overall makes the SB a fair bit stronger.Auto's bleeds last longer, poison volly poison lasts longer, crippling shot imobalize lasts longer and Concussion Shot gets 10 stacks of vun regardless of position.Likewise piercing arrows turns the weapon from a single target weapon into a limited AoE weapon which can be pretty effective when used right.I run piercing arrows on LB all the time too so im always lining up enemies to take advantage of it, trickier on SB due to the conditions requiring flanking but still doable with practice. I run Wilderness Knowledge over Poison Master due to having multiple survival skills, I don't run traps on my build and due to being pretty glassy the condi removal helps with that against stronger foes that like to inflict them.Torment, Confusion and stuff like that can be a problem for more fragile characters, specially in my case as I have a lot of quickness and fast attacks, a big stack of confuse can hit me pretty hard as can torment and movement imparing conditions if I need to flee or retreat.Having 3 survival skills (4 if I run Troll) can keep those condis off me while also supplying me with a lot of Fury and reduced recharge on those skills, it's a good trade off over a bit of extra poison damage imo. Aside from the Falconer theme though I've grown very fond of using Hawk and Eagle as pets.They are quick attackers, not as easy to kill as you might think and they add on command bleeds which is good when stacks are more important than condi duration due to the high experterse requirement that you mentioned earlier.They're also capable of leap finishers tooIboga is a great pet for Condi rangers though, specially SB's but Jaguar is more suited to a Power Ranger imo, Lynx would be better if you wanted to run a cat due to on command bleeds and they too have a leap finisher, unlike birds though Lynx leap is on command as well.Ugh. No. Lynx and Bleed birds are terrible pets for Condi ranger. Pet Condi dmg and expertise Is independent of the ranger, despite what the tool tip says. All you are doing is putting really weak bleed stacks on someone and pulling the bleeds up to the top of the Condi list so they can get clesnsed easier. Only way birds are ok, is if you spam wilting strike.
  3. No. It was pseudo viable when the game was core... but why? Condi core meta through the ages: Trap ranger. Exinction: Traps no longer throwable. Condi beastmaster: pets did most dmg and condi weps shortbow and s/d provided pressured and defense while pets killed people. Extinction: pet dps nerfs. Spirit ranger: spirits did most dmg and helped buff Condi dmg. Spirits no longer run around, natures vengeance changed so spirits don't activate on death. Anti d/d ele. This was the last core ranger build ever played competitively, and at WTS. This was a signet, Condi build meant to 1v1 cele d/d ele which DOMINATED the meta. It required a lot of game knowledge. Chill after they swap into water attubement. Make sure weakness from pet lands. After splitblade and dagger 5, wep swap for hydromancy and doom to cover the bleeds so they can't be cleansed. Use torch for more cover condis and apply poison to cover the bleeds, etc. Extinction: Expansions and power creep. Core ranger is fundamentally not viable it seems. It lacks burst, it lacks reapplication, it lacks mobility. It's very easy to make a build that just straight up counters Condi ranger that Condi ranger has 0 chance of beating. Which is bad because the only thing it can kind of do is 1v1. Things you can manage to beat, require you to dodge everything and wittle them down... you never have control of the fight... it's like playing dark souls without ever leveling up. Let's say it could 1v1... it offers almost nothing in a team fight and anything else is more valuable. It is simply outshined by everything else.
  4. It's WvW... and LB5 is supposed to do a lot of dmg. ???
  5. This guys reads good books, clearly deserves plat.
  6. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/71301/reasons-why-i-hate-the-mists#latest
  7. Reckless is legit one of the best forum warriors. Like Legend tier. This dude is Gold 1 at best and can't see he his outclassed.
  8. What if stealth just made you slightly transparent and untargetable, but we could still see you?
  9. Choke points were once used much more significantly. Back in core, teams would often fall back on maps like Forest to choke point the enemy in the little archway from mid to mines or henge... To understand why they did that then and why we don't really do it as often now is a question of the meta. Back then support guardian had no teleports, rev didn't exist, and thief was mostly d/p Nothing, except thief could teleport through walls. But it was too dangerous for thief to attack a teams "back line" cut off from the rest of a team. Then s/d became meta and thief wreaked havoc on enemy teams back lines. Then rev existed. Really gives no fucks about walls, can port through them. Gives no fucks about getting focused because it has such prolific dmg mitigation skills. Now firebrand exists that has either MI or JI or sword and also gives no fucks about walls or the enemy teams positioning cause it can just get in there and aoe vomit and be fine. We could try and choke point now, but many classes will just port past it and fuck up your lines, then the rest of their team can get through no problem.
  10. For sPvP there are like 3 different viable versions of lb/gs. 2 soulbeast, 1 core. 3 or more different versions of a/x gs soulbeast/core. There are 3 different rangers with different builds floating around the top 25, 2 of those top 10 (in NA). Ranger is doin alright.
  11. PM me your build if you don't want to share it. Otherwise I can't give as good advice. Do you consider yourself a psuedo-sidenoder or a roamer/dps? What I am asking is what is the role you most often feel you're performing in games? And have you noticed a correlation between your role and your wins?
  12. I must have been doing it wrong, how does Mesmer get 20-25 Might easy ? unless i'm mistaken they can generate might with great sword ambush with clones due to infinite horizon. Add a Fb to the mix and you got yourself close to 20-25might easily. Anything that can generate 10 might added with the meta of "double fb" can get you a stupid amount of quickness and might. you said Mesmer is EASLY able to get 20-25 might, without FB.Ambush provides 6 might per target for 5s. Thats when you land all 3 ticks of damage.20-25 is unrealistic, 10-15 is and ONLY on GS POWER mirage, other mesmer build struggle even more.Cmirage gets might from staff, and runs around with about 5-10. Mirrorblade add 6 stacks (3 for each bounce - and it usually hits the mesmer twice - since they are melee range for that burst). Add sigils or runes and you can get more... Add mantra of power and you get 12 stacks alone from that... So imo, that's easily 16-25 based on your math. Doesn't even count gs ambush can pierce and easily hit more than one person. we have different definition of easy then.channeling mantra for 2s+ then getting lucky with mirror blade procs then LANDING gs ambush isnt consider easy in my book.other classes chug a pot or shouldan boom 24 stacks.Power mirage doesnt run mantra of pain.Power mesmer doesnt use same 1shot combo that allows for 2 gs2 bounces, in fact P mirage avoids melee for the most part.It's not lucky when you port and mirrorblade at the same time. That's guaranteed. Mantra mesmers do use mantras. Stealth + mantra + mirrorblade = 18 stacks of might. Power mirage does use ambush skills which you said was 10-15 might. Then they do go in melee range... which again is another 6 stacks of might from mirrorblade. So that's 16-21? I'm not saying mesmer is running around with 25 might. Just wanted to add that they have more might than just 10-15 because you seemed pretty confident with that and I wanted to show you you were wrong.
  13. What's your build? Any 1v1s you have trouble with?
  14. I must have been doing it wrong, how does Mesmer get 20-25 Might easy ? unless i'm mistaken they can generate might with great sword ambush with clones due to infinite horizon. Add a Fb to the mix and you got yourself close to 20-25might easily. Anything that can generate 10 might added with the meta of "double fb" can get you a stupid amount of quickness and might. you said Mesmer is EASLY able to get 20-25 might, without FB.Ambush provides 6 might per target for 5s. Thats when you land all 3 ticks of damage.20-25 is unrealistic, 10-15 is and ONLY on GS POWER mirage, other mesmer build struggle even more.Cmirage gets might from staff, and runs around with about 5-10.Mirrorblade add 6 stacks (3 for each bounce - and it usually hits the mesmer twice - since they are melee range for that burst). Add sigils or runes and you can get more... Add mantra of power and you get 12 stacks alone from that... So imo, that's easily 16-25 based on your math. Doesn't even count gs ambush can pierce and easily hit more than one person.
  15. Main uses: stealthing an enemy who reflects to cap their node in PvP. Meme uses: make clones of yourself when you're not a mesmer!
  16. Mind sharing the build? I suppose you're running both BM and Skirmishing to hit those kind of numbers. I'm mostly interested in your utility choices.Thanks in advance. Not at all :) Beastmastery : 2 2 3Skirmishing : 2 1 3Soulbeast : 2 2 2 Bear stance, Dolyak stance, Sic'em, one wolf pack. (you already hit hard, imagine when you activate sc'em + one wolf pack) The last slot you have take another defense (lighting reflexes for exp) Demolisher amulet (what i play personnly) or paladin (what i was playing in the begining) Large choice of runes. (divinity, hoelbrak,scholar) depending of what your facing. ;) I've make this buid from a perspective of playing the soulbeast alone without pet (yep that's how i love playing my slb) so i leave beastmode just to give my self resistance or some healing out of combat. The problem is you have a huge amount of power (always top damages dealing even with reapers and revs in my team) but not much defenses against condi build (specially mes), that's why i start every fight againt condi's with activating my healing (6 sec = 6 condition removed) after that Dolyak stance (-33 condi's duration and if you take Hoelbrak's rune , it's another -20%) but normally the fight is already done ;)....have to kill condi's build the faster you can or you'll die/run away. Otherwise, thief, war(core, bersek not sb thx to the bubble), necro, weavers even fb melt with this build. Your main defense is your attack. Ps : always swap weapons at cd to keep the nearly 100% critics.While I think there are better trailines to use for a/a gs boonbeast, I would suggest striders defense as you don't neeeed spotter. This would synergize well with the soulbeast trait when you gain quickness you add duration to your other boons. You're probably also over killing might gain and might be better off with sigil of courage on axe and taking shout CD reduction in beastmastery.
  17. rumour has it that unblockable will be brought back in beastmode That absolutely should not happen.
  18. I feel like this is akin to letting super bad criminal X go free to go fight super bad criminal Y. I think it's probably better to just let Average Joe A, B, and C take their chances with Y, instead of having to fight them both, y'know? Because we can't really trust super bad criminal X to only fight super bad criminal Y, now can we?
  19. A/a gs boonbeast is arguably the strongest spec for ranger right now. After the patch on Tuesday, I could see it being a viable side noder. That being said, you're correct. No one runs it.
  20. Someone explain to me how Incarnate is better than Grimjack
  21. "With a larger competitive-focused update on the horizon, this update is on the smaller side but still contains several notable systemic changes." This patch wasn't meant to buff ranger skills that aren't used. It was meant to tone down things over performing. Maybe we will see some true ranger changes with this larger "competitive focused update".
  22. Rangers of equal or near equal skill, the more defensive/tankier build will win. This has been the case forever. It's a little less apparent now, however. With that, dagger offhand is quite solid, especially now that crippling talon is an ammo skill and the buff to dagger 4 poison. Dagger has always been a strong offhand imo. Although an argument could be made that it's worse for power builds in the recent metas than axe offhand and warhorn, It's the strongest for any Condi builds by far, torch is very weak. And it has historically been the strongest offhand for most rangers.
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