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Everything posted by Eurantien.4632

  1. Rampage nerfs are solid. Those skills will still hit decently hard for being CC's and damage should not be coming from CC Skills Nerfing holo stab! Yay!!! Nerfing lock on reveal to not be passive reveal would be another great step. Wanted to echo some concerns. Nerfing mirage by nerfing core mesmer seems not ideal when we know infinite horizon is the main problem. Nerfing that would mean mirage has 3 shit grandmaster traits - but so do many traitlines. As a player who mains a non-barrier profession, seems like the nerf to tactics warrior is a bit much. Firebrand - whatever the non support kinda jack of all trades thing that's in right now is going to be the next bandwagon. It's insanely strong and seems to have no real counters. That should be on your mind.
  2. Is this going to happen before the Monthly?
  3. I dislike anything that makes smokescale even more mandatory.
  4. yes i can see how gs4 change is a benefit for us with a full 3s block, but if you compare it to the gs AA evade, an evade every AA is what helped us in sustaining fights, it was mostly our staying power "counter pressure" other than the gs4+jump, we literally can't stay in team fights any longer in PVP which is our only winning condition in high tier matches, holding points as well, I'm pretty sure you have done it as well where game score was so close where you had to hold the node for a good amount of time in order to get some benefit out of the timer. also, why would anyone go through a full gs auto chain currently to get endurance? but at what cost? especially when going against warriors, holos,revs they would gain alot from attack spaming us during our hope to get some endurance out of it.I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class? anyways Eura i havent played so i cant judge, but its just soo fraustrating and depressing. I just can't see ranger having 1v1s on "node" at least holding it, and staying in team fights happening. I initially felt the EXACT SAME WAY, but honestly, the thing now is, you just straight up don't get autos off a full auto chain unless you're chasing someone, cleaving, or invulned up (to the best of our ability), and you're pretty much never autoing for the endurance but just because you can do it safely and you've got NOTHING left. I did not mean to give off the impression I was solely home noding. I was zerker lb/gs and I definitely waded into teamfights, and stayed and stuck it out a lot easier with the new GS 4. I was able to provide way more counterpressure with the new Counterattack Kick because it's a 3 target "cone" type CC that does solid damage and since I run MM if I get an interrupt it proc's bonus damage on the follow up maul and that a huge damage combo. It provides way more counterpressure than the old auto attack evade chain used to (especially since we never let the third hit land for the dmg anyway)., You can even do things like block -> smoke assault -> counter attack now. It's really quite good.
  5. HEY MAN! Ranger is FIRE right now! Seriously. The GS auto evade nerf SUCKS and there are times where I eat prime light beams or full power mes shatters or something because I am mid "ENDURING STAB" and thinking it's still gonna let me evade. The nerf of GS throw SUCKS and it's pretty brutal not being able to chase someone down without it. Or being able to swap, throw it in, and then come in with swoop or smokescale assault.... What this has meant for me, is I have to be more opportunistic with when I go into the fight, and since it's no longer as optimal to just swap to GS if they have CDs up and can just run away from me now that crippling throw is gone - and this is actually kind of a good thing, it makes ME play smarter imo. What we gained: GS 4. A three second block feels like an eternity, yeah we could auto GS evade for about 3s, and we had the block that we could use to kite and whatnot, but this FEELS way longer and gives a nice reprieve from the mental speed gymnastics you'd have to do on ranger before when your counterattack got triggered. On top of that, the Counterattack kick now hitting 3 targets is actually major. I too was worried about mesmers and clones and whatnot, but being able to just straight up block everything for 3s and then cleave all the clones out in front of you with an evade knockback is actually pretty sweet - and one of the main reasons why this skill turned out OK, even if I lament the losses of the other skills. I solo queued up to Top 10 this season and had some of the most fun I have had in awhile. Of course, I play a little more DPS and roaming oriented than you do, but I actually was forced to make sure home was ok for most games which meant fighting wars, eles, mesmers, thieves, etc and I came out on top or held long enough for the situation to change where I could get a + or I could leave - a big part of this was GS 4. Give it a shot,I think ranger is in a solid place. The new sword changes are sweet, the new GS change is actually good, I've seen viable boonbeasts, core rangers, and lb/gs soulbeasts as well. Game is in a pretty decent spot right now imo.
  6. Turn off map chat, maybe queue offline if you're getting angry whispers. They're few but they happen. Then every time you die and everytime you lose a game, think about why. Try and learn from it, Maybe practice the build that killed you and learn what it did so you can know what to counter the next time you see it. This game relies on you having a decent build, playing it well, playing your "role" well, and being in the right places at the right time. If you're walking into a 1v4 that's bad.If you're gonna be SUPER late to help a 2v3 and you won't get there in time and aren't super tanky or able to monkey about and stall, it's most likely better to + somewhere else to equalize the advantage they got/to miminize your losses than to go suicide into an already lost fight... but if you can save it, sometimes it worth it. You're gonna have to feel it out, this game is very not toxic compared to most PvP games, but it is more toxic than it used to be unfortunately. It is the best combat system of any game imo and it's a tragedy more people don't play PvP.
  7. Are we talking PvP? If so, you're like 6 months too late.
  8. As a jack of all trades, it would be nice to have something. That being said, not every profession needs excessive boon rip. Only thief, rev, mes, necro, war have any sort of meaningful boon rip. Even then, the PVP meta rev doesn't have any, and only spellbreskers have rip for wars. So you've got, thief steal... which is very powerful and reliable. Necro, obviously. Spell breaker, only for 1v1s really. And mesmer for power. Engis can run the mine skill, and it's actually quite strong imo, but most don't. So I don't know if we NEED boon rip more than we need say... Condi clear in another traitline besides WS. But it's a possibility. If we did get it, where would it go?Could tie it to opening strike in MMCould throw it into skirmishing on like remove 1 boon after swiftness or quickness gain. But both of those would be marginal and I don't think would offer much. Or could be from a pet, which I think could be great. I'd love to see more utility pets like boon rip, or a pet that swaps places with you, or a pet that drops a line or ring of warding, or a reflect wall. Anyway, does ranger NEED boon rip? Not really.... would it be nice? Hell yeah!! Boon rip sigils are widely used. Many lb/gs users have annulment on one or the other. Many axe users used to use both rip sigils on boonbeast, it was mostly for the mirror match up but did help in some other places too.
  9. Despite the lack of auto evade and the loss of Crippling throw, the ability to block everything for 3s is amazing. Do we need one or both of those back? Yes. Am I mad things got changed? Yeah. That being said, having played it out, GS definitely has a different feel and yet still feels quite strong imo.
  10. Why would people still run sic em + quickening zephyr along with BM + WS still, given they keep gutting the longbow? Cause it still works and we still have GS. You can also go MM too. Just because it's a little worse/different doesn't mean we have a stronger option out there
  11. dont forget that it hits several times, so aegis doesnt work :D or stability :D also 1200 range so no running away!and its a channel so it tracks people in stealth! you stealthed after engi? you still better dodge becouse he might blast your kitten anyways :D EDIT respect for playing d/p thief, not all heroes wear capes! Nobody can wear capes.
  12. Would be nice if they at least added cripple to like the auto or maul, or the counterattack or something so they can’t literally stroll away. Just put crippling throw back if the block isn't triggered. I’m not sure if Anet have to tech for that since we don’t have any other skill that essentially has 2 flip skills.I mean, we pretty much just had it.
  13. GS 4 is ok. We need crippling throw back if we press it again and no block is triggered imo. Or if we double tap the skill or something. GS1 is brutally missed. I'm still not sure about sword. I like the raised skill ceiling with leap being ready available, as well as it's better roaming ability, but i worry about its lack of on demand evades for when on point.
  14. yea randomly reworked something, kinda like how they randomly made all "shout" skills "command" skills without any reason I actually get low key physically ill thinking about this change. The only redeeming factor is it forced me to find something better. Nevertheless, until this change warrants a reason besides "flavor" I'm gonna still be upset.
  15. I think it depends on the race doesn’t it? I know for male sylvari you like... “slap” them with the flat part of the sword lol. Yeah it's still the old animation, OP must just be using a new char or something.
  16. Would be nice if they at least added cripple to like the auto or maul, or the counterattack or something so they can’t literally stroll away. Just put crippling throw back if the block isn't triggered.
  17. Throw Condi clear on quickness or swiftness gain and it'd be a viable line
  18. I don't think I am ever gonna get over the loss of crippling throw. People are just running away from me while I have GS now and I cant do antyhing.
  19. Greatsword is terrible. People just walk away from you and you have 0 chase potential due to the loss of CRIPPLING throw. This weapon set was one that almost no one complained about since LAUNCH and it's been gutted. This change was clearly not meant for PvP and I'm disgusted. Counterattack Kick needs to last for at least 3 more seconds or longer and even then, GS has gone from a well rounded weapon to something far inferior.
  20. Lmao, if they were gonna change the animation, why not keep the gs throw and make it a kd if you've blocked an attack and not a kd if you haven't... and then you'd have a sick animation and an all around useful skill.
  21. Does this mean ranger players will have to use the boonbeast build to have any chance in team fights? We might. Boon beast is much tankier and the change to sword could possibly mean we could go s/a for more offense, we have a leap to get in there to use whirling defense and then still have our evade options to get out with serpents follow up after whirling and hornets sting. This is what I envision: merge -> assault or leap in -> you have serpents strike or unmerge and smoke and leap out if you want, or you blast with warhorn or you attack with whirling defense, or hornets sting. If you stay and DPS you have lots of ways to get out, especially with hornets sting. Then once you're out you could time an unmerge smokescale for a kd during hornets sting and follow up with a path of scars to pull them out of te fight towards you that's is now ranged and ready to kite with a/w and maybe even stealth with warhorn vlast in smoke if you need to and haven't used it yet. Sword imo, is gonna be much better as it now is no longer purely defense but a nice hybrid, especially with cripple on auto and leap. There's a possibility that sword just might be better than GS for a lb pairing too but we will see. Personally, I think GS will still work it'll just be a shadow of its former self. Before we could go in with swoop run out with gs 4, or auto evades, kinda wait for CDs, throw the GS, go back in with pet merge then get out. Now we will have go in, swoop to get out or GS block and that's it, once those are gone we have no more evades to help us out. On one hand we will be able to sit there in GS 4 and that'll be nice, on the other, once that's gone we have nothing. So the in and out playstyle won't really be the same. Possibly quick draw might make a strong come back to make full use of GS 4 but we'll have to see how the CDs interact and giving up MM probably isn't work it imo.
  22. You guys remember that time they tried to put smoke assault on the smokesale F2? This is crazier than that.
  23. No one will get off a full auto chain with new GS in a fight. If you face tank for 2.5 seconds, you're toast.
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