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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. Every profession has different ways of mitigating damage. For ranger, it is mostly centered around evades, especially on weapon sets. The problem with dagger and PvP is that this melee weapon offers no evades. For comparison, we have sword hornets sting and serpents strike are both evades. And greatswords power stab (auto) and swoop which are both evades. What should happen is to keep with consistency dagger 2 and 3 should be evades... that being said, perhaps just dagger 3 can be an evade due to its charge system, you can use it twice. As it stands now, dagger has low mobility AND no defense making it unusable in PvP. How this was released as still not been updated is just another drop in the ocean of design frustrations. It's pretty simple, ranged weapons don't really need evades. Melee weapons for MUST.
  2. Yeah, the boon pulsing loss is unfortunate. Lost some good synergy with remorseless. It is definitely a little on the weak side for an elite. What's more is that, it's a little on the weak side and still arguably the best... One wolf pack is still acceptable but since the nerf to duration definitely not as strong. Spirit of Nature is unusable.Entangle is also unusable.Druid glyph elite is also unusable given druid has no stability for it/it's a 7s caste time.
  3. This is what I have been running. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTnE8CNsg1CCO8Cctgl/A7JN8DOa5h3077d51lBCAlI9iA-jZxHABA8IAUqMgE7P4/FA47jAAA
  4. Things we lack: ReapplicationMobilityCover condis Team fight abilityWe have no way to chase a target on condi. We have no cover condis to just throw on that make it hard to cleanse our damaging condis (Ie. We mostly put on one Condi at a time, not several at once like mesmer and necro). If a target wants to run away the only condi thing we have is shortbow 1. Due to the above factors we have 0 presence in a team fight. Condi ranger offers absolutely nothing to PvP. The last viable condi spec was in core. It wasn't good but it was the ONLY thing that could beat god tier core d/d ele 1v1. Even then it wasn't meta. The last Meta condi ranger spec was spirit ranger. That was 2015... Even if spirits were back to pre-2015 strength. The build still wouldn't be viable with specialization strength.
  5. Dude! How does no one believe this. Aurashare is hidden tech right now for sure. WTB aurashare ele!
  6. TIL the EU alphabet starts A, C, B. Kinda lols how just a month ago you claimed mirage was dead and now the same build is S-tier. Does condi mirage over perform? Yes. Is it S-tier? Definitely not. In reality this list would be more accurate, yet not perfect, as A, C/S, B in that order.
  7. It is strange to me how most of holos CCs also do a lot of damage. Seems like if it's a CC the damage shouldn't be that high.
  8. The level of punishment to a holo when they overheat is disproportionate. Just like how a rangers pet dying is a punishment that's disproportionate? Good thing we have soulbeast just to get around losing our entire profession mechanic... Good holos can use photon forge and not overheat. Good rangers and Druids still have their pets die with god tier pet management. Not to mention that most pets can't do anything from a safe range anyway, so it's more of like, be good and still have to choose between pet dying or doing nothing.
  9. Just nerf their ability to not let anything stealth around them. Then at least there would be a way to slow down their damage. As it is, you need a telepor and barring that you just have to man mode back at them... which they always win with their numbers, block, stab, etc.
  10. Just duel some. You need to get an internal timing down of when they might dps you. This way, you can try to predict that damage is coming and use a defensive Skill or utility to avoid the damage - even when you can't see them. Then use CC and blow them up. If using longbow, time your rapid fire for when they want go into stealth because it's channel allows you to hit them while stealthed. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/457595104?t=01h10m27s I have not watched this video. Might be hard to tell what i am doing from his perspective, but its the best i got. Im also not sure what he will say. Anyway... This was last night, I am the ranger. Now D/P old school thieves were easy to beat. Because it's really easy to interrupt them during blackpowder or the hearstseeker through it. And then punish them. This was a rifle d/p deadeye which I'd argue Is a harder challenge to fight. I think I managed my cool downs well throughout this game against him (was definicely an adustment though since deadeye and d/p aren't too common these days). What's more is I was on zerker ammy. So less hp and squishy. He had full ability to one shot me, he even got a 15k deaths judgement off in a previous match with my 15.9k hp pool. But these fights in this match should illustrate what I meant about predicting the dmg. When he stealths, so do I. When I don't have that i block, I dodge, I auto randomly and am ready to hit signet of stone. I try to body block with my pet. Etc.
  11. Everyone kind of plays ranger different. My advice:Take boon share on merge for soulbeast over unstoppable Union now. Change your heal. We heal as one is kinda of a win more heal imo. That's not what you need. Take troll ungüent or against condi classes bear stance. Strength of the pack over one wolf pack now Drop sic em. We don't need it anymore. Personally not a big fan of lightning reflexes but use it if you want. Quickening zephyr, Protect me, and dolyak stance are all really strong options. But put dolyak stance on your bar. It's good. Use any amulet: zerker, demo, mara, pala, whatever works for you. Mess around with runes, find what fits. For WS I like boon duration like keadership sIncE it gives an extra clear and helps the protection from WS. Pet tier list imo:SmokeacaleSiamoth - unflinching fortitude is amazing and great CCOwl - mobility and good heal. Good f2 damage when buffed by maul. (Ie. Pet swap maul and F2. Even if you maul the air while you run and let the pet do dmg alone)Gazelle/wolvesDrakes/Iboga/jacaranda/bristle backWhatever You can beat mesmers if you know what you're doing and have the right tools.
  12. @bravan.3876 That's the problem with balance and design though. I don't think power mirage is super difficult to play, you just have to have the mechanical practice invested into it to be successful. But that's what makes it good. With that investment and its design + kit. It can be very very powerful in good hands and terrible in bad hands. Other things in this game just don't really have that same design nor kit to back it up and allow for a steep skill ceiling. Like ranger for example: it has really only been played when broken numbers wise. Where anyone could be decent at it with little effort. For a long time, there was still a difference between rangers based a lot on pet control. Now, smokescale plays itself 90% of the time and requires no input. In this regard, ranger has no steep skill ceiling like power mirage does. And that won't change imo unless pet skills are all required to be activated by the ranger... and I think the same thing goes with many classes.
  13. 1) Let me say this first: It's not like every EU player is better than every player in NA in similar ranks.2) I know that when ESL existed, EU teams were winning more than NA teams.3) I don't know how "reliable" will you find this but I played on both servers and I had easier time (I don't have any expansions in my alt) in NA even though I had way higher ping.4) Last but not the least, both servers have a very different meta. Any power mesmer is rarely seen in EU (there are close to no streamer mesmers in EU) while NA is full of them. I get it, for the most part I agree. Generally EU has a higher level of skill than NA - that's my own experience from playing. At the top levels, I think things can be pretty even. When It comes to mesmer and NA a lot of people play power and I guess stream power (no one actually good streams on NA unlike EU). But this is because Zeromis plays power in an unparalleled fashion. So people know it can be great and also want to get there and try to play it and just... aren't as good. Of course, everyone and their mother also plays condi mesmer because the effort required to get good at it is so low and it's extremely effective. And that's definitely more in the meta. But people get bored and have dreams of being good, so they try power. From my experience (and as a ranger main):Condi mesmer is easy and effective.It's easy to beat with the right stuff.Power Mesmers are easy to beat.Zeromis on power is impossible to beat. I don't think EU and NA metas are that different. I would argue that EU general skill is higher than NA skill.And id also argue that EU doesn't have much basis to talk about Mesmer. Even a month ago I was getting flamed when I insisted Condi mirage was good and needed nerfs because Flandre and fanboys claimed that mirage was dead after axe and scepter nerfs. And here we are with every thread on the forums complaining about the same Condi mes spec i was complaining about in March.
  14. Uh yeah it is. For some reason no one seems to be talking about this. But I've ran into quite a few Weavers lately that were just strong man. Not only is the sustain good, but if you mess up and get caught with a CC once and have no condi clears left, they can burst you down to 0 health in about 1.5s. Unless I'm repeatedly running into Grimjack on a dozen alts, I'd dare say that Weaver is actually good now, and possibly a top 3 side node presence. It is REALLY hard to tell, isn't it?
  15. I mean, Shorts was dueling Cellofrag when ele was really bad and it wasn't one sided. I said mechanically great. Shorts isn't even good.
  16. current metabattle has 0 targetbreaking in its build, ofc you can switch it up but you will lose other things.I for one would be happy if clone condi got nerfed, and mesmer condi got buffed.TLDR : take away damage from the clones and trasnfer to mesmer hismelf.I wish power memer would be good too ;-; Are you kidding? Power mesmer is incredibly good. It's just hard to play. Probably the only build in this game that's properly balanced in that regard.More like : are you kidding me, i'm getting outplayed by Zeromis 24/7 thus this kitten class is broken. I remember that. Also its HARD to play not because its rly hard, but because you have to OUTPLAY everyone else compared to roflspecs He is NA don't even bother tbh, they have a weird view on Mesmer and Mesmer utilities. That is from a different meta and because even high rated ppl there tunnelvision very hard and can't dodge the most obvious burst from what i see on NA streams. And Powermes always was a good noobkiller, that is why it is working very well on NA on every rank. And no i am not biased vs. NA i know they are not all bad. But the number of decent and above player is so low that you can be sure to find enough noobs in a team you can take out easy with Powermes no matter how carried by build they are. NA is just dead, sad as it is, no competition at all, it makes no sense to base any balance suggestions or statements about how skilled someone is on experiences made in NA only. In EU we have more than one Powermes i consider way better than Zeromis and still you only play Powermes in EU for some weird honor claim for playing soemthing not carrying you or when you just want to have a much harder time than everyone else on Metabuilds because you are a masochist. I mean yes i say too, when you are very high skilled you can make it work even on higher ranks and mATs EU but you indeed have to play better than everyone you meet the moment player are decent mechanically and have some map awareness. I only agree to Powermes balance from skill vs reward is the most balanced in this game, sadly everything else gives you more reward even when you are lower skilled. Well maybe someday, we will see some of these mythical EU players come win a monthly against a team who is like 250-0 for W-L. That'd be really exciting to see an EU team score more than 100 points against them. Would be a nice change from the other EU teams that have tried. I really wish you guys could understand what a mechanically great power mesmer can do. You wouldn't be asking for buffs.
  17. current metabattle has 0 targetbreaking in its build, ofc you can switch it up but you will lose other things.I for one would be happy if clone condi got nerfed, and mesmer condi got buffed.TLDR : take away damage from the clones and trasnfer to mesmer hismelf.I wish power memer would be good too ;-;Are you kidding? Power mesmer is incredibly good. It's just hard to play. Probably the only build in this game that's properly balanced in that regard.
  18. As much as I hate how much projectile hate exists, this was a good change. It's healthier for the game for people to not get instantly melted and not be able to block damage.
  19. This guy is delusional. Holo Is one of the only S tier builds remaining. Against rangers:Holo has an extra long stealth due to throw elixir S.Elixir S is a full invuln.With unblockable nerfs on ranger photon wall is essentially a 3s invuln in which the Holo can still dps but can't be condi'd, cc'd, or dps'd. While ranger can only stop physical dmg. And has a longer CD on its invuln.And holosmith has automatic reveal.A good holosmith never overheats. You have little to no hope a ranger holding a node vs a good holo. It will go neut. You cant really stealth, and you can't get through the block. This dude is salty cause he has a harder time chasing soulbeasts on a class that shouldn't have good chase but still kinda does.
  20. When they dodge their clones dodge and deal the most damage... good luck.
  21. WS/BM/Soulbeast. Take bear stance.
  22. Cool idea, but 100% duration from Leader of the Pack with bear stance would mean a part of 4 rangers would be Condi immune since stances stack in duration.
  23. Idk what else to say. Ranger has only been good when it's been absolutely busted numbers wise, like old boonbeast. People are complaining that EU leaderboards top 3 is all mesmers. CI Condi mesmer is really effective for how easy it is. This isn't even the strongest build. People talk about flandre like he's some expert, when he's just a forum warrior that likes to claim mesmer is bad while people are in queues performing very well with condi CI. Meanwhile over in NA, we've got Zeromis playing power who hasnt even lost a match in the last like 250 tournament games he's played. Data wise, there are way more Rangers than power mesmers. Data wise, ranger beats power mesmer more often than not. Data wise, power mesmer is more useful in a team (tournament) match. Data wise, Power mesmer played by someone good has no losing match ups. Therefore, for bad players ranger wins. For the best players, mesmer wins. Condi mes vs ranger, ranger can counterbuild and win. Bad Power mes vs any ranger build, and ranger will win. Both 1v1 and in a teamfight. A good powe mes vs any ranger build or player and ranger will lose. Thing is, there's only one player who plays power mes well enough.
  24. ^ In addition with this guy. Mesmer is God Tier in PvP when played right. It has the highest skill ceiling which means the highest potential to be good. It also has a relatively high skill floor compared to ranger. A ranger on the other hand has a low skill floor and skill ceiling. This means it's easier for a bad player to be good at ranger and beat a bad mesmer player than vice-versa. However, at the highest tiers of play, it's easier for a great mesmer to beat a great ranger than vice-versa. The reason for this is because the mesmer (mirage) has an unparalleled tool kit and class mechanic that gives them all the equipment necessary to be really really successful. Ranger has the tools to stomp bad players with longbow really really easily and anyone can do it but these tools fall apart when facing really good players. Ranger does not have the tools to truly compete at the highest tiers of play due to poor class mechanics and actually an inferior kit when compared with other classes. So really, you're just not good enough. Because mesmers have the advantage over ranger. Hands down. Just got to take a gander at top PvP players, and comps, to see.
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