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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. He doesn't have Zeromis as a power shatter mes. Can't trust this at all.
  2. Not even close. What weird planet are you from? Besides their insane 6s stealth which is kinda busted... their stab is being nerfed and photon wall nerfed... that's what's planet I'm on. I'm gonna CC holos into oblivion.
  3. Just remove the reveal, holo has been hurt enough.
  4. But the status quo says you need some advanced form of ESP as well as an extra eye glued to your kitten just for safety. @Eurantien.4632 said:Rifle war is in this game to teach people how to prioritize targets and to have awareness, even when a fresh one comes in mid fight. 10000000% a learn to play issue. Reflect wall, LoS, target it, dodge, block, blind. Apparently that's what people thin but most people can't be 100% aware of all things going in a 1,200 range radius around you at once and still play effectively. Especially with all the visual/audio clutter this game presents. It either needs a damage reduction or target indication. You deserve to die if a rifle war walks up to a fight, builds adrenaline, crouches down for 1.25 seconds (that's super long) aims at you and fires.
  5. Rifle war is in this game to teach people how to prioritize targets and to have awareness, even when a fresh one comes in mid fight. 10000000% a learn to play issue. Reflect wall, LoS, target it, dodge, block, blind.
  6. I will you to use moment of clarity, remorseless, and two handed training. You lose some sustained damage for some amazing burst. You could still even use lead the wind if you really wanted, but the synergy isn't as good.
  7. It was mentioned in another thread that deadliness of a skill should be equal to cast time. I agree with that and tack on lack of mobility and stealth, which makes this 100% fine.
  8. I kinda think core ranger is the best. It beats every other core and can hold its own quite well vs a lot of specializations. This makes it a rather decent side noder, but it really doesn't shine that great in a teamfight, unfortunately. i think core ranger has one of the higher skill cielings compared to other cores, which means you kinda need to already be good at it to make it good. Meanwhile... ... I think you get way more bang for your buck as war, guard, maybe even necro or mesmer though.
  9. For PvP Gw2 has a relatively not toxic community. That being said, it's become vastly more toxic than it once was. The main thing you can do is talk to your team and be positive and sort of put a mental deposit down before the toxicity comes in. That way, you've built up a buffer that they have to eat through before they can make you/your team tilt. Ive been a little toxic lately, and I realized that after I had like 7 out of 10 games, which is unheard for me. Focusing on being positive goes a long way and definitely makes me play better, even rotationally. That's my advice. Then again... I'm not sure any amount of positivity would make me not instantly tilt when I have a scourge on my team.
  10. Moron who decided to main ranger when the game came out chiming in. Teleports are so vastly fucking superior to ranger. The dps meta for PvP was mesmer and thief, kinda dps guard. All which have teleports. (Yes mesmer can't go through walls, but more on mes later)... ranger didn't have a place, why? Line of site, and reflects... Ranger is the only viable ranged dps profession that can't chase while in a ranged weapon... Not only that but ranger is the only viable ranged profession whose damage can be not just nullified but reflected by reflects... if a guardian wanted to, they could have near permanent reflect uptime, for their whole team. The only other viable dps with range? Mesmer. Does mesmer give a shit about reflects? No. Why? Beams. They not only aren't projectiles but they also automatically pierce!! They can also port after someone while still using ranged dmg... making it real hard to LoS effectively. And then... expansions came. Revenant has been the top dps class while I've been playing (I hear it was gone for awhile but I wasn't around). Why? Teleports and high dmg. Revenant obliterated the meta at first... and now is on track to do so again. Mesmer got buffed with more porting options. Thief got dead eye... but that's just garbage since no one good is taking the time to play it god tier. Anyway: ranger gets the most fucked by LoS. Just wanted to write some salt.
  11. Before HoT the only way to move faster was swiftness, or one ignore the classes with a 25% trait or signet. We now have 25% speed runes, runes of speed, and super speed. Shouldn't we just get rid of all of those? How would that affect firebrand/guards who are slow AF without them?
  12. @EremiteAngel.9765 Condi mesmer and rifle holo
  13. Rule 1. Don't die.Rule 2. Save your mates.Rule 3. Decap and hold nodes as long as it doesn't violate 2. Don't follow rule 2 if it violates rule 1. Edit: Rule 0: Win the game. Sometimes you just have to go die on node, if it's like 490 and you only have 1 cap left.
  14. @otto.5684 Now that's spam. I have no reason not to spam my boons that can now stack. If there was more removal, I would have to bait out someone's boon removal skill before using the boons I really need. And vice-versa, id be able to bait someone to use an important boon and the remove it. Right now though, since no class can stand up against firebrand and herald comps that has strong boon rip (i.e. Necro isn't seeing play) there is nothing to stop them from spamming boons. You can reduce the durations or effects or whatever and people will still spam boons... there's no incentive not to.
  15. There just needs to be more boon rip options that just remove boons and don't also add negative effects to the enemy (ie not corruption). Like if winds of disenchantment was just like time warp, existed on its own, and ripped and didn't allow boons to apply, it'd be a strong zoning tool and counter to double firebrand comps that ball up.
  16. I'm personally more salty about firebrand, but you guys do you.
  17. Instant Cast Offensive Skills Are Bad For The Game. Like Mantras.
  18. This comp did not win NA. Double rev one firebrand did. Though many teams did run double firebrand.
  19. The OP knows ranger is good. And the rest of you need to just learn to play. Ranger is totally viable at all tiers of PvP.
  20. Since the last several monthly's have been biweekly, the PvP population has been much "healthier". It was previously talked about under "Soon™" that it was hoped there would be a monthly then two weeks later a 2v2 tournament, or even a 3v3 tournament. As the holidays come, I expect the population to seriously die-off and now that monthly's will be returning to once a month, I feel this will happen even more so.
  21. Yeah that's totally fair. I mostly hate the wait times before a match starts. Just wanted to write about the consequences of such a change if people wanted to poll
  22. After posting I remembered this was an issue for me once, and is issue for many players.
  23. How does the all star game work? Does helio get to pick helio 3 times or...?
  24. There are two different philosophies in the game. Have a build and play it well and adjust play style/strat to beat what you're fighting. Or swap to something that just hard counters it. In ATs, MATs, and even in queues players will queue up as one thing, see the other comp, and switch classes right before the game starts to get an advantage. It's so bad that both teams do it and hope they guessed right... Personally, I fucking hate it. I think people should just play something and learn to play to minimize their weaknesses and not play this gimmicky game of trying to guess and counter to avoid being in a losing matchup. MORE IMPORTANTLY: we have to be around our computer already to accept queue. Why the fuck do we have to wait another like 2min for the game to start? it just adds uneeded wait times... also, removing it would also mean people can't swap classes to counter AND people can't abuse matchmaking by queueing double necro... The loss is we can't use that time to strategize with our teammates (which no one did anyway...)
  25. Imagine getting mad that you're getting hit by a skill that gets blocked by walls when you're a class that can teleport.
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