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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. For what do you need the otter enrichments or the koda thingie after completing the achievement??
  2. Yep, very annoying... You're rushing to a contested tower or keep and try to sniff where the enemies are - and nothing, just the cooldown.
  3. Hello, in the current local response forging steel you have to open 3 of these hidden chests in that instance. But, the chests are already open for me, I cannot intract with them. And now? Please fill them with good stuff and close them for me!
  4. Wrong. If you can run/jump to the top and loot the chest, the other players of your instance can start. So if you come back to the waiting room, you have to wait for the others to succeed/fail. 20mins for 5 jumps with 1,5mins each.
  5. Yep, I'd love that idea! But also I think that won't be changed.
  6. Very easier is another way that worked for me and my wife also: Just pick one(!) spot first on the body and spam your "1"-attack. Ignore missing damage numbers or obvioulsy missed shots. Just spam "1". Then on the left wing the same, pick one(!) spot and spam the attack, and of course same for the right wing. The achievement will come after the dragon passes the next portal or short after.
  7. Oh, and on the fourth expansion the warrior or ranger gets his own shroud too? And revs will get stealth. Hehe. But this necro/thief-mix looks very wrong.
  8. Try this: First the body is attackable, pick ONE target and spam the attack key "1", even if you don't see damage numbers or missed-messages. Then the left wing has targets. Pick ONE target and spam "1" again. Then right wing the same. Just one target and spam of "1".
  9. Today two crashes, both in Lions Arch. First after accessing the bank npc near the mystic toilet, swapping there from bank tab to mats tab. Later while just on my way to the blacklion trade npc on my raptor.
  10. I just did it a few days ago - and alone: When the first spots on the body appear, pick one and spam the attack skill (#1). Ignore the "missed" messages or missing damage numbers, just spam this skill. Then you will fly over the left wing. Pick one spot there and spam that attack skill again. Ignore missing damage numbers or missed-messages. Just spam #1. Then you will fly to the right wing. Same procedure. The achievement pinged up just there... You don't have to destroy the spots or hit different spots. Just the number counts. And ignore if a spot is over or under the wing (or body), it will count!
  11. Can't check right now, but my usual way was: showing the weapons, /dance, hero-panel->equipment->weapon-changen-button there (not the normal weapon-change-button from the skill-bar at the bottom).
  12. Sometimes my wife and I get in the queue with one position apart. Then one from us can travel and the other is still at position 4 or something.
  13. Hi, my main is a scourge, but have you ever took some thoughts of its weapon, the torch? A torch is some "burning stick" (per definition) and should apply burning. Well, it does. With one small "stack" (one isn't even a stack). One. From a torch. That doesn't feel right. And I don't expect something like 7 or 10. This way it feels like a small match. Just some thoughts.
  14. Yep, the necro was nerfed and nerfed and the former "master of condis" is now the worst condi class. Whenever I see other classes applying stacks and tons of condis... well.
  15. After "End Of Dragons" we will see: - Guild Wars - Yet Another Dragon ("YAD") - Guild Wars - The end of the last dragon ("TEOTLD") - Guild Wars - Dragon Clone Wars 😄
  16. And there will certainly some useless masteries that relates to one special map there. I think they will add some of them.
  17. For what do you need so many chars? One per race per profession/spezialization, plus perhaps a handfull more, but then??? Cannot understand that wish, as much as I try.
  18. Shroud-5 would be nicer if it stays with you, not as fixed ground target. In WvW it is quite useless.
  19. That shroud-5 animation is just too much in WvW for just stunning….
  20. Does this blight thing really have an effect? I just auto-attacked (pistol-1) a moa without blight and then with 20 stacks of blight - and saw really no difference. Even the tooltip stays the same. Even the other pistol-skills show no difference with or without 20 stacks of blight. (Yes, I had in the build "Wicked Corruption" or "Septic Corruption" selected). So I really can't get the idea of blight. It just caps my maximal life and I don't have any nice for that. Also, life force generation is weak with the pistol, without that "Eternal Life" (Soul reaping trait line) I always run around with no life force. I think the devs knew that so that they included this suspicious "Corrupted Talent" mid-trait-thing for 15% life force when entering the shroud. And I miss some attacks in WvW. Pistol 3 doesn't male damage, Shroud 4 and 5 won't make damage, auto attack (pistol and shroud) just make normal damage, thus the second skill for shroud and pistol are the real damage makers. Elixiers… yes… I really don't know why I shoud use them. The healing elixier is a joke, the others are… well… and even the elite elixier, 5 seconds of all boons. They are faster gone than I could start laughing. If the specialization stays like that I won't use it later.
  21. And that new elixier heal skill heals me for some small amout of health points, but also applies blight that shrinks my health. Doesn't make sense to use that for me.
  22. You have to see that event in another way: The gate is here our worldboss, without fighting back. That champ is just a bonus.
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