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Everything posted by Grimjack.8130

  1. wrong, i played 3 ats this month and won all 3 of them. not talking about better teams tho. i am pretty sure low and mid tier teams will not be as present as pre swiss this month. Why is that a bad thing in a tournament thats supposed to be competitive? :)
  2. @EremiteAngel.9765 You lost 1v1 to a player I 1v2ed 2 minutes after you died. You were a bunker Necro, against a MIRAGE. I was a berserker Ele :) Don't go far :) Let me know if you need the VOD when you start to lie and deny it :)
  3. PUGs who hate the downstate because they're all really bad at it never fail to amuse me :) But its so easy right? :)
  4. @Leonidrex.5649 ok time to add to the TOS no streaming during pvp allowed, thats the best idea so far
  5. @Fire Attunement.9835 Will you be fixing the Legendary Armor and Weapons taking off sigils, runes, and infusions when swapping the actual piece of gear for another as well? I think this would be a great change to go along with the Armory!
  6. Infuse Light is not an issue in of its self, but no good player will ever decide to target a Herald when they have their Glint Elite up over a different target; I very much dislike that and I'd go so far as to personally say its an issue.
  7. First off, it obviously depends what type of Weaver it is.You said you were playing Core Guardian, which means if you fight almost any type of Weaver, you lose that 1v1. The only 1v1 against a Weaver you can reliably win is against Fresh Air Weavers. How to beat Weaver in general is counting their active dodges and other mitigation; Weaver has always had alot of dodges, however they use more than half of them for non dodge related reasons, be it for a water field, blasting, or doing damage, etc.When you pressure a Sword Weaver they'll want to use their healing evade combo that involves 4 straight evades to resustain themselves, however that is all of their active dodges for 5s+, this is when you start playing for the actual kill. They might have Obsidian Flesh, or their Energy sigil might proc, just repeat the same thing and they will eventually die even in a 1v1 if you can actually do this. When you pressure a Dagger or a Scepter Weaver, all they can really do is run away and try to kite they don't have many extra dodges, if you have the chase potential to catch them, its a pretty free kill, just be careful you don't get turned on by a Shocking Aura or Mud Slide burst. Also PSA team, you don't run Twist anymore on Weaver, CD way too long.
  8. Most players can't and shouldn't be able to consistently CC chain you for it to be an issue, as well as being CC chained won't have you automatically die against most players either, as focusing targets isn't something thats too easy for a majority of the playerbase. If you are nonstop dying to CC chains in this new meta, it will be because you mismanage your cooldowns. Its much better this way, as opposed to 1 mediocre Rev or Holo player who can CC chain you and kill you by themselves.
  9. You've said enough, you can stop embarrassing yourself now.First you said 30k burns in 2 seconds, then you said "Yeah I could have cleansed, but I didn't expect to die, was going to wait til it stacks before I cleanse"There are alot of issues with this, firstly if you could've cleansed and didn't, no matter what, thats a misplay if it ended up in your death, regardless of the number of conditions on you.Second off, with basic game knowledge you know that Burning has a higher base condition damage value than Bleeding or Torment does, so less stacks will equal more damage, giving you less time to make that decision to cleanse or not.Thirdly, you can't wait to cleanse burns that are ticking for 15k a tick (if they were, which they were not mind you.) and they would not "reapply" as much or as fast. The only thing left over after a Weaver puts that many burns on someone, in the IDEAL scenario, is flame wall and auto attack damage/conditions. The death recap will show you irrelevant numbers, people have died with numbers that show you've taken 100k damage, does that mean you took 100k damage right as you died? No. You said Bull's Charge has a long CD to warrant the long CC? So does Gale and Weave Self, infact both are longer recharge than Bull's Charge is.In order to take as much damage as you did, in 2 seconds, is close to impossible, and means you ate multiple ticks of double fire Primordial Stance, all of Glyph(or signet of fire which is 100x easier to mitigate and dodge mind you), and Pyro Vortex. So hats off to you for eating that much damage and still somehow thinking it's not your fault that you died. Also Fire Weaver's potential to 1v2 (good players) is very low. If you 1v2 bad players, thats a completely different arguement, and every sidenoder (yes EVERY) is capable of 1v2ing bad players.Even the best Fire Weaver will not kill anything, any class in 3 seconds.
  10. Weaver's burning application sucks outside of Pyro Vortex(which is balanced), Pri Stance, and Glyph. Even Lava Skin isn't that strong, because of the duration being so low.Do not touch something like fire 2, or fire 3. Currently they are as strong without duration, as they should be in my opinion with 50%+ duration. Half their current burn durations.
  11. Same thing happened with Fire Weaver, a build that was never really discovered until months after the Fire Aura condi cleanse trait was introduced. No, prenerf Boonbeast would just kill it 1v1, so it wasn't viable.
  12. It's not Anet's servers or anything, its the hubs they route through, NTT. FF14, GW2, Halo, and more I believe all had the same issue, and they all route through NTT.
  13. @zoopop.5630 difference between me and you is im okay with my class getting nerfed :)
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