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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. What? That works? Hearing that first time and it sounds like a great hint! Will try this later, but thanks!
  2. As there are dogs now, this is just fair 🙂
  3. Hey, so we have dailies in Tyria, the Heart of Maguma (HoT), the desert (PoF) lika visiting vistas, do jumping puzzles, mine ores, harvest plants or cut down trees. Even kill bounties in the desert. That's ok, it is mostly fun to do this (even no more account points are given). Now we have new maps in Cantha, but there ist nothing in the main daily routine for that. Just a small own new category for special dailies. Why this way?
  4. Perhaps younhave that statuette in a kind of bag in your inventory, that makes it invisible for sale and for this NPC? Try to move that statuette to another row/bag.
  5. Got this achievement yesterday, as I remember, but don't know where I was then.
  6. Lol, the next nerf: Epidemic, transfer one condition (of one stack) to a near enemy, but grant them 2 boons before (aegis and protection).
  7. Hmm, first I thought that never happened to me, but as I read this I have to say it happened to me. As I remember that happened mostly on (minimal) uneven ground, where you may be in the air for a fraction of seconds, with minimal height differences. Perhaps that could be a (bad) explaination.
  8. In PvE DX11 works fine for me, but for WvW I just turned it off. After some time the textures change to random other textures, colors change and all turns to ugly. A relog helps, but with a queue in WvW you just cannot relog.
  9. Nice idea, I destroyed several stacks of these shards so far (and still have over 2000 in my bank and on a bank char)
  10. Small hint: - shift-click on your item you want to destroy (the exakt item ist posted to the chat, but not sent so far) - press Alt-A (select all), Ctrl-X (copy/cut to clipboard) - destroy your item, in the popup-confirmation-dialog press Ctrl-V (insert), then press backspace to delete the closing bracket, Pos1 and Remove to delete the opening bracket. Press OK. - You're done. 🙂
  11. My dislike list: 1. Dreamer 2. Dreamer 3. Dreamer 4. Dreamer 5. Dreamer. 😆
  12. You have the urge to compete with other players that have multiple accounts (even if they are botting)???
  13. Perhaps think of getting a new character slot, and use it for this and then for farming black lion keys.
  14. Yes, and I love the way they did this at the Mad Kings clock tower. This could be the answer for the wintersday JP as well. I also hate big furries in the wintersday JP. Andreas
  15. The last few days I have big graphical issues in WvW, snow has black shadow parts, wall textures are black or look very strange. After a relog all is ok (for some minutes).
  16. Saw yesterday this strange thing: Was in the mistlock sanctuary and zoomed to my asura to see his front side. But then alle the name plates of the players/npcs behind my char were displayed in front of my char, and not behind him where they belong.
  17. And you had them the day before and they were not the three beta char slots from the last beta week?
  18. Why can't alliances mainly be build from the "old" home servers and onyly smallest servers will be distributed between the servers? So like permanent linked servers.
  19. I think I‘ll get the few account points you‘ll get for mastering the skiff and fishing and then my skiff will be a nice place or home for bats, spiders or other insects.
  20. What answer do you have for necros? I don't even try to chase enemies or try to run away.
  21. And sometimes during fights you see on other (enemy) players also old server names.
  22. So, I'm on Grenths door, together with two other alliances. But whenever one of us three capture a camp, a tower or whatever, the popup message and the chat says that Jade Sea, Seefarer, Millersund, (insert old server name here) captured this object. So you don't know who captured what. This mixed laguage thing (in chat I saw french, dutch, spanish, german and english) is propably a temporary thing and will fix itself after a few days. So far we have to guess which thing on what map is under combat (if someone screams in team chat).
  23. I just played a little bit with the turtle: Movement: So far the movement doesn't feel right, it is drifting when going left or right, under water it is too slow and sinks to the bottom, nobody would use it there. Hovering is … I must say ok, trying to turn left or right then is like real hovering (that means impossible). But for the short periods of hovering ok. The speed booster from the back seat is nice and good. Damage From the front seat you have the 1-skill with about 11900 damage. Much for it, but ok. With 2 stomps the normal mobs in Orr are dead. The burn damage (up to 5 stacks of burn) while hovering is a nice addition. From the back seat you can fire up to 5 … missiles? grenades? with a nice decent damage (also 2 shots for normal mobs in Orr). I would make the back greater that the front seat damage. The big contra: As solo player this mount will be the least used mount, it just makes no sense to use this as solo player. If you run around with a mate then it is ok.
  24. Yes, on my asura I had to check if I really used that new amulet, saw nothing at first. A little slurring while walking,
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